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GAGE College Department of Technology Section: Document 10 pages
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Information Technology TTLM for Utilize Barriers to Communication
specialized communication skill
Shahrukh khan
1. Meeting common and specific communication needs of clients and colleagues
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1.1 Development of the community service and disability sectors

The increasing complexity of our modern world has posed great challenges for many individuals
and families. Traditional community and informal helping services were found to be inadequate;
Document 43 pages
in response to the increasing need, community and disability services have developed and been
professionalized over the last century. Communication Chapter
Suchismita Sen
Community and disability services workers are now trained and employed to assist individuals
and families to cope with their own situation and with society's demands and challenges. The 100% (1)
client group for community and disability service workers is often the more marginalised and
disempowered individuals within our society. Hence community and disability service workers
often become the human face of society's attempt to care for these people.

This loss of relationships within society adds to the expectations placed upon you; while you
must develop the necessary skills to work in these sectors, your expertise will be underpinned Document 3 pages
by essential personal qualities and attributes.
Ahmad Aquino
No ratings yet
Communities and disability service workers spend their working lives interacting with people in
many stressful and emotionally charged situations.

To be an effective helper, you must have a good understanding of yourself.

To become self-aware is to know your strengths and weaknesses, your triggers, your beliefs and Document 15 pages
prejudices, your cultural heritage. Self-awareness is an essential underpinning skill in an ritu hw.docx
effective communicator.
Stuti Kapoor
Emotional intelligence No ratings yet

Emotional intelligence (EI) is now seen as an essential quality in any good communicator. Steve
Hein defined emotional intelligence as 'the innate potential to feel, use, communicate, recognize,
remember, learn from, manage and understand emotions' (Hein 2005).

1.1 Identify Basic communication Needs and processes Document 5 pages

Communication is simply the sending and receiving of information between at least two people. MES-032
The message may be verbal or non-verbal, but to be effective, the message sent must be in a Rajni Kumari
language or code that the receiver will understand.
No ratings yet
Communication problems occur when sender and receiver do not share the same code or
understanding of the language used.

Document 27 pages

Nisha Malhotra
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GAGE IT & Business College Department of Technology Section: Information Technology

TTLM for Utilize specialized communication skill   2012

Unsuccessful communication Document 6 pages

The channel describes how the information is relayed. For example: Dimple Pawar HRM
 Verbal channels include face-to-face meetings, telephone and videoconferencing.
 Non-verbal channels include sign languages, body language, gestures, and facial
Swapnil Dalal
expressions. No ratings yet
 Written channels include letters, emails, memos and reports, signs and symbols.

Different communication channels have different strengths and weaknesses; the most
important thing is that the receiver can access the message through that channel.
Document 9 pages

For example, if the intended receiver has a hearing disability and you do not share a common ENG301_Short_Notes
non-verbal language; your message would be better understood in written form.
The two-way communication process No ratings yet

In an effective two-way communication the sender (or source):

 encodes the message into a form the receiver will understand

 Relays the message via an appropriate channel.
Document 33 pages
The receiver is then able to:
 access the message EXAM
 Decode the message.
The receiver in turn becomes the sender, providing an appropriate response, and the process 100% (1)
continues until the communication concludes.

Document 10 pages

Barriers to E ective
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Barriers to effective communication

Document 15 pages
A communication barrier is anything that prevents you from receiving and understanding the
messages others use to convey their information, ideas and thoughts. These barriers may be communication skills
related to the message, internal barriers related to thoughts and feelings, or external barriers.
Stephanie Dillo
Barriers related to the message include: No ratings yet

Document 18 pages

Written Communication

Donkor Samuel
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GAGE IT & Business College Department of Technology Section: Information Technology
TTLM for Utilize specialized communication skill   2012

 lengthy or disorganized messages

 complex or ambiguous language
 inconsistent body language Document 11 pages
Disregard for specific needs.

Internal barriers include: iysverya9256

No ratings yet
 fatigue  past experiences with the client
 disinterest  home or work problems
 poor listening skills  Poor listening skills.

External barriers include:

Document 15 pages
 noise and other distractions
 unpleasant environment Introduction to
Problems with technology or equipment.

These barriers keep the message from getting through. When you are communicating, monitor Gogo
the actions of the receiver by observing their body language, response to the message, etc. To No ratings yet
check that the message has been received as it was intended, ask questions and listen to their

1.2 Specific approach and communication needs

Document 34 pages
Community and disability service workers work with a diverse range of clients who, because of
their disability or personal, emotional and cultural situation, may require workers to develop and
Unit 1 Managerial
use specialist communication skills. Communication
Gamers 4 lyf
You must be able to adapt your communication style to meet the needs of this client group in a
fair, non-judgmental and effective manner. No ratings yet

Areas of specific need you should consider when communicating with others include:

 Disability (including but not limited to intellectual impairment, physical impairment,

Document 35 pages
psychiatric disability, hearing or vision impairment, learning difficulties, and attention
deficits). Basics of Technical
Literacy (e.g. false assumptions about level of intelligence and understanding, concerns

about the content of documents and forms, what is being written down).
 Language (e.g. non-English-speaking backgrounds, not familiar with service-specific asmika2005
 jargon and acronyms). No ratings yet
 Gender, age, experiences , emotional well-being and other individual attributes.
 Critical situations. Crises traditionally cause disorganization of thought and hence need
special skills by workers in establishing rapport with clients.
 Culture (including experiences in other countries, music, spirituality, customs, gender,
social expectations, body language, and position in the community). Document 3 pages
 Remote location (limited access to services and resources, distance travelled).
Barriers to E ictive
Irrespective of their particular needs, all clients must be treated with dignity and all Communication
communication must demonstrate respect and be open and non-judgmental.
Nabeel Yaqoob
No ratings yet

Document 35 pages

Nishtha Jain
GAGE IT & Business College Department of Technology Section: Information Technology
TTLM for Utilize specialized communication skill   2012 No ratings yet

Strategies for specific needs

You will usually find that there is more than one way to provide the information required.
Depending on your client group, you will need to adapt your communication strategy to meet the
particular needs of clients and co-workers; you may need to include use of techniques and aids Document 10 pages

such as: Barriers to Communication

 facial expressions, hand signals and other physical gestures Skill
 objects, photographs, pictures or symbols, written words Akhilesh Bhura
 specific techniques and aids
No ratings yet
 videos or practical demonstration
 translations of printed material
 language and cultural interpreters
 Augmentative communication systems, such as devices and processes that replace, or are
an adjunct to, speech, e.g. speaking machines Document 36 pages

The techniques and aids that you use must be appropriate for the individual. For example: Inco 3005 Chapter I
 Unnecessary use of hand movements can be distressing for some people with a mental
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illness. You're Reading a Preview
 A person who is deaf may need a specific type of interpreter specializing in either sign

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Pens and notebooks may create barriers when you are communicating with a person who
is illiterate. Within a community that has low rates of literacy; informational videos may
be more helpful to clients than written OR
Document 24 pages
People who may be able to assistawith
Scribd member for
communication fullprofessional
include access. Yourinterpreters, case Presentation1 Media
workers, or non-professional helpers or support people, for example, trusted friends of the
first 60 days are free. Information and Literacy -…
client, family members or adults.
seph bron
Non-professional support persons Continue for Free No ratings yet
Non-professional support people such as family members, careers or professional advocates are
not neutral. If these people are to act as interpreters, be aware that the communication may be
influenced by advice or emotional involvement.
Document 15 pages
Be extremely reluctant to use children as interpreters for their parents, especially in any
sensitive family matters. This practice can disturb the role and status of members within a English For Written
family system and contribute to instability and interpersonal problems within the family. Communication
Working with interpreters pet_al2001
100% (1)
Interpreters include language interpreters and cultural interpreters, who can provide a cultural
context for communication. Translators work specifically with written materials. When you are
working with interpreters:

 The interpreter or translator should be neutral: their purpose is only to relay the Document 8 pages
message from one person to another. Psychology_RS_BARRIERS-
 The interpreters should not provide advice or give opinions.
Best Gadgets Gyan
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Document 4 pages

GAGE IT & Business College Department of Technology Section: Information Technology

Purposive e
TTLM for Utilize specialized communication skill   2012 Franz Joseph R. Bonje
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 Be aware of factors that could impact on the interpretation process. For example,
differences in dialect or conflicting politics, beliefs or values may cause a person to
reject an interpreter.
 Make it clear to the interpreter that the message must be communicated as you
intended. Ask them to check with you for nuances or to clarify meaning to ensure this
Document 10 pages
 Address all questions, eye contact and body language to the client as if you are asking
the questions directly. The focus of the communication should be on the worker and the business basics - Google
client – not on the worker and the interpreter.
Building rapport Tajae Perkins
No ratings yet
Rapport describes a positive relationship that forms between two or more persons. Once you
have identified the possible barriers to effective communication and considered some
strategies to overcome these, you can then look at how to build rapport with the client.

Establishing good rapport with others is an essential skill for community and disability service Document 5 pages
workers. It is particularly important when you are interviewing clients, as it allows free and open
discussion and provides better outcomes.
Intro Comm Media Module 1
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Strategies for building good rapport include: Steve Francis Tabada

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Being clear about your role and the purpose of the interaction. No ratings yet
 Using a person's preferred name when speaking with them.

Paying attention to making them comfortable.
 Using a pleasant tone that is clear and precise.
 Become
Explaining words a Scribdthat
and expressions member
may befor full access.
unfamiliar Your
and not using jargon.
Document 9 pages
Asking simple and clear questions.

first 60 days are free.
 Explaining what you already know. English communication
 Explaining clearly any mandated position you have. For example, you may have to report
alahi nur
to other authorities any disclosure for Free
of abuse.
 Explaining the actions that are undertaken both during the interview and as a result of No ratings yet
the interview.
 Using age-appropriate language. Avoid jargon and use words familiar to the other person.
 Conveying acceptance by showing interest and concern.
 Being sincere and realistic in praise and goal-setting.
 Not promising anything that cannot be delivered when the interview is over.
Document 20 pages
Demonstrating objectivity
Communication Barriers
Objectivity is essential in ensuring that personal bias does not inhibit communication. Strategies Barians Green
could include:
No ratings yet
 avoiding conversation topics where values and attitudes may conflict, e.g. politics
 remembering that the communication is about meeting the client's needs, not yours
 not taking a difference of opinion personally
 using paraphrasing, reflection of feelings, and clarification techniques rather than
offering your own opinion
Document 2 pages

Ciara Cariño
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GAGE IT & Business College Department of Technology Section: Information Technology Document 15 pages
TTLM for Utilize specialized communication skill   2012
05 Oumh1203 Topic 1
 Remaining calm and predictable rather than responding impulsively to differences of Rainy Too
opinion. No ratings yet

1.3 Addressing and Managing mistrust and conflict

The context in which most community and disability service work occurs frequently exacerbates
the potential for misunderstanding and tensions within the worker–client relationship.
Document 111 pages
 Clients may not have requested the service and are considered involuntary, e.g. young
people on Justice orders, people on Mental Health orders, probation orders and Drug Module_1-MC.pptx
Court orders. Deep Malani
 Clients with multiple disabilities, as well as their families, may have experienced a
history of frustrations and rejections both in their personal lives and in their relations No ratings yet
with various helping agencies. These previous experiences may have affected their
expectations of workers, and their role.
 Clients may be experiencing major crises in their lives; this heightened emotional state
can cause them to misinterpret actions.
 In some areas of work, the clients may have significant communication barriers as well
as cultural differences, which can contribute to suspicion. Document 31 pages

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You need to demonstrate patience, understanding, and respect for others' cultural, religious or
Aditi jaiswal-24 assignment
other preferences. itbc
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Identify conflict
OR No ratings yet
Conflict may be unavoidable, due to the nature and purpose of some communications; however,
by identifying early signs a Scribd
of conflict member
it is possible to for full
avoid access. Yourbecoming emotionally
charged or destructive.
first 60 days are free.
Document 28 pages
Signs of conflict can be verbal, non-verbal, or indicated through body language:
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Verbal disagreement Non-verbal indicators Body language Chapter 1 part 2
This may include: This may include: This may include:
a raised voice

Gautam Bhatta
a sharp tone
  non-participation  Closed posture No ratings yet
snide remarks
  distraction (crossed arms, etc.)
asides (comments
  withdrawal  color of face (pallor)
intended for one  continual lateness  angry expression
person to hear, but
directed toward  non-attendance  positioning (e.g., Document 6 pages
others) moving away)
Written Report 2- Eunice
 direct explanation Dimple Caliwag
Eunice Dimple Caliwag
Levels of conflict
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The Levels of conflict diagram describes the escalation of conflict from early signs of
discomfort through to incidents, misunderstandings, tension and crisis.

Document 17 pages

Basic Communication Skills

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GAGE IT & Business College Department of Technology Section: Information Technology

TTLM for Utilize specialized communication skill   2012
Document 4 pages

Barriers to E ective Human

Patrick Hariramani
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Document 36 pages

Basics of Technical
Param Chadha
71% (7)

You're Reading a Preview Document 22 pages

Session 1 - E ective
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Communication Skills
OR Bisham Hurreeram
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Become a Scribd member for full access. Your
first 60 days are free.

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Chapter 1 part 2
Gautam Bhatta
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Self-awareness in conflict situations

You need to be very honest in acknowledging personal limitations and prejudices, and avoid Document 5 pages
imposing your own personal values and beliefs on others. These could include:
Barriers of Communication
 feeling threatened by the other person Usman Mani
 commitment to personal values or beliefs
No ratings yet
 being unsure of your information
 Being unassertive, aggressive, talkative, or having low self-esteem.
 being judgmental or having expectations
 Using inferences rather than facts or observations.

Document 19 pages

Bereket Amare
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business Communication
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Jaylove Castillo
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Document 20 pages

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Document 6 pages

Barriers To E ective
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Document 4 pages

Q3..Barriers to E ective
Communication _…
ा ण जी
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Document 7 pages

The Barriers to E ective

Simran Pillay
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Document 8 pages

Barriers to Horizontal
Md. Ariful Haque
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Document 16 pages

Part 1 Understanding the

Foundations of Business…
Ghassani Herning Pradita
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Document 2 pages

What is Communication
Marco Laurel
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Document 4 pages

Barrier to Communication
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Document 4 pages

Communication Skills Must

Be Learned
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Document 14 pages

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Document 25 pages

Barriers to E ective
Glenda Vestra
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Document 40 pages

Lecture 1
Eva Nadja Coquia
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Document 36 pages

Лизатро1980 Лиза
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Document 25 pages

Bcobm114 - Unit 1
Quỳnh Mai Phạm
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Ebook 89 pages

Communication &
Presentation Skills: How t…
Euvouria LLC
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Ebook 197 pages

Communication in the
Baden Eunson
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