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Uy th a oe ee a linear combination of the rest of the members. M OF HOMOGENEOUS LINEAR EQUATIONS linear equations in n unknowns, namely expressed as 4.25 CONSISTENCY OF SYSTE Consider a system of m homogeneous yj Xy + AyQXz Hove t+a),X, =0 y)Xy FAQQX7 Fore Fan Xp = 0 3)Xy + AgXy Hever + AB Xn = 0 + (1) Agi Xy Fy 2X9 + Aan Xn = We write a, 0 Ay 2 x 0 Qy, Ayn » |X Aa[on Seen) Xx al71 ,O=)0 : i 2 Am m2 Amn Snxn Xn dna Q) . " nx 0 mx = - Scanned with CamScanner EF pte 425 shen (1) can be written as A= © whieh ig pore 4 is called the cog / a the matrix equation, cient matrix. Wis clear that 0 . 0 sa 8 ' olution of (1) ie., x=] 0) is a solution of (2) This is called trivial solution of 4 = 0, : This AY = O is always consistent (i.¢.) i X alway it has the trivial solution is called the zero ite Azero solution isnot linearly independent ic ). itis linearly dependent. i Haase of linearly independent solutions of the linear system AX = O igm-r, 1 being the rank of the matrix 4,, .,, and n being the number of variables. Note: LIfAisa non-singular matrix. (i.e,, det 4 40) then the linear system AX = O has only the zero solution. 2, The system AX’= O possesses a non-zero solution if and only if is a singular matrix. Working Rule for Finding the Solutions of the Equation AX = 0: Let rank of A = r and rank of [4/B] = Since all b’s are zero, r= r,, then + 1() Ifr=n(number of variables) => the system of equations have only trivial solution (ie, zero solution), (i) Ifr the system of equations have an infinite number of non-trivial solutions, we shall have 7 — r linearly independent solutions. To obtain infinite solutions, set (n —r) variables any arbitrary value and solve for the remaining unknowns. If the number of equations is less than the number of unknowns, it has a non-trivial solution. The number of solutions of the equation AX = O will be infinite. II. If the number of equations is less than number of variables, the solution is always other than a trivial solution. II. Ifthe number of equations = number: of variables, the necessary and sufficient condition for solutions other than a trivial solution is that the determinant of the coefficient matrix is zero. OLY. Example 1 : Solve completely the system of equations xty— 224 3w=0;4-2ytz-w=0 4x-+y— 52+ 8w=0; 5x- Ty + 22-w=0 Solution : The given system of equations in matrix form is 12 1-19 7 oO alg sae 5 7 2 -I\Lw Scanned with CamScanner Engineering Matheny 1 12 3] 0 3 3 a] 1 Ry AR, and Ry 5K, weget A~]y 3 3-4} jo -12 12 ~16] Applying Ry — 1 1-2-3) -4] Applying Ry 0-3 3-4 Pplying 2, ~» pe Weget A lo 433-4 0-3 3-4] 0 Applying R, ~ R, and Ry-Ryweeet A~|) 4 9 9 0 0 0 0 This is in the Echelon form. We have Tank 4 = the number of non-zero rows in this Echelon form = 2 / Since rank 4(=2) is less than the number of unknowns (=4), therefore, the given sys. has infinite number of non-trivial solutions. “. Number of independent solutions = 4 2 = 2. Now, we shall assign arbitrary values to 2 variables and the remaining 2 variables sis be found in terms of these. The given system of equations is equivalent to 1 1-2 3)fx 0 Ragaeaeae 7 7 fe 0 0 0 Off w 0 This gives the equations x + y—2z + 3w= 0, —3y +32 —4w=0 2 . 5 Taking z = ?. and w= p, we see that x= — zh 4 HL2= 2, w= 1 constitute the general solution of the given system, Example 2 : Solve'the system of equations X+y—32+2W=0; 2x—y422—3y= 0,3x-2y42 Solution: The given homogeneous system of li 4w= 054x432 4W=0, inear equations can be expressed a8 11-3 27[x] fo 2-1 2-3] ly] lo 32 1-4/1 ]F]o (1) oe oe wl a ie, AY=O Scanned with CamScanner |g toes 427 ie ee consider A=} 3 4 | “41-3 4] thi We will reduce this matrix to Echelon form using elementary row operations and find its tk - applying R; > R,~2R,. Ry > R,—3R, and R, > R,+4R,, we get fir 1 -3 2 lo-3 8 47 4-|9 -5 10 -10 O05 40 0 ls) aR 4 performing “, we get 4~|° 3 8 -7 5 0 1 2 2 0 5 15 9 yy, 1 13 2 Performing R, > R,- SR, weget 4~|° 3 9 7 Oo 12 2 0 0-5 -1 13 2 Performing R, > 3R, + R,, we get 4 ~ A 0-3 8 -7 0 0 3-1 0 0 0 -8 This is in Echelon form. The number of non-zero rows = 4 :. Rank A = 4. Here number of variables = n = 4 Performing R, -> 3R, + 5R,, we get 4 ~ —— ese i) nN We have number of non-zero solutions is n-r= 4-4 =0 ©. There are no non-zero solutions. “.x=y=z=w-=0 is the only solution. Example 3 : Show that the only real number A for which the system Ft t3z= doxy Sea a a ae de JINTU 2005-May, 2006 206s (set No. 1), Sep. 2008 (Set No.1} Scanned with CamScanner Engineering May Solution : Given System can be expressed as AX = O where 1-2 2 3 fe 0 a=) 3 ) X=] y|] and o=/0 2 ’ 0 Here number of variables = n = 3, jal) solution, if ivial ? -zero (non-tT The given system of equations possess a non me3 Rank of A < number of unknowns ie., Rank of For this we must have det. 4 = 0 1-220 3 3. 1-2 2 ]=0 : 2003 Ik ene ere Sle ; 30 Ie? Applying R, > R, + R, + R,, we have 33d 1 1 I => (6-2) [3 1-2 2 |=? , 2.3 12 1 0 o 2-2. -l —C,, we get (6-4)]3 -2-* Applying C, > C,~ Gand G > GG WB 2 1 2 6-2) [2-H EI-A41]=0 = (-A) (P43 43)= 05 2= When 1.=6, the given system becomes -5 2 3]/x 0 3-5 2/{y/=/0 2 3 -S}[z 0 6 is the only real value and other values are comple 5 2 37)[x] fo 0 -19 19]]}y/=l0 BR, Ry 9 5Ry +2, => ) FSR +3R RSM) 1g ol |] to “5 2 3]Jx) fo R>hth =|? 9 I} pr{=/0 o o offz} o = ~Sx+2y432 =O and -19y+192=0 = y=z Since Rank of A < number of unknowns (Rank of A =2, number of unknowns = 3) therefore, the given system has infinite number of non-trivial solutions, Let z=k=> y=k and ~5x+2k+3k=0 > x=k “x= hy=hz=k isthe solution, Example 4: Solve ioe system of equations xt aye 2z= 0; 2x y mo aa Uy + 142=0,, : (anu 2002, (K) May 2011 ( Scanned with CamScanner r oo 129 1 3 4 | cation: Let d= 12-1 gly : : 0) | 1 i i ypo~ | Then the given system can be written as enas AY = [ 3 as AY = O now 4=|2 -1 4 1-11 14 : 1 3 -2 Applying Ry, and Ry -2R, we oe. 0 -14 16 13 Applying R3-2R,, we get A~]0 -7 g ' © 0 Oo Thus the matrix is in Echelon form, Numb: . er of non~ ee of non-zero rows is 2. Since number of variables is 3, this will have 3-2 1 non-zero solution. The corresponding — are, x+3y—2z oC +8 =0 Let = E.Then y=$e and x = —3y +22- he +2k = = * * ; 10) X=lyl=| ce las y ak 8 z k 1 ile ie X= 7 8 1 which is the general solution of the given system. f Example 5: Determine ‘wliether the following equations will have a non-trivial solution Heosove them, 4+ 2y+2+3w= 442+ 7Tw =0, xty+w=0. [JNTU May 2006, 20065 (Set No.2)} ~ Solution : Given equations will have a non-trivial solution since the number of ‘equations is less than the number of unknowns. In other words the system will have a non-trivial solution if ‘and only if the rank r of the coefficient matrix is less than 7 the number of unknowns. Given equations can be written in the matrix form as follows : 4213 AX=|6 3 4 7 21 0 1 ENS Scanned with CamScanner Engineering Matern, ) z y = pies x and z) x [2 (interchanging the variables * and w nelon form by applyin, We s! v hall now reduce the Coefficient matrix A to the F clementary row operations, 12 43 A~)0 -5 -10 -5] (Apptying R,-4R,) 0124 pg bs ~|0 1.2 1] { Applying? 0 1 @ea 1243 ~]0 1 2 1] (Applying R;— Ro) 0000 Thus the matrix A has been reduced to Echelon form. . Rank (A) = Number of non-zero rows = 2 < 4 (unknowns) .e., 2 linearly independent solutions. Hence the given system will have 4 — Now the given system of equations is equivalent to 1243 AX=/0 121 0000 fe, z+2y+4x+3w=0 and y+2r+w=0 Choose.x =k, and w= k,. Then solving these two equations, we get y=-2v—-w=- 2k, —k and =~ 4 > 2 ix 2y~3w=- 4k 2 =_k «The solution is 12 2k; ~ hy) “3h =k x=h,y=-2k -k,z=— - ir 1 — ky Z=— ky and w = ky, wher _ Example 6 Solve the sysiem of equatiots Mand fy are arbitrary constant TTF w= 042-0, rtytztw=0, Ty. ion: . (NTU 2008, (H) Solution: The equations can be written in matrix form as Ax 7 eaeO0e Sein Scanned with CamScanner we 404 where 1 Lo. biog orto} ford sider A= 0 . considera] py if gg | (Applying Ry > Ry Ri. Ry > Ra Ri) 1120) [002-1 lot 110 0 1 0 | (Applying R, -2R,) 00- : 110 0 o11 0 ~|0 0 1 0 | (Applying, +R.) 00 0-1 Rank (A) =4 and Number of variables = 4 ‘Therefore, there is no non-zero solution. Hence x =y=2= w= 0 is the only solution. ive the system 2x—y+3240,3r+2y+2=0 and x-4y+5z=0. {INTU 20088, (Set No.1} Example 7 : Sol cae Solution : The Given system can be written as AX =O 2-13 ° where A=|3_ 2 1 ml y| and O=|0 145 0 1-45 Consider q~|3 2 1 (Applying 8s @ 8) 2 -1 3. 4 5 0 14 -14] (Applying &:-3% and R;-2R;) 7-7 1-45 ~|o 14-14] (Applying 28; -R2) 00 0 Scanned with CamScanner 132 : Example 8: m4 5 0 et (Applying 7° jo 0 0 Since the number of non-zero rows is jables = 3 Here number of vari The system will have #— 1 =3~ From the matrix, we have J” Let yoz=k+ Then yedy $5220 2 = 4y~ «2, we have rank (A) =? =1 non-zero solution. 2 = 4k 5k =—k x _, The solution is given by X=] 7 Find all the solutions of the system of ‘equations : JINTU 20085 (Set Noy xt2y-2= ax+y+z20,x-47452=0 fae ieee Lele) 2 linen 145 det =1(5+4)-2(10--1(-8-) =9-18+9=0 The rank of Ais <3. Applying Ry —> Ry ~2R and Ry > RyRy We get 12-1 A~{0 -3 3 0 6 6 Applying Ry > Rs ~2R. we get 12-1 Aa~|0 3 3 00 0 ‘Thus rank (A)=2. <> Number of non-zero solutions = n=r=3-2=1 From the above matrix, -3y+32=0 > y=2 : Let z =I . The solutions are given by X=4| 1 1 Scanned with CamScanner- gxample 9 : Examine wheth 4 | a bd20-D.G4.21) | sol. Let (3,1,1) = a(2,0,- her the ve, ectors are linearly dependent or not arr [INTL () Dec, 2016] Comparing the components, | dat 4b=3 = (1) wbalab=> Q) and -a+b=1 an 3) From (1), 2¢=3-2=q=1 - 1 > does ist 2 2 Not satisfy the third equation. Thus a= ©. The three vectors are not dependent. Hence they are independent. Another Method : Let a(3,1,1) +5(2,0,-1) + ¢(4,2,1) =0 (0) => 3a+2b+4c=0 = 0) at+2c=0 8) a-b+c=0 @) . 32 4 Consider |1 0 2 1-11 a2 4 ~|1 0 2 | (Applying R;-R,) 0-1 -i This is in Echelon form. No. of non-zero rows is 3. v. Rank =3. No. of variables =3- No. of non-zero solutions =3-3= 0 . a=b=c=0 isthe only solution. .. The three vectors are linearly independent. TEGMuapie 1O"y Detertine the values of 2 for which the followin ¥y possess non-trivial solution: Biya = ha, = 0, Ax, ~ 2% For each permissible value of set of equations = 3x, = 0, 2Axy + ey + A= 0 determine the general solution. sh Scanned with CamScanner 134 Engineering Mathematics _ | Solution : The given system of equations is equivalent to the matrix equation, 301 Aya AX=|4 2 3] /[=0 n4 ajle : sess non-trivial solution, if rank of A 22 +82-9=0 = = => (At9A-1=0 -.A=-9 or RAI Case I. For 2 = 9, the given system reduces to 3x, +x, + 93,70 4x, - 2x, - 34, = 184, + 4x, —9x,=0 ' 4 |--10-0) Now rank of A = 2 <3 (number of variables) (- | Ho System has infinite number of solutions. ‘Number of independent solutions = 3 -2= 1. Let x, = 2K and from the first two equations, we get ny + 9x, =~ OK and — 2x, ~ 3x, =~ 8K 4 On solving x, = 6K and x, = >K, we get 3 x, = 2K, x, = 6K and x, = $k as the general solution of the given system. Case Il. For = 1, the given system reduces to 3x, +4, -3,=0 . 4x, - 2x) — 3x, 2x, + 4x, +x, =0 Now rank of d = 2.<3 (number of variables) Hence the system has infinite number of solutions. . Number of independent solutions = 3-2 = 1. | Let x, = K and from the first two equations, we get 4K Kand x, = 2K, where K is a constant —K and x, = 2K is the general solution of the given system. 4-4, = 3K and — 2x, - 3x, = On solving, x, oe Scanned with CamScanner i ries ve 138 pianiple 11 Solve x, + 2x, — 25, = 0; 25 42 052, ig 4x, — 33+ 3x, ~x,=0, + 2x24" 04 4 solution: Writing the give al Biven system of equations in matrix form AX= O. ..(1), we have 1022 : ; 2-10 -1 - [ Sy s o=\t 4-3-1 * 4 0 ye will perform el ie oa aaa ow operations on on LHS. We wil perform same row sean matrix O will remain unaltered because of these row Applying Rp —> Ry > 2R,, Ry > Ry~ Ry, Ry > Ry AR, ea a ] 0-1 4 3iim]_lo G0 OF je fo oe ve get Applying R, > R, ~ R,, we get 10 2 2}[n] fo 0-1-4 3]| x 0 0 0 0 I\x] fo Talia | [0 Applying R, <> R,, we get 10 2-2][m" 0 0-1-4 3} /m]_|o oo -1 4lfy] |o o 0 0 ilu) Lo Here we can write system of equations as xj+2x,-2x, =0 wry —44; +32, =0 -x3+4x, =0 0) xy =0 44 =0, 5 =0) 4 =0 and xy =0. rm of the matrix A, number of non-zero rows is jon-zero solutions =~ Solving (2), we get x Note : In the above for rank is 4, Number of variables is equal to 4. The number of Henoe 2 =0= 2) = 45 = 4438 the only solution. (/ERamiple 12 # Show that the only real fhumber 2 for which the system agai gx ty tee by set tS : ‘is 6 and solve them, when = 6. 2005. 16S (Set Not) s equal to 4. Its 0. Scanned with CamScanner we Engineering Mathemay,. | Solution : Given system can be expressed as AX = O where I-a 23 * a 4=/ 3 1-2 2 | x=] y] and o=/0 2003 Ik z 0 Here number of variables = n= 3. The given system of equations possess a non-zero (n01 Rank of 4 < number of unknowns i.e., Rank of 4 <3 For this we must have det. 4 = 0 n-trivial) solution, if 12 ey) le 294 i ee i =0 Applying R, > R, +R, +R,,weget| 3 1-2 2 2. 3.16% Lr => (6-a)|3 1-2 2 |=0 23 iN 10 i i t(6-W]3 2-2-1 f=0 Applying C, > C,- C, and C, + C,~ Cy we get ( A => (6-a) [(-2-2) 1- A+1]=0 > (6-2) (7 +3h43)=0> 2 =6 is the only real value and other values are complex, When 2. =6, the-given system becomes 5 2) 31a) | 0 3 -5 2 ee 2 5] Lz | 0 r a 0|(Applying Ry > 5Rp +3R,,R3 > 5Rs +28) 0 0 ie 19] fy |= Ae Ry Rs +R) o o offz} Lo = -Sr+2y+32=Oand -19y +192 =0 => y=z Since Rank of A < number of unknowns (Rank of A =2, number of unknowns = 3) therefore, the given system has infinite number of non-trivial solutions. Let r=k=>y=k and -Sx+2k+3k=0 >x=k s x=ky=k,z=k isthe solution. Scanned with CamScanner "1S Bives the soluti Example 14; pen 2x+y+22 Of the system of equations. etermine b such that the system © “UX4 943220, dx4 3} 4b2 <0 has trivial am {IN f homogeneous equations “dnon trivial solutions, Figg * the Non trivial solution, “ru (kK) duly 2011 (Set No.1), Solution: Gj . olution: Given homogeneous system of equations are 2x+y422=0, x4 y432=0, dxe3y+b2=0 212 Pe 0 Taking A=|1 1 3| y =| y| and O=|0 4356 z 0 We get AX =0 det A= 2(6-9)-(b-12)+2-4) = 2b-18-b+12-2 -8 det A=0 => b=8. Then vial solution. the system of equations will have non-tri 2 1 27x] [0 when b=8,|! ! 3]¥/=/ 4 3 8\lz 0 : 2 1 2]/x] [0 = |0 1 4])y]=|0} Applying 28 - Ry; Rs 2R)) 01 4{[z] [0 21 27x] fo =|0 1 4] y|=|0| (Applying R; - Ry) 0 0 offz} [o This gives the equations Scanned with CamScanner il. patie 139 pede sO vende and 2+ Let zo k Then y=—4k and x =k For different values of k, we get infinite solutions, when > ye0ayazis the only solution (trivial solution) ; EXERCISE 1.6 Solve completely the system of equations: (xt 2yt32=05 3x +4y+4z= 0; 7x + Loy + 12z=0. (i) 4x ty tz 3w=0; 6x+3y44z+ qw=0; wt yt we 0. 8 . JINTU 20045 ». 2008 (Set No.2) (it) 3x + 4y Gw=0; 2x 3p 2e— 3w= 05 We ty Me ow = 05 xt 3yt 132+ 3w=0. - JaNTU 2002 Set No. 3)] (iv) 2x—2y + 52+ 3w=OF4x — y eg eae 3a — 2p EBA, Aw = 05 x- By + Tz + Ow= 0. (v) xt y=Gyt2= 0;2+x=0 [NTU (0 Feb. 2015 (Set No. v1 Show that the system of equations 2x, — 2x45 = My 2x, - 3x, $24, = Me + 2x, =), can possess & non-trivial solution only if4=1,4=-3. Obtain the general solution in each case. {INTO 20038 (Set No. HI Determine whether the vectors (1,2,3),(2,3.4)G45) are linearly dependent or not. [INTU (A) Aug. 2017 (R15)} and (1,1,!) are Jinearly dependent [NTU @H) May 2018) Find the value of o such that the vectors (1,1,0).0,0,0) @x=0,y= 0279 (xa bya— ome” Gaye 11k, + 6b y= BA kw=k Scanned with CamScanner t atrices This procedure is called part 7 m has no solution 'l pivotin ng. Ite :1Fthis is impossible then the matrix is singular Example 1: Solve the equations 2x +42 +33 =10; 3a +25, 43, f ri =18; using Gauss-Elimination metho Sa) +4 +95 =16 Solution: The A : 2 _ NSmented matrix ofthe given system is [45] = 3 ; ; a - 149 16 Performing Ry > 2R)—3, and R928, -R,, we get 2) + [4]B]~]0 1 3 6 oe : 2711 io Applying Rs > R)-7R, we get [4/B]~|0 1 3 6 00 -4 -20 This Augmented matrix corresponds to the following upper triangular system. 2xy +x +43 =10; xy +325 = 6; — 43 =-20 => 35 = 5.x) =-9,x, =7 by backward substitution. Solution : The Augmented matrix is [4|]=|2 -8 : = 12 is 2 a: Ry > Ry-2R, weget Performing Ry RGA BRS oi 8 [4,B]~}0 -26/3 5/3. 7 0 -7/3 28/3 7 30d -l 3 5/3 at 1 ~|0 26/3 ZR IAI) Fy ex3r78. 231/26 Performing R; > R3 26 Scanned with CamScanner 1 seyetand * : » The otto is a oo ea! soiven ua 111 6 exampl Using partial pivotin® fthe system is [4,B]=|3 3 4 20 ences 8 oe Solution : THEE" ‘ —3Rjand Rs > Ry ~2R,, we get re opto Rok 3k Performing th? © mot =r taar-0 Oty oe o-l ABl~|0 -1 11 i Rok, we get (4, Using the operatio® 7 earl ‘nis corresponds 10 the upper triangular system x+y+z=6;-y 2) is By backward substitution, we get x=3, y= . cn 4: Solve the system of »+2=4 using Gauss elimination ee Ope Bae a yr 2008, (8) Nov, 20098 (i, xt2y Solution : The given system of equation can be written in the matrix form as AXs aE x 3 whereA=|2 -3 -I|, X=] y|, B=|-3 1201 z 4 The Augumented matrix of the given system is 3.1 2 3 [ABj=|2 -3 -1 -3 12 1 4 12 1-4 (AB) ~|2 -3 -1 -3|Operati perating R, <> 3123 foe 121 4 (AB]~|0 -7 -3 yy : alles yey (Operating R,—> R, ~2R, and R, > Ry—3R)) Scanned with CamScanner yates 145 124. [AB]~|0 -7 -3 us Oo (Operating Ry 7R,~5R,) 2 By back substitution, we have 1 Substituting equation (3) in equation -Wv=-ll3 >y=2 Now from (1), we have xt4-1l=45y= The solution is x Q,weeet 2Y=2,z Example 5 : Solve the system of equations x4-2y 4321/2443) ¥8220,x4y 4253, [INTY 2008 (Set No.4)] Solution : The given non-homogeneous linear system of equations are x+2y+3z= 1; Qn + 3y 4 82=2; xt+y+z2=3, These can be written in matrix form as AX = B a - 1 whereA=|2 3 8], X=|y|andB=|2 7 z . The Augmented matrix is 123 1 [AB]=|2 3 8 2 11 13 Applying R, ~2R,, Rs — Ry, we get 123) (AB] ~]9 -1 2 0 0 -1 -2 2 Applying R; — Ry, we get 12 3 1 [A,B] ~|o -1 2 0 0 0 4 2 Scanned with CamScanner ! | eon same oe - Engineering athena, Sc ra Ugmented i ONsistent, ink (A) = 3 “. The Solution is y = SYEo1 Example 6: Solve the equations 3 PA YA22E3 We 3y- 22-3 xy dy 24 [ENTU 2008S (Sety,, Using Gauss elimination method : Solution : The given system can be written as AX = B Bl 2 x 3]. where A=|2 -3 -1],X=|y|,B=|-3 21 Zz. 4 The Augmented matrix is sl 2 3 faBl=|2 3 1 3 1214 i214 23-1 “monn “|3 1 2 3 Too td 0 -7 -3 -I1/ (Applying R, -2R,,R, - 3) “lo 5-1 9 121 4 = f -7 -11| (Applying 7R, — 5R,) 008 8 ‘This corresponds to upper triangular system. This gives 82 =-8=5 Ty+32=I1> Ty 1-32=14> y=2 xt2y+2=4=x=4-2y-2 4-44] =1 The solution is x = Scanned with CamScanner

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