Journal 2

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Working as a team in capstone projects makes you an effective member.

Explain how the good communication skills between team members reflect
on your performance in the capstone projects.
Effective communication is an essential component of a successful team project,
and this is particularly true for capstone projects in STEM School. In my
experience, working with diverse team members has allowed me to develop
strong communication skills, which have contributed significantly to the success
of our projects.

In my first semester, I underestimated the importance of effective

communication, which led to poor team performance and unsatisfactory grades.
However, I learned from my mistakes and recognized the significance of
establishing friendly relationships with my team members. I found that open
communication and a willingness to listen to my team members' ideas and
perspectives fostered a more collaborative and productive team environment.

By practicing good communication skills, such as active listening, providing

feedback, and offering suggestions, I have been able to make a valuable
contribution to my team's success this semester. Moreover, I have learned that
clear communication helps to build trust and respect among team members,
leading to a more cohesive and efficient team.

In conclusion, effective communication is a critical component of successful

capstone projects. As a Grade 11 student, I have learned that developing good
communication skills takes practice, but it is worth the effort. By working
collaboratively and communicating effectively with my team members, I have
gained valuable insights and skills that will undoubtedly benefit me in my future
In this semester you select a problem to solve, the EDP will guide you in this process.
Explain how you can benefit from prior solutions in finding a new solution for your challenge.

As a student in STEM School, I understand the importance of using reliable and accurate
sources when conducting research for our capstone projects. In today's digital age, it is
essential to be able to evaluate the credibility of online sources and distinguish between reliable
and unreliable sources of information.

To ensure the credibility of online sources, we must evaluate them based on several criteria,
including the author's qualifications, the accuracy of the information presented, and the reliability
of the source. We must also consider the purpose of the source and whether it is biased or

To evaluate the author's qualifications, we must examine their education, experience, and
expertise in the field. We can verify this information by researching the author's credentials and
affiliations. Furthermore, we must check the accuracy of the information presented by
comparing it to information from other reliable sources.

We also need to examine the reliability of the source itself. Factors such as the publication date,
the publisher's reputation, and the domain of the website can provide clues to the source's
reliability. We must also consider the purpose of the source and whether it is intended to inform,
persuade, or entertain.

In conclusion, evaluating the credibility of online sources is critical to conducting reliable

research for our capstone projects. By considering factors such as the author's qualifications,
the accuracy of the information presented, and the reliability of the source, we can ensure that
our research is accurate and reliable. As responsible researchers, we must take the time to
carefully evaluate online sources and use only those that meet high standards of credibility and
In STEM Schools, EDP is an essential tool that we use to develop solutions. The process
involves a series of steps, including problem definition, research, idea generation, prototyping,
testing, and evaluation.

During the EDP, we conduct research to understand the problem and identify prior solutions. By
analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of prior solutions, we can generate new ideas that
improve upon existing solutions. For example, in this semester, we are developing a feedback
system for aquaculture that determines the feeding rate of fish. By researching prior solutions,
they identified an acoustic sensor and an oxygen sensor as two commonly used technologies.
However, they determined that a more cost-effective solution could be developed using a video
and laser detector system.

Through the EDP, students learn to think, developing solutions that address problems. They
refine their solutions, and ultimately develop a final product that addresses the problem. The
process also emphasizes teamwork, communication, and collaboration, as students work
together to develop solutions that have a significant impact on their communities.
Also, it is too important to ensure the credibility of the used sources, we must evaluate them
using several criteria, including the author's qualifications, and the accuracy of the information

In summarize, the EDP is a developing solutions to real-world challenges. Through research,

idea generation, prototyping, testing, and evaluation. The process also emphasizes, essential
skills for success.
In (Ch.2.08) you have studied the electrolytic solution and electrolysis.
Explain how can you get benefit from what you have studied as a system and feedback?
Including one example in you answer. 

We can generate electricity from copper and aluminum rod placed in electrolytic solution like
sodium chloride (NaCl), that we are studying in chemistry in Ch.2.08, which are a wonderful
solution to make a sustainable feedback aquaculture system.

Faraday has been go far using this principle by demonstrating his two laws of electrolysis:
The first law state that the amount of chemical change produced by current at an electrode-
electrolyte boundary is proportional to the quantity of electricity used, while the second law
proved that the amounts of chemical changes produced by the same quantity of electricity in
different substances are proportional to their equivalent weights; as a result, we are trying to
increase its efficiency using faraday’ٍs laws to make our system a sustainable one.
To sum up, in chemistry we are studying many ideas that deals with our capstone project and its
challenge and in my opinion it will help us to make a great step towards Egypt visionn

Our chemistry course provides valuable insights that can be applied to develop a sustainable
feedback system for aquaculture. Electrolysis is a process that involves the use of electricity to
bring about a chemical reaction in an electrolytic solution, and this process has been widely
used to generate electricity from copper and aluminum rods placed in solutions.

Furthermore, Faraday's two laws of electrolysis can be applied to increase the efficiency of our
system, which states that the amount of chemical change produced by current at an electrode-
electrolyte boundary is proportional to the quantity of electricity used, while the second law
proves that the amounts of chemical changes produced by the same quantity of electricity in
different substances are proportional to their equivalent weights. These laws can be leveraged
to design an efficient feedback system that minimizes the cost of energy used to detect the feed
rate of fish, thereby promoting sustainability.

For example, our capstone project aims to determine the feeding rate of fish using a video and
laser detector. By applying Faraday's laws of electrolysis, we can ensure that the system
consumes minimal energy while maintaining a high level of accuracy. This would make our
feedback system more sustainable.
In summary, the study of electrolytic solutions and electrolysis in chemistry provides valuable
insights that can be applied to the design of a sustainable feedback system for aquaculture. By
leveraging the principles of Faraday's laws of electrolysis, we can create an energy-efficient

In (ES.2.09) You have studied the evolution of Earth’s spheres is a story of mega-scale systems
that depend on one another. Where the mega feedback system occurred.
Show the link between the natural feedback system in the Earth’s sphere with the feedback
system in your project.  

The evolution of Earth's spheres, including the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and
biosphere, involves complex systems that interact and provide feedback to one another. One of
examples of a natural feedback system on Earth is the carbon cycle, where the exchange of
carbon dioxide between the atmosphere, oceans, and land plays a critical role in regulating
Earth's climate.

In our capstone project, we aim to build a sustainable feedback system for aquaculture or
agriculture processes. This system is designed to provide feedback on the health and growth of
fish or plants, as well as optimize their living conditions. One way in which we can link our
project to natural feedback systems on Earth is by looking at the carbon cycle and its potential
impact on aquaculture.
As fish breathe, they release carbon dioxide into the water, which can affect the pH and
dissolved oxygen levels. This, in turn, can impact the growth and health of the fish. Our
feedback system can monitor the levels of pH, and dissolved oxygen, and provide real-time
feedback to the fish farmer. By doing so, we can help to maintain a healthy and sustainable
environment for the fish, and reduce the carbon footprint of the aquaculture process.

In summary, the natural feedback systems on Earth are complex. By incorporating feedback
mechanisms in our capstone project, we can help to optimize aquaculture processes, and
contribute to the sustainable development of our planet.

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