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Japanese Introductory 1: Homework Week 6 (Genki 1 Lesson 3)

DUE: Wednesday, Week 7 (via Moodle Dropbox)

Full name: sarah al-kafajy
Tutorial 1 class day AND time (e.g. Mon, 10): Tuesday 10 am
Tutorial 1 teacher’s name: kaori saito せんせい

Please read carefully the INSTRUCTIONS

• Type your name, your tutorial 1 teacher’s name, and the class day/time at the
top (English is fine).
• Type your answers (NOT hand-write them).
• Self-correct ALL the answers. To do so, please;
1) put a mark (such as ‘X’) in the [ ] brackets placed next to each question
when the answer is CORRECT;
2) type the correct answer in red when the answer is NOT CORRECT.

NOTE: Your mark will be reduced IF all the answers are NOT self-corrected.
Please see the Homework Task rubric for more detail.
• The final work needs to be submitted in PDF format (no other formats will be
accepted and assessed).

No late submission will be accepted and marked unless an agreed extension or

special consideration is granted.
• If you use kanji that has not been introduced yet in the unit, you need to give
the readings in hiragana on top of or after. When you use the same kanji more
than twice, putting the readings in hiragana once is sufficient.
あさ はん
Example: 朝 ご飯 or 朝(あさ)ご飯(はん); Not 朝ご飯 (あさごはん)

Q1. Type the most appropriate particle in ( ). If no particle is needed, type ×.

a. わたし( は )どようび( に )としょかん( で )ほん( を )よみます。

[X ]
[I read books at the library on Saturday.]

b. メアリーさん( は )あした( X )だいがく( に OR へ )いきます。

[X ]
[Mary will go to university tomorrow.]

c. けん :あきこさん、なん時( に )うち( に OR へ )かえりますか。

[X ]
[Akiko, what time will you go home?]
[I don’t know. / I’m not sure.]

Q2. Answer the following questions in Japanese.

a. どこでにほんごをべんきょうしますか。
b. ちゅうごくごをはなしますか。

Q3. Translate the following sentences into Japanese.

a. I often go to the library.

わたしは ____よく____ としょかん ____に いきます____________。[ X ]
b. I usually get up at six.
[ X ] たいてい 六時におきます。

c. Yumi sometimes reads Japanese magazines.

[ X ] ゆみさん は ときとき にほんご の ざっし を よみます。

d. I do not watch TV at all.

[ X ] わたしは ぜんぜん テレヒをみません。

e. My younger sister does not study much.

[ X ] わたしのいもうとは あまりへんきょうしません。

Q4. Answer the following questions in Japanese.

a. よくスポーツをしますか。
[ X ] いいえ、(あまり)(スポーツ を)しません。

b. よくなにをのみますか。
[ X ] コーヒーをのみます.

[ X ] わたし は たいてい しゅうまつ に べんきょうします。

Q5. Listening comprehension

See pp. 39-40 of your Workbook and listen to the dialogues on the Moodle.
Then, complete the listening tasks A, B, and D and fill in the answers below.

A. Listen to the dialogue A between Sora and Mary. Where will they be? What
will they do? Choose from the list below. *レストラン (restaurant)
Saturday Sunday
Where What Where What
Mary 1.[ f ] 2. [ j ] 5. [b ] 6. [i ]
Sora 3.[c ] 4. [g ] 7. [d ] 8. [k ]

a. School b. Library c. home
d. Osaka e. Tokyo f. Kyoto

g. Read a book h. Play sports i. Study
j. See a movie k. Eat dinner

B. Listen to the dialogue B at an evening meeting at a summer camp. The

group leader and the students are discussing the schedule for the next day.
Complete the schedule below. *スケジュール(schedule)/ ヨガ (yoga)
1. 6:00 am[ c ] 6. 3:00pm[f ]
2. 7:30[ a ] 7. 6:00[ b ]
3. 9:00[g ] 8. 7:30[i ]
4. 12:30pm[ e] 9. 11:30[ d ]
5. 1:30[ h ]

a. breakfast b. dinner c. get up

d. go to bed e. lunch f. do yoga
g. play tennis h. study i. watch a movie

D. Listen to the dialogue D between Mary and a Japanese friend and answer
the questions below.

1. What did the man suggest first? ______ [ X ]

a. Coffee at a café
b. Beer at a bar
c. Coffee at his place
d. Lunch

2. What time is it? _____ [ X ]

a. 8 o’clock b. 9 o’clock c. 10 o’clock d. 11 o’clock

3. Why did Mary turn down his suggestion? Choose ALL that apply.
_________ [ X ]

a. She needs to go home.

b. It is too late.
c. She needs to study.
d. She needs to sleep early.

4. What other suggestions did the man make? Choose ALL that apply.
_________ [ X ]
a. Reading Japanese books together
b. Practicing Japanese at a café
c. Having lunch together for the next day
d. Walking her home

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