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Assignment on Consumer Behavior Factors responsible for changes in family Life-Cycle

Increase in needs,wants and desires Earlier people used to have limited needs,wants and desires. Depending upon their income and other important factors peoples needs, wants were limited. But with the change of time their income grew with the overall economy and the changes occurred in other important factors also. This led to change in people life style and thinking as well with respect to their disposable income. Rise in income People started earning more compare to early times because of the industrial and economical growth that started giving job oppurtunities in the market place. As income rised people started expending more that created new oppurtunites for marketers to introduce new kinds of products in markets and slowly it became so big that one man earning in tha family couldnt satisfy all the demands of the full family that led to the change of family life-cycle and forced other people to work also. Westernization As western world is more extravagant the life style is also very attractive and the rest of the civilization started moving towards their influential life. Earlier one persons earning was sufficient to feed all he family members but more consuming habits of family led to gradual change in the family life-cycle. Growth and Development With the continuous growth of industrial, technological, economical and social development huge demand were created for working people. That led women to work in offices and factories and make themselves independent and count themselves as necessary part of the society and that squashed the gap between men and women. Changes in social status With reference to the above points we know that with the increase in the disposable income and the changes in other mentioned factors including the influence of western life style, the social status and the life style of people are completely changed. For example earlier we use to have home made food and beverages but afterwards people started drinking coke and having burgers.

Increase in literacy As the thinking of people changed from conservatism to exaggeration we started realizing the importance of education which led to the development in education system by giving more theoretical and practical knowledge and skills to the people that improved their mind sharpness and competitiveness. Increase in savings People started realizing the importance of their lives and also their family in perspective of financial terms. Therefore they started making savings in banks and other financial instruments. Influence of technology With the development of technology over the period of time people are now tech savvy compare to earlier times. Now the general life of people is highly influenced by technology. Technology changed the family life cycle vastly as people started living their life leisurely. Now they are using mobile phones instead of telegrams, cars instead of bull cart etc.

Deterioration of conservatism Over the last several decades there has been a rapid change in peoples thinking .It changed from narrow to broad and the old conventional thought were replaced by the new , fresh and open thought which led to innovations, change in belief and customs and womens respect is the main example in this context. Earlier people used to think of women only as house makers but with the passage of time the thinking is changed and they are treated with respect and are considered as an essential part of society at par with men.

In 1914 women were still regarded as 'belonging' to their husbands and very few worked outside the home, if they did it was as teachers, nurses etc. and then only single women, middle class married women did not work. Working class married women might clean or take in laundry. During World War I many men went off to war and the women had to take over the jobs that they did. Things like working in factories, driving buses etc. Of course many of the men did not come back so the women had to continue with the work. Many women were now widowed so they had to work to support the family. Finally, many of the women enjoyed the work they did outside the home and the added responsibility, so they were not as willing to go back to the old ways. This also started the breakup of extended families as people had to move where the jobs were. This really all started with the Industrial Revolution and is still going on today.
And when they started fulfilling their needs and wants on their own it led to the self dependence image of women. Which later on they were not willing to let go off.

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