Edited Chapter 3 Template

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Department of Education

Region VI – Western Visayas

Schools Division of Iloilo City
Jereos Extension Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

Chapter 3


This chapter is divided into five (5) parts: (1) Purpose of the Study and Research

Design, (2) Participants, (3) Data-Gathering Instruments, (4) Data-Collection Procedure,

and (5) Data Analysis Procedure.

Part One, Purpose of the Study and Research Design, restates the purposes of

the study and describes the research design used in the study.

Part Two, Participants, includes a detailed description of the participants and the

method of selection.

Part Three, Data-Gathering Instruments, discusses the researcher-made

questionnaire and electronic devices used in this study.

Part Four, Data-Collection Procedure, describes the method of collecting data

used in this study.

Part Five, Data-Analysis Procedure, presents the procedures used to analyze the


Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo City
Jereos Extension Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

(Part 1) Purpose of the Study and Research Design

This study aimed to ______________________ (Purpose)

This study employed ________________________(Research Design and

describe it)

(Part 2) Respondents

Table 1 shows the distribution profile of the respondents.

Table 1

Distribution Profile of the Respondents According to (Ex. Gender)

Group (f) frequency % (Percentage)

Male 8 40

Female 12 60

Total 20 100

Table 2

Distribution Profile of the respondents According to SHS Strand/Section

Strand/Section f %

TVL-HE 8 40

HUMSS 5 25

ABM 7 35

Total 20 100

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo City
Jereos Extension Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

(Part 3) Data-Gathering Instruments

This study used the following data-gathering instruments: questionnaire, mobile

phone camera, and video/audio recorder.

Questionnaire. This was used as a guide to answer the research questions of

the study. The researcher-made questionnaire consisted of (How many parts-Part 1 and

Part 2, and Discuss each part of Questionnaire in details here).

Mobile Phone Camera. This device was used to capture photos during the

conduct of the data collection procedure.

Video/Audio Recorder. This device was used to record the whole data

collection procedure using the questionnaire or survey form which contains the

researcher’s questions and the respondent’s answers to the questions.

(Part 4) Data-Collection Procedure (Discuss in details how the data collection

procedure is done here)

After the validation of the data-gathering instrument by the research teacher,

permissions from the principal, teacher-advisers, and participants to conduct the study

were secured through letters which served as valid consent to conduct the study.

Respondents (Discuss here the methods/step by step procedures in choosing

your respondents per strand or section/or the sampling method.)

Department of Education
Region VI – Western Visayas
Schools Division of Iloilo City
Jereos Extension Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

Describe here how the administration of the questionnaire (Discuss in details the

how did you get the permit, and include place and date of the conduct of the

instruments to respondents.)

(Part 5) Data Analysis Procedure

The data gathered in this study were tabulated and analyzed.

For quantitative data, simple statistical measures were used such as frequency,

percentage, and rank).

Frequency. The frequency was used to describe the number of respondents

who participated and made the same answer for a particular question.

Percentage. The percentage was used to describe the proportion of the

respondents who participated and made the same answer for a particular question in

relation to the whole group.

Rank. The rank will be used to determine the top most number of group

participants and answers of the respondents per question.

For qualitative data, transcription and theme analysis were used.

Transcription. Transcription was used to put into words all the written answers

of the respondents to each of the questions in the questionnaire.

Theme Analysis. Theme analysis was used to consolidate the transcribed data

and to look for themes or patterns from these data.

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