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19th Century Philippines

Political: The Spaniards ruled the Filipinos in the 19th century. The Filipinos became the
Spaniard’s slave. The Spaniards claimed their taxes and they worked under the power of the
Spaniards. Because of that there are abuses happened in the Administrative System. Some of
them are manner of obtaining the position, term of office, distance of the colony and etc.

Social: The Filipinos in the 19th century had suffered from feudalistic and master slave
relationship by the Spaniards. Their social structure is ranked into three groups: Highest Class
which includes The Spanish Officials, The Peninsulares and The Friars. Middle Class classifies
Natives and The Mestizos. Lastly, Lowest Class wherein The Indios is grouped in this class.

Present Day

Political: The Philippines is a presidential representative democratic republic with a multi-party system.
The President serves as both the head of state and the head of government, and is elected by popular
vote for a single six-year term. The current President of the Philippines is Ferdinard “Bong Bong” Marcos
Jr. In recent years, the Philippines has faced various challenges in terms of political stability, economic
growth, and social development. However, the country continues to strive for progress and aims to
strengthen its democratic institutions and promote good governance.

Social: The Philippines' social structures are complex and diverse, with a large mix of different cultures
and traditions. There are over 100 different ethnic groups in this country which have their own distinct
language, customs and beliefs. The Philippines is known for its hospitality and strong sense of
community, with social connections and relationships being highly valued. Despite the challenges the
country faces, the Filipino people are known for their resilience and ability to adapt to difficult

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