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GRADE : 3rd

1. Mereka bermain sepak bola di pagi hari :

2. Saya belajar di malam hari :

Jawablah pertanyaan ini berdasarkan kebiasan kalian masing-masing!

3. I always get up at in the

4. I usually take a nap at in the

Lengkapilah jawaban dari pertanyaan berikut!

5. Do you study in the evening? Yes,

6. Does she have breakfast in the morning? No,

Isilah titik-titik berikut!

7. Today is Friday.
Yesterday was .

8. , Tuesday, , , , , Saturday.

9. What do they learn every Friday?


10. Mikes likes travelling through the sea, so he goes to Surabaya by

11. My uncle is a farmer. He carries his crops to the city by

12. Mr. Leo is in Medan now. He wants to back to Palembang by land, so he goes by

13. does - to - Dani - ? - office- go – how =

Isilah titik-titik berikut menggunakan “HOW DOES” atau “HOW DO”!

14. Udin go to the library?

15. Umar and I go to the poast office?

JABO English Course

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