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Rape of Draupadi

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Rape/Non-Con
Category: F/M, F/F
Fandom: Mahabharata - Vyasa, | Mahabharat (TV 2013),
| Suryaputra Karn (TV), Dharamksetra
Relationship: Draupadi/Karna (Mahabharatha), Draupadi/The Pandavas,
Draupadi/The Kauravas, Duryodhana/Draupadi (Mahabharata),
Dushasana/Draupadi (Mahabharata), Vikarna/Draupadi,
(Mahabharata), Yuyutsu/Draupadi (Mahabharata), Jayadratha/Draupadi
(Mahabharata), Draupadi/Karna/Vrishali (Mahabharata),
Draupadi/Subhadra(Mahabharata), Draupadi/Bhanumati
(Mahabharata), Draupadi/Satyabhama (Mahabharata),
Draupadi/Hidimba (Mahabharata), Draupadi/Vrishali (Mahabharata),
Draupadi/Duhshala (Mahabharata)
Character: Draupadi (Mahabharata), The Pandavas (Mahabharata), The Kauravas
(Mahabharata), Duryodhana | Suyodhana (Mahabharata), Dushasana
(Mahabharata), Vikarna (Mahabharata), Yuyutsu (Mahabharata),
Yudhishthira (Mahabharata), Bhima (Mahabharata), Arjuna
(Mahabharata), Nakula (Mahabharata), Sahadeva (Mahabharata),
Shakuni (Mahabharata), Subhadra (Mahabharata), Jayadratha
(Mahabharata), Durmukha (Mahabharata), Sruthakirti | Draupadi's Son
(Mahabharata), Original Characters, Sarvadamana, Satyabhama
(Mahabharata), Duhshala (Mahabharata), Bhanumati (Mahabharata),
Hidimba (Mahabharata), Vijaya
Additional Tags: Rape/Non-con Elements, Unplanned Pregnancy, Anger, Lust, Desire,
Revenge Sex, Revenge, Pregnant Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Forced
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-08-06 Updated: 2021-08-07 Chapters: 2/? Words:

Rape of Draupadi
by vampadi (orphan_account)


In the dice game when Yudhisthira lost everything Duryodhana made an absurd condition.
If queen Draupadi is sent to the kauravas bed chamber for 100 nights to be enjoyed by all
100 kaurava brothers each per night then everything will be returned to the panda's and
peace will prevailed. Draupadi expected this condition will make the pandavas furious to
the point to declare war but she never imagined that to her husband's kingdom was more
important than her honor. Now only person she could rely was Karna. Will he be able to
save her from this he'll? Also
There are the women to shoothe Draupadi's wounds

Note: don't read if your sentiment is hurt. This story conveys certain scenario that could
have hapenned. The idea is taken and twisted from different folklore and regional versions
like Bheelbharat or Buddhist Jataka to explore Draupadi's various relationships other than


I deleted previous work for some personal reason but back with another piece of sadist
mindset. Previously Duryodhana's portrayal got sympathy which I didn't want for a rapist
should get so this time I am back to portray him and his kaurava brothers in more sinister
light. Also I want to portray the pandavas to be more selfish and Draupadi as an arrogant
proud queen just like she was in the star plus show. Also Karna and Draupadi gets more
highlight here.

Contains strong language and graphic description of violent sexual assaults. Don't read if
sentiment is hurt.

Also rape is not glorified or justified here. Its a sadist mindsets take on most sinful desires
of mythological characters. To convey the extreme sinful desire that was present in all ages
towards certain characters

Finally it's not about disrespecting mythological character. It's a fanfiction site where
imagination can run wild. Otherwise it wouldn't have been allowed here. I will say again
please avoid if your sentiment is hurt.

It was the time of rajasuya yagya taking place. All the guest has arrived one by one. Queen
Draupadi was watching the guests when the guards announced arrival of the king of Anga. Her
smile disappeared at once as she looked at the tall golden handsome figure and the small figure
accompanied by him. She rushed into her chamber panting. This made her all her maids confused.
They know their queen value her pride so much that she will never allow herself to be this tensed.
She had already welcomed all kaurava princes from Hastinapura with their wives. Who were
enemy of the pandavas but she proudly showed them the grandness of Indraprastha. Rather she
was waiting for this moment of pride for the long time. She even welcomed the Kings that were
giving lustful looks to her like Jayadrath or Shishupala but why did she felt this nervous when
Angaraj walked in? Looking at Karna they also wondered another thing. Angraj didn't bring any of
his wife with him neither he brought his oldest and most favourite son Vrishasena who used to
accompany him everywhere. But rather he brought out of all his illigimate son Sarvadamana whose
mother's name he never revealed.
The only maid who was not surprised was Shyamala the childhood sakhi of queen Draupadi who
knew all of her darkest secrets. She calmly followed her mistress.

"Shyamala arrange angraj the room on secret corridor."Draupadi ordered."

"Queen whatever you are doing do carefully. You know you can't let anyone know your secret"
Shyamala said worriedly and Draupadi seemed very furious.
"Shyamala don't forget you are my maid not my sister to give me advice. Have you forgotten that
you were responsible for this situation of mine? That day I asked you to get rid of the unwanted
child I birthed and you handed him over to angraj. Now he gets to use him against me. You should
be thankful I still allowed you to stay with me.

Shyamala sighed. After Panchala princess became the empress her temper is getting worse. She
didn't dare to remind her it was Draupadi's decision to enter into an affair with Eldest pandava
Karna yet keeping his identity secret. (Yes Draupadi had told her how she discovered it
eavesdropping mother Kunti and Vidura's conversation and hence she never felt guilt for this affair
as being eldest Pandava Karna was her husband as well according to her) She said she was doing
this because she couldn't handle the news of Arjuna marrying around princesses of all over
Bharatvarsh. And hence she was desperate to forget the pain. But she was not ready for the
consequences of the affair. she didn't want to birth Karna's son but as she was living in a topavan
for Arjuna's allotted year it was impossible for aborting the child in presence of sages and she had
to give birth." She asked Shyamala to sail the child away just as her mother in law did to child's
father but before Shyamala could do it Angraj discovered her and took away the child and left.
Since then Draupadi and Shyamala's relation deteriorated.

Shyamala left to do the arrangement as ordered.


Karna knew something was strange with the arrangement of his room which was far away from
other guests room. Duryodhana urged him to stay in the courtyard arranged for kauravas but Karna
declined. He knew she will come. Hence he didn't sleep at night. And in the midnight finally
pandava queen entered into the the guest room of Angaraj.

Karna was waiting for this moment. As soon as Draupadi entered Karna closed the door behind her
silently before she realised Karna closed her mouth with his large hand and lifted her smaller
framed into his embrace trapping her on the wall.
Draupadi started struggling to free herself but she knew she was powerless in front of him.

Karna removed his hand and captured Draupadi's lips with his taking the smell in after 7 long
years. His tongue entered into her mouth and wrestled with her tongue reaching into her throat he
sucked. Draupadi's protest turned into moan it was impossible to resist Angaraj's kisses even if she
didn't want it. Karna's touches always ignited fire in her. Except Arjuna none had that passion in
bed Bhima was more power player. Nakula was delicate, Sahadeva was shy and Yudhisthira was
more focused on his own pleasure than her. But Karna was just desperate now. His hand was
wandering all over her body and she sensed he had already freed himself from his own upper cloth
and had removed her outer robe. His hand has reached inside her kanchuli grabbing her twin earths
other hand reached inside her inner thighs. Her body was familiar with every moves of his. She
sensed she was almost losing herself. But she can't allow this. She is the empress now. She came
here only to demand answer not to carry on her affair. But the more she struggle Karna's desire
increased more which resulted herself getting restless with every caresses of him.

Soon Karna was able to remove Draupadi's saree and lower cloth without leaving her lips for one
second. Now Draupadi had only the kanchuli and small waist cover. Now lifting her legs to wrap
around his waist he carried her towards the swing and placed her there in an half sitting half lying
position. Now he freed her lips but immediately clasped her mouth with hand as he started kissing
her neck. His other hand was holding both of her hands and his knees on her thighs immobilising
him. As the swing rocked with their weight bot son of the Sun and Daughter of the fire were
burning in the desire. Draupadi's mind was getting clouded but she still was struggling to get free.
But Karna sucked the sensitive spot of her neck fueling her desire. She had to use all her mental
strength not give in. Karna's facial hair was now rubbing on her cleavage and with the restlessness
now Draupadi's eyes became watery. As the tears rolled from her eyes and drenched his hand
Karna finally was startled and removed his hand from her mouth. But he still had trapped her under
himself not allowing her to move.

"Angraj, what the he'll are you thinking you are doing?" Draupadi finally managed to say while
panting but her voice sounded husky instead of furious.

"Reuniting with pandava queen after seven years" Karna answered in desire filled voice . His hand
already removed Draupadi's kanchuli. Now his mouth was on her perfect round breast. Draupadi
wanted to shout but grasped instead. She couldn't deny ever after having her five most handsome
desirable brothers she missed those touches of the eldest brother. The harder Karna sucked her
breast the harder it was becoming for her to resist. She couldn't even shout to call guards. How will
she explain what she was doing in Angraj's room in the midnight. She didn't expect Karna will
show such an animalistic behaviour instead of calmly talking to her. She could clearly sense the
bulge of his manhood pressing against her thigh joint through his loin. There were only two pieces
of cloths separated them now. She couldn't help but remember the first time he made love to her. It
was one of the best night of her life except for the first night with Arjuna 10 years later. She still
remembers Karna used to pull all nighters with her. She can't resist one of the most handsome man
of aryavart anyway.

"Why did you bring him with you?" Draupadi looked at sleeping figure of Sarvadamana. Unlike
other children of Karna who were bright skinned as him Sarvadamana was dark skinned like her.
He resembled upapandavas in many way. Draupadi couldn't allow him to roam around her family.
Otherwise the similarities would be impossible to neglect.

"I brought a son to his mother" Karna sounded little offended. "Panchali he is 12 now . These days
he always bugs me asking about his mother. On his 12th birthday he asked me to see his mother for
once how could I deny? I am called doner for a reason" saying this Karna now lowered his face to
kiss Draupadi's naval.His tongue locked inside of her naval button. Her naval was just like blue
lotus pod how much did he miss this perfect dark beauty.

"Can you please stop" Draupadi blurted with much difficulty " I was very clear with you that our
relationship had to end. I can't afford to get exposed. I am queen I have responsibilities." Draupadi
again struggled in vain.

"You ended the relationship. I didn't. See how much I cherished the sign of our love.
Sarvadamana." Karna again brought his lips on Draupadi's face brushing on her cheeks and

"Angraj, I beg you please let me go" Draupadi couldn't hold her tears anymore." But Karna kept on
licking the water from her face.

"Too late Panchali. I can't hold back my desire anymore. "His body was rocking against her now "I
know you want me as much as I do I can sense how excited you have become. "Don't lie to
yourself" and Karna now proceeded to remove both of their undergarment.

"Don't make this look like I am forcing you. Its what both of us waited and wanted for so long"
saying this Karna put his mouth on Draupadi's exposed inner thighs slowly swirling his tongue
inside her.

As he had lowered his body on her Draupadi's hands got freed. She pulled his curly hair to stop
him. She knew there was no escape for her. But before surrendering to desire she still wanted to
make things clear."

"I don't want this. Whatever happened between us was my momentary mistake. And Sarvadamana
was reminder of that mistake.i never wanted him why did you bring him?"

Karna looked at Draupadi fully and Draupadi grasped seeing his red eyes. "I know you wanted to
throw him away. But neither me nor our son are playthings to your will. You might be queen but
for me you are my estranged wife. Didn't we still spent time as family when you were in tapovan
second time? Sarvadamana still cherished those moments even though he doesn't know who we're
you. We both love you. And I know how to claim my love. Also Haven't we mattered for you you
wouldn't have tried to stop my third wedding with princess Uruvi in vain or now have arranged this
secret room or came for secret meeting. So now cut you crap and let your 6th husband love you."
Saying this Karna removed his loin. Draupadi rolled her eyes seeing Karna's manhood size.his
hunger for her was evident.
She still said weakly. "You will wake him up" indicating Sarvadamana.

"Did you forget how we used to made love in Tapovana when he was asleep." Karna sensing
Draupadi's resistance greatly weakening whole heartedly started kissing her.

"He was 5 then now he is 12, what if he wakes up"

"Then he will see his parents loving each other. Karna shrugged "enough Panchali you have wasted
too much time in futile argument now stop making a fuss and let me love you. If you still keep
resisting I will not hesitate to tie you up before enjoying you. Do you want to be humiliated that
way or accept our mutual feelings, choice is yours."
Saying this Karna repositioned Draupadi on the swinging bed. Then started kissing her lotus feet
slowly proceeding upwards. Draupadi had no more resistance left she had completely gave in to her
desire. She cluthed the chain of the swing by one hand and pulled Karna's hair to other hand
kissing him whole heartedly. In a swift movement Karna entered into Draupadi. Draupadi moaned
loudly. Thankfully the bed where their son was lying was on other side of room so her muffled
moan didn't reach to him. Her nails digged on Karna's back Karna parted her both legs wrapping
around him with each thrust he was pouring all held back thirst of these 7 years. Their bodies were
rocking in perfect rhythm. Draupadi had bitten Karna's shoulder blade now not to cry out. They
both had forgotten everything else in their life for now and the pressure was getting bigger and
bigger in Draupadi's belly finally she succumbed to her desire .

"KARNA " She cried out reaching her orgasm. Karna was obviously not done yet. And he kept on
thrusting switching his position and making Panchal princess riding him. And thus causing
multiple orgasm for her finally pulling himself out intimate shooting all over door of her entrance.

Their exhausted sweat soaked entangled body silently kept cradled on the swing as Draupadi
promised herself this will never happen again before losing herself in sleep.
Chapter 2

Karna-Draupadi (contd)

When Draupadi woke up it was still night. However the moon which was in the middle sky when
she came in this room is now coming down in the western sky. Draupadi discovered herself in the
embrace of Karna but they were not on the swing anymore but on the big bed. She found there
were not a single thread on either of their body. Draupadi's open jet black hair upto hips was acting
as the cover for both. She instinctively turned to look at where Sarvadamana was sleeping but he
was not there. Rather he was now on the swing.
Karna had not slept since he changed the sleeping position of his son and son's mother. He was
looking at the blue lotus like face of this dark beauty whom whole aryavart desires. He kept kissing
the sleeping face without any resistance now. When Draupadi woke up she found Karna's mouth
was again on her breast. His tongue was playing with her nipples making them hard again.
“stop this Angraj" Draupadi whispered her dark skin was being purple in embarrassment. She tried
to push the man above her away but something was rubbing on her inner thighs making her
shocked. Karna was hard as rock again.
“You can’t leave before meeting your son my love.” Karna lovingly removed her locks from her
face and kissed her sweetly. Suddenly Draupadi felt like herself the 15 years old naive princess
who had first seen that the youth bright as the Sun but rejected him for his lowborn status. And
then 18 years old kulvadhu who had just come to Tapovana with 1 year old Prativindhya where
Karna came with pregnant Vrishali and 2 years old Vrishasena for treatment of Vrishali. The met
while she was taking a bath on the pond while Karna was doing his worship of the Sun God. That
was the time she already knew his birth identity and regretted rejecting him. On that moment when
they saw each other they fell in love. Karna when saw the the wet figure of dark beauty he couldn’t
control himself in the moment and jumped into the water embracing the haughty pandava queen
and kissing her. The first kiss was always in his memory. He didn’t care then both of they were
married then and she was married to his enemies rejecting him. Or he was here with her pregnant
wife's treatment. He gave in to his desire. Draupadi was startled, angry, embarrassed, afraid and
excited with his unexpected gesture. But she could never be disgusted and revolted by this
handsome man whom she started cherishing after discovering he was elder brother of her
husband’s. She scolded him, cursed him for this shameful act after he let go of her but she couldn’t
hide her own desire. Hence Karna used to follow whenever she went to take bath alone. Which was
actually at dawn because she had to cool her body missing Arjuna all night. It was too sad for her
that the handsome and passionate youth she fell in love in the Sayamvara and thought to spend life
with will not even think of her while going to exile. She couldn’t even spend single night with her
yet as it was her older brothers turn before which sage Narada suggested after her husbands
established kingdom in khandavaprastha. And now Arjuna married Naga princess Uloopi. And she
was suffering alone. How was she able to reject Karna's advance? She soon gave in and when
Karna asked for exchanging garlands as she was still hesitating for entering into accepting the
carnal pleasure even after all his forcefully kisses and touches she came to enjoy she couldn’t find
any reason to say no. Because Kunti had already ordered her division for all the son. In her heart
Karna was her husband too. And hence they exchanged garland and established the conjugal life of
husband and wife. But she was not 18 now she is 31 years old empress of Indraprastha. She can’t
give in to desire like this.
Draupadi finally managed to push Karna away and started dressing herself. Karna didn’t stop her.
But he didn’t dress himself. Looking at him Draupadi frowned “ why are you still not dressed?
What if our son wakes up? Don’t think of going for another turn now you have already done
multiple times and tired me out" even though Draupadi's tone was furious but there was hint of
shyness and excitement.
“Your body might be tired now but your mouth is not" Karna smiled mischievously. The smile
increased his handsomeness many folds making him more irresistible.
“What do you mean?” the tone made Draupadi nervous. In next moment his Karna's large hand
caught hold of her year and in a swift jerk Draupadi's face came near his hardened large member.
“use your skilful mouth queen, please your husband “ Karna pushed his manhood into Draupadi’s
“hell no” Draupadi tried to move her face away but Karna held her head tightly and his skillfully
fingers forced open her mouth pushing himself inside.
Even though furious with this shameful act Draupadi was long familiar with this demand of Karna.
She had performed oral act 100’s of times with her all husbands including Karna. She was aware of
the size and movement of it. Oral performance was most skilled act of pandava queen. She started
swirling her tongue on the head at first teasing Karna. Karna grasped and she looked at him with a
glint like “got you now. You have tortured me whole night. Now it’s time for revenge.” Draupadi
kept licking and teasing Karna with her skillful tongue. She couldn’t help but remember how
scared and disgusted she had become when Yudhisthira made 16 years old herself doing this act for
first time. She almost vomited. But in this 15 years she acquired mastery in oral performance.
Karna couldn’t stand her teasing and more and clasping her head thrusted inside her mouth.
“Suck me hard Panchali" Karna said hoarsely. Draupadi also finally let go of teasing and took the
big manhood wholly that reached into her throat sucking with all might. Karna's thrust became
urgent and finally he came inside her throat without restrain. Draupadi swallowed the bitter cum of
his casually. Her gag reflex was commendable. Karna gave another full mouth kiss to her. She
responded back fiercely intentionally thirsting her tongue into him giving him bitter taste of
himself . Karna smirked as his fingers kept playing with her hair.
Finally Karna let go of pandava princess and dressed himself.
As the Eastern sky started fading Sarvadamana finally woke up.
“mother" Sarvadamana exclaimed seeing Draupadi. Even though he didn’t met her for 7 years her
image was imprinted into the boy's heart. He didn’t have time to think why he was on the swing
when his parents on the bed before running towards them. Draupadi nervously stood up when
Sarvadamana flung himself into her blossom. He has grown up to her shoulder so he had to bend
his face to bury into her blossom taking smell of mother. Draupadi slowly touched his head.
Among all her sons Shrutakarman was the youngest being only 3 years old and most cherished for
her being Arjuna's son. So she is most close to him. Her other sons 6 years old Shrutasena and 8
years old Shrutasoma were still sometimes received her affection but 10 years old Shatanik and 14
years old Prativindhya are dealt as an adult now. But now Sarvadamana was clinging to her she
was embarrassed as he was older than Shatanik.
“Mother were not you gone for meditation purpose? Why are you in the palace now and why this
is you are dressed in this royal attire where are your meditation dress? Since he only remembered
his mother tapovan in aesthetic attire he still thought her to be a tapaswini herself.
“Son, your mother is mistress of this Palace. Queen Draupadi. You have grown up enough to know
the truth now.” Draupadi rolled her eyes when Karna blurted out the truth. It was unexpected for
her. Sarvadaman at once let go of Draupadi and looked at his father with disbelief. He had grown
up listening to his step mothers talking about queen Draupadi. He never met her ever she was like a
distant legend to her with five husbands who were enemy of his father and father's friends the
kauravas. He never imagined in his nightmares she is his mother. She had always desired to meet
his mother when he had seen all his brothers and sister have mother. Except Supriya both Vrishali
and Uruvi were nice to him but he himself couldn’t give mother's place to them. He always knew
his mother was doing meditation so he was not with him and now he knows his mother was queen
all along. It was too much to take. Also his mother has 5 other husbands and sons? So he doesn’t
matter to her anyway? Sarvadamana’s head was spinning.
Draupadi awkwardly patted his head. “son I am sorry my situation is like that I can’t be with
you.”She cupped his head and pressed her lip on his forehead. And with the touch Sarvadamana
melted again. This woman is his mother he can’t ignore her words.
Karna seeing Draupadi and Sarvadamana embracing each other couldn’t hold himself from taking
both of them into arms. Suddenly all 3 of them felt that it would be easier if they were only 3 in
each other's life.
Draupadi hugged Sarvadamana again saying “son you upapandava brothers are now going into
field for practice. You can join them but don’t tell them the truth"
Sarvadamana nodded and left with heavy heart. He can’t miss chance of meeting his other side
After few times Draupadi finally freed herself as Eastern sky turned red. “You have to let the
words secret" she said. “I know” Karna sighed. “why that face you have got princess Uruvi who is
much younger and beautiful than me" there was a hint of jealousy in her voice. Uruvi's kingdom
pukeya was vassal to panchala and her mother was friend to Kunti. So where Kunti wanted her to
marry Arjuna she wanted her to marry her brother Dhristadyumna . Kunti and Draupadi had a cold
War regarding this. But she never imagined Uruvi will choose Karna in sayamvara. She still
wanted to stop the marriage even to extentof provoking Dhristadyumna to kidnap her but Krishna
intervened and gave Karna and Uruvi his blessing. Nobody could question him. Draupadi can’t
hide her jealousy seeing them together. Thinking the fact she was no more only royal princess in
his life anymore.
Karna only smirked in response. “she sometimes reminds me of you, after all she is your cousin so
natural to bear some traits as you." saying that Karna again embraced and kissed top of pandava
queen's head before letting her go.
When Draupadi finally left. Karna prepared himself for the morning ritual. But before he could
leave the room an unexpected guest entered.
“Duryodhana! What are you doing here?” Karna was stunned.
“Waiting for my best friend to join me what else" Hastinapura Prince leaned against door saying
“waiting how long?” Karna felt something was off.
“since midnight" Duryodhana smirked indicatingly.

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