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1. What can you do for justice with the poor in our country, Philippines?

- While I may not be able to eliminate poverty in our country, I can help by sharing what I
have. We’ve been exposed to many disasters and many have called for our aid during
their time of need through small, simple acts like donations. With my skills, I may also be
able to help out children who do not have access to education by hosting small events
that aim to teach certain causes. While money is of utmost importance for these people
to survive, it isn’t limited to only that as we have the capability to help in more ways than
one. Spreading awareness about what these people are experiencing makes people
aware of their suffering, and many would be inclined to do their part in making a change
for this society.

2. In our call in the Three-fold mission as Christians, what missionary impulse capable of
transforming everything can you do to be channeled for the evangelization of today’s world like
what Jesus Christ did during His times?

- In the three-fold mission as Christians, I am devoted to serving the public with my

abilities and capabilities as a psychology student and future psychologist. It is in my
mission to be able to inform and give guidance to those who may have problems in their
life, emotionally or mentally. As a devout follower of Christ, I should encourage others to
do good and avoid whatever harms others, the environment, and themselves. I believe
that if people want to do good, they should always start with making themselves in every
aspect. In the future, when I successfully become a developmental psychologist, I will
offer services where people can have their mental health checked free of charge
because everyone has the right to live happily. In doing this mission, I may be able to
inspire others to do the same, causing a chain reaction of support for future generations.

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