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Smart Headgear for Unsafe Operational Environment

Jagdeesh Patil S, Dhanush P, Girish RU, Chethan G, Chethan SK

Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru NMIT, Bangalore

Many technological advancements are happening in the world of IOT (Internet of Things)
which continue to improve our current lifestyle. Due to this, IOT solutions are being adopted at
an exponential rate in different domains. Safety and security is one of those domains where IOT
solutions are being adopted more and more. It has been observed that cars have very good
safety features but two-wheeler only have helmet for the safety. Here proposing a solution for
improvement of two-wheeler drivers’ safety with our smart helmet idea. A smart helmet is a
type of protective headgear used by the rider which makes bike driving safer than before.

A smart Headgear comes handy to users and their relatives to monitor the rider irrespective of
the rider location. It consists of a IOT Module to the normal headgear which can be used by any
riders and miner. To ensure the rider does not feel uncomfortable while wearing the headgear.
The relatives will be able to monitor the status of IOT module using a mobile application or a
web application. It uses Efficient use of power and long-lasting model.

1. Introduction

Two-wheeler accidents are increasing day by day leading death of numerous lives. The probability of these
deaths can be decreased significantly by using helmets. Assessing nowadays 1.2 million individuals are losing
their significant lives in street accidents. The demise rate isn’t diminishing despite the fact that the clinic is
giving crisis emergency vehicle services. So, to conquer these issues, we have two rules to be met by wearer of
savvy head protector.
One is that the rider must wear the helmet which is checked by FSR sensor and second is the rider should not
have consumed alcohol before riding which is checked by the alcohol mq3 sensor.

At the point when the rider has devoured liquor, the MQ3 sensor will detect the rider’s inhale to identify the
measure of liquor content and make an impression on enlisted contact. Third, when the rider meets with a
mishap, the Gyrosensor will identify it and module will send the client’s area to crisis administrations and his
enrolled contacts through a SMS. The cap can distinguish a mishap, utilizing the Gyrosensor . Liquor mq3
sensor moreover inspects the breath of the rider to recognize if the current level is over as far as possible. FSR
sensor identifies whether the rider is wearing the cap or not. These are the highlights in the keen cap.
The main purpose of this helmet is to provide safety for the rider. This can be implemented by using advanced
features like alcohol detection, accident identification, location tracking, use as a hands-free device, fall
detection. This makes it not only a smart helmet but also a feature of a smart bike. It is compulsory to wear the
helmet, without which the ignition switch cannot turn ON. An RF Module can be used as wireless link for
communication between transmitter and receiver. If the rider is drunk the ignition gets automatically locked, and
sends a message to the registered number with his current location. In case of an accident, it will send a message
through GSM along with location with the help of GPS module. The distinctive utility of project is fall
detection; if the rider falls down from the bike it sends a message.

Developing and Deploying Robust User-Friendly Head Gear (Helmet) which rider or miner wear like normal
Helmet and at the same time serve to
 Monitor the Health of the Driver (Drowsiness, Sleep, Fall Detection by accident or self-fall)
 Locate the GPS Location of his movement
 Inform the authorities and siblings for medical help and security
2. System Architecture

Smart Head Gear is using commercial grade embedded hardware with sensor like Accelerometer, Gyroscope,
GPS, FSR, MQ3 etc.
 The sensors collect the monitoring parameters like level of intoxication, sleep drowsiness of driver,
Speed of vehicle, fall detection, location of Headgear, user details etc.
 The sensors collect the date and then packetized and communicate these data on regular intervals to
storage location (Cloud Data Base)
 Mobile app is developed to register user for the service and avail the services
 Users can also use web app for register process and for sake of service-related queries
 The AWS EC2 is used for analysis the health of sensor by using outlier model

In Designing Smart Headgear, the following are taken into account

The project consists of various sensors like Alcohol sensor (MQ3), Gyro sensor, vibration sensor,
Accelerometer, NEO-6M GPS Module, FSR sensor. The main controller that we have used is Node-MCU
which is small in size, very less expensive produces high performance with accuracy. The software that we have
used for building an intelligent smart application using the flutter called “SHMET” for monitoring the life of the
sensors and for many more features. Django is another powerful Framework that we have used for building Web
Applications. Built rest API as a back-end and deployed it on the Heroku Platform. The database that we have
used for this project is MongoDB cluster for storing all data.

The basic components of Smart Headgear consist of the following components

2.1 NodeMCU

A NodeMCU is one of the microcontrollers that we have used in this project to make a user plugin model which
is an open-source board for specifically developing IOT based Applications. NodeMCU is small in size which is
very effective when it comes to building micro-projects in terms of both efficiencies as well as performance.
The Node MCU incorporates the Firmware which runs on the ESP8266 Wi-Fi from Espressif Systems and the
equipment depends on the ESP-12 module. NodeMCU (Node Micro Controller Unit) supports Arduino IDE
which can be easily programmed using Arduino IDE. NodeMCU has a high processing power which co-
operated at 80MHz to 160 MHz a customizable clock recurrence. Node MCU likewise has inherent Wi-Fi and
Deep rest working highlights which make it ideal for IoT projects. In this Paper NodeMCU connects all sensors
to collect all sensor values for checking whether the user has consumed alcohol, the vibration sensor for the fall
detection, and sends all data to the cloud database.

2.2 Alcohol Sensor (MQ3)

This module is used for checking whether the user consumed alcohol or not. We have tested this alcohol sensor
with different alcohol containers like a sanitizer, water, etc. After all, if the user consumed more alcohol, we are
going to send SMS to parents or guardians that the user has consumed more alcohol. This alcohol sensor has
high sensitivity and fast response time. This makes sure that the user is in a safer position. Features Of Alcohol

1. This alcohol sensor have wider detecting scope that helps for user.

2. It is highly stable and also have long life.

3. It Produces Fast Response and also have High sensitivity.

2.3 Module Gyro Sensor

Gyro sensors are otherwise called precise rate sensors or rakish speed sensors. Gyro sensors are gadgets that
being detected rakish speed. In straightforward terms, the precise speed can be characterized as the adjustment
of rotational point per unit of time. Gyro sensors can detect the rotational movement of the cap. Gyro sensors
likewise can detect the progressions in direction. Lately gyro sensors have tracked down that these sensors can
be utilized in camera shake location frameworks, movement detecting, and vehicle solidness control frameworks
which are on the other hand called against slip, and so on Gyro sensors have filled quickly in the spaces like
vehicle driver security and emotionally supportive networks and furthermore in a robot movement control. The
Application Module provides recommendation service to end user and user feedback interface. It is an interface
to provide recommendations generated in the business module to end user in regular intervals via Web Module
API and when user searching the catalogue information provided by the service provider. The user feedback is
collected here after watching the content and provided to Business module for generating the recommendations
for that user. Applications of gyro sensors

• Angular velocity sensing.

• angle sensing.

• control mechanisms.

2.4 Vibration Sensor

The Vibration sensors are also called as piezoelectric sensor. Vibration sensors are flexible devices. These
sensors are used for measuring various processes. Vibration sensors uses the effects called piezoelectric
mechanism which measures the changes within pressure, temperature, force by changing to an electrical charge.
It has an ability to sense weak vibration signals. Whenever an accident occurs and if the user is using this smart
helmet firstly it senses the pressure and immediately sends the data to NodeMCU and then NodeMCU send
SMS his family members along with his location details without any delay.

2.5 FSR sensor (Force Sensig Resistor)

This sensor mainly used in our project for the detection that whether the user wearing the helmet or not. This
sensor will sense human touch for the fetching data. This sensor will be activated before the user starting his
bike. If the user wears helmet and satisfies the condition then it will send the signal to the user that he can start
his bike. Applications of FSR sensor

• It is used in medical systems.

• It is used robotic field and Industries applications

3. Software Implementation
As the project been implemented using RPI3 and sensor like FSR MQ3, Gyro, GPS Modules The steps
completed are:

3.1 Setup of NODE-MCU

NodeMCU is an open-source firmware for which open-source prototyping board plans are accessible. The
name “NodeMCU” consolidates “hub” and “MCU” (miniature regulator unit). The expression “NodeMCU”
rigorously talking alludes to the firmware instead of the related advancement packs.

3.2 Creating Cloud Database

As the values for Node-MCU and sensor must be stored for future analysis and reference we need a cloud-based
database. As the parameters are dynamic, NoSQL Database has been used (Mongo Atlas), Which is made
available for the team members to access the Database.
 The Tables are Users, Alcohol values, Sensor Status
 The tables are mapped each other

3.3 Setting up of Rest Api (Backend)

The Rest API is used to communicate Sensors by app and web app. The Rest API was created by using Flask ,
the API was test using Postman The API is deployed on Heroku The URL takes a parameter with predefined
arguments and renders the json The Data from this URL is inserted or updated in to Mongo dB


3.4 Circuit connection of Mq3

This sensor is used to check the alcohol content from breath. As RPI don’t have analog convert Analog to
Digital IC is used called MCP3008. Pin Diagram of MQ3 Module
VCC - supplies power for the module. You can connect it to 5V output GND - is the Ground Pin and needs
to be connected to GND pin
D0 - provides a digital representation of the presence of alcohol.
A0 - provides analog output voltage in proportional to the concentration of alcohol. The A0 is connected to
channel 0 of MCP3008
The circuit connection is as show in below figure.

3.5 Circuit connection of FSR

The FSR is used to check if rider is wearing Helmet. FSR allow us to detect physical pressure, squeezing
and weight. A force sensitive resistor (FSR) is a material which changes it’s anything but a power or
pressing factor is applied. At the end of the day, power touchy resistor it’s a sensor that permit you to
identify actual pressing factor, crushing and weight The circuit connection is show as figure.
3.6 Circuit connection of GPS
GPS is used to track or to fetch the location of Helmet as well as Bike Riders. this location is useful whenever
person consume Alcohol or meet with accident to forward the location to the guardians. The connections are
shown in figure.

4. Field Trials
4.1 Testing of alcohol sensor
Presently to test the working of sensor, we used alcohol-based solutions on the sensor or the
fumes of the liquor into the sensor and change the pot clockwise with the goal that the Status
LED is ON and afterward change the pot back counterclockwise until the LED goes OFF. That
is, it our sensor is currently adjusted and prepared for use.
4.2 Testing of FSR sensor
We were able to check the working by just applying some pressure on the sensors using our hands
and put some weight using objects. then we were able to notice the change in value of sensor in
the terminal while it was running on the IOT model.
4.3 Testing of Gyro-sensor
we were able to see the working of Gyro sensor after connecting to a bread board and power
supply and just change the orientation of the sensor of rotate the position of sensor. we could see
the change in value at the terminal we changed the from not fall to fall as indicating the axial
position of sensor has been disrupted.

4.4 Testing of GPS

once we implemented the GPS sensor within the model and Configuration of GPS using an API
we added this feature into the flutter application we user was able to locate the current position
within the app itself and we were also able to send the co-ordinates to the SOS emergency alert
as well
5. Conclusion and Future Scope

• The planned Smart protective cap guarantees the security of the rider by making it
important to wear head protector, and furthermore guarantees that the rider hasn’t
devoured liquor more than as far as possible.
• On the off chance that any of these great security rules are abused, the proposed
framework will forestall the biker from beginning the bicycle.
• The framework additionally helps in effective treatment of the outcome of mishaps by
sending a SMS with the area of the biker to the police headquarters.
• This guarantees that the casualties stand out enough to be noticed, on the off chance that
he/she met with a mishap.
• Smart Helmet is worked with a ton of exceptional frameworks and highlights, so they can
in any case wear Smart Helmet like they wear the standard ones. Thusly, the material
picked for this paper is all around picked to make a Smart Helmet audit with pleasant
highlights yet at the same time awesome in each perspective.

6. References
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“Impact detection us- ing a machine learning approach and experimental road roughness
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[3] Tapadar et al. (2018) Tapadar, Ray, Saha, Saha, and Karlose] S. Tapadar, S. Ray, H. N. Saha, A. K. Saha,
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IEEE 8th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 2018, pp. 584–590.
Fig. 1: Workflow of Smart Headgear

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