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Prior to the current spell of high pulse prices that began in 2008, pulse farming had generally been

not as lucrative as farming in competing crops. As a result, the cultivation of pulse crops has got confined largely to the marginal, less fertile, rainfed lands where other relatively more profitable crops cannot be grown. The recent rise in wholesale prices of pulses and the hike in minimum support prices (MSPs) in the last three years may finally encourage farmers to step up pulses production. This year a record 16.5 million tonnes of harvest is expected. It is worth recalling that the previous occasion when the wholesale prices of pulses had similarly skyrocketed was around 1992-93. The farmers even then had responded in the same manner. The pulses production exceeded 14 million tonnes in 1994-95, creating a glut. Clearly, until a technological solution to the problem of low productivity is found, price can be the only policy instrument in the hands of the government that can encourage higher domestic production. Increased investment in R&D is the other. India is the most important home to most pulses and so must do its bit at home.

KNWLDGE: The country's total pulses production is at around 13-14 million tonnes, which is stagnant since the last decade and the demand exceeds 18 million tonne. This demand-supply gap is fulfilled through imports which was 3.5 million tone during 2009-10, according to official data.

PROCRSS :SORTING population in metro TG Current Population of Mumbai in 2011 is 21,000,000 (21 million)* -

Rajasthan tops in pulses production, gets award

TNN Jul 17, 2011, 03.14am IST Tags:

Manmohan Singh| Ashok Gehlot

JAIPUR: Despite being a desert state, Rajasthan achieved the feat of producing highest amount of pulses in the country, for which chief minister Ashok Gehlot and agriculture minister Harjiram Burdak were awarded by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Delhi on Saturday. The average pulses production in the state in the previous five years was 12.92 lakh tonnes. In 2009-10, it was 7.02 lakh tonnes, but during 2010-11, it shot up to 32.32 lakh tonnes, which is highest ever production in the state. The production in 2010-11 was 2.5 times higher the higher of the previous five years. The farmers attributed the outstanding growth in pulses production to good monsoon last year. The rainfall was conducive for pulses cultivation.
Pulses: Pulses are grown in dry climate region in India. These crops provide nitrogen to the soil. Pulses are a source of protiens in the diet of the people. Madhya Pradesh is the leading pulses producing state in India. It produces 24% of the total pulses in the country. It is followed by the states of Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan.

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