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1. Hello everyone, let’s get to know more about me. Are you all ready? Seems you are all
ready, so let’s get started without further ado.
2. This is my today’s agenda…
3. 3. My full name is Keziah Kyla Antonio Aguilar, but you can call me Kyla or Kez for short.
The name Keziah comes from the Bible, where it refers to Job's daughter. The meaning
of the name Keziah is "the most beautiful in the land." I’m 21 years old. I was born on
August 22, 2001. I live in Montalban, Rodriguez Rizal. As you can see, pink is my
favorite color.
4. This is me when I was a kid; I have always had a passion for music and dance. Even
when I was a kid, I always did well in school. As you can see, taking photos of myself is
one of my favorite things to do.
5. 5. These are the people I love. My mom, and dad, ate Kim, who is the oldest, ate Krisha,
who is in the middle, and me, who is the youngest. We also have a beautiful and cutie
niece; she is a rainbow baby and her name is Jia Kaitlyn Justiniani. The child of my
sister Kim and my brother-in-law Josh. I love and care about them a lot. My parents
instilled in us the values of gratitude and contentment with life's blessings. They taught
us how to keep our faith and to always trust our Almighty God.
6. 6. These are my parents. They've been together for 33 years now. My mom's name is
Lulu Aguilar, and she always makes delicious meals. She taught us how to be strong
and to persevere in every trial. Whenever I’m with my mama. It feels like home and it
always feels like everything will be alright. Last but not least, this is my papa. His name
is Albert Aguilar. Papa is a hardworking and selfless man I had known. Papa has always
wanted us to have a good life. He taught us not to be scared, that everything will be fine,
and that God is in control of everything. Last October, my father died due to chronic
kidney disease and he is also a dialysis patient. It was heartbreaking for me to know that
my father is gone. I know that our life will never be the same again, but we will
remember what Papa did for us. We thank God that he gave us such a great dad. My
parents are truly my greatest blessing.
7. 7. This is the person I love. We met at church, where we are both on the Music Team.
He plays drums and bass guitar. And I’m part of the vocal ministry. We've been together
for two years, and both of our families know about it. Thanks to him, I was able to
challenge myself and grow as a person. We are both leaders in our churches. He is very
compassionate, caring, and understanding, and he has a great deal of patience. He is
my Philippians 1:3 because every time I think of him, I always thank God.
8. 8. These are my fur babies. These are the first pets we've had at our house. We treat
them like our own children. They are my go-to source of positivity and the first to notice
when I'm experiencing difficulties. Yuro always likes to run outside. Basha loves to ask
for treats whenever someone is standing by the fridge.
9. 9. And also, these are my best buddies..
10. 10 My father has always encouraged me to pursue a career in engineering, and that's
what I've always wanted to do. He told me that he wants to have an engineer daughter,
so that's why I'm taking the engineering course. My other career goal is to pursue a job
as a flight attendant. This was my dream when I was young, which is why I want to
follow it after I finish from college.
11. My favorite foods are ramen, salmon fish, samgyeopsal, chicken and fries, pancake, ice
cream and donut, coffee and sushi!!!
12. .
13. .
14. .
15. These verses are a reminder for me that it is a promise that as you seek God with all
your heart and delight in Him in His presence, then He promises to fill your heart's
desires. And in Hebrews 10:23, It is God’s promise that gives us a sure hope. He is
faithful and true and always keeps his Word as a perfect Father.

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