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Malaikat Jophiel ( Ibr. ‫ יֹוִפ יֵא ל‬‎Yōp̄ īʾēl, "Tuhan adalah kecantikanku [sebagai alternatif:
Kecantikan Tuhan"], "keindahan ilahi"), juga disebut Iophiel , Iofiel , Jofiel , Yofiel , Youfiel ,
Zophiel ( ‎‎fīʾēl , "mata- mata Tuhan", "penjaga Tuhan") dan Zuriel ( " , ‎rīʾēlbatuku adalah
Tuhan"), adalah malaikat agung kebijaksanaan, pemahaman, dan penilaian non-kanonik . Dia
terdaftar sebagai salah satu dari Tujuh Malaikat Agung dalam ajaran Pseudo-Dionysian .
Karena hubungannya dengan kecantikan, Jophiel adalah salah satu dari sedikit malaikat
yang terkadang digambarkan sebagai perempuan. Namun, malaikat tidak memiliki jenis
kelamin kanonik, dan paling sering disebut dengan kata ganti pria.

Sanctus Jophiel , jendela kaca patri di Gereja St Michael, Brighton , Inggris.

Malaikat Agung

Dimuliakan dalam Yudaisme , Anglikanisme

Pesta 29 September

Atribut pedang menyala

Perlindungan Seni, seniman

Dalam pengetahuan agama dan magis

According to Robert Means Lawrence,[1] Arthur de Bles, and R.L. Giles, Jophiel was said to be the Angel who cast
Adam and Eve out of Paradise[2]

According to the pseudepigraphal Revelation of Moses, another name for Jophiel is Dina.
Jophiel/Dina is described as an angel of the seventh heaven, a Cabalistic guardian of the
Torah (and wisdom itself), who taught 70 languages to souls at the dawn of creation.[3] The
Zohar lists him as a Great Angel Chief in charge of 53 legions who superintend Torah-
readings on the Sabbath.[4] Jophiel is said to be a companion to the angel Metatron.[2]

C.E. Clement, in her book Angels in Art, names Jophiel as the teacher of Ham, Japheth, and
Shem.[2] Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa[5] and Thomas Rudd likewise name Jophiel as the
teacher of Shem.[6]

In Anglican and Episcopal traditions, Jophiel is recognized as an archangel. He is often

depicted in iconography holding a flaming sword,[note 1] such as the stained glasses at St
Michael's Church in Brighton, St Peter and St John's Church in Kirkley,[7] Holy Trinity Church in
Coventry[8] and a mural at St. John's Episcopal Church in Memphis, Tennessee.[9]

Jophiel is an Archangel of the Kabbalah (though some systems put Raziel in his place) and in
several listings including that of the early medieval theologian Pseudo-Dionysus.[10] The
Calendarium Naturale Magicum Perpetuum lists Jophiel as the angel of the Sephira
Chokhmah,[11] as do the Key of Solomon variant "The Veritable Clavicles of Solomon,"[12] and
the Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses,[13] both latter works derived from the Calendarium.[14]
Agrippa attributes Jophiel to Saturn, while Paracelsus assigns him to Jupiter.[2] Rudd
attributes the Zodiac to Jophiel[15] along with the Sephira Binah instead of Zaphkiel.[16]
Athanasius Kircher names Jophiel as Angelus pulchritudinis, "angel of beauty".[17] According
to Robert Ambelain, Jophiel is in charge of the Cherubim, particularly the Shemhamphorasch
angels Haziel, Aladiah, Lauviah, Hahaiah, Iezalel, Mehahel, Hariel, and Hakamiah.[18]

Dalam sastra

Angels of Love and Light describes her as "the Archangel of Paradise and the Patron of
Artists and Illumination. She teaches the outer consciousness the Power of Light within
oneself. She is also described as "the Yellow Ray of Wisdom, Illumination, and Constancy",
and lists her Archeia as Christine also says

She Stirs feelings through Radiation of Illumination and into

aspiration for spiritual things. She helps in absorbing information,
studying for and passing tests, dissolution of ignorance, pride, and
narrow-mindedness, and exposure of wrongdoing in governments
and corporations. Jophiel helps in fighting pollution, cleaning up our
planet and brings to mankind the gift of Beauty. She also provides
inspiration for artistic and intellectual thought providing help with
artistic projects and to see the beautiful things around us.

John Milton, in his poem Paradise Lost, mentions that Zophiel is "of cherubim the swiftest
wing" (Paradise Lost VI, 535).

Zophiel is the subject of a poem by Maria Gowen Brooks.

The cherub Jophiel, engraving by Crispijn van de Passe, ca. 1590–1637. British Museum,

Archangel Jophiel, statue at the entrance of Mundelein College Skyscraper, Chicago, Illinois.
Mosaic in the semi-dome of St Paul's Within the Walls in Rome, depicting Christ Enthroned in the
Heavenly Jerusalem with the five archangels, from left: Uriel, Michael, Gabriel, Chemuel, and
Zophiel (holding the moon).[19]

The seven archangels, Jophiel is in the centre holding in her right hand a flaming sword, and in
her left hand a sceptre. Stained-glass window at St Michael and All Angels Church, Warden,


1. The flaming sword is also generally an attribute of the archangel Uriel, but he is more often depicted
in Anglican iconography holding a book (scroll) or a solar disc.


1. Lawrence, Robert M. (1898), The Magic of the Horse-Shoe, With Other Folk-Lore Notes, Chapter III:
The Number Seven ( at (htt
2. Davidson, Gustav (1967), A Dictionary of Angels, Including The Fallen Angels (
om/books/about/A_dictionary_of_angels.html?id=Ed7yHWuTEewC) , Entry: Iofiel, Free Press, p. 150,
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-19757, ISBN 9780029070505

3. Gaster, Moses (1893), "Hebrew Visions of Hell and Paradise," (

ras/1893-15.htm) in the Journal of The Royal Asiatic Society, p. 579, at (htt

4. Davidson, Gustav (1967), A Dictionary of Angels, Including The Fallen Angels (
om/books/about/A_dictionary_of_angels.html?id=Ed7yHWuTEewC) , Entry: Iofiel, Free Press, p. 320,
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-19757, ISBN 9780029070505

5. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, Three Books of Occult Philosophy, Book III, Part 1 (http://www.esotericarc , ed. Joseph Peterson, hosted at Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives (h
ttp:// .

6. A Treatise on Angel Magic, by Thomas Rudd, ed. Adam McLean, p.25 & 204, (two editions):
Phanes Press, 1990

Red Wheel/Weiser, 2006

7. K, Simon (17 September 2009). "Kempe: Jophiel" (

29364763/) . Retrieved 28 August 2018.

8. Glass Angel (2011). "Coventry - Holy Trinity Church" (

5/sets/72157623859286555/) . Retrieved 28 August 2018.

9. "Christ Triumphant (High Altar)" ( . Archived from the
original ( on 23 June 2019.
Retrieved 28 August 2018.

10. Davidson, Gustav (1967), A Dictionary of Angels, Including The Fallen Angels (
om/books/about/A_dictionary_of_angels.html?id=Ed7yHWuTEewC) , Appendix, Free Press, p. 338,
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-19757, ISBN 9780029070505

11. The Magical Calendar, by Johann Baptist Grossschedel (two editions):

ed. Adam McLean, Phanes Press, 1994, p. 91;

ed. Joseph Peterson ( , hosted at Twilit Grotto

Esoteric Archives (

12. The Veritable Clavicles of Solomon ( , anonymous,

ed. Joseph Peterson, hosted at Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives (

13. The Sixth and Seventh Books of Moses (part 2 (

2.htm) ), anonymous, ed. Joseph Peterson, hosted at Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives (

14. The Magical Calendar, Peterson edition introduction

15. Rudd, McLean, pp.100 (2006 ed), p.101 (1990 ed)

16. Rudd, McLean, p.204 (1990, 2006)

17. "Cabala Hebraeorum ( " in Oedipus

Aegyptiacus, by Athanasius Kircher, ed. Joseph Peterson, hosted at Twilit Grotto Esoteric Archives (ht

18. The Complete Magician's Tables, by Stephen Skinner, Golden Hoard Press, 2006, p.41

19. Furnival, William James (1904). Leadless Decorative Tiles, Faience, and Mosaic, Comprising Notes
and Excerpts on the History, Materials, Manufacture & Use of Ornamental Flooring Tiles, Ceramic
Mosaic, and Decorative Tiles and Faience (
Burne-Jones+mosaic+rome+michael+gabriel+uriel&pg=PA525) . Moscow: Ripol Classic Publishing
House. p. 525. ISBN 9781176325630. "While on either hand are the archangels: Michael is a glorious
figure in armour; Uriel holds the sun; Gabriel bears the lily of the Annunciation; Chemuel, the angel of
the Sangreal, stands next her with the sacred cup; and Zophiel, to her left, holds the moon."

Bacaan lebih lanjut

Fischer, Lynn (1996), Angels of Love and Light [with original paintings of the Seven Beloved
Archangels and Their Archeiai by Marius Michael-George], Transformational Media
Publications, South Yarmouth, MA

"Jophiel," Pearls of Wisdom, Volume 7 Number 43, 1994, The Summit Lighthouse, Copyright
© 1997 Church Universal and Triumphant

"Seven Beloved Archangels Speak," 1954, The Bridge to Freedom

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