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Sơn: Introduce the subject, the members of our group… To begin with, we will give you
a small skit relating to tourism, which will give you deeper insights into the subject
Play script….
Someone: As you can gather from our short play, there are many aspects of a place of
attraction. Being underrated doesn’t mean that the attraction isn’t worth visiting and vice
versa. So today we will delve deeper into this problem and analyze the upside and
downside of how an attraction being misevaluated will affect its surroundings with regard
to the environment, customs and other respects.
Someone: There are many aspects on which tourism has a considerable impact on. These
include: Safety and Security, Health and pleasure, Sociocultural knowledge and
Education, and last but not least, the environment. Firstly we will discover the effects of
overrated attractions have on theirs ambience .
Someone 2: Next off, I will give you further information on how safety & security and
the conservation of an overrated attraction change. Let’s talk about safety & security first.
Obviously, if a place was highly valued as a tourist destination, it would be overcrowded.
Because of that, thieves and scams are much more easier to operate. Not all tourists are
familiar with the ways and customs of the inhabitants living near the attraction. We also
have vandalism, an action that stems from lack of awareness on the part of visitors. For
example, in 2013, an infamous vandalism scandal revolved around Ding Jinhao, who
scratched the Chinese character of his name on an engraving at the Luxor Temple, Egypt.
And most recently, in 2021, 2 tourists carved their names into a 5,000 years old rock art
panel (petroglyph) at Texas’ s Big Bend National Park. Both of the incidents caused
irreversible damage. Secondly, pollution looms larger as a worldwide problem due to
overrated attractions. In 2018,  tourism was responsible for almost 8% of the world’s
carbon emission, which is stunningly high for only one industry. Greenhouse gas is not
the only type of pollution. Noise & land and sewage do matter greatly too. Noise
pollution not only is a source of distress to wildlife but also a cause of annoyance from
local inhabitants, esp regarding long-term effects. While waste and littering is an
ineradicable part of tourist attractions, poor sewage treatment will cause water pollution,
esp when tourism is an industry which produces a lot of that. All of which will add up to
the build-up of pollution. Thirdly, we have overconsumption of natural resources such as
water. In coastal zones with limited fresh water resources of the Mediterranean or the
Caribbean, tourism is generally the dominant sector of water use, because of high
demands from resorts & hotels. In such locations, lack of necessary infrastructure will
result in further major problems. Lacking in water and factors like construction activities
and marine development will also cause loss of biodiversity. Space are needed for
construction and since then parts of forests around the world, which are extremely
important for life of many species, will be gradually cut off and eventually disappear if
there is no control on the part of governments.
Someone 3: The next problem we are going to address is Socio-Cultural problems. Over-
tourism means overcrowded, which then means congestion. Prices can be sky-high since
some might be tempted by the great amount of travelers. Life of local inhabitants will
undeniably decline due to the many negative effects caused by astronomical numbers of
tourist. And even the tourists’ experience of the attraction will worsen. Who will want to
visit a polluted and overcrowded place?
Therefore, I will provide some solutions to this all-important problem. Local authorities
need to concentrate more on tourism management: 
 Develop suitable strategies on time to control the flow of tourists and manage the
balance in the life of local residents. 
 Encourage & support ecotourism. 
 Calculate the carrying capacity (The maximum number of people that may visit a
tourist destination without causing severe damage to everyday life and decreasing
visitor’s satisfaction). 
 Introduce tourists to under-tourism areas
Next I will leave Someone 4 to the part of effects of under tourism.
Someone 4:
+ In contrary to most overcrowding place, safety wouldn’t be on the top of your concerns
as you will face less chance of thievery. As there is not too many people, it is more
difficult to encounter thieves and even if you do they wouldn’t find it worth to rob you
Another thing to mention is that as there is no overcrowding, way less accidents may
happen. You may or may not have heard about the Itaewon incident which happened as a
result of too much people confined in one place. But one thing that we advise you to take
caution is that while you are in remote areas, getting help when in trouble is out of the
question so try not to get lost or injured, it is always best to be well prepared with the
needed equipments or food, practice and improve skill to navigate and to deal with bad
+ In sparsely populated places, you can take great pleasure in breathing the fresh air that
never exists in urban areas. The fact that people going around you are few and far
between can affect greatly to the experience and you can feel the relaxing, slower-paced
vibes. You can also plan your own path get to the place no one has ever been before, not
to mention, your expenses would also be significantly cheaper. Having that said, there are
still a lot of drawbacks, for example, lesser developed areas for tourism may barely have
restaurants and accommodation. Travelling to more isolated destinations also mean less
human interactions and less access to standard consumables. To avoid this, try to prepare
your own kit to serve all the fundamental needs in the event of lacking of shelter or food.
Someone 5:
+ The meaning of traveling is not just about enjoying trips but also sharing valuable
moments with your family/friends and discover new things that make us think of greener
pastures, and you definitely won’t need to be in famous or luxurious place to do that.
Touring to lesser known destination can help the economy to develop to its fullest
potential, helps to improve the sociocultural and educational values. We should also go to
places that are old-fashioned yet historical, since this will broaden our mind and equip us
with knowledge. We can learn about unique customs and cultures. This can even be very
useful for learning about the world, nature and understand its  importance in order to
increase awareness and lend a hand to protect the environment 
+ Less tourists also mean less littering, pollution and exploitation, this keeps the natural
scenery at its pure beauty. You can help by preparing beforehand policy and regulations
about keeping the location clean. There should also be a limit on active tour to preserve
natural value
Someone 6:
As you can see, both overrated and underrated attractions generally work both ways.
Therefore, we cannot rely on the attraction’s popularity alone to judge whether a
trip there would be absolutely worth it. We have to identify our needs, whether to
relax with your family or to provide yourself with more knowledge, in order to
decide the destination. We also need to keep essential information about
attractions in mind so that we will be able to choose wisely.

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