Grammar 101

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1. Present Simple
Ex: I drink water. ( Beau apa.)
-Talks about rotine ,habits ,facts ( Vorbeste despre rutina, obiceiuri,
2. Present Continuous
Ex: I am drinking water. ( Beau apa (ACUM).)
-Talks about things that are happening at the moment (now) ( Vorbeste
despre lucruri care se intampla in acest moment)
We can also use it to speak about future plans but only when
something is sure. (Putem folosi acest timp cand vorbim despre planuri
din viitor dar numai atunci cand actiunea este sigura) Ex: I am flying next
3. Past Simple (PS)
Ex: I drank water. (Am baut apa.)
-Talks about finished actions ( mai direct ,precis)
4. Present Perfect (PP)
Ex: I have reds (many books in my life).
-It connects past to present ; vague ( nu sunt detalii precum loc, timp )
Ex: PS: I baked a pie yesterday.
PP: I have baked many cakes in my life.
5. Present Perfect Continuous
Ex : I have been reading this novel for 5 days.
- Expresses an action which started before now and has continued up
until now.
6. Past Perfect
Ex: Richard had gone out when his wife arrived in the office.
7. Past Continuous
Ex: I was walking and suddenly I was stopped by a police officer.
-  An action that happened before and after another action.
8. Past Perfect Continuous
Ex: We had been looking for the wallet for 2 hours when Susan found it.
- Expresses a past action which started in the past and continued to
happen after another action or time in the past.
Future Forms:
1. Will:
-opini, sperante, predictii, decizii spontane , promisiuni
Ex: *the phone is ringing* I will get it. ( ceva spontan, O decizie pe
care o iei si o faci la scurt timp dupa )
2. Going to:
-planuri , intentii , predictii
Ex: We are going to have a party on Friday. ( un plan, ceva planificat
de mai mult timp )
3. Present Continuous:
-ceva planificat simplu , 100% se va intampla

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