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Franks 1

Lawful or Unlawful?

Is it right to resist authority when the said authority figure is evil, and wrong, i belive that it is.

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from

God, and those that exist have been instituted by God” (Romans 13:1). Those who are put in

authority over us should exercise justice, and righteousness because they are placed in authority

by the epitome of Justice and Righteousness. Robin Hood is increadibly difficult, but i think

what he did was right, he stood for justice and corrected extortion that was done by Prince John

and the Sheriff of Nottingham. Even though i belive that stealing was not the right course of

action, i believe that Robin Hood did what was right during a time of malversation and fear.
Franks 2

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