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Vengeance fell down, and a metallic joint extended from its body, pointing towards

the left wrist of this humanoid monster. "Do you want me to deactivate this
electronic device?"

"Shut it down immediately!"

Once again, the advantage of mechanical life over electronic devices became evident.
It was clear that Vengeance was encountering this type of humanoid monster for the
first time. After locating the port on the electronic device attached to its left
wrist, it quickly simulated an equivalent connector with its joint and began to
invade the electronic device.

Sun Cheng looked at Vengeance with anticipation. The optical cloaking equipment on
this humanoid monster was highly advanced for Earth's civilization. If he could
obtain it during this trip to Nubra Island, it would be a tremendous gain, enough to
keep him occupied for a long time.

The invasion lasted for a dozen seconds before Sun Cheng heard strange characters
appear on the screen of the electronic device, followed by its complete shutdown.

Afterward, Vengeance retracted the metallic joint from the device and the cold
electronic voice spoke once again, "Intrusion complete. Hunter-Killer type man-
portable combat assistance device has been deactivated!"

"Hunter-Killer type man-portable combat assistance device?"

Sun Cheng widened his eyes and looked at the electronic device on the monster's left
wrist, which had now been deactivated. He quickly asked, "Vengeance, did you
successfully hack this device? What exactly is this monster?"

"Master, I have successfully decrypted this device. These creatures are called
'Hunter-Killers,' originating from the Dinamco star system, approximately 3883 light-
years away from Earth. They are savage beings who thrive on hunting and take pride in
it. Earth is one of their designated hunting planets, and they send a group of newly
matured 'Hunter-Killers' periodically for a rite of passage ceremony..."

"A rite of passage ceremony?"

"Yes, they must hunt down a sufficient number of formidable creatures within a
specified time to demonstrate their prowess. The one I killed was one of the three
lowest-ranking 'Ghost Hunter-Killers' dispatched to Earth."

To live by hunting, to take pride in hunting, and to perform a ceremonial ritual

involving killing.

In an instant, Sun Cheng gasped, realizing that he had encountered an exceedingly

cruel and brutal extraterrestrial creature!Corrected translation:

Speaking, Victor pulled the trigger, and an ice cone shot out, instantly freezing the
Joker on the opposite side into a block of ice.

"As long as you believe it can be launched, it will naturally be launched, just like
how people believe they can fly in their dreams and actually fly."

"Hey, you've chilled my head! Don't you know that cold fried chicken is the most
disgusting food in the world?!" The big mouth on Jack's chicken wing yelled loudly.

Copperpot pinched the red ball on his nose, then with a "bang," it transformed into a
sharp cone, like the ones often seen at parties.

Evans scratched his head and said, "Can I change the color of my hair? I've always
wanted dark brown hair like The Godfather, but dyeing my hair is just too

While he was speaking, his hair slowly changed color, transitioning from Can Rotten's
gold to dark brown. Schiller's Earth Sphere bobbed and said, "I think the gold color
suits you better."

"Do we have a mirror?" Evans turned his head around, seemingly trying to find a
reflective object to see his current appearance.

"You just need to 'think' about it."

After contemplating for a moment, Evans drew a crooked square in the air with his
finger. The misshapen square transformed into a mirror that dropped down. Evans
hurriedly grabbed it and looked at himself, saying, "Indeed, blonde looks better..."

As he spoke, his hair changed back again.

Victor picked up the glass in front of him and asked Schiller, "So why did you bring
us into your consciousness space?"

"There's actually nothing important to do, I just wanted to entertain you guys."

"Entertain us? What's there to entertain?"

"It's because there's nothing entertaining that we have to create some fun. It's not
just me; I believe Mr. Jack thinks the same way, right?"

Jack transformed his head into a toilet brush again and began fiddling with the
bristles using his fingers. He said, "Gotham is so boring without Batman around. If I
don't find some entertainment for myself, I'll go insane!"

"Well, then what exactly do you want to do?"

Schiller shifted his body to the other side, leaning against the armrest of the sofa.
He said, "Right now, there's a highly professional psychologist, my colleague,
sitting in Arkham Psychiatric Hospital. Later, I'm going over there to hand over my
work to him..."

"I will engage in some theoretical discussions with him and then invite him for a

"Are you going to bring him here as well?"

"No, no, no, this is the audience section, and he..."

Jack, across the table, grinned and continued his words, "He'll be an actor, a really
lousy actor."

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