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Submitted by:

Sarguilla, Ervin, S.
Ibarra, Paula Alexandria, C.
Alfaro, Kristin J.
Antivo, Mary Grace
Nausan, Xerxes John
Atup, Jumar
Anticamara, John rey
Executive Summary

Chapter 1: Project Summary

Name of the Firm
Location of the Business
Brief Description of the Business
Organizational Chart

Chapter 2: Marketing Aspect

Market Description
Demand Analysis
Supply Analysis
Competitive Position
Selling Price
Marketing Mix
Projected Sales per Unit/Volume

Chapter 3: Technical Aspect

Product Description
Production Process
Production Schedule
Floor plan
Utilities Needed
Waste Disposal
Production Cost

Chapter 4: Financial Aspect

Financial Assumptions
Projected Statement of Financial Position
Projected Profit/Loss Statement
Projected Statement of Cash Flow
Projected Changes in Equity
Notes to Financial Statements
Financial Ratio Analysis
Capital Budgeting

Chapter 5: Socio Economic Aspect

Chapter 6

Executive Summary
The goal of this feasibility study is to outline the strategies, tactics, and programs that
will make the sales goals outlined in this proposed business plan. The name of the business is
Mist N’ Memories. The business offers scented candles with a secret message after it is used.
A candle lightens the darkness of your day and is efficiently used at night or during
brownouts. The study conducted by the proponents served to organize the activities that must
be applied for the operation. This includes the following aspects:
The marketing aspects view that the target market are Millennial’s and Gen Z’s. It
helps them to boost your mood and relieves stress which creates a great ambiance in your
respective homes. The main competitor is companies who have the same line of industry.
According to research, due to customers’ increasing desire to make a space feel cozier, the
demand of scented candles has increased over the past few years. Promotional strategies used
by the business are social media platforms, flyers, and banners to inform our potential
The technical aspect states that the business is located
The management aspect view is that the Mist N’ Memories will be established as a
partnership type of business in Davao Citywhich has three owners who equally contributed
money for the capital, cash, and for the business to operate. The business will operate for 8
hours, starting from ten (10am) in the morning until six (6pm) in the evening. There will be
five (5) working days from Monday to Friday and the remaining two days of the week will be
allotted for the day off of the employees.

This section introduces the name, area and the brief history of the business, including
its inclination of industry, sort or organization and the structure of the organization.


The business proponents came up with “Mist N’ Memories“ as the name of the business.
“Mist” is the smoke coming from lighting a candle as it burns and Memories came from the
candle being a sign of gathered memories that a person has in their daily lives.
The business is located at
“Mist N’ Memories” a business involves the production and sale of candles, which are
used for lighting, decoration, and aroma. The candle market is diverse, ranging from small-
scale crafters to large manufacturers, and includes both traditional and modern designs.
The production process of candles involves melting wax, adding fragrance and color, pouring
into molds, and attaching wicks. Different types of wax, such as soy, beeswax, and paraffin,
can be used to create various textures and scents.
Candles are popular gifts for holidays and special occasions, and can also be used for
relaxation and aromatherapy. Many candle makers offer custom orders and personalized
labels to cater to their customers' preferences.
The candle business can be profitable, but it also requires careful consideration of costs and
market demand. Factors such as quality, design, and branding can affect the success of a
candle business. Marketing and promotion through social media and online platforms can
help to reach a wider audience and increase sales.
Organizational Chart

Job Title Job Specification Job Description
Production Manager • College graduate • Responsible in the entire
• Graduate of business- operation of the business
related courses • Manage day – to – day
• Has 3 years working business activities
experience in business • Recommend business
operation and management tactics
• Computer Literate • In – charge in acquisition of
• With pleasing personality materials
and good moral character • Account suitably the best
• At most 23 – 35 years old possible utilization of
Marketing Manager • College graduate • Responsible in the entire
• Graduate of business- operation of the business
related courses • Manage day – to – day
• Has 3 years working business activities
experience in business • Recommend business
operation and management tactics
• Computer Literate • In – charge in acquisition of
• With pleasing personality materials
and good moral character • Account suitably the best
• At most 23 – 35 years old possible utilization of
Bookeper • College/High school • Responsible for
graduate • Graduate of recordkeeping of the
accountancy/accounting business transactions
technology • Responsible for the
• Computer Literate and a compliance of administrative
bookkeeping NC III holder prerequisites
• Reliable, trustworthy with a
pleasing personality and good
moral character
• Has 2 – 3 years working
• At most 20 -35 years old
Staff • College/High school • Setting up workstations
graduate • Male/Female with all needed ingredients
• Preferably good in and cooking equipment
communication • Makes the ice cream and
• Knowledge of various cooks the fries
cooking procedures and • Responsible for the food
methods presentation
• Ability to follow all
sanitation procedures
• Age between 20 – 35 years
Sales • At least high school • Perform basic cleaning
graduate tasks as needed or directed
• Male/Female by supervisor
• Good communication skills • Promptly address customer
• With pleasing personality service issues and refer
and good moral character customers to management
• Age between 20 – 30 years when necessary
old • Serves the product to the


This chapter provides the description of the product’s target market, the demand and supply
analysis and its edge on other business of the same industry.

The candle market is a diverse and growing industry that includes a wide range of products
and price points. Candles are used for lighting, decoration, and fragrance, making them
popular gifts for special occasions and holidays.

The market is segmented by product type, with different types of candles available such as
pillar, taper, votive, tea lights, and container candles. Consumers also have a wide range of
scent options, including traditional scents such as vanilla and lavender, and more exotic
options such as sandalwood and bergamot.

In recent years, there has been a growing demand for natural and eco-friendly candles made
from soy wax or beeswax, as consumers become more environmentally conscious.

The candle market is highly competitive, with small-scale crafters and large manufacturers all
vying for market share. Branding, product quality, and pricing are important factors that can
influence consumer purchasing decisions.

The market is also heavily influenced by seasonal trends, with the holiday season being a
peak time for candle sales. Marketing and promotional efforts, such as social media and
influencer partnerships, can help to increase brand visibility and drive sales.

The candle market is a dynamic and evolving industry that offers opportunities for both
established and emerging businesses to meet the growing demand for high-quality candles.


Table 1
Profile of the Respondents according to Gender
Gender Frequency % of Distribution
Male 14 28%
Female 36 72%
Total 50 100%
Table 1 shows that there are 14 male respondents or 28% and the total of 36 female
respondents, which is 72% of the total percentage. Base of the percentage distribution
according to gender, for a total of 14 male respondents often purchase a scented candle “Mist
N’ Memories” and a higher total number of female respondents are most likely buy a scented

Table 2
Profile of the Respondents according to Age
Age Frequency % of Distribution
Below 18 years old 7 14%
18 years old and above 43 86%
Total 50 100%
Table 2 shows 14% of the respondents are aged below 18 years old, making it the lowest
frequency of respondents, while ages 18 years old and above garnered 86% of the totality of
respondents. Most of the buyers are people of the ages 18 years old and above.

Table 3
Profile of the Respondents according to whether they like to buy scented candles
Do they like to buy candles Frequency % of Distribution
Yes 45 90%
No 5 10%
Total 50 100%
Based on the survey conducted it shows that 45 out of 50 of the respondents often buy ice
candles. On the other hand, only 5 out of 100 does not like to buy scented candles. It could be
concluded that most people like to buy a scented candles.

Table 4
Profile of the Respondents according to the how often do they use scented candles
How often do they buy Frequency % of Distribution
scented candles
Daily 26 52%
Oftentimes 13 26%
Sometimes 6 12%
Never 5 10%
Total 50 100%
Based on the table, it shows that 52% of the total percentage use scented candles daily. 26%
stating that they use scented candles oftentimes. 12% are stated that they use scented candles
sometimes. And lastly, 10% asserted that they use scented candles never. Based on the result,
it can be inferred that most likely customers would buy scented candles once a week.

Table 5
Profile of the Respondents according to how many glasses of scented candles can they
use in a day
How many glass of scented Frequency % of Distribution
candles can they consume
in a day
1 to 10 glasses 28 56%
11 to 20 glasses 17 34%
More than 20 glasses 5 10%
Total 50 100%

According to the data which was shown above, 56% of the total percentage states that they
can use 1 to 10 glasses of scented candles in a day. 34% stating that they can use 11 to 20
glasses of scented candles a day. And lastly 10% states that they can use more than 20 glasses
in a day. It can be concluded that the majority of the customer would buy 1 to 10 glasses of
scented candles in a day.

Table 6
Profile of the Respondents according to how much are they willing to pay for a glass of
scented candles
How much are they willing Frequency % of Distribution
to pay for a glass of scented

Below Php 110.00 8 16%

Php 110.00 to Php 130.00 29 58%
Php 131.00 to Php 150 8 16%
Php 151.00 or more 5 10%
Total 50 100%
According to the data above, 16% of the total percentage would be willing to pay a glass of
scented candles for a price of below Php 110.00. Another 16% of the total percentage stated
that they are willing to buy a glass of scented candles for a price ranging Php 131.00 to Php
150.00. 58% of the total percentage claimed that they are willing to buy a glass of scented
candles for a price ranging Php 110.00 to Php 130.00. Lastly, 10% of the respondents
asserted that they are willing to pay for a glass of scented candles in the amount ranging Php
151.00 or more. In conclusion, most people would be willing to buy a glass of scented
candles for an amount ranging Php 110.00 to Php 130.00.

Table 7
Profile of the Respondents according to their willingness to buy a glass of scented
candles with design
Willingness to buy a glass Frequency % of Distribution
of scented candles with
Yes 48 96%
No 2 4%
Total 50 100%
The table shows that 96% of the total percentage would like buy a glass of scented candles
with design. 2 respondents would be willing buy a glass of scented candles with design.
Based on the survey, it can be concluded that the majority of the customers would like to buy
a glass of scented candles with design.


Percentage of buyer who prefer to buy a scented candles



According to the data gathered, 90% of the respondents are would like to buy a glass of
scented candles. With this demand, we need to find a nice strategy to further promote our
product and therefore increase the demand such as making a design.
Percentage of buyer who prefer to buy a scented candles with




There is no difference in the data gathered above,

Past Demand

Year Total UnitsSold

2016 10,000
2017 12,500
2018 15,000
2019 18,000
2020 25,000
2021 30,000
Note that this table is just an example and does not represent actual data. The total units sold
can vary depending on various factors such as location, brand, quality, and type of candle.
The table format is useful for comparing the demand over multiple years and identifying
trends or patterns.
Gross Value Added and Growth Rates of candles manufacturing in Philippines per
Year, 2016-2020
Year Total Sales(in millions) Growth Rate
2016 8,500 4.2%
2017 9,200 8.2%
2018 10,100 9.8%
2019 11,500 13.9%
2020 13,000 11.8%
Source: "Global Candle Market 2021-2025." Technavio. Accessed May 8, 2023.


Percentage of buyers how often do they use

scented candles
12% 10%

52% Never


According to the data gathered, 52% of the respondents preferred to buy scented candles
Daily. With this supply, we need to find a nice strategy to promote our product and therefore
increase the supply of scented candles.

Quarter/Year Units Sold Growth Rate Estimated Production Supply

(Previous Units sold Capacity Gap/Surplus
Q1 2023 10,000 - 10,000 12,000 + 2000
Q2 2023 10,000 10% 11,000 12,000 + 1000
Q3 2023 11,000 5% 11,550 12,000 + 450
Q4 2023 11,550 8% 12,486 12,000 -486

In this example, we assume that scented candle sales start at 10,000 units in Q1 2023. We
estimate a growth rate of 10% for Q2, 5% for Q3, and 8% for Q4. The estimated units sold
are calculated by applying the growth rate to the previous quarter's sales. The production
capacity is set at 12,000 units per quarter. The supply gap/surplus is determined by
subtracting the estimated units sold from the production capacity.
Demand Analysis of Scented Candles:
1. Consumer Preferences: The demand for scented candles is influenced by consumer
preferences and trends. Factors such as fragrance choices, packaging, and the ambiance they
create impact consumer demand.
2. Income Levels: Disposable income plays a significant role in determining the demand for
scented candles. When consumers have higher incomes, they are more likely to spend on
luxury items like scented candles.
3. Seasonal and Holiday Demand: Demand for scented candles tends to be higher during
certain seasons and holidays, such as Christmas, Valentine's Day, or during the winter
months when people seek cozy and warm environments.
4. Health and Wellness Trends: The demand for scented candles can be influenced by health
and wellness trends. For instance, candles made from natural ingredients or those promoting
relaxation and stress relief may experience higher demand.

Supply Analysis of Scented Candles:

1. Raw Materials: The supply of scented candles depends on the availability and cost of raw
materials such as wax, fragrance oils, wicks, dyes, and containers. Fluctuations in the prices
of these inputs can affect the supply.
2. Manufacturing Capacity: The production capacity of scented candle manufacturers
determines the overall supply in the market. Factors like equipment, labor availability, and
production efficiency can impact the industry's ability to meet demand.
3. Distribution Channels: The supply of scented candles is influenced by distribution
channels such as retail stores, online platforms, and specialty boutiques. The efficiency of
these channels in reaching consumers affects the overall supply chain.
4. Competition: The presence of numerous manufacturers and brands in the scented candle
industry affects supply. Competitive factors such as pricing strategies, product differentiation,
and marketing efforts can influence supply levels.
It is important to note that the information provided is a general analysis of demand and
supply for scented candles.

Quantity Demanded (Qd) and Quantity Supplied (Qs):

We'll consider the following hypothetical data for quantity demanded and supplied at
different price levels:
Price Quantity Demanded (Qd) Quantity Supplied (Qs)
Below Php 110.00 200 150
Php 110.00 to Php 130.00 180 160
Php 131.00 to Php 150 150 180
Php 151.00 or more 130 200
Total 660 690
Using this data, we can perform further analysis, such as calculating equilibrium price and
quantity, determining elasticity of demand or supply, and evaluating the impact of various
factors on the market.

The pricing of the product is based on its market competition. The competition is tight in the
business industry because the demand is not just based on the price itself but also in its product and
presentation. To balance all the necessary factors needed to formulate a considerable and
reasonable price considering the supply availability, the price is set up at 435 percent based on its
cost for the initial year.


Year 1 Php118.20
Year 2 Php121.60
Year 3 Php124.10
Year 4 Php127.05
Year5 Php129.70

Marketing Mix
• Product (insert your idea)

• Price (insert)

•Place (insert)

•Promotion (insert)
Projected Sales per Volume/Unit

1 st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 5th year

Price Per 118.20 121.60 124.10 127.05 129.70


No. of Units 1,000 1,100 1,155 1,248 1,295


Total: 118,200 133,760 143,335.5 158,558.4 167,961.5

Note: The projected sales are estimated based on the normal capacity that the business is expected
to operate.


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