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The author Ashveen Nuckcheddy is worked in global business as a manager .the author write
the effect of personality on motivation and organizational behavior on May 30/2018 in
university of Northampton, UK. Email address for Ashveen Nuckcheddy is Ashveen


In this article review cover bibliography of the author, main finding of the article, methodology
that used by the author to answer the research question, objective of the article, research
question, and weakness and strength of the article based on our opinion .finally conclusion on
the relationship of the article title with our organizational behavior course, the conclusion of
author aligned to finding and reference also include in this article review.

Personality refers to the combination of a person’s characteristics that make them unique and
of a distinctive character, and it forms the basis for individual differences among organizational
members. There are practically no two human beings who are similar in all aspects.


Research Questions

a) How does personality influence employee motivation?

b) How does personality influence organizational behavior?


 To define or to explain the effect of personality on motivation and organizational

Purpose of the article


The methodologies to address the research question secondary data which is qualitative data
were the works of different scholar which are Written on the effect of personality on
motivation and organizational behavior. Most of them sourced from Journals related the
management, motivation, Organizational behaviors and psychology. Google Scholar was also

sourced as a general data base. The writer quotes different scholars ideas to support his
statements. This paper comes up with variety of ideas and illustrations due to the great
contribution of the scholars. The qualitative approach to study was both appropriate and
effective in saving the information necessary for the paper.


1. Personality has been found in affect the manner in which person are willing to be affected by
motivational strategies.

2. The motivation of an employee and – there ultimate performance is affected by


3. Personality of workers may also be considered is be influential in how they are receptive to
motivation strategies by management.

4. Personalities and individual differences also have an effect on the conduct of an entire

5. Personality has an effect on the quality of work environment

. 6. Personality also has a significant effect on the work ethics of members.

Weakness of the article

Regarding its weakness the paper should include some important points on the theories
out of the criticizer written for each theory of personality. Why he leaves open is the question?

Strength of the article

The paper is strong in bringing different personality theory, discuses thoughts and
shows their criticism. The findings are clearly explained. He also shows how the theory can be

Implications of the article

 first the effects that personality has on motivation of workers, the implication
mentioned about recruitment time interview of the employee about personality
is suitable for this
 The other implication is personality was found to have a significant effect on
organizational behavior in determining the level of tolerance, quality of
environment and work ethics. He shows the link they have to personality.

Theories discussed in the paper

In his theoretical review, he mentioned most prominent theories like trait theory, psycho
analytical theory, humanistic theory and social cognitive theory of personality. In explaining the
treats theory he explains as it is the strength and intensity of those traits that account for
personality differences. This reference is Gordon All and Dinger’s work. In explain psycho
analytic throes of personal it’s the winter mentioned friend as the owner of this theory the
three fragments with full explanation of their characteristic for the humanistic theory of
personality the writer indirectly mentioned the theory focus on the uniqueness of each person
and their efforts to be good and achieve self-actualization. With regard to social – cognitive
theory of personality the researcher states that our trait and social environment interact with
one another and facilitate learning. In the contrary he also mantes forward Sharman proposal
personality “personality depends rather on person situation.


The article title which is the effect of personality on motivation and organizational behavior is
related and has contribution for our course organizational behavior. The paper has contributed
a lot as in how the manger treats his subordinates in investigating their personality. By doing so,
he assigns the right people (suitable personality) to the right place and becomes successful. This
is directly related to the topic of our course.

The conclusions made by the writer are aligned with the findings of the study. As we can see
the six findings in the paper all are about the effect of personality on motivation and
organizational behavior, This idea is chearls written in the conclusion part as “personality has a
significant effect on motivation and organizational behavior” And the conclusion adds in its
prediction part …as management can then take a whole different approach in aligning write the
interests of personnel and the organization together.


Personality is an important topic that should be considered by management as they strive to

improving motivation of workers and optimizing organizational behavior at the workplace.

a good work environment that is tolerant of differences in personalities is one of these

motivators that result in the motivation of workers at the workplace.

Understanding personality type can help you to understand your preferences and the
preferences of other people and how or why these might be different. Personality types are

useful for recognizing how we lead, influence, communicate, collaborate, negotiate business
and manage stress.


1. Barrick MR, Mount MK, Li N (2013) the theory of purposeful work behavior: The role of
personality, higher-order goals, and job characteristics. Academy of management review 38(1):

2. Wee BV, Banister D (2016) How to write a literature review paper? Transport Reviews 36(2):

3. Fleeson W, Jayawickreme E (2015) Whole trait theory. J Res Pers 56(3): 82-92.

4. Anderson C, Hildreth JA, Howland L (2015) Is the desire for status a fundamental human
motive? A review of the empirical literature. Psycholo Bull 141(3): 574-601.

5. Dinger FC, Dickhäuser O, Hilbig BE, Müller E, Steinmayr R, et al. (2015) from basic personality
to motivation: Relating the HEXACO factors to achievement goals. Learning and Individual
Differences 40(4): 1-8.

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