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Committee: Emergency meeting of Indian Leaders,1857

Topic : Whether to solve the matter by discussing with the Britishers

Position:General Neil,Madras Army Officer

I think that Indians should cooperate with us instead of waging a war

If Indians wage a war it will be lose to both the sides as then we would have no choice but to
lock Indians up in jail,instead if Indians cooperate then we could make India a much better
place and we are always trying to such as we gave Indians railways,new type of
education,new Language,freedom of press and also tried to abolish many evil practices such
as sati.
I think that we could come up with solution peacefully instead of waging a war and losing
many precious lives of Indians and Britishers , An leader from Indians side and One from
Our side could meet a designated place and discuss the solution peacefully and clear all the
misunderstandings that might be the cause of waging a war.
Lastly,I think that we both Indians and Britishers benefit from eachother in some way or the
other so there is no point of revolting as we are nothing but Indian’s Wellwishers and plan on
developing the country even more if Indians cooperate
Yours truly,
General Neil
Madras Army Officer

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