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Title ·         Name - your first, last name. The full name should reflect the one in the
foreign passport.
·         Position - "Junior Software Engineer", "Senior QC Engineer",
“Intermediate .Net Developer” etc. The main point here is that it is
correct to write developer in position if programming language is
mentioned otherwise – engineer
·         Page Headers – on every page besides the first one. Should contain
Candidate Name and Position. Grey color (same as the table)

Summary of You may use some items from below structure to describe your experience:
Qualifications ·         Total experience in years/months. This number should equal to total
duration of the projects in Experience section.
·         Types of applications worked on (web, mobile, integration, desktop,
embedded, database, business intelligence)
·         Main technologies
·         Methodology (Scrum, etc.)
·         Software development life cycle (working with requirement,
architecture, design, coding, testing, debugging, building, deploying,
·         Impressive architecture attributes on some project if any (high loaded,
scalable, secured, available, reliable etc.)
·         Interests in IT
·         Personal qualities (good team player, good communication skills, love
to learn new etc.)

Skills ·         Max size should be up to 1 page

·         Remove unused and add missed skills
·         Skills should be well structured and relevant to the position that you
would like to apply for

Experience Place recent projects  at the top, in a descending order

·         Project name - do not specify real project name, please use descriptive
name like "Platform for social marketing"
·         Project description - state project business purpose, product features,
high level architecture, your scope of work etc.
·         Customer - do not specify customer name, please use: "Ukrainian
company", "UK company", "US company" etc.
·         Involvement Duration - "6 months", "2 years" etc. All the durations
mentioned in CV should be in mentioned in the same dimensions – all
recalculated in in months or in years
·         Responsibilities - each responsibility should actually explain what you
was doing and what meaning it had for the project. Use descriptive
explanation instead of just ‘coding’ or ‘testing’.
·         Project Role - "Tech Lead", "Senior Web UI Developer", “Software
Engineer” etc.

·         Project Team Size - "3 team members", "8-10 team members", etc.
Please use ranges for teamsizes for long-running projects.
·         Tools & Technologies - "WordPress, Drupal, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript,
HTML, XML, JIRA, Scrum", etc. Please specify not only technologies, but
also processes and tools for process support

Certification List your certifications. Certifications should well-know or at least

international, and valid (not expired).

Education ·         List your education history in a descending order

·         Do not specify graduation year

Other ·         Make sure there is no contact information and photo

recommendations ·         Run spell checker
·         Clear file properties
·         Do not add extra sections
·         Please save your CV as MS Word document (*.docx)

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