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"An Analysis of Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors in the

Emerging E-Commerce Sector of Bangladesh"

Submitted By-
An Analysis of Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors in the
Emerging E-Commerce Sector of Bangladesh
Student Name:

As the e-commerce platforms in Bangladesh expand gradually due to the availability of the
Internet and mobile phones, a gradual shift in consumer behavior towards online purchasing has
also been observed over time. This study investigates the attitudes and behaviors of Bangladeshi
consumers towards e-commerce in an effort to provide valuable insights for businesses and
policymakers in the emerging e-commerce sector. The study acknowledges the evolution of e-
commerce in Bangladesh, from its infancy with limited infrastructure and expertise to its current
status as a mainstream industry. This research examines the attitudes and behaviors of 60
Bangladeshi consumers toward e-commerce in an effort to educate businesses and policymakers
in the rapidly expanding e-commerce industry. It acknowledges the development of e-commerce
in Bangladesh and stresses the significance of understanding consumer attitudes and behaviors
across demographic groups. Participants' responses were collected using a Google Form for
quantitative analysis, and the data was analyzed using the SPSS statistical software. The study
discovered that trust and the availability of cash-on-delivery are influential factors in consumers'
purchasing decisions, with trust being the more significant factor in Bangladeshi e-commerce
purchases. These findings provide to a greater comprehension of the adoption of e-commerce by
consumers in Bangladesh.

Key Words: E-commerce, consumer behavior, and attitude, adoption of e-commerce,

availability of cash on delivery, trust, consumer purchasing decision, payment methods.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction...............................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background and Context of the Study...............................................................................................4
1.2 Statement of the problem.................................................................................................................5
1.3 Objectives of the study......................................................................................................................5
1.4 Research questions............................................................................................................................6
1.5 Significance of the study....................................................................................................................6
1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study...................................................................................................7
1.7 Definition of key terms and Concepts................................................................................................7
Chapter 2: Literature Review.......................................................................................................................9
2.1 Overview of e-commerce and its development in Bangladesh..........................................................9
2.2 Consumer Behavior in the Context of E-commerce.........................................................................10
2.3 Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in E-commerce.................................................................11
2.4 Prior research on consumer attitudes and behaviors in e-commerce in Bangladesh......................12
2.5 A theoretical framework for the Study............................................................................................13
Chapter 3: Methodology...........................................................................................................................14
3.1 Research design and approach........................................................................................................14
3.2 Population and Sample Selection....................................................................................................14
3.3 Data collection methods and instruments.......................................................................................15
3.4 Data analysis techniques.................................................................................................................15
3.5 Ethical considerations......................................................................................................................16
Chapter 4: Results and Analysis.................................................................................................................17
4.1 Findings Based on The Research Question......................................................................................17
4.1.1 Demographic............................................................................................................................17
4.1.2 Correlations..............................................................................................................................21
4.1.3 Regression Analysis...................................................................................................................23
4.1.4 Multiple Regression Analysis....................................................................................................26
4.1.4 ANOVA Test..............................................................................................................................28
4.1.5 KMO and Bartlett's Test............................................................................................................30
4.2 Analysis of consumer attitudes and behavior towards e-commerce in Bangladesh........................30
4.3 Comparison of findings with prior research.....................................................................................31
Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion.......................................................................................................33
5.1 Discussion of the implications of the findings..................................................................................33

5.2 Limitations of the study...................................................................................................................34
5.3 Scope for Future Research...............................................................................................................34
5.4 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................34
Chapter 6: Recommendations...................................................................................................................35
7. References............................................................................................................................................36
8. Appendix................................................................................................................................................38
8.1 Survey Questionnaire (Google Form)...............................................................................................38

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background and Context of the Study

As per (Karim, & Qi, 2018T), even though the initiation of e-commerce in Bangladesh was
observed in the late 1990s it continues to evolve over time and became one of the mainstream
industries of Bangladesh. He also stated that, earlier a few non-resident Bangladeshis used e-
commerce to send gifts to their loved ones in Dhaka. From 2001 to 2008, a lack of expertise and
infrastructure hampered its expansion but in 2012, online sales began for Akhoni and Ajkerdeal
which was accepted only for consumers in Dhaka. But the success of the E-commerce venture
attracted Bangladeshi and international entrepreneurs when Olx, Daraz, and Kaymu joined local
investors in the market. As (Islam, 2018) pointed out, e-commerce has changed the way
individuals shop in Bangladesh. And the purchasing experience has given both businesses and
customers new possibilities and challenges. As e-commerce continues to grow in Bangladesh, it's
important for companies to understand how customers think and act so they can make effective
choices and meet the market's changing needs.

(Rahman et al., 2018) stated that trust, usability, affordability, decision-making, and service all
play a role in the success of Bangladesh's online retail industry and influence consumer behavior.
To effectively sell to certain demographics and cater to specific customer needs, businesses
require an in-depth understanding of these elements and how they vary across different
socioeconomic groupings. Factors such as age, income, educational background, and location
can all have an impact on consumer behavior in e-commerce, and businesses must account for
these variations if they want to reach the right individuals.

On the other hand, (Ahmed et al., 2015) highlighted that consumers' attitudes toward internet
purchasing significantly affect whether or not they utilize such services, along with consistency.
The extent to which customers trust online retailers and the availability of payment methods like
cash on delivery all play a role in shaping the opinions of customers. Customers making
purchases online must have trust that their personal and financial details will remain secure.
Customers who are cautious about using their credit cards online can rest easy knowing that cash
on delivery is an option.

This research aims to inform businesses and policymakers in Bangladesh's emerging e-
commerce sector by examining consumers' attitudes and behaviors in this domain. E-commerce
in Bangladesh can benefit from a better understanding of the factors that drive individuals to use
it and how people's motivations, attitudes, and behaviors vary by gender as well as age, (Islam et
al., 2016). The study will investigate the attitudes and behaviors of Bangladeshi consumers
regarding the adoption of e-commerce shopping. The study will also include a brief overview of
the current scenario of e-commerce platforms in Bangladesh and their challenges and growth
potential. In addition to highlighting the main findings, an analysis based on the conducted
survey question regarding consumer adoption of e-commerce in Bangladesh will also be
presented. There will also be a discussion of the study's conclusion and projected development,
followed by some recommendations for retailers to emerge more effectively in the online

1.2 Statement of the problem

The fast-growing popularity of Bangladesh's e-commerce sector confronts both businesses and
customers with both opportunities and challenges. To effectively address the shifting dynamics
of online shopping, it is necessary to comprehend consumer attitudes and behaviors in this
potential sector. Even though the e-commerce industry is becoming more and more famous in
Bangladesh, there lacks of information about how consumers think and act in this arena. In
particular, research needs to be done on how the way people feel about e-commerce affects their
purchasing habits and whether or not they use online shopping sites. Also, it's important to
identify what influences customer behavior in the e-commerce sector of Bangladesh and
determine if there are any differences between different demographic groups.

This study aims to address these knowledge gaps about Bangladeshi online shoppers to improve
our understanding of their attitudes and behaviors in the e-commerce sector. The findings will
provide valuable insight for businesses seeking to understand better and accommodate their
consumer base and improve their online purchasing experiences. Policymakers can also use the
study's findings to promote the expansion and healthy regulation of Bangladesh's e-commerce

1.3 Objectives of the study

The objectives of the study follows:

 To identify the consumer attitude toward the e-commerce platform in Bangladesh

 To identify consumer purchasing behavior and adopt an e-commerce platform in
 To evaluate the influence of different demographic consumer bases on the e-commerce
 To identify the factors that impact consumer behavior and attitude toward e-commerce
platforms in Bangladesh
 To propose recommendations for the development of Bangladesh's e-commerce sector
and to assist businesses in providing better customer service

1.4 Research questions

The study intends to address the following research questions:

1. How do consumer attitudes towards e-commerce in Bangladesh influence their purchasing

behavior and adoption of online shopping platforms?

2. What are the key factors influencing consumer behaviors in the e-commerce sector of
Bangladesh, and how do these behaviors differ across different demographic groups?

1.5 Significance of the study

The research conducted on consumer attitudes and behaviors in Bangladesh's expanding e-

commerce sector has the potential to benefit various stakeholders.

The findings of the study will contribute to the e-commerce businesses in Bangladesh. By
comprehending consumer attitudes and behaviors, businesses can enhance customer experiences,
customize marketing, and optimize online platforms which will result in client satisfaction,
loyalty, and business expansion. Bangladeshi policymakers can also regulate e-commerce in a
way that mitigates risks, protects consumers, and promotes e-commerce growth through the
study findings which will result in boosting national economic growth. By identifying their e-
commerce behaviors, customers will acquire power that will show decision-making factors,

identify risks, and advise online shoppers. This understanding will enhance e-commerce
consumer trust. E-commerce can stimulate the economy and create employment in Bangladesh.
Businesses can increase sales by understanding consumer attitudes and behavior which will
result in economic expansion and e-commerce employment.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

The Scope of the Study

The research explores the factors of trust, convenience, perceived challenges, and happiness
when using an online shopping platform. The frequency of online shopping, product preferences,
decision-making processes, adoption of e-commerce platforms, and the influence of shopping on
others are all investigated. The study takes into account age, gender, income, education, and
geography to assess consumer attitudes and habits across these groups. The main emphases of
the research are the effects of consumers' trust in e-commerce platforms and the availability of
cash-on-delivery in Bangladesh's e-commerce business.

Limitations of the Study

The lack of time and resources may restrict the study's sample size, thereby reducing its ability to
generalize. It is possible that the results do not apply to all Bangladeshi e-commerce consumers.
Participants may have different traits or preferences compared to nonparticipants, resulting in
a bias in the sampling process. Sampling at random can minimize bias, but it won't completely
eliminate it. The cultural, social, and economic characteristics of Bangladesh could potentially
make the findings of this study inapplicable to other nations.

Despite these constraints, this study aims to provide valuable insights into the attitudes and
behaviors of consumers in Bangladesh's emerging e-commerce sector. The study aims to ensure
disclosure and precise interpretations of the findings within the parameters of the defined scope
if participants understand and adequately take into consideration these limitations.

1.7 Definition of key terms and Concepts

The key terms and concepts applied in the study on consumer attitudes and behaviors in the
emerging e-commerce sector of Bangladesh include-


E-commerce refers to purchasing online. It includes online shopping, electronic payments, and
other forms of digital commerce, (Hoque et al., 2015).

Consumer attitudes

Consumer attitudes are a combination of an individual's thoughts, opinions, and emotions in

regard to a product or idea. Attitudes of customers toward e-commerce sites and their overall
online buying experiences are the focus of this research, (Abir et al., 2020)

Consumer behaviors

Consumer behaviors include browsing for, purchasing, and utilizing goods and services. The
research examines consumer behaviors such as online shopping frequency, product preferences,
and decision-making, (Ahamed et al., 2015).

Trust in e-commerce platforms

Consumers' trust in e-commerce platforms refers to their dependence on these services' safety,
confidentiality, and dependability. It shows that customers have faith that their personal data and
payments will be secure, (Al-Azzawi et al., 2021).

Availability of cash on delivery

Cash on delivery enables consumers to pay cash upon delivery for online purchases. It lets
customers pay when they receive the products, reassuring online payment skeptics, (Anjum &
Chai, 2020).

Consumer adoption of e-commerce

Consumer adoption of e-commerce is used to describe how many people have started doing most
of their purchasing online. It demonstrates customers' openness to the e-commerce approach
and preference for utilizing e-commerce channels, (Ahamed et al., 2015)

By explaining these key terms and concepts, the study intends to ensure that everyone
understands them and make it easier to interpret and comprehend the results of customer
attitudes and behaviors in Bangladesh's emergent e-commerce sector.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Overview of e-commerce and its development in Bangladesh

As per (Mohiuddin, 2014), the development of electronic commerce platforms in Bangladesh

mirrors what has been seen on a global scale because of the accessibility of the Internet. Internet
access is available and not too expensive in Bangladesh. The buyers of finished products and the
sellers of intermediate goods and services will decide if Bangladeshi producers will use e-
commerce to get access to expert knowledge and the materials they need. While B2C e-
commerce is a growing trend globally, it has yet to catch on in Bangladesh. However, a sizeable
proportion of all online marketplaces are involved in consumer-to-consumer (C2C) e-commerce,
sometimes known as online auctions. Bangladesh is still in the early stages of development in
many other areas. (Karim, & Qi, 2018) pointed out that the majority of the population is poor and
poorly educated is just one of the numerous reasons this country is underdeveloped. It's only
natural that a very small percentage of consumers be ready, willing, and able to shop online.
While it may take time for this industry to flourish in Bangladesh, there is evidence to suggest
that it is expanding swiftly and will do so in the near future.

The e-commerce industry in Bangladesh has flourished in recent years. E-commerce has grown
in popularity due to the country's rapidly increasing internet penetration, mobile phone usage,
and digital payment methods.

Increased Internet penetration, and consumer usage in Bangladesh have stimulated e-commerce
to an extent. Affordable mobile phones also facilitated the widespread adoption of Internet
shopping. Government restrictions, policies, and incentives have facilitated e-commerce,
particularly during the COVID period, (Hossain et al., 2018). Daraz, Evaly, AjkerDeal, and
ShopUp are some of the marketplaces that have been able to successfully connect buyers and
merchants. In addition to that, mobile financial platforms including, bKash, Nagad, and Rocket

facilitated online transactions which helped to develop e-commerce in Bangladesh, (Hossain,

E-commerce is becoming more popular because consumers nowadays value convenience and
low prices more than other elements. There are chances for growth and innovation in areas like
rural Internet access, consumer confidence, and regulatory problems, (Hossain, 2000). As e-
commerce has grown in Bangladesh, it has changed how companies work and how people shop.
E-commerce in Bangladesh tends to have a bright future where people have access to the
Internet, government policies that encourage it, and growing e-commerce sites and digital
payment systems can be some of the considerate elements.

2.2 Consumer Behavior in the Context of E-commerce

When it comes to e-commerce in Bangladesh, consumer behavior tends to be affected by many

factors which include- cultural, social, economic, and technology.

Although it has been observed that convenience is a considerable driver of consumer behavior in
e-commerce, the time-saving component of e-commerce is especially alluring to urban
consumers with busy schedules. And price and promotions of merchandise influence consumers'
purchasing decisions, with consumers in Bangladesh appreciating the broad range of products
offered through e-commerce platforms. Trust and security and payment methods appear to be the
most influential factors in consumer behavior when purchasing on e-commerce platforms, (Al
Amin et al., 2020).

Trust and Security

In order for e-commerce platforms in Bangladesh to be successful, trust must first be established
by the retailers. When conducting business online, customers require reassurance that the
confidentiality of their personal and financial information is maintained. Platforms that prioritize
security measures, such as secure payment gateways and data protection, are more likely to win
the trust of consumers and favorably influence the behaviors of those consumers, (Ahmed et al.,

H1: Trust in E-commerce Platforms have a significant and positive relationship in influencing
consumer adoption of e-commerce in Bangladesh

Payment Methods

Consumer behavior might be influenced by the availability of a variety of payment methods that
are convenient. Cash on delivery, also known as COD, is a well-liked method of payment in
Bangladesh since it gives customers a feeling of peace of mind. On the other hand, digital
payment methods, such as mobile financial services, are gaining popularity since they offer
convenience and make transactions easier to complete, (Ahmed et al., 2015).

H2: Availability of Cash on delivery in E-commerce Platforms have a significant and positive
relationship in influencing consumer adoption of e-commerce in Bangladesh

2.3 Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in E-commerce

As per (Pilik, 2013), factors that tend to influence consumer behavior in terms of making a
purchasing decision from e-commerce sites are briefly discussed below:

 Price influences e-commerce consumers in Bangladesh. To find the best deals, consumers
compare prices across platforms over the internet. As a result, e-commerce platforms
offer specials, coupons, and seasonal sales to attract and retain consumers.
 E-commerce consumers value convenience which Bangladeshi shoppers like purchasing
online anytime, anyplace.
 Bangladeshi consumers primarily like e-commerce's variety where consumers can browse
a wide range of products and uncover specialized items that may not be available
 Social proof like user reviews, ratings, and recommendations influences consumer
behavior in Bangladesh. As these proofs have the potential to influence consumer
decisions and build trust in the e-commerce platform.
 E-commerce customers value fast, and responsive customer service from retailers where
resolving questions, complaints, and issues quickly has the potential to boost customer
satisfaction and loyalty, (Burman, & Agarwal, 2015).
 E-commerce behavior can also be differed by age, income, education, and region in
Bangladesh. Young shoppers are more tech-savvy and prefer Internet shopping, whereas
older shoppers favor traditional retail.

 The e-commerce industry in Bangladesh is shaped by influencers and digital marketing.
Social media influencers and advertisements can also influence consumers.
 The return and exchange policies of e-commerce platforms are vital. Transparent, user-
friendly return policies can increase consumer confidence in the platforms, (Burman, &
Agarwal, 2015).

2.4 Prior research on consumer attitudes and behaviors in e-commerce in Bangladesh

Prior research on consumer attitudes and behaviors in e-commerce in Bangladesh has provided
several valuable insights into various aspects of the present study. Some of the relevant literature
are highlighted below which will provide a more clear picture of consumer attitudes and
behaviors in e-commerce in Bangladesh.

"Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in E-commerce in Bangladesh" (Hossain et al.,


(Hossain et al., 2018) have pointed out the elements that influence consumer behavior in e-
commerce in Bangladesh in this study. The literature primarily focused on the factors which
consists- trust, perceived risks, website quality, pricing, convenience, and product variety to
influence the consumer’s purchasing decision via online platforms. According to the findings of
the research, these aspects are considered to be important factors that determine the attitudes and
actions of customers in the field of e-commerce.

"An Empirical Study of E-commerce Adoption and Its Impact on Consumer Attitude: A
Bangladesh Perspective" (Rahman et al., 2020)

(Rahman et al., 2020) pointed out both the impact of e-commerce adoption on consumer attitudes
as well as how customer attitudes affected the adoption of e-commerce in Bangladesh. The
literature highlights that customer attitudes regarding the implementation of e-commerce were
highly influenced by aspects such as trust, perceived usefulness, and convenience of use.

"Factors Influencing Online Shopping Behavior: The Mediating Role of Trust in

Bangladesh" (Hossain et al., 2019)

(Hossain et al., 2019) highlighted the elements that influence people's tendency to purchase
online in Bangladesh, with a particular emphasis on the function that trust plays as a mediator.
According to the findings of the study, key predictors of online buying behavior include trust,
perceived risk, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and website quality. The study
primarily suggests that trust was found to serve a mediating role in the relationship between
these five characteristics.

"Factors Influencing Consumers' Attitude and Purchase Intention towards Online Shopping
in Bangladesh" (Hasan et al., 2018)

This study's objective was to explore the factors that influence Bangladeshi consumers' attitudes
and purchasing intentions regarding online buying. (Hasan et al., 2018) highlighted the aspects
such as perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, trust, website design, and social impact are
significant determinants of consumer attitudes and purchase intentions in the context of online

This prior literature shed light on the attitudes, and behaviors of Bangladeshi online shoppers,
which can be used by businesses and governments to understand the influences on online
purchasing decisions better.

2.5 A theoretical framework for the Study

Based on the available literature, a theoretical framework may be constructed to investigate how
consumers in Bangladesh perceive and interact with e-commerce platforms.

Trust Theory

In the field of online shopping, consumer confidence is fundamental. According to the theory of
trust, characteristics like confidence, and trust outlined, strengthen consumers' faith in online
marketplaces. The level of consumers' trust in Bangladesh's e-commerce industry substantially
impacts their perceptions and behaviors regarding online shopping, (Wang et al., 2016)

Consumer Decision-Making Process

The consumer decision-making process model shows what people typically undertake when
deciding what to buy. This approach includes figuring out how the goods be bought, gathering

resources, analyzing alternatives, and making a final purchase decision. The growing success of
Bangladesh's e-commerce business can be better understood by learning how modern consumers
make decisions, (Puspitasari et al., 2018).

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research design and approach

A quantitative research methodology will be implemented to conduct the research, with the
survey considered as the source of primary data collected. This study will employ a methodology
known as cross-sectional surveying for its research design. A survey questionnaire will be
distributed to a sample of respondents to collect data on consumer attitudes and behaviors related
to the adoption of e-commerce through a Google Form. The survey will focus on the availability
of payment on delivery and trust in e-commerce platforms as independent variables. This
research aims to collect information on consumer attitudes and behaviors associated with the
adoption of e-commerce. In this study, the adoption rate of e-commerce by consumers will serve
as the dependent variable.

In addition, previous journals, publications, articles, newspapers, and other important internet
sources associated with consumer behaviors and attitudes along with articles, newspapers, and
other important internet sources associated with consumer behaviors and attitudes will be utilized
to compile secondary sources for this study.

3.2 Population and Sample Selection


This study's population will comprise Bangladeshi consumers with Internet access who have
participated in e-commerce transactions.

Sample Selection

Sampling Technique

The group for this study was chosen using a method called "convenience sampling." It includes
choosing respondents who can be reached easily and quickly so that data can be collected.

Sample Size

To participate in the survey, a random sample of 60 individuals will be selected from the pool of
respondents. The sample should be representative of the target population, which could be
defined based on specific criteria (such as age, gender, income, profession, etc.) relevant to the
study objectives which will be employed to ensure that the research objectives are met. Although
a bigger sample size would produce more reliable and representative results the chosen but
relatively small sample size can still provide useful insights.

3.3 Data collection methods and instruments

Data collection methods

A questionnaire will be employed to collect information from the respondents. The survey will
be conducted to determine the attitudes and behaviors of Bangladeshi consumers regarding e-
commerce. To reach more people and make data collection simpler, the survey will be conducted
online using a tool like Google Forms.

Data collection instruments


The survey has 15 closed-ended and Likert scale items. The questions will include questions
about e-commerce adoption, cash on delivery, and trust in e-commerce platforms to gather data
that will support the argument in the study.

Likert Scale

The variables of the study, e-commerce, cash-on-delivery, and trust will be assessed using the
Likert scale questions. Here, the Likert scales will have a statement and a 5-point scale from
"Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree."

Sample Size

60 people will be surveyed for this study and this sample size is suitable for exploratory research
studies and can provide light on shoppers' mindsets and actions in Bangladesh's burgeoning e-
commerce market.

3.4 Data analysis techniques

Data will be extracted from the survey tool (Google Forms) and later analyzed using SPSS
26.0 (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). SPSS can be used for both descriptive analysis
(such as frequency and percentage calculations) and inferential analysis (such as correlation and
regression) depending on the research goals and variables of interest, (Arkkelin, 2014). 
Descriptive statistics will be used to summarize the responses and examine the distribution of the
factors. Using inferential statistics, such as correlation analysis and regression analysis will help
to determine the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Reliability
analysis can help determine the consistency between survey variables for "Availability of Cash
on Delivery" and "Trust in e-commerce platforms." This research will also determine the
accuracy of the measuring instrument. A correlation analysis, on the other hand, will help
examine the relationships between the dependent variable "Consumer Adoption of E-commerce"
and the independent factors "Availability of Cash on Delivery" and "Trust in e-commerce

3.5 Ethical considerations

Several important ethical considerations must be required while designing a questionnaire to

evaluate the level at which consumers have accepted e-commerce. These include obtaining
participants' informed consent, keeping their responses anonymous and confidential, keeping
data secure, being up-front about the objectives of the research and risks, placing an emphasis on
participants' decision-making, using the data ethically and reporting accurately, and obtaining
ethical approval if required. One of the most crucial parts of conducting research is getting
participants' permission to do so. Considering these considerations, tools like Google Forms and
statistical programs like SPSS have been chosen for this study to conduct a useful and ethical

Chapter 4: Results and Analysis

4.1 Findings Based on The Research Question

4.1.1 Demographic

Fig 1: Pie chart showing “Gender” Category of the respondents

The pie chart shows that 75% of the female responded to the survey, and only 25% of the male
were interested in sharing their opinions on consumers’ changing attitudes and behaviors towards
e-commerce platforms in Bangladesh. Also, it shows that women are the significant consumers
of the e-commerce retailers than men in Bangladesh.

Fig 2: Pie chart showing “Age” group of the respondents

The pie chart shows that a significant portion of the respondents belong to the age group of 26 to
35 years old, and only 15% of the participants belong to the age group of 36 to 45. This indicates
that the young generations are more engaged in purchasing goods from e-commerce sites
compared to the elder generation.

Fig 3: Pie chart showing “Profession” of the respondents

The pie chart shows that 63.3% of the respondents are job holders, 20% of them are
businessmen, and 16.7% of them are students. As most of the participants are female buyers,
there the data indicates that, female job holders are most likely to purchase goods and services
through e-commerce sites in Bangladesh.

Fig 4: Pie chart showing “Income (Per Month)” of the respondents

The pie chart shows that less than 50% of the respondents have an income of BDT 25,000 to
40,000 which indicates that mid-range earners are now changing their purchasing decision via
online platforms. Another significant portion of 40% of the respondents are currently earning
between a range of BDT 10,000 to 25,000 indicating that this low-earner group of people also
tends to purchase either luxury or necessity items via e-commerce platforms in Bangladesh.

4.1.2 Correlations

Trust in E-commerce Platform

Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Trust in E-commerce Platform
Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
Average of CAE 3.680 .4437 60

Average of TEP 3.337 .6145 60

Table 4.2 Correlations of Trust in E-commerce Platform

Average of CAE Average of TEP
Average of CAE Pearson Correlation 1 .733**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 60 60
Average of TEP Pearson Correlation .733** 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 60 60
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

From the table, it can be interpreted that, the mean of 3.680 with a standard deviation of 0.4437
of CAE and the mean of 3.337 with a standard deviation of 0.6145 of TEP indicates that there is
a significant positive correlation between the "Average of CAE" and "Average of TEP" with a
Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.733. As the Pearson correlation coefficient indicates that
there is a moderately strong relationship between the variables. As the p-value associated with

the correlation coefficient is 0.000, which is less than the significance level of 0.01, it can be said
that the correlation is considered statistically significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)

Availability of Cash on Delivery

Table 4.3 Descriptive Statistics of Availability of Cash on Delivery

Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N
Average of CAE 3.680 .4437 60
Average of COD 3.940 .2906 60

Table 4.4 Correlations of Availability of Cash on Delivery

Average of CAE Average of COD
Average of CAE Pearson Correlation 1 .506**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 60 60
Average of COD Pearson Correlation .506 **
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 60 60
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

From the table above it can be interpreted that, the mean for the availability of Cash on Delivery
(COD) is 3.940, with a standard deviation of 0.2906 and the mean for the consumer adoption of
e-commerce (CAE) is 3.680, with a slightly higher standard deviation of 0.4437.
Interpreting the correlation coefficient, we can conclude that there is a positive association
between the availability of Cash on Delivery and consumer adoption of e-commerce. This means
that as the availability of Cash on Delivery increases, there is a tendency for higher consumer
adoption of e-commerce.
The correlation analysis reveals that there is a significant positive correlation between the
availability of Cash on Delivery (COD) and consumer adoption of e-commerce (CAE) where the
Pearson correlation coefficient between the two variables is 0.506, and the significance level is
0.000, indicating a strong and statistically significant relationship between the two variables.

4.1.3 Regression Analysis

Trust in E-commerce Platform

Table 4.5 Model Summary of Trust in E-commerce Platform
Model Summary
Change Statistics
Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square Sig. F
Model R R Square Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Change
1 .733a
.537 .529 .3047 .537 67.154 1 58 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Average of TEP

From the above table, it can be found that the R-squared value of 0.537 indicates that Trust in an
E-commerce Platform (TEP) represents almost 53.7% of the variation in the dependent variable.
The adjusted R-squared of 0.529 takes into consideration the number of variables and provides a
more conservative review of its forecasting ability. The estimate's standard error, 0.3047,
indicates how far the dependent variable's actual values deviate from the regression model. Small
numbers indicate that the model more closely matches reality. The model explains a moderate
amount of variance in the dependent variable, suggesting that Trust in the E-commerce Platform
significantly influences consumer adoption of e-commerce.

Table 4.6 Co-efficients of Trust in E-commerce Platform

Unstandardized Standardized 95.0% Confidence Interval
Coefficients Coefficients for B

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 (Constant) 1.915 .219 8.748 .000 1.477 2.353

Average of .529 .065 .733 8.195 .000 .400 .658

a. Dependent Variable: Average of CAE

From the above table, it can be identified that, the unstandardized coefficient for the "Average of
TEP" is 0.529, which indicates that the Average of CAE will increase by 0.529 units for every
unit increase in Trust in the E-commerce Platform. The standardized coefficient (Beta) for
"Average of TEP" is 0.733, indicating the relative importance of the independent variable
whereas a greater coefficient indicates that Trust in the E-commerce Platform has a greater effect
on the Average of CAE. Here, the coefficient has a t-value of 8.195 and a p-value of 0.000. As
the p-value for trust in the E-commerce Platform is less than 0.05, there it indicates that the
correlation between Trust in the E-commerce Platform and Average CAE is not unintentional.

The equation is:

Average of CAE = 1.915 + 0.529 * Average of TEP

Availability of Cash on Delivery

Table 4.7 Model Summary of Availability of Cash on Delivery

Model Summary

Change Statistics
R Adjusted R Std. Error of R Square F Sig. F
Model R Square Square the Estimate Change Change df1 df2 Change
1 .506a
.256 .243 .3861 .256 19.932 1 58 .000

a. Predictors: (Constant), Average of COD

From the above table, it can be identified that the R-squared value of 0.256 indicates that the
supply of COD may be responsible for around 25.6% of the variance in the dependent variable.
With a p-value of.000, the significant F Change value of 19,932 indicates that the regression
model contains the Average of COD indicator is highly significant for predicting the dependent

variable. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between Cash on Delivery and the
dependent variable.

Table 4.8 Co-efficients of Availability of Cash on Delivery

Unstandardized Standardized 95.0% Confidence Interval
Coefficients Coefficients for B
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound
1 (Constant) .638 .683 .934 .354 -.729 2.006
Average of .772 .173 .506 4.465 .000 .426 1.118
a. Dependent Variable: Average of CAE

From the above table, it can be identified that, the R-squared value represents the percentage of
variation in the dependent variable that is explained by the independent variables. The above
equation suggests that the Average of CAE will increase by 0.772% for each unit increase in
Cash on Delivery (COD). When all independent variables equal zero, the constant coefficient
(0.638) approximates the average CAE of the dependent variable. This suggests that the adoption
of e-commerce is favorable even without COD. The dependent variable (Average of CAE)
increases by 0.772% for each unit increase in Cash on Delivery availability. The t-value (4,465)
quantifies the significance of the coefficient. Higher t-values indicate a greater independent-
dependent relationship. The t-value indicates that the coefficient for the Mean of COD is
statistically significant. The probability that the independent variable and dependent variable are
related by coincidence is the p-value (0.000) which is below 0.05. As the p-value is substantially
lower than the ideal range of 0.05 indicating that there is a significant correlation between COD
availability and e-commerce usage.

The equation is:

Average of CAE = 0.638 + 0.772 * Average of COD

4.1.4 Multiple Regression Analysis

Table 4.8 Descriptive statistics

Descriptive Statistics

Mean Std. Deviation N

Average of CAE 3.680 .4437 60

Average of TEP 3.337 .6145 60

Average of COD 3.940 .2906 60

The mean number for Trust in E-commerce Platform (TEP) is 3,337, with a standard deviation of
0.6145. This indicates that, on average, survey respondents have a level of trust in e-commerce
platforms of 3.337%. The standard deviation demonstrates that the responses are not identical.
Some individuals have higher or lower levels of trust than the average.

The mean value for Cash on Delivery (COD) is 3.94, while the standard deviation is 0.2906. This
indicates that, on average, respondents believe that cash on delivery is relatively simple to
obtain, as indicated by their mean score of 3.94. Compared to Trust in E-commerce Platform, the
standard deviation indicates that the answers are less variable. This suggests that the majority of
respondents share the same opinion regarding the availability of cash on delivery.

Table 4.9 Model Summary

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of Change Statistics

R Square Sig. F
Square the Estimate Change F Change df1 df2 Change
1 .770 a
.593 .579 .2880 .593 41.522 2 57 .000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Average of COD, Average of TEP

Here, the regression analysis indicates that both cash-on-delivery availability and consumer trust
in e-commerce platforms have a significant impact on e-commerce adoption. These independent
variables account for 59.3% of the variance in consumer adoption, indicating a moderate
capacity for projection.

Unstandardized Standardized 95.0% Confidence Interval
Coefficients Coefficients for B
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Bound Upper Bound
1 (Constant) .606 .510 1.189 .239 -.415 1.627
Average of .456 .066 .631 6.872 .000 .323 .589
Average of .394 .140 .258 2.811 .007 .113 .675
a. Dependent Variable: Average of CAE
Table 4.10 Co-efficients

The coefficient for "Average of TEP" (Trust in E-commerce Platform) and the standardized
coefficient (Beta) of 0.631 indicate that platform trust positively influences customer adoption of
"Average of COD" (Availability of Cash on Delivery) is 0.394, and the standardized coefficient
(Beta) is 0.258, showing somewhat positive consumer adoption of e-commerce.

Both independent variables—trust in e-commerce platforms and cash on delivery—have

significant correlations with p-values of 0.000 and 0.007, respectively. E-commerce adoption
and these variables are not random. The R-squared value illustrates how much variation in the

dependent variable (average customer adoption of e-commerce) is explained by the independent
variables (trust in e-commerce platforms and cash on delivery).
According to the provided regression analysis, trust in e-commerce platforms and the availability
of cash on delivery have significant positive effects on consumer adoption of e-commerce, with
trust having a greater impact.

4.1.4 ANOVA Test

Trust in E-commerce Platform

Table 4.11: ANOVA test for Trust in E-commerce Platform

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 6.233 1 6.233 67.154 .000b

Residual 5.383 58 .093

Total 11.616 59

a. Dependent Variable: Average of CAE

b. Predictors: (Constant), Average of TEP

The ANOVA results demonstrate that the regression model incorporating the dependent variable
"Average of TEP" (Trust in E-commerce Platform) is statistically significant (F = 67.154, p
0.001). This indicates a significant association between Trust in E-commerce Platforms and the
dependent variable "Average of CAE" (Consumer Adoption of E-commerce).The regression sum
of squares (6.233) reveals how much variation in the dependent variable the predictor variable
explains. The dependent variable's predictor-accounted variance is 6.233 where the
unexplained model variance is 5.383 and the variation per degree of freedom is 0.093.

As Trust in an E-commerce Platform is able to predict Consumer Adoption of E-commerce,

there ANOVA demonstrates a strong relationship between the two variables.

Availability of Cash on Delivery

Table 4.12: ANOVA test for Availability of Cash on Delivery

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 2.971 1 2.971 19.932 .000b
Residual 8.645 58 .149
Total 11.616 59
a. Dependent Variable: Average of CAE
b. Predictors: (Constant), Average of COD

The ANOVA results indicate a significant correlation between Cash on Delivery (COD)
availability and the dependent variable, the Average Consumer Adoption of E-commerce (CAE).
As indicated by the Regression Sum of Squares, the predictor variable, the Average of COD,
accounts for a substantial quantity of variance in the CAE, as demonstrated by the regression
model. The F-value of 19.932 and the p-value of.000 (less than the commonly employed
significance level of.05) provide additional evidence for the significance of the relationship.

Cash-on-delivery availability has a substantial effect on the average consumer's adoption of e-

commerce, according to the ANOVA results.

Trust in E-commerce Platform and Availability of Cash on Delivery

Table 4.13: ANOVA test for Trust in E-commerce Platform, and Availability of Cash on

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 6.888 2 3.444 41.522 .000b

Residual 4.728 57 .083

Total 11.616 59

a. Dependent Variable: Average of CAE

b. Predictors: (Constant), Average of COD, Average of TEP

The regression model results indicate that the variables, the availability of cash on delivery and
trust in the e-commerce platform, contribute substantially to explaining the variance in consumer
adoption of e-commerce (F = 41.522, p .001). The regression model's sum of squares, which is
6.888, indicates the amount of variance in the independent variable that can be attributed to the

Based on these findings, we can conclude that consumer adoption of e-commerce is significantly
correlated with the availability of cash-on-delivery payment options and trust in online shopping
platforms. The results of the hypothesis test indicate that the relationships are statistically

4.1.5 KMO and Bartlett's Test

Table 4.14: KMO and Bartlett's Test

KMO and Bartlett's Test
Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .817

Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 632.893

df 105

Sig. .000

In this particular case, the KMO value is 0.817, indicating that the data is ideally suited for factor
analysis. A KMO value greater than 0.7 is generally accepted. The approximate chi-square value
based on the test findings is 632.893, with 105 degrees of freedom. The test's significance value
(Sig.) is 0.000, which is less than the standard threshold of 0.05. The significant p-value (Sig. =
0.000) indicates that the dataset's observed variables are not independent, indicating a
correlation. The null hypothesis of no correlation is therefore rejected.
According to the KMO measure and the results of Bartlett's test, there is evidence of
the correlation between the variables.

4.2 Analysis of consumer attitudes and behavior towards e-commerce in Bangladesh

The findings of the study have explored the consumer attitudes and behavior towards e-
commerce in Bangladesh where from the-

Correlations Analysis, it has been found that there is a significant relationship between the
average CAE (Consumer Adoption of E-commerce) and the average TEP (Trust in E-commerce
Platform) which was indicated by the Pearson correlation value of 0.733. There is also a strong
positive association between the average CAE and the average COD (Availability of Cash on
Delivery) which was indicated by the Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.506. As the adoption of
e-commerce consumers are significantly impacted by these two variables, there it is found that
consumer attitudes and behavior toward online shopping is primarily influenced by the payment
method, and the assurance of the e-commerce platform.

Multiple Regression Analysis indicates that, Trust in E-commerce Platform (TEP) is more
important than the option of COD (Availability of Cash on Delivery) when it comes to picking
an e-commerce platform. The model shows that consumers are more likely to use e-commerce if
they trust e-commerce platforms and if they can pay cash on delivery. However, trust has a
bigger effect in this scenario. There, it was found that COD might not be a key reason for
consumers to move their shopping attitude and behavior from online to shopping in person, but
the security assurance could be a reason for them to keep shopping on e-commerce sites.

ANOVA Test indicates that, Trust in E-commerce Platform and Availability of Cash on Delivery
demonstrate significant correlations with the Average of CAE, indicating that consumer behavior
and attitude toward e-commerce sites are significantly influenced by the consumers' perceptions
of the platforms' dependability and credibility and the payment methods' accessibility.

The findings of the study primarily emphasizes the positive correlations and substantial effects of
Trust in E-commerce Platform and Cash on Delivery on the adoption of e-commerce by
Bangladeshi consumers.

4.3 Comparison of findings with prior research

The statistical findings indicate that there is a considerable positive correlation between
consumer adoption of e-commerce (CAE) and trust in e-commerce platform (TEP), as well as
between CAE and cash-on-delivery (COD).

Previous studies on e-commerce in Bangladesh have provided valuable insights and statistical
conclusions that are compatible with the present study. It has been determined that aspects of a
business such as trust, safety, and acceptance of various payment methods have an effect on
customer behavior. Along with pricing, diversity of items, ease of use, and social proof,
customer service and convenience are all significant aspects to consider. Although, e-commerce
behavior can be influenced by demographic characteristics such as age, income, education level,
and geography, there has been a significant impact of trust and security in shaping consumer
behavior. Previous research has also demonstrated the significance of trust, website quality,
pricing, usability, and product selection in Bangladeshi e-commerce. In this present study, the
data analysis part supported the argument of the prior researches where it has been discovered
that how consumers feel about e-commerce depends on their level of trust, their perception of its
usefulness, and its usability. Trust has also been identified as a link between various factors and
how people make online purchases.

The statistical findings of this study and prior studies highlight the significance of trust, security,
and payment methods in influencing consumer behavior and attitude toward e-commerce
platforms in Bangladesh, as these factors also provide additional benefits such as convenience,
price, and variety.

Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusion

5.1 Discussion of the implications of the findings

The results have the following implications:

Trust in E-commerce Platform

The fact that there is a strong positive relationship between Trust in E-commerce Platforms
(TEP) and Consumer Adoption of E-commerce (CAE) shows that trust has a big effect on
whether or not people in Bangladesh use e-commerce. The regression analysis confirms this
association where TEP explains a 53.7% to be exact of the difference in CAE. This shows that
it's important for e-commerce platforms to build and keep trustworthiness if they want to draw
and keep customers.

Availability of Cash on Delivery

The fact that there is a positive correlation between Cash on Delivery (COD) and CAE says that
allowing COD as a payment method makes consumers more likely to use e-commerce. The
regression analysis backs up this result which it indicates that the availability of COD accounts
for 25.6% of the difference in CAE. This means that making payment choices easy and flexible,
like COD, can help remove barriers to online transactions and get more people to use e-

These consequences have practical implications for businesses, policymakers, retailers, and
government officials in Bangladesh for optimizing the e-commerce industry in Bangladesh. As

the findings of the study suggest, establishing trust should be a top priority for e-commerce
platforms, where this can be achieved by implementing secure payment methods, and options,
data protection measures, and transparent policies for consumers to attract potential consumers,
and stabilize the existing ones. To accommodate the preferences and needs of consumers, they
should also consider offering a variety of convenient payment options, such as cash-on-delivery
(COD) alternatives. The willingness of consumers to buy online can be increased by
emphasizing characteristics such as low prices, ease of use, recommendations from friends and
family, and accommodating customer service. Policymakers can utilize these findings to develop
rules and activities that promote confidence, security, and an environment conducive to the
growth of e-commerce in the country.

5.2 Limitations of the study

It is essential to recognize the limitations of the present study. First, the research focused on a
specific context that solely emphasized on the adoption of e-commerce by consumers in
Bangladesh, which may limit the applicability of the findings to other countries or regions.
Moreover, the study relied on self-reported data, which may have been inclined to response
biases or inaccuracies in the findings part of the study. There may be additional variables that
could influence consumer adoption of e-commerce that were not included in the analysis but
were considered in the research. As the study employed a cross-sectional design which tends to
limit the ability to establish causality or evaluate changes in consumer behavior over time, there
the study might not provide an overall analysis of the consumer attitude and behavior towards e-
commerce in Bangladesh.

5.3 Scope for Future Research

The current findings could be used as a foundation for additional research on the prevalence of e-
commerce among Bangladeshi consumers. First, researchers can follow consumers and the
factors that drive their adoption of e-commerce over time by conducting long-term research. This
information could better explain the shifting dynamics and trends in this area. In addition to
quantitative analysis, qualitative research methods like interviews and focus groups can
investigate consumers' thoughts, feelings, and experiences in deeper depth. Additional elements

that could be investigated to understand e-commerce customer behavior better include website
layout, social media impact, and feedback from existing customers. Last but not least, research
that compares e-commerce usage in different countries or cultures might shed light on the
contextual elements that drive customer acceptance.

5.4 Conclusion

After reviewing the study, it can be concluded that the e-commerce platforms of Bangladesh
have expanded and evolved significantly over the past several years because the popularity of e-
commerce sites has increased as more people have internet access, mobile phones, and digital
payment options. The growth of Bangladesh's e-commerce sector can be attributed to
government policies, incentives, and mobile financial instruments that facilitate online
commerce. Regarding e-commerce in Bangladesh, numerous factors influence how individuals
behave. Convenience, price, product variety, social proof, and customer service have a
significant impact on how people think and behave. Trust and security, as well as the number of
available payment methods, have a significant impact on the number of individuals who use e-
commerce. Trust in e-commerce platforms is essential for establishing consumer confidence.
Cash on delivery and digital payment methods make it simple and secure for consumers to pay.
E-commerce businesses in Bangladesh hence should prioritize building customer trust by
providing a variety of easy-to-use payment methods, enhancing their website's quality and user
experience, utilizing social proof and customer reviews, and making their return/exchange
policies transparent and simple to comprehend. Additionally, taking into consideration the
demographics of the target audience, utilizing influencers and digital marketing, and coming up
with new methods to improve internet access in rural areas can assist in increasing e-commerce
usage. Even though e-commerce in Bangladesh is still expanding, the market has a great deal of
room for expansion. The future of e-commerce in Bangladesh is bright because more people
have access to the Internet, the government has sound policies, and e-commerce sites and digital
payment systems are expanding.

Chapter 6: Recommendations
Some of the recommendations have been proposed below to expand the e-commerce sector in
Bangladesh efficiently, and conveniently for the consumers-

Assuring Trust and Security

Establishing trust with customers is essential for the success of any online store, and this can be
done through the use of secure payment methods and data protection. Gaining consumers' trust
and encouraging their use of e-commerce is possible through honest and dependable procedures,
(Dong, 2021).

Offering Multiple Payment Methods

Considering the importance of cash on delivery as a preferable method of payment, e-commerce

businesses should ensure that a variety of payment options, including digital payment methods,
are available to their customers. It is possible to attract a greater diversity of customers and
encourage their adoption of e-commerce by providing convenient and secure payment options,
(Tran, 2021)

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8. Appendix

8.1 Survey Questionnaire (Google Form)

Survey on an Analysis of Consumer Attitudes and Behaviors in the Emerging

E-Commerce Sector of Bangladesh

1. Gender
o Female
o Male

2. Age Group (Yrs)

o 18-25
o 26-35
o 36-45
o More than 45

3. Profession
o Student

o Job-holder
o Businessman
o Others

4. Income (BDT)
o BDT 10,000
o BDT 10,000-25,000
o BDT 25,000-40,000
o BDT more than 40,000

Trust in e-commerce platforms

Answer the following Questions where (1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree,

5=Strongly Agree)

Questions Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree (2) (3) (4) Agree
(1) (5)
1. When I purchase on e-commerce
platforms in Bangladesh, I trust that my
personal data is protected securely.
2. I believe that Bangladeshi e-commerce
platforms have strong security measures
to prevent unauthorized access to my
personal and financial data.
3. I am confident that the goods and
services I buy through Bangladeshi e-
commerce platforms will fulfill my
4. I trust that Bangladeshi e-commerce
platforms will manage any issues or
complaints regarding my purchases
5. I have a considerable amount of trust
in the dependability and credibility of
Bangladesh's e-commerce platforms.

Availability of Cash on Delivery

Answer the following Questions where (1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree,
5=Strongly Agree)

Questions Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree (2) (3) (4) Agree
(1) (5)
1. The availability of cash on delivery as
a payment option influences my decision
to purchase online favorably.
2. When a cash-on-delivery option is
accessible, I am more likely to buy
3. Having the option of cash on delivery
increases my likelihood of experimenting
with new e-commerce platforms.
4. I perceive cash on delivery as a
convenient and secure method of
payment for online purchases.
5. The absence of cash on delivery as a
payment option prevents me from
purchasing online.

Consumer Adoption of e-commerce (Consumer Attitude & Behavior)

Answer the following Questions where (1=Strongly Disagree, 2=Disagree, 3=Neutral, 4=Agree,
5=Strongly Agree)

Questions Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly

Disagree (2) (3) (4) Agree
(1) (5)
1. My favored method of purchasing
products or services is online shopping.
2. I often make online purchases from
Bangladeshi e-commerce platforms.
3. For my shopping requirements, I find
it convenient and simple to navigate e-
commerce platforms.
4. I have trust regarding the security
measures adopted by e-commerce
platforms in Bangladesh and can perform
online transactions with convenience.
5. I encourage family and friends to use
e-commerce platforms in Bangladesh
and suggest online shopping to them.


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