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At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Know the purpose of Decontructivist Literary Approach.
b. Define what is Decontructivist Literary Approach.
c. Cooperate and enjoy the lesson that is being tackled.

Energizer: Quotes Activity
Activity: Find Me


May I request everyone to listen and pay attention to our discussion.
Now let’s proceed to our topic, Decontructivist Literary Approach.

Anyone who know Decontructivist Literary Approach ?

Student: Answer. [Depends if the student will answer]

What is Deconstructivism?

 Is a method of critical analysis of philosophical and literary language.

 It is critical analysis which shows how they understand the literature being read.
Based on the idea that the text has no permanent meaning because language is
unstable and changing.
 It’s like carried out to find something new that is in literary language, it is
necessary to bring up new meanings and meanings through the interpretation of

 Is a strategy of critical questioning directed towards exposing

Example: How Would Your Perspective Be Different If You Were on the Opposing Side?
 This is a question that seeks a direct answer if the question is also asked

 Unquestionable metaphysical assumptions philosophical in philosophe.

 An approach to a critical analysis that aims to reveal undeniable metaphysical
premises and internal inconsistencies in philosophical and literary language.
Metaphysical – the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of
things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause,
identity, time, and space.

 Internal contradictions
 A combination of words that is nonsense because some of the words suggest
the opposite of some of others.

Example: Many people think that an honest politician is a contradictions in terms.

Contradictions- In classical logic, a contradiction or conflict consist of a logicall

incompatibility between two or more proportions.
 Literary Language
 Literary language is a type of language. This is the richest type. Words are often
used in different meanings.

Background of Decontructivism

 Jacques Derrida - He is a French Philosopher.

 He is also known “Father of Decontructivism”.
 Ferdinand De Saussure’s Linguistics led to the development of the theory of
deconstruction Jacques Derrida where in used in many texts to give deep meaning to
each of it’s words.

What is the purpose of Deconstrctivism?

 To restructure, or “displace”, the opposition, not simply to reserve it.

 To change and dissect (analyze) the word to get the point or true significance of
a certain literary approach.

 Denotes the pursuing of the meaning of a text to the point of exposing the supposed
contradictions and internal oppositions upon which it is founded.
 Deconstruction is the pursuit of a text’s meaning to the point of revealing the
alleged underlying conflicts and inconsistencies upon which it is based, with the
goal of demonstrating that these underpinnings are irrationally complicated,
unstable, or unattainable.

Binary Opposition

 It is the part of the Deconstructivism.

 In the deconstructivism, Binary Opposition is used to defined one thing to
another by contrasting one another to against it.

 It is the two opposing elements the aims to open the reader’s mind to open stick to one
 It contrast the two element to defined it and give more deeper meaning to make
the readers to gain more value in a certain literary approach.

 An example of the concept of binary opposition is between honesty and dishonesty.

 Saying honesty will comes up to us that It was good and when the word
dishonesty comes up to us that is bad by opposing the two word you will be able
to gain more it’s meaning.

Example of Decontructivism
 “Snow” by Frederick Seidel (Everybody read this poem)
: Based on this poem what are you notice?
: Is there any one who can share their thoughts about this poem that we read?
Possible answer: This poem tell us about the death of our life
Your Answer is Correct!
 This poem illustrate how does our life surely dies.
 The word snow can be (Cold, White, Winter)
 Which symbolizes “Death”
 “Death” (We all get there)
 “Six lines for Louis Brogan” by Michael Collier

a. How does studying Decontructivist literary approach help one’s life as a student?
 It help the student to be more a reliable to their own self because learning
deconstructivist will enhance the student to have an overtop knowledge In
analyzing and comprehension to a certain literary approach.

b. How would you relate Deconstructivist literary approach in your life?

 We can relate it to things that need to be given awareness and thought, as well
as how they can understand something that will happen.

c. How does Deconstructivist literary approach help you in your life decision as a learner?
 It will help us to properly understand our decision in as a learner.


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