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Amina al mufti pdf

Bassem is a friend of mine who is An Israeli Muslim. hes honest . hes brave . be like basm . By: Bassem Eid *I was born in the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, under Jordanian occupation. In June 1966, the Jordanian government decided to evacuate 500 Palestinian families, including my
family, from the ghetto and move them to the Shoafat refugee camp, with no clear reason why they did so. The day before the '6-day' war began in 1967, I arrived in Jerusalem's Old City from the Shoafat refugee camp to visit my aunt. The next day the war had begun and I was 9 years old and stuck in my
aunt's house. I heard gunshots and asked my aunt what was going on. This is a war between Arabs and Jews, he said. I said, What's Jewish? Are they human beings like us? He said no, they eat humans. i was so scared . Three days into the war, I started hearing in Arabic, through a loudspeaker that
anyone who wants food, he can go to a certain point where we're distributing food. My aunt asked me if I wanted to go and bring food. I said there's no way, they'll eat me. He said I wouldn't send you alone, I'd send you with the kids next door, then I went with the neighbors and found Israeli soldiers
distributing bread, tomatoes and milk. I was carrying as much as I could and going back to my aunt's house. I realized that Israeli soldiers were not like witches, the stories of hansel and gretel children, where they fattened the children before they cooked. I realized that my aunt was a liar and that's not a
fairy tale. On day 6 and the end of the war, more announcements were made via loudspeaker that anyone who wants to go out can safely reach the open. People can open their own shops, people can travel. I told my aunt that I had to go back to my family in Schaffat. I returned home 7 kilometers through
Wadi Al-Jaz, found the dead bodies scattered and saw an Israeli military car approaching and i came into a house to hide myself there. After the military car passed the house, I continued my walk to the camp. At the entrance to the camp, I find my mother and father going to the Old Town to find me. It
was a very emotional moment, after losing my parents for six days while not knowing what had happened to each other. It used to be a very boring and awkward life for us, not electricity, no running water, no TELEVISION, no fridges, not even toilets, as we used public toilets in the camp. My father used
to be a tailor, Penny earned money and we were eight people in our family living in extreme poverty, in 1 room. In 1972, my father found a job at Hadaseh Hospital as a cleaner. 10 years later, in 1982, my father became a very close friend to a Jewish professor in Hadaseh. The professor used to meet us
at the Shabbat refugee camp with his daughter, Professor Isaacs, as we called him, and he built the Shirt Cancer Center in Hadsa, and he managed to find a job for my father in that new building. He sent me. To train for 6 months to Tel Aviv, to learn how to sterilize medical equipment. I remember one
day my father left the house in a tie and suit. I asked my mother if my father was traveling. He said no, it's going to work. I said, Why does he need a tie and a suit to clean? He said he had a new situation, one day I visited my father in Hadas and saw him wearing a doctor's shirt in a room with massive
machinery and instruments everywhere. On that day, I realized that we should support Israel because Israel is the only country that gave us the opportunity and opportunity to live a good life. In my opinion, the whole issue of the Cause of Palestine is almost over. Neither arabs nor Muslim governments nor
the Palestinian leadership care about the Cause of Palestine. So I call my Palestinian colleagues to calm down and realize the facts on earth. It's time for the Palestinians to start saying, 'I'm going to die for a living!' now is the time . These days, I am very happy to live in Jerusalem under the israelis. There
is no doubt that Jerusalem is israel's capital, and the fact cannot be changed whether the Americans are moving their embassy to Jerusalem. If I am invited to celebrate the new opening of the embassy in Jerusalem, I will happily participate. Jerusalem Day will be particularly meaningful this year, followed
by the first opening of a foreign embassy in Jerusalem, started by the first ever-American government that has insequely broken ice in an endless impasse. Let's hope that next year Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the Kingdom of Bahrain will also open their embassy in Jerusalem!* Jerusalem-based political
analyst Basim Eid is a human rights pioneer and commentator specializing in Arab and Palestinian affairs. Page 2 of Bassem is a friend of mine who is An Israeli Muslim. hes honest . hes brave . be like basm . By: Bassem Eid *I was born in the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, under
Jordanian occupation. In June 1966, the Jordanian government decided to evacuate 500 Palestinian families, including my family, from the ghetto and move them to the Shoafat refugee camp, with no clear reason why they did so. The day before the '6-day' war began in 1967, I arrived in Jerusalem's Old
City from the Shoafat refugee camp to visit my aunt. The next day the war had begun and I was 9 years old and stuck in my aunt's house. I heard gunshots and asked my aunt what was going on. This is a war between Arabs and Jews, he said. I said, What's Jewish? Are they human beings like us? He
said no, they eat humans. i was so scared . Three days into the war, I started hearing in Arabic, through a loudspeaker that anyone who wants food, he can go to a certain point where we're distributing food. My aunt asked me if I wanted to go and bring food. I said there's no way, they'll eat me. He said I
wouldn't send you alone. Children. Then I went with the neighbors and found Israeli soldiers distributing bread, tomatoes and milk. I was carrying as much as I could and going back to my aunt's house. I realized that Israeli soldiers were not like witches, the stories of hansel and gretel children, where they
fattened the children before they cooked. I realized that my aunt was a liar and that's not a fairy tale. On day 6 and the end of the war, more announcements were made via loudspeaker that anyone who wants to go out can safely reach the open. People can open their own shops, people can travel. I told
my aunt that I had to go back to my family in Schaffat. I returned home 7 kilometers through Wadi Al-Jaz, found the dead bodies scattered and saw an Israeli military car approaching and i came into a house to hide myself there. After the military car passed the house, I continued my walk to the camp. At
the entrance to the camp, I find my mother and father going to the Old Town to find me. It was a very emotional moment, after losing my parents for six days while not knowing what had happened to each other. It used to be a very boring and awkward life for us, not electricity, no running water, no
TELEVISION, no fridges, not even toilets, as we used public toilets in the camp. My father used to be a tailor, Penny earned money and we were eight people in our family living in extreme poverty, in 1 room. In 1972, my father found a job at Hadaseh Hospital as a cleaner. 10 years later, in 1982, my
father became a very close friend to a Jewish professor in Hadaseh. The professor used to meet us at the Shabbat refugee camp with his daughter, Professor Isaacs, as we called him, and he built the Shirt Cancer Center in Hadsa, and he managed to find a job for my father in that new building. He sent
my father to Tel Aviv for six months to learn how to sterilize medical equipment. I remember one day my father left the house in a tie and suit. I asked my mother if my father was traveling. He said no, it's going to work. I said, Why does he need a tie and a suit to clean? He said he had a new situation, one
day I visited my father in Hadas and saw him wearing a doctor's shirt in a room with massive machinery and instruments everywhere. On that day, I realized that we should support Israel because Israel is the only country that gave us the opportunity and opportunity to live a good life. In my opinion, the
whole issue of the Cause of Palestine is almost over. Neither arabs nor Muslim governments nor the Palestinian leadership care about the Cause of Palestine. So I call my Palestinian colleagues to calm down and realize the facts on earth. It's time for the Palestinians to start saying, 'I'm going to die for a
living!' now is the time . These days, I am very happy to live in Jerusalem under the israelis. There is no doubt that Jerusalem is israel's capital and the fact cannot be changed whether americans If I am invited to celebrate the new opening of the embassy in Jerusalem, I will happily attend. Jerusalem Day
will be particularly meaningful this year, followed by the first opening of a foreign embassy in Jerusalem, started by the first ever-American government that has insequely broken ice in an endless impasse. Let's hope that next year Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the Kingdom of Bahrain will also open their
embassy in Jerusalem!* Jerusalem-based political analyst Basim Eid is a human rights pioneer and commentator specializing in Arab and Palestinian affairs. See more like this in Tumblr #judaism #antisemitism #arab #BassemEid #Bassem #israel #jerusalem #israeli #palestinian #palestine #jewish
#muslim #islam #colonialsim #secular-Jew in the 1930s and 1940s, well before the creation of modern Israel in 1948 (most of the modern states after Debaltseve and World War II were re-drawn and recreated), Israel had a world-class symphony traveling the world. It was called the Palestine Orchestra
because it adopted the British term (since it was still under British colonialism), although this was really a Jewish or Israeli orchestra. Are you a Christian or a Jew? My Uber driver Abid asked Blue. I told him I was an American Christian - but I was driving to visit a Jewish friend in Jerusalem. I have lived in
Jerusalem my whole life. It doesn't work. Gaza? no. Other Muslim countries - they will be good for my children. no. Israel is the best you can have, it's the best place in the world. I have a house. My religion is free. Democracy. At that moment, a thousand years of religious tension melted – and there was
only one happy husband and father that Uber drove me from the old, worn-out walls of Jerusalem City. Abid said, May God bless you. Don't believe the broken media. The vast majority of people on this earth are just decent men and women who love their families and want to be safe. It's the only story I
want you to hear from Israel - a very Israeli story about the land of promise. written by a friend: So there may seem to be further escalation of the situation here in Israel, and you may hear biased news in the international media, so let me set the record straight.1 Unrest InTensifies in Ivory Coast
Spokesperson on the Gaza border.2. Israel responded, killing two Hamas agents. The move caused Hamas and Islamic Jihad to lose their truss. Since then (and I'm pretty sure you have heard nothing or very little in your local news):507 (updated 700+) rockets fired at #Israel #Gaza150 (Updated 1 73)
intercepted by Iron Dome30 fell in dense Israeli civilian populated areas181 fell in open areas3 Israeli citizens were killed - may their memories be blessed (update: number has rise to 4)Direct hits on civilian homes, hospitals, High schools, kindergartens, ambulances (all considered war crimes) exceed 90
(Update: 136) Israeli civilian casualties. Oh, and if you hear that The Israel Fire has killed a pregnant woman and her young son (a tragic and heartbreaking loss), please know that this is an obvious lie. always the same. They kill themselves and blame Israel. because they can . Because the world wants
to blame the Jews. The memories of the dead must be revered with truth, a fact that was killed by a Hamas missile that fell short and landed in Gaza. all legitimate purposes . But while firing missiles from Gaza is relentless, accidentally targeting civilians, and Hamas continues to threaten to expand its
range, we may enter a much larger war. If they push Israel, he won't stay back, and without a doubt, you'll now hear about Israeli aggression. This is a heartbreaking situation, but Israel has a distinct and non-negotiable right to self-defense. Take those high numbers and apply them to where you live now,
Britain, the US, Europe, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, wherever. Imagine that your children have been hit by constant bombardments, the hospital where your wife gives birth is shelled, that taking your car to the next suburb can kill you, that your house can level at any moment and honestly tell
me, what are you going to do? How did Muslims suddenly be Palestinians after 2,000 years? A short history of the name Palestine and its derivative is Palestine Judea, the Roman name for the Land of the Jews when the Roman Emperor Hadrian named the land as Palestine in 135/1976. [In the 2nd
century CE, the Romans were marred by the Jewish rebellion, and Judea was renamed Palestine - the virtual Jewish libre.] 2. Pre-Islamic Arabs were in the Roman armies and witnessed the destruction of Jerusalem and the renaming of Judea. [Flavius Josephus Wars, Book V, Ch 13, 4].3.The historical
archives of the Persian, Greek, Roman, British, French and Americans refer to Palestine as the historical homeland of the Jews. [• Returning Jews to their national home in Palestine is a noble dream. Zionist Winthworth Munak; 1863.] 4. Muslims disliked the name of Palestine, as they do today the term
Zionists. Arabs begged Britain not to use the name for the land.5.Host islamic scholars and historians denounced and dismissed Muslims as Palestinians. [Al-Aqsa Mosque was built at the top of the Temple of Solomon. - Arab American historian and Princeton University professor, Philip Hittite, testified
before the Anglio-American Committee in 1946]6.A host of Jewish organizations and institutions was called by the Prefix of Palestine or Palestine in the 20th century, including the WW2 British Military Brigade; Real natives do not usurp the name of other natives, especially one they disdained. [A
propaganda war is currently underway in light of the so-called Palestine. [Who can challenge the rights of Jews in Palestine? 10.The name of Israel's Judea was in 1002 B.H., founded under King David, and again in 1947, when it was re-established by the United Nations. [Joshua J. Mark , Ancient History
Encyl.) 11.All religious bibles acknowledge Palestine as the 'land of Israel'; 'Land of Judah'; And the 'Land of the Jews' - including the Hebrew Bible, the New Gospel, the Koran and the Inscriptions of the Dead Sea [1 Samuel 13:19; Koran 5:21; • 'And he arose, and took the young child and his mother, and
came to the land of Israel.' - Matt. 2:21].12.The term Palestine derived from the Palestinians, the people of the Greek island, which came to Cannes about 4,000 years ago. The Philae converted to Hebrew belief under King David's peace proposal. [They (Philis) faced severe defeat, however, early in
David's reign (2 Samuel 5:20), he managed to reduce them to wasage mode (2 Samuel 8:1). C) they were converted to Vasas Sargon. After assyrian times, elephants cease to be mentioned by this name. In the ebb and flow of hostile nations over this land it is too likely to have gradually absorbed and
lost their identity. - [The Catholic Encyl.). The cities of Philly lost their independence to Assyria, and the riots were crushed in the following years. [Myers 1997, p. 313.] / Theory of the Lost Ten Tribes calls for (1) all residents of the northern kingdom of Hoshea to be deported by Shalmaneser and Sargon,
722-718 B.C [Hearyhim, Weebly, Armstrongism] / They (the Canaanites) were indeed assimilated into the Israelite nation. When the Assyrians put the Kingdom of Israel under their sycathing, they did not abandon any irony, for by then they had all become Israelis. Therefore, the only people who can trace
a lined up to ancient Canonies are Jews. After the 8th century before the 8th century, .c no longer existed and were not destroyed, but were attracted to the Jewish people. -[The True Identity of the So-called Palestinians, imninalu] / The Bible describes the Philistines as remaining subdued during David's
reign [Philistine; Enycl New World.] / Josephus, Antiquities, Book 11, Ch.1] & [Esdras 13:39]How then the Muslims become Palestinians, an adjective of Palestine, in the 1960's, And they have used this name as antithesis of Judah and Israel? Don't love it when archeology authenticates Jewish
history and validates Jerusalem as the indigenous capital of the Jews!!! Amina Al-Mufti (aka Dina Al-Asan) - Pearl of Israel Information. The Amina family, resettled from the Caucasus, grew up an ethnic Sirque minority in Jordan. Sircassian was seen as some of the most ardent Muslim fighters who were
said to have an infinite spirit of war (according to Circassian writer Kadir NATO). He grew up among Palestinian Arabs and was extremely aware of the persecution his family had suffered on their behalf. There's a lot to open up here, and I'm looking more at her story (much is not available) - but Amina's
contribution to Israel's security cannot be underestimated, as her intelligence prevented hundreds of terrorist attacks from Palestinian militants, facilitating the coordination of numerous counterterrorism activities. Born to a wealthy family in Amman, Jordan, In 1935, Amina was a female trailer who studied
medicine in Iraq (reportedly psychology) and launched a practice in Amman, a bold move for a woman living in an Arab country. She split from her Muslim husband who abused and beat her (she actually threw her out the window and, according to a witness, nearly kill her) and the Jordanian government
banned her from practicing medicine, thus blaming her more. He soon became friends with an Israeli to the Mossad, Amina as strong, courageous, with a clear sense of purpose, and a deep belief in the right of his mission (according to Steven Puzner's book:Secret Israel, his value as a Mossad agent
was particularly high because he was simply aware of the Palestinian environment and, if necessary, could easily enter it in Arabic, Arabic, English, French, Tamil, Turkish and Hebrew. It is about thanks to a chance encounter after a long stay in Vienna to complete his medical studies, after meeting his
sister in Rome. His mission then began in Vienna, around 1972. At the time, it was reported that he called himself Dian Schwartz, who also apparently fell in love with an Israeli pilot while in Vienna. On her own initiative, Amina began to take part in the fight against Palestinian extremists. He grew up
among Palestinian Arabs and was extremely aware of the persecution his family had suffered on their behalf. After a while, he moved to Beirut, where in the 1970s, PLO also set up shop, from where the Aradet bandits began attacking Israel. He was said to be living in the shadows of Lebanese society,
and was a doctor working in refugee camps. He soon managed to infiltrate senior PLOs leaders and established a channel for Israeli intelligence agents and a strong stream of valuable information. He became a personal friend of well-known Palestinian terrorist leaders such as Wadi Haddat and Georges
Jahbash and was a permanent guest at the Euphrates house. Amina also provided information on the actions taken by Soviet intelligence and vostočnogermanskoj in the Middle East. Since February 1973, Anna has been effective in helping an operation codenamed Youth Spring, which brought down
organizers and members of the attack on Israeli athletes in Munich. As a result of the Youth Spring operation carried out by Israeli intelligence, it killed 15 PLO terrorists, including influential figures such as Mahmoud al-Najjar, Kamal Adwan and Kamal Nasser, who were directly involved in the murder of
Israeli athletes in Munich. Israeli commandos blew up Fatah headquarters in Beirut and two factories, weapons and ammunition. Finally, Amina was arrested and arrested. He was brutally investigated and tortured by Platoon 17 with the participation of KGB and Stasi specialists. For about five years,
almost in total darkness, he has been detained in a cave on the outskirts of the Lebanese port city of Sidon. In 1980, Amina was handed over to Cyprus and traded with two Palestinian terrorists sentenced to life in prison. Amina received new documents and worked as a doctor in northern Israel. If anyone
else knows more about Amina's story, please contact me. Jews were called palestinians for ages, a name they did not like or appreciate much, because it was a Roman colonial construction dating back to 136 p.m. Palestinian symphony orchestras were Jewish in the 1930s, as was the Palestinian football
team, as was the Palestinian airline, as was the single currency. g'mar chatimah tovah See this in the app Show more

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