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Directions: Match column A with column B. Write your answer on the space provided before each number.

_____ 1. Kotsuzumi A. A parallel, bamboo flute
_____ 2. Shamisen B. Is a three-stringed traditional japanese musical instrument

_____ 3. Fue C. Waist drum

_____ 4. Otsuzumi D. Drum that comes in various sizes
_____ 5. Taiko E. Small drum

Directions: Read the following statement carefully. Write T if the statement is TRUE and F if the
statement is FALSE.
___ 1. Chinese theatre was considered as the highest form of arts in China.
___ 2. Each performance in Peking opera begins with the ta-lo and siao-lo.
___ 3. Peking opera has three main styles of music.
___ 4. The highest aim of performers in Peking opera is to put beauty into every motion.
___ 5. The four skills of Peking opera are separated.

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