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Because he didn't need help with surveillance, Sun Cheng followed the team, diverting

his attention to ensure he wouldn't fall behind, while fiddling with the camera
hanging on his chest.

"Master, another Ghost Hunter is currently stationed six meters to the left front of
the building!"

On the camera's LCD screen, a line of Traditional Chinese characters quietly


This was the new method of contact agreed upon by Sun Cheng and Revenge during their
time in the bathroom. When it was inconvenient to speak, they could communicate using
this method. Apart from him, no one else present should be able to understand these
Traditional Chinese characters.

"Has the Safeguard's data not finished copying yet?"

After he typed this sentence using the strange alphabet keyboard appearing on the
screen, the composed Chinese characters quickly disappeared from the screen, replaced
by a new response, "It's almost done. Do you want me to convey your new instructions
to it?"

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Sun Cheng continued typing on the screen, when suddenly he felt a gentle push on his

He didn't even need to turn around to know who it was, just from the voice of a

"Doctor, it seems my camera is experiencing some issues due to the rain. I'm
debugging to see what's wrong..."
He casually replied, while still writing quickly on his hand, "Tell Safeguard that
once the data copying is complete, they should immediately come and follow us, being
careful not to reveal their presence to others!"

After finishing, Sun Cheng tapped the screen with a hint of disappointment on his
face, "It seems that the rain really caused some trouble. I wonder if those dinosaur
photos stored inside will be erased!"

In the team, someone looked back at the two of them but didn't say much.

Dr. Settler, on the other hand, whether it was because she found him easy to talk to
or for some other reason, suddenly approached him, urgently saying, "Sun, can you
help me convince them to go rescue Alan and the others? I believe they're still alive
somewhere on the island, maybe waiting for our assistance!"

Sun Cheng's heart stirred, realizing it was a good opportunity to leave.

Hunters are contradictory and peculiar creatures. They admire valor, yet have a
peculiar affinity for hunting savage beasts or brave humans.

In addition to Revenge's constant reminders, there happened to be a Ghost Hunter

lurking around their team, clearly targeting Major Dutch and his team, making them
the hunted. Compared to that, once the two of them leave here, unless they encounter
carnivorous dinosaurs again, their chances of safety will actually increase.

However, Sun Cheng quickly furrowed his brows and looked at Dr. Settler seriously,
whispering, "Doctor, I believe you should be well aware that this is difficult!"

These were meticulous soldiers, without a doubt. From their casual placement of
tripwires and traps on the first floor, they clearly paid no attention to the
possibility of remaining unharmed, as they were not only guarding against carnivorous
dinosaurs entering the research center but also the potential enemies lurking in the

Upon hearing this, Dr. Settler immediately furrowed her brows and bit her lip,
evidently understanding this as well, given her intelligence.

"However, I don't think staying here and waiting for support is a good choice,
Doctor!" Sun Cheng quickly changed his tone to comfort her, "I remember the security
office is on the first floor, and there should be weapons there. Doctor, if you can
persuade them, I'm willing to accompany you in rescuing Dr. Grant and the others!"

After he finished speaking, he gestured towards Major Dutch and the others, signaling
her to convince them to let the two of them leave.

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