4.plural Nouns

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Some nouns have the same form in the plural and in the singular.
Algunos sustantivos tienen la misma forma en el plural y en el singular

fish (físh) - pez / peces
deer (díir) – ciervo / ciervos
moose (múus) – alce / alces
aircraft (éercraft) – avión / aviones
sheep (shíip)- oveja / ovejas

Write the plural form of the following nouns.

The plural of baby ___________________ The plural of church


The plural of glass ___________________ The plural of wife


The plural of wish ___________________ The plural of woman _________________________

The plural of fish ____________________ The plural of fly


Write sentences using the following plural forms.

People ______________________________________________________________________

Foxes _______________________________________________________________________

Papers ______________________________________________________________________

Teeth _______________________________________________________________________

Test your skills. Prueba tus habilidades

Dress ______________ Beach ______________ Foot
Car ______________ Dish _______________
Elf _______________ Fly ________________
Life _______________ Box _______________ Man

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