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GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read the items carefully and choose the correct answer.
Write your answer in the space provided for.
_______1. He is the American Anthropologist and cross – cultural researcher and was best
known for his work in intercultural – relations and communication.
A. Claude Elwood Shannon
B. Edward T. Hall
C. Harold Dwight Laswell
D. Eugene White
_______2. Body language like movements, gestures, facial expressions, eye movements ad
posture are example of what types if non – verbal communication?
A. Proxemics
B. Written Communication
C. Oral Communication
D. Kinesics
_______3. President Benigno Aquino III is hosting a state dinner at the Malacañang Palace in
honor of the visiting US President Barack Obama. Which of the following speech
styles must be used on the occasion? 
A. Intimate
B. Casual
C. Consultative
D. Formal
_______4. All of the following define communication, EXCEPT?
A. Communication involves a transaction.
B. Communication is sharing of ideas among a group of people.
C. Communication is a confusion of ideas in the mind of another.
D. Communication is a transfer of messages from one person to another
_______5. This Zone is usually reserved for family affection, personal friendship, and sexual
A. Personal Zone
B. Social Zone
C. Intimate Zone
D. Public Zone
_______6. Arrange the Laswell’s Model of communication in chronological order.
I. Medium
II. Effect
III. Message
IV. Receiver
V. Communication

_______7. This function of communication may control a person’s behavior or attitude in several
A. Social Interaction
B. Regulation/Control
C. Motivation
D. Information
_______8. This function of communication enables individual to express his emotions for other
especially to people close to him.
A. Social Interaction
B. Regulation/Control
C. Emotional Expression
D. Motivation
_______9. This function of communication plays an essential role in keeping a work group
perform their duties and responsibilities. If members are well – motivated, positive
work relationship is established and they and they become more efficient.
A. Social Interaction
B. Regulation/Control
C. Emotional Expression
D. Motivation
_______10. This types of communication refers to communication with oneself. This types takes
place when reflecting upon or pondering over something like analyzing a situation, mulling over
an idea, or making a decision.
A. Interpersonal Communication
B. Intrapersonal Communication
C. Personal
D. Impersonal
_______11. This communication assisted by technology like telephone, mobile phone and
computer for online chat.
A. Direct interpersonal
B. Mediated communication
C. Public communication
D. Impersonal
_______12. All of the following are informal types of oral communication EXCEPT
A. Telephone Conversations
B. Face – to – face conversations
C. Presentations at Business meetings
D. Discussion at Business meetings
_______13. It is a type of speech style used between or among participants who have a very
personal relationship. 
A. Intimate
B. Casual
C. Consultative
D. Formal

_______14. Which of the following requires an intimate speech style? 

A. When communicating to your acquaintances
B. When delivering a Speech
C. When praying the rosary
D. When talking to your partner about your future plans
_______15. Ms. Aguilar has been invited to be a guest speaker at a graduating ceremony in
Mariano University. Which of the following lines is an appropriate introduction in her
commencement speech? 
A. Hello Philippines and hello world!
B. Hi there! How are you today? 
C. Guests, faculty, parents and graduates, good morning.
D. Good morning friends and enemies.

_______16. Which of the following statements is true about the frozen speech style?
A. Static, ritualistic, and archaic
B. Used only for imparting information
C. Non-public speech style that use private vocabulary
D. Used among people who do not share common experiences

_______17. Can communication still take place even without the Speaker?
A. Yes, if there’s a written source of Information.
B. Yes, if the Speaker decides to be the listener.
C. No, the Speaker is always a must in the communication process.
D. No, communication fails if the speaker is missing.

_______18. Oral communication is better than written communication for _________.

A. saving time
B. conveying facts and opinion
C. providing opportunity to refer back
D. conveying feelings and emotion

______19.Why do we need to learn the unity, coherence, cohesion techniques?

a. To increase words during the process of writing an essay
b. To make paragraphs logical and clear with certain topics
c. To show your vocabulary and language skills
d. To attract your readers attention
______20. What is the unity?
a. Paragraph discusses one and only one main idea from beginning to end
b. A paragraph discusses more than one main ideas
c. Examples are related to the topic and controlling idea
______21. What do you think of the word “coherence”
a. Hold together
b. The movement from one sentence to the next must be logical and smooth
c. No sudden jumps, and each sentence should flow smoothly into the next one
d. Options above are correct
______22. This refers to the overall understanding of what you write and say
a. Unity
b. Coherence
c. Cohesion
d. Main Idea
______23. The grammatical aspects of writing and is focused on degree to which sentence are
a. Cohesion
b. Coherence
c. Unity
d. Main Idea
______24. Unity in paragraph means….
a. A paragraph means that the entire paragraph should focus on one single idea
b. Supporting details should explain the main idea, the concluding sentence should
end the paragraph with the same idea
c. Presents a thought, supports it with adequate details and completes it with a
d. All of the above
______25. It is a series of conflicts and crisis in the story that lead to the climax.
a. Conflict c. Denouement
b. Rising action d. Climax
______26. The tying together of all of the treads in the story.
a. Conflict c. Denouement
b. Rising action d. Climax
______27. It is the most intense moment and the turning point of the story.
a. Conflict c. Denouement
b. Rising action d. Climax
______28. In the story Dead Stars, she is the illusive woman whose Alfredo is looking for.
a. Julia Salas c. Carmen
b. Esperanza d. Brigida Samuy
______29. The short story Dead Stars written by Paz M. Benitez was published in the Philippine
Herald in what year?
a. 1925 c. 1965
b. 1825 d. 1865
______30. It is also called comedia de capa y espada, it is performed at the local fiestas.
A. Secular comedy C. Komedya
B. Zarzuela D. Religious Comedy
______31. The story evolves the search for the Holy Cross by Queen Elena and her son,
Emperor Constantino.
A. Komedya C. Santacruzan
B. Moro-moro D. Zarzuela
______32.This is a form of dramatic entertainment performed on a moonless night during a town
fiesta or on dark nights after a harvest.
A. Senakulo C. Moro-Moro
B. Pasyon D. Carillo
______33. Are practical observations and philosophy of everyday life that are written usually in
rhyming scheme.
A. Corrido C. Riddles
B. Carillo D. Proverbs

______34. These refer to the stories of origin for certain places, their names and their creation.

C. A. Folk Songs C. Tales

D. B. Epic D. Pasyon
_______35. It is the way that the author arranges words, meters, lines, and stanzas to create a
coherent sound when the poem is read out.
A. Diction C. Sense and Image
B. Poetry D. Rhyme Scheme
_______36 Used by the writer to describe their impressions of their topic or object of writing.
A. Diction C. Sense and Image
B. Poetry D. Rhyme Scheme
_______37. This ritual was brought here by the Spaniard to remind the people about the search
of St. Helena for the Cross on which Jesus died.
A. Epic C. Tibag
B. Pasyon D. Pabasa
_______38. Is a Philippine epic narrative of the life of Jesus Christ, focused on his Passion,
Death, and Resurrection. In stanzas of five lines of eight syllables each, the standard elements of
epic poetry are interwoven with a colourful, dramatic theme.
A. Senakulo C. Pabasa
B. Pasyon D. Carillo

______39. Is a nationwide event that helps devout locals relieve biblical events pertinent to the
life, tribulations and ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ
A. Senakulo C. Pabasa
B. Pasyon D. Carillo

_______40. It refers to a type of folk drama performed, the highpoint is always a battle between
Muslims and Christians.
A. Senakulo C. Moro-Moro
B. Pasyon D. Carillo

_______41. Which of the following models of communication asserts that communication can
take place if and only if there is an overlap between the field of experience of the speaker and of
the listener?
A. Shannon- Weaver’s model
B. Schramm’s
C. Aristotle’s
D. White’s

_______42. Oral communication is the interchange of ________ between the sender and the
A. Signs and gestures
B. Cues and clues
C. Verbal messages
D. Written messages
_______43. The dramatic struggle between two forces or characters in a story.
A. Theme C. Characters
B. Conflict D. Plot

_______44. It is the sequence of events that makes up a story

A. Plot C. Conflict
B. Setting D. Fiction

_______45. It is the time and place during where the story takes place.
A. Plot C. Characters
B. Setting D. Theme

_______46. It is also called comedia de capa y espada, it is performed at the local fiestas.
C. Secular comedy C. Komedya
D. Zarzuela D. Religious Comedy

_______47. The story evolves the search for the Holy Cross by Queen Elena and her son,
Emperor Constantino.
C. Komedya C. Santacruzan
D. Moro-moro D. Zarzuela
_______48. It presents the central, general message or main idea of the story.
A. Plot C. Conflict
B. Theme D. Characters

_______49. It is a melodrama with songs and dances that have a three-in-one act play.
A. Fiction C. Poem
B. Komedya D. Zarzuela

_______50. It is the persons, animals and things participating in a story.

A. Theme C. Characters
B. Conflict D. Plot

Prepared By:

Ms. Ira Mae M. Villacorta Ms. Ma. Cristina C. Bote

Subject Teacher Subject Teacher

Ms. Ma. Cristina C. Bote Ms. Daniela F. Ramirez

Subject Teacher Subject Teacher

Mr. Christian DC. Manuel

Subject Teacher

Checked By: Noted By:

Mrs. Hasmin D. Narciso Dr. Ely C. Disimulacion

Assistant Principal Principal

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