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Fluid Mechanics Laboratory Report No.

Date Submitted: May 11. 2023

Instructor: Engr. Mark Ondac

Members: Signature
1. Justin Luiz L. Almera _______________________________
2. Alliyah Mae R. Avellana _______________________________
3. Nelma Jolouisse M. Calleja _______________________________
4. Charles Danielle S. Gamboa _______________________________
5. Rea Gia Mae G. Gamboa _______________________________



A. Introduction
Hydrostatic pressure is a fundamental concept in the study of fluids at rest, focusing on the
equilibrium state and the force exerted by the fluid on an immersed object. This topic covers
important concepts such as atmospheric pressure, gauge pressure, and absolute pressure.
Atmospheric pressure represents the weight of the air above a specific point, while gauge pressure
measures pressure above or below atmospheric pressure. Absolute pressure, on the other hand, is
the pressure measured above absolute zero and is the sum of atmospheric pressure and gauge
pressure. The experiment will apply Pascal's Law, which states that pressure is equal in all
directions within a static fluid, as well as consider the pressure variation in a static fluid due to the
gravitational force.
The principle behind the laboratory experiment is to investigate the behavior of hydrostatic
pressure in a controlled setting. By filling Pascal tubes with water of different volumes and
measuring the heights of the water in the tubes, we can derive the Absolute Pressure using the
obtained data. The experiment aims to validate the principles discussed earlier, such as Pascal's
Law and the relationship between hydrostatic pressure and depth. By observing how the pressure
changes with varying water volumes and measuring the corresponding heights, we can
quantitatively analyze the hydrostatic pressure and further our understanding of its practical
The laboratory experiment will utilize the equation of hydrostatic pressure, Pb = γh, where
Pb represents the hydrostatic pressure, γ is the specific weight of the fluid, and h denotes the depth
measured from the surface. Furthermore, the equation of absolute pressure, Pabs = Pgage + Patm, will
be employed, where Pabs represents the absolute pressure, Pgage is the gauge pressure, and Patm
signifies the atmospheric pressure, which is approximately 101.325 kPa. Conversion formulas and
equations will also be significant in ensuring the proper interpretation and consistency of the
experimental measurements.

B. Objectives
The objective of this activity is to:
a. Determine the height of the water and the equivalent hydrostatic pressure at the bottom
of the communicating tubes
b. Determine the equivalent height of any liquids using the computed hydrostatic pressure
of the water in the communicating tubes
C. Computations
D. Presentation of results

Tube Trials Volume Height (m) Pgage (kPa) Pabs (kPa)

1 20 mL 0.038 0.37278 101.6978
1 2 50 mL 0.07 0.6867 102.0117
3 70 mL 0.106 1.03986 102.3649
1 20 mL 0.042 0.41202 101.7370
2 2 50 mL 0.072 0.70632 102.0313
3 70 mL 0.11 1.0791 102.4041
1 20 mL 0.042 0.41202 101.7370
3 2 50 mL 0.073 0.71613 102.0411
3 70 mL 0.11 1.0791 102.4041
1 20 mL 0.042 0.41202 101.7370
4 2 50 mL 0.073 0.71613 102.0411
3 70 mL 0.11 1.0791 102.4041

E. Discussion of the Results

The students conducted the experiment by using four test tubes and three trials to measure
the absolute pressure of water. The tubes has different types which resulted to different heights of
water. With this data, the gauge pressure is then computed by multiplying each height to the unit
weight of water (Pgauge = unit weight of water x height of tube in each trial). Then for the absolute
pressure, the students added the gauge pressure to the atmospheric pressure (101.325 Kpa). Lastly,
for getting the equivalent height of the mercury, we divided the gauge pressure to the product of
unit weight of water and specific gravity of mercury. The students did all these steps in each trial
for each of the four tubes. As there were tubes with the same height, the have the same computed
value of height in mercury and absolute pressure as shown in the presentation of data and results.

F. Conclusion
The conclusion drawn by the students in this experiment is that there is a direct relationship
between the height of the surface of fluid and the pressure it exerts. This means that as the height
of the fluid surface in a tube increases, so does the pressure it exerts. This conclusion is supported
by the data obtained in trial 3, where the tubes had the highest height and also had the highest
absolute and gauge pressure readings. Absolute pressure refers to the total pressure exerted by the
fluid, including atmospheric pressure, while gauge pressure refers to the pressure exerted by the
fluid above and beyond atmospheric pressure.
The reason for this relationship between fluid height and pressure is due to the concept of
hydrostatic pressure, which states that the pressure exerted by a fluid at any given point is
proportional to the depth or height of the fluid column above it. This means that as the height of
the fluid column increases, so does the weight of the fluid above, leading to a higher pressure at
the bottom of the column.
In conclusion, the students' experiment demonstrated that the height of the surface of fluid
in a tube has a direct relationship with the pressure it exerts. This relationship is explained by the
concept of hydrostatic pressure, which states that pressure is proportional to the height or depth of
the fluid column. The findings of this experiment can be applied in many practical applications,
such as in the design of hydraulic systems, water towers, and other fluid-based systems.

G. Application
Some of the examples of Hydrostatic Pressure in daily life can be found in transportation
and storing liquids. Liquid storage and transportation require a thorough understanding of the
fluid statics or hydrostatics of the specific fluid. The design of the containers used to transport
gasoline and other liquid fuels in the back of vehicles is intended to reduce the possibility of
spills and loss of the contents. In addition to this, the hydrostatic force is useful for calculating
the volume, density, and viscosity of fluids.
Another example for it is in medical field, determine the characteristics of various body
fluids and measure blood pressure with the aid of hydrostatics. Hydrostatic pressure is the force
any liquid produces when it is contained. An everyday example of hydrostatic force is the
pressure that blood exerts on the walls of blood vessels.
We can also apply it in measuring the atmospheric pressure like in our discussion. Also
applying it in the submarines used by marines, the major goal of accurately assessing every
component of hydrostatic force while building a submarine is to include the ability to handle
damage and continue working effectively even after suffering injury, in addition to allowing for
smooth operation when the submarine is immersed in water. By altering the volume of water
pushed around it, it allows the submarine to vary the weight of the structure in accordance.
H. Recommendation
Some errors that occur when doing this activity are:
Tube contamination, if the tube is tarnished with dirt or other contaminants, contaminants
may alter the liquid's surface tension, changing the results. Keep the tube clean and handle it
Inaccuracy in liquid level measurement, calculations can be erroneous as a result of
inaccurate liquid level measurement. To avoid this, ensure sure the liquid level is measured from
the same reference point each time and use an accurate measurement device.
Human error, human mistake might lead to erroneous findings while operating the
equipment or reading the measurement. To avoid this, make sure the experiment is conducted by
a skilled individual who rigorously follows the appropriate procedure.
In conclusion, meticulous attention to the experimental procedure, controlled conditions,
and proper equipment management can all help to lower the possibility of mistake in a capillary
action experiment.

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