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Production Schedule

Student Names: Dominik Majer Sheet

Production Title: The Opposites. 0 of 0


On this day, we were introduced to our Final
Tuesday, 14th of Pre-Production. Major Project. My task for today’s and Wednesday, 15th of
March. tomorrow’s session is to complete some March.
research about other examples of Moving Video
Since we are going to be having a presentation
on the only session taking place today, I am not
Wednesday, 15th of Pre-Production. planning to be doing anything big. My plan is to Friday, 24th of March.
March. initially download and having a look through the
Statement of Aims document, since the research
task from yesterday is finished.
My task for this day is to complete most of the
Friday, 17th of March. Pre-Production. Statement of Aims document. Knowing my ability Friday, 24th of March.
to work up at a high speed, I will manage to
complete most of it by the end of today.
Most of my Statement of Aims document was
Tuesday, 21st of Pre-Production. complete, therefore I will return it back to my Friday, 24th of March.
March. lecturers and ask them individually what they
would like to see in my document. After receiving
a feedback, I will further extend my writings.
My Statement of Aims document is fully finished
and submitted. Therefore I am looking to start on
Wednesday, 22nd of Pre-Production. my research, which probably will be me trying to Tuesday, 18th of April.
March. find videos which relate to showing difference
and opposition between two things, perhaps the
opposites of the themes given to us. I will have
time to research up until after easter holidays.
Last session I’ve done a really good job on
finding a lot of videos which relate to the theme
of what I’m doing. Today, I’m looking to learn
Friday, 24th of March. Pre-Production. more about colours and slow motion. Since I’m Tuesday, 18th of April.
having a presentation to the class about Colour
Theory and Slow Motion, I will be able to take
lots of notes and see how they could be used in
my project.
We are having a presentation/workshop about
Tuesday, 28th of Pre-Production. Rotoscoping. This wasn’t something which I
March. necessarily thought of including in my project. Tuesday, 18th of April.
My plan for the following workshop is to have a
good go at it and try to see how I could include it
in my project.
We aren’t having any workshops which I could
learn from today, therefore my idea is to go more
Wednesday, 29th of Pre-Production. in depth about what types of sound I am going to Tuesday, 18th of April.
March. be using in my project. Once I came up with the
idea, I am planning to research about how that
music came into life and what the actual
definition of it is.
Today is a workshop about timelapse. Since the
part of my initial idea is to show what time is and
what the opposite of time is, this is something
really useful. I will be writing down all the steps
Friday, 31st of Pre-Production. about timelapse and how to import it into Adobe Tuesday, 18th of April.
March. Premiere Pro properly. I feel like this is
something I could finish on the same day,
therefore I would like to start on my Pre-
Production documents, such as storyboards or
location recces so that I’m a little bit more
further than everyone else.
All I have left to do now, is to fully complete all
Tuesday, 18th of Pre-Production. the pre-production documents. I believe I’ve got Tuesday, 2nd of May.
April. quite a few left to complete, so I will be doing
those once I come back from the holiday.
I will be doing the same things up until the 2nd of
Wednesday, 19th of Pre-Production. May. They aren’t really long documents, maybe Tuesday, 2nd of May.
April. the Contingency Plan is something which takes
We are going to be having a quick workshop
session with our video/film lecturer Ben about
cinemagraphy. At the moment, I don’t really
Friday, 21st of April. Pre-Production. understand what cinemagraphy is, but I am Tuesday, 2nd of May.
hoping to know it by the end of that session. If
it’s something which I felt like I could include in
my project easily then I will do so. Once the
workshop is done, I will move onto doing some
more documentations.
This is our last week to get on with all the pre-
Tuesday, 25th of Pre-Production. production documentations that we must do, Tuesday, 2nd of May.
April. therefore I am planning on really stepping on the
gas and getting it fully done.
I can’t really say anything else here, I will still be
Wednesday, 26th of Pre-Production. doing the pre-production documents if not Tuesday, 2nd of May.
April. finished. I am also going to have a look at the
website where I can borrow equipment for my
Last day to be getting my documents done. If I
Friday, 28th of April. Pre-Production. didn’t manage to have a look at the website Tuesday, 2nd of May.
about the equipments then I will on this day and
they should be booked by know, at least for the
first filming.
This is the day on which I should start filming by.
However, if my pre-prod. documents are finished
Tuesday, 2nd of May. Production. before the 2nd of may, then I might end up asking Monday, 15th of May.
whether I am able to film earlier. I feel like this
would give me a great advantage.
I am just planning on fully getting on with my
Wednesday, 3rd of Production. filming today as well. I feel like the filming overall Monday, 15th of May.
May. shouldn’t take that long as these cinemagraph
comparisons are nice and easy to get done.
If not finished filming on Wednesday, then this is
Friday, 5th of May. Production. the day on which I should be fully finishing my Monday, 15th of May.
filmings. Once the shooting is done, I would
move onto editing the project.
From this point I am planning to be fully
Tuesday, 9th of May. Production. engaging with the editing of the project. If I find a Monday, 15th of May.
clip which is not as good as I thought it would be,
I would still have time to quickly film a new one.
Wednesday, 10th of Production. I should still be fully dedicated to the editing of Monday, 15th of May.
May. my project, the same as on Tuesday.
Friday, 12th of May. Production. I should still be doing my editing if not fully Monday, 15th of May.
finished by now and ready to be submitted.
This is the due date for the submission. I am not
Monday, 15th of May. Submission. sure if we are allowed to send it on Tuesday as Monday, 15th of May.
we have Mondays off, if not then it should be
submitted on Friday.
After the project is fully submitted, I should be
Tuesday, 16th of May Evaluation. moving onto evaluating my project, seeing how it Monday, 22nd of May.
all went down. This is the time to reflect on how I
think I’ve done.
I am still planning to be getting on with my
Wednesday, 17th of Evaluation. reflection. I am also going to be planning on how Monday, 22nd of May.
May. my exhibition space is going to look like as that
is going to be the very last thing of this project.

Friday, 18th of May. Evaluation. The evaluation should almost be finished by this Monday, 22nd of May.
point, and I should’ve got a small idea of the
exhibition space.

Evaluation should be finished by now and now I

Tuesday, 23rd of May. Exhibition Space should be spending this week on the planning of Friday, 26th of May.
Planning my exhibition space, mainly just how it’s going to

Wednesday,24th of Exhibition Space I am still carrying on with the planning of the Friday, 26th of May.
May. Planning exhibition space.

Friday, 26th of May. Exhibition Space This is the last day of my planning, it should be Friday, 26th of May.
Planning all coming to an end now.

Monday, 5th of June. Exhibition Space This day/week is where we show off our final Monday, 5th of June.
major projects to the class. Everyone will be able
to walk around freely and inspect the work of

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