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What Is the Mater With Bees?

Do you know what bees are? They are those puffy, black-yellow little
insects loved by some and feared by others. You have probably seen them near
flowers and in hives in your garden. Bees are the ones who make the delicious
honey that you put on top of your pancakes or waffles.

If you see one of these elegant creatures, you would probably run for your
life trying not to get stung by the bee. And you would also try to get off it, but
there is a way to avoid this disaster. Imagine that are on a picnic and see a bee
coming toward you, if you ignore it, the bee would not do anything because it is
not being disturbed. But if you try to kill the poor bee and scare it away, it would
sting you in self-defense. Bees are very important to live, we depend on them.

If you think that bees enjoy hurting people, you are very wrong. When a bee
stings someone, the bee’s stinger gets pulled out from the insect’s body, which
leaves it very harmed, and eventually, the bee dies. It’s like if someone pulled out
your arm.

People kill bees because they do not want to get stung, but this action has
reduced the bee population drastically. Bees are the ones who pollinate flowers,
making the plants reproduce. Then plants produce oxygen and food. Without bees,
a lot of plants will not be able to reproduce, oxygen and food would decrease, we
would not have as many resources as we need to survive.

If bees disappear, all organisms would have a food crisis because an 84% of
the commercial harvest depends on bees and their pollination (first herbivores
would die, and then because there would be no other animals to eat, carnivores
would die too.) Oxygen levels would be low because there would be a very small
quantity of plants, breathing would be hard. This is very worrying. If bees
disappear, it would be a catastrophe!

The bee population has decreased by four percent since the year 1990, some
species have decreased drastically or gone extinct. This has many reasons like the
extreme use of pesticides, climate change, plant loss, human activity, etc. If you
found a hive near your home, you do not need to kill the bees, we should call a
beekeeper (people who obtain honey and take care of bees) so that the beekeeper
can take gently the bees to a safe place.

Another reason bees are going extinct is the collection of honey. To get that
sweet topping, people use some chemicals to sleep the bees (even killing them).
There is a way to get honey without hurting the bees. You just need to wear a bee-
proof suit so that you do not get stung. You gently pour out the honey without
harming the bees. (This method is for obtaining honey from natural hives.) If you
have a special wooden hive (which is used for the bees to live in and make honey)
you just need to take off the lid slowly to not scare the bees. Then slowly pull out
the first layer of the wooden hive. After that remove the bees on the layer gently
with a special bee brush. With a bee, pallets take out the honey on the layer. Or
you could just eat maple syrup. In that way, the bees and you will be happy.

We need to take care of bees for the good of everyone. Stop killing them,
appreciate bees and be thankful for having them. Bees are very important, without
these glorious insects animals and people would die of hunger and a lack of

oxygen. Besides, mornings will never be the same without honey!

Thank you for your attention!

(Bees use pollen found in flowers to make the honey they eat. When they move from one flower
to another, the pollen they carry on their feet falls on another flower, so the plant can reproduce.)


Población de abejas a nivel mundial ha disminuido 20%, revela FAO – Noticieros Televisa

El Observador

EarthTalk: Actualización Sobre la Población de Abejas – El Observador (


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