Vocabulary 3 - Mid Year Meaning As

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Name: ______________________ Date:___________

Vocabulary – Unit 4

Illuminate (v) Bedeck (v) 装饰,点缀
Elaborate 解释

(v) 回想,回忆起,记
Paraglider (n) 滑翔降落伞 Recall (v)(n) 得
(n) 召回

(adj) 现今的,当前的
Soundtrack (n) 原声带 Current (adj)(n)
(n) 水流,气流,电流

Fasnacht (n) 狂欢节 Consequential (adj)

Basel (n) 一座城市(瑞士) Oppressive (adj) 压制的,压迫的

Piccolo (n) 短笛 Deceive (v) 欺骗,蒙骗

Garb (n) 服装 Deny (v) 否定,否认

Intricate (adj) Dismiss (v) 解散

Embroider (v) 刺绣

Passage 1

embroidered consequential garb soundtrack oppressive

piccolo instruments bedeck current celebrate
recall Basel illuminate

Fasnacht is an (1) ________________ carnival tradition celebrated in the Swiss city of (2)
________________. The city streets come alive with vibrant colours, lively music, and a festive atmosphere.
The (3) ________________ of Fasnacht fills the air, creating an enchanting ambiance.

During Fasnacht, participants dress up in elaborate (4) ________________ and masks. The costumes are
often (5) ________________ with colourful patterns and intricate designs. The masks, adorned with feathers
and other decorations, (6) ________________ the heritage and creativity of the festival.
One of the most distinctive features of Fasnacht is the presence of (7) ________________. These small wind
(8) ________________ are played by the participants, adding a unique and melodic touch to the festivities.
The cheerful tunes of the piccolo (9) ________________ the spirit of the celebration.

Fasnacht is not just a casual event; it holds great (10) ________________ significance for the people of
Basel. The festival is a way for the community to come together, (11) ________________ their traditions,
and (12) ________________ their cultural identity. It serves as a reminder of the (13) ________________
and the importance of preserving customs.

Passage 2

illuminate soundtrack deceive current intricate

bedeck paraglider sky dismiss

Paragliding is an exhilarating sport that allows individuals to soar through the sky and (1)
________________ breath taking views from a unique perspective. With the help of a specially designed (2)
________________, participants can experience the freedom of flight.

The (3) ________________ of paragliding is unlike any other. As the paraglider takes off, the rush of
adrenaline is accompanied by the sound of wind whistling past. The feeling of weightlessness and the rush
of air against your face create an unforgettable sensory experience.

Paragliding requires skill and precision, as pilots navigate their way through (4) ________________ aerial
manoeuvres. The process of controlling the paraglider's movements requires an understanding of wind
patterns and (5) ________________ conditions. It's a dance with the (6) ________________, where every
move is crucial.

The allure of paragliding lies in its ability to (7) ________________ a sense of freedom and adventure. The
moment you take flight, the worries of everyday life seem to (8) ________________. It's a chance to escape
the mundane and embrace the thrill of the unknown.

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