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[Opening Scene]

Emna: Hello everyone, and welcome to the first lesson of the Junior Promptemist course! I'm Emna,
and I'll be your guide through the fascinating world of ChatGPT and its applications.

Jasem: and Hey there! I'm Jasem, and I'll be helping you learn how to practically apply prompt
engineering techniques to maximize the power of ChatGPT. Throughout the course, I'll share
example engineered prompts, facts, and cool tricks that you can try yourself.

[Scene 1: What is ChatGPT and Why it Matters] EMNA

Emna: Let's start by understanding what ChatGPT is and why it really matters. ChatGPT is an Artificial
General Intelligence model that is incredibly powerful.
Unlike the Artificial Intelligence that we are used to, an AGI model has the ability to understand or
learn any intellectual task that a human being can, while AI is a machine that performs tasks related
to specific fields such as marketing, finance or human resources very well.

In simple terms, Chatgpt read most of the public internet, understood the public internet, and
answers you specifically based on your question. a simple comma in your text changes everything. It
was trained on a dataset containing hundreds of billions of words! That's like reading thousands of
books, articles, research papers and web pages all at once.

eventhough AGI's existed way before 2023, they were only used within large companies. The real
game changer here? is when AGI's became accessible to the public.

Think of it as a powerful rocket that's now accessible to everyone. Its capabilities depend on how well
you understand its parameters and controls. An average person might be able to fly the rocket to the
moon, while someone with more experience could fly it to Mars. And with prompt engineering, you'll
learn how to drive the ChatGPT rocket to entirely new galaxies, unlocking its full potential!

Jasem: We all know Its capability of writing emails, articles, blogs, academic essays, translations, and
code in different programming languages. But trust me it goes waaay beyond that! With the right
skills and knowledge, you can solve complex issues you never thought you could. The possibilities
are virtually endless, Thats what makes it an essential tool to master in today's world.

[Scene 2: The Demand for Prompt Engineering and Job Displacement]

Emna: The demand for skilled prompt engineers is on the rise, one job posting offered salaries
ranging from $175k to $335k a year! It's clear that businesses are recognizing the power of AGI's and
the need for skilled professionals who can make the most of it.

Jasem: However, advancements in AGI's like ChatGPT will lead to unemployment in some sectors.
here is a list of jobs posted by OpenAI that can and will be replaced as I speak by chatgpt. and if you
think youre safe? just wait for Chatgpt-7 or (1 second stop) maybe 6. But don't worry! We're here to
equip you with the necessary skills to thrive in this AGI-driven world and most importantly, help you
make money using ChatGPT and other intelligent tools.
[Scene 4: Generating Income with ChatGPT]

Jasem: ChatGPT offers endless opportunities for generating income. For example, you could easily
create and sell a book using the content generation abilities. Throughout this course, we'll show you
how to harness the power of ChatGPT to create various products and services to open multiple
revenue streams for you.

[Scene 5: Mind-Blowing Facts]

[Closing Scene]

Emna: We're thrilled to have you with us on this exciting journey into the world of prompt
engineering! Together, we'll explore the fascinating capabilities of ChatGPT, learn how to craft
effective prompts, and unlock the full potential of this amazing technology.

Jasem: We'll be with you every step of the way, providing practical examples, guiding you through
real-world applications, and sharing our favorite tips and tricks.

So See you in the next lesson, where we'll dive deeper into prompt engineering. Excited? so am i
(business gigachad wink)

[End of Video]

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