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Iraqi Kurdistan Region

University of Salahaddin-Erbil
College of Engineering
Department of Software & Informatics

Lucid Source Internship

A Report Submitted to the Software Engineering Department

University of Salahaddin-Erbil
In the Fulfillment of the Requirement for Internship program

Prepared by:
Yahya Mewan Hassan

Supervisor by
Dr. Marwan Aziz Mohammed

Table of contents
1. Executive summary……………….…………….…..……….…….3

2. Introduction……………………….………………….……..……..4

3. Description of Description of duties and accomplishments….…5-8




4. Skills learned……………………………………………….……...9

5. Conclusion……………………………………………….…….....10

6. Acknowledgments………………………………………………..11

7. Appendices……………………….………….…………………...12

8. Use the STAR technique…………………………………………13

Executive summary

This is a brief overview of your report. It should summarize the key

points and main findings of your report in a few paragraphs. The
summary is more like an abstract, briefly explaining the work and

1. Introduction

After writing a good summary, the main body includes an introduction. In this
section, you must introduce the purpose of your internship and provide some
background information on the company/institute/organization. Provide a general
overview of the company where you interned, including its history, mission, and
products or services.

2. Description of duties and accomplishments

Describe the tasks and responsibilities that you had during your internship. What
projects did you work on, and what are your role and responsibilities? Then highlight
your accomplishments during your internship. How you contributed? What challenges
did you overcome? You must write the internship report carefully as it will help you
get a good career or academic opportunity.

3. Skills learned

This part of the internship will reflect on the skills that you developed during your
internship. What new skills did you learn? How will these skills be useful to you in
the future? You can relate the acquired skills to your academic background and how
they contributed to personal and professional development.

4. Conclusion

This will be the last paragraph of the main body of your internship report. Here you
should summarize the main points of your report and discuss the overall value of your
internship experience.

5. Acknowledgments

If there are people who helped or supported you during your internship, thank them in
this section. Acknowledgments can be added at the start or the end of the report.
However, most students do not add acknowledgments in their internship reports.

6. Appendices

If you have any additional materials (such as documents or photos) that you want to
include in your report, you can include them in the appendices.

7. Use the STAR technique

The STAR technique describes your accomplishments and experiences during your
internship. The acronym STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Using
this method, you can provide specific and detailed examples that illustrate your
abilities and achievements, which can be especially useful when writing an internship
report or during job interviews.

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