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Predictive policing is not meant to replace tried-and-true police

techniques. It builds on the essential elements of all policing strategies
for the greater good.

Good afternoon respective adjudicators , respected opponents and

fellow team mates I am the second speaker of team prop and I strongly
agree with the motion which states that this house supports predictive

I as the second speaker will be further strengthening our argument

Starting off with my first substantial point which is Predictive policing is

very efficient in preventing crime. Indeed, a number of studies seem to
support this claim. For example, the implementation of predictive policing in
California over a six-month period appears to have resulted in a 19%
reduction of burglaries . Using an algorithm, the system employed verified
crime data to predict future offenses in 500-square-foot locations. The
police would then be provided with “hot spot” maps, which indicated the
high-risk locations. Officers would pass through these areas when they
were not obliged to address other calls.

My second substantial point is about how the Advances in machine

learning and artificial intelligence have sparked interest from governments
that would like to use these tools for the advancement of predictive policing
and the new model of predictive policing has been implanted in 8 cities of
the United states

Data and social scientists from the University of Chicago have developed a
new algorithm that forecasts crime by learning patterns in time and
geographic locations from public data on violent and property crimes. The
model can predict future crimes one week in advance with about 90%
The new model isolates crime by looking at the time and spatial
coordinates of discrete events and detecting patterns to predict future
events. It divides the city into spatial tiles roughly 1,000 feet across and
predicts crime within these areas instead of relying on traditional
neighbourhood or political boundaries.
 My next substantial point is about how Predictive Policing enables
informed decision making Computer data analytics provide abundance of
information. According to its supporters, predictive policing could lead to
more objective decision-making, discouraging police officers from making
decisions that might be based on bias rather than evidence.
(If POI is asked The data collected might have some biases due to some event
which would have occurred in the past however that does not mean that an innocent
person will be punished for a crime he/she didn’t commit 
As we all know police officers use predictive policing to know the place where crime
is most likely to occur and individuals who are most likely to commit crime 
I would like to emphasize on the word likely, this suggests that you are just
suspecting a person , not arresting them . A person would be found guilty if the
police officers catch a person committing a crime based on the evidence collected by
using the method of predictive policing .This makes it easy to prevent crime and get
hold of the criminals as well.)

For example, within law enforcement, it will utilize data analytics to

predict risks, uncover the identities of offenders, identify if there are any
vulnerabilities in communities and determine any crime patterns. Once
this key information is established, the officers are able to make
decisions that will benefit the residents of that area.
We have the ability to use information to save lives, and we need to use
it constitutionally and consistently , so why not use the technique of
predictive policing , prevent crimes and make this world a better place.

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