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The mist hung high. The streets of the village were empty,the eyes could sense only flame
torches that were walking about in its envelope. His heart was firm,and his resolve was
uncertain. Either he would flee from here,or would cut those torches.
It was quick. He stared at his blade,and then pulled it out. The knife was in his left hand,and he
was behind a big tree. The Bushes were in front,so it was hard to see him. He slid left and
crouched. The way ahead of the tree was empty at first sight,at some distance the footprints
sounded. A broken arrow was lying on the ground,His memory grew fresh in seconds.
Lucas himself had a bad past. His village was in the outskirts of chintaland,just between the
palace and the village of medh. The geography made it prone to the wars medh took part in.
The king was defeated in a simple sword fight,and he handed all his men to the prince of medh
for peace.
As time passed,Lucas got used to the rough sides of his life. He then attended all sessions
kasht baba held at his village for the sake of change.He came to know of kalpana stone,the
existence of a real world and how many worlds are beyond his eyes. Then came the training
time. Kasht chose 23 students for a better session of classical magic training. There he learnt
how to control fire,thunder,and all his magic was sealed behind a simple lock. Bravery.
If he was brave,all his magic would flow in,if not,he shall remain like any simple man.
“Looks like I am alone” he whispered to himself.
He was hiding in the forest for the past 4 days,in chintaland the sabians were known as
powerful warriors. The ones who wielded the blades of kalpa,the element of wind there. The
kalpa emerged in a different way, when kasht walked in the universal cycle for the first time. As
the shogun warped time using his sword of sprikus,the clocks weren’t in their favor. a universal
restore was needed,kasht came ahead as always.
“No more,I shall flee..yes” he said to himself. And got up,the pendant on his neck shone,and he
froze. The dense cloud was above,the only light in the forest was of,..of the sabians. HIs hands
clenched,and a white circle formed around it. Then the circle slowly shrank into a bracelet.
The torches were still there,,but a lot further in his right, they were in the canopy,looking for him.
A thundercloud began forming above his head. The bracelet started to shine yellow,the soldiers
kept looking everywhere. And ran ahead.
“O bearers of kalpa,i call you” And the thunder fell on him. He didn't die,or burn. The flash
started to bind his shredded clothes. The hands were bound in 2 mins,he gestured his finger at
the right. The thunder fell on the trees and a fire started,the sabians ran and came out from the
He picked a twig and blue light came up from the bracelet and started to wrap all over it. In
seconds,the twig became a blue ax
He threw it in the air,and it swung ahead. Falling sounds followed. His ax returned,and 34
sabians surged at him. The cloud of thunder roared even more,and at the gesture of his ax
flashes came down. All sabians jumped ahead,12 survived the flash. They threw their arrows at
him,his armor had formed.
The arrows proved affectless,and the soldiers ran with swords. The first blow cae from right,he
dodged it to be hit on his chest. The 2 archers were at the back,the 10 formed a fortified
formation. With 2 at his shoulders,and 3 on left and right. The rest at the center.
He charged at the left wing. Their swords stung his ax,and others from left hit his back,he
tripped and fell down. One sabian came and placed his sword at his neck,the ax was lying at his
“For god’s sake,leave all this ego,lucas”
“Shall i,let my father gardos permit me”
The winds around them grew faster,his armor disappeared and the ax faded as well. The boy
got up,and a flood of arrows cae from above. The sabians were cut,only a hidden one survived.
He was there at the bush.
The sabian pulled his bow out,and silently put an arrow in. He pulled the string and made his
aim firm at lucas.
His aim came to Lucas's forehead in 2 seconds,and he pulled the string back. Tight enough,to
strike a good blow. Then,he left the string. He turned back,to avoid seeing a head cut off. But, a
blue coloured ax came instead. He was hit in the shoulder ,the armor broke. He fell
Lucas came to him,
“Your kind has left,I shall never waste my energy for you.”
“You are a weirdo,you could have come out earlier. Why did you spend so many days here?”
asked the sabian,his shoulder had cut. He held it with his hand,to stop the blood flow.
“Well. I know that Nasdo is behind your protection,no sabian will come behind me that easily.
And he needs the key of xaser to wield his blade.”
The sabian got up,still holding his shoulders.
“Nasdo grabbed us through a trade contract with the prince of chintaland. He took us in
exchange for 12 boxes of gold. Just to find a way for the key. Perhaps you failed him..for now.”
“No,” Lucas said,”no I haven't. He shall find the way soon. The key can give him a good start.
The key will please kalpana devi and he can ask for any weapon. The chakra of dexos,is a good
All the thoughts lined towards one man,nasdo. Perhaps, this sabian was of his use.

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