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Terima Kasih Anda Telah Mengikuti Ujian Online

NIM : 19215185
Tanggal Ujian : 07/01/2023
Jam Ujian : 17:00:00 - 18:00:00
Mulai Ujian : 17:00:23 - 17:22:16
Lama Waktu : 0 Jam 21 Menit 53 Detik
Matakuliah : BAHASA INGGRIS II - 105
Jumlah Soal : 50
Jumlah Jawab : 50
Jumlah Jawab :0

Simpan sebagai bukti bahwa anda telah mengikuti ujian online

ScurityCode: 720f8108aa18beed4c5e1fabae69e157
Tanggal Cetak: 2023-01-07 - Jam Cetak: 17:22:25

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2023-01-07 / 17:22:25 720f8108aa18beed4c5e1fabae69e157

No Jawaban Anda Hasil

1 Download B
2 Joystick B
3 a common set of rules and signals that computers o.... B
4 Search Engine B
5 Adobe Premier Pro B
7 Plain Text B
8 1952 B
9 Search Engine B
10 cryptographer B
11 Host machine has a special Internet protocol addre.... B
12 Carbon Copy B
13 the first computer network in the world in late 19.... B
14 Random Access Memory B
15 Listening B
16 they can spread from one computer to another, eith.... B
17 the main or opening page of a website B
18 Greek B
19 Steganography B
20 A computer network is a group of interconnected co.... B
21 I/O is the means by which a computer exchanges inf.... B
22 trackballs,maouse,scanner B
23 Greek B
24 Viruses hide on a disk and when you access the dis.... B
25 Virus B
26 Birds B
27 Chiper Text B
28 cryptography is needed to secure a secret document.... B
30 Hand writing B
31 B
32 A website is a site (location) contains a collecti.... B
33 Tony123*_situ B

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2023-01-07 / 17:22:25 720f8108aa18beed4c5e1fabae69e157

34 Bring information resources to the user B

35 A picture and message B
36 PDF reader B
37 Operation System B
38 Metropolitan Area Network B
39 The computers are geographically close together B
40 REM B
41 NIC B
42 Steganography is the art and science of writing hi.... B
43 a machine like typewriter that is used by Nazi dur.... B
44 Very Fast with 1000/5000 gigabytes capacity B
45 Fake Love B
46 Planting B
47 IOS B
48 the method of creating, transmitting, or storing p.... B
49 Webcam B
50 Ubuntu B
Catatan: Hasil B=Benar, S=Salah

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