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[Opening music]

[Voiceover]: A young woman named Lily. She was ambitious, driven, and had a strong
desire to excel in everything she did. Lily was a perfectionist, and she believed that
being perfect was the only way to succeed in life.

[Cut to a young woman walking into an office building]

[Voiceover]: One day, Lily got a job as a marketing executive at a big advertising

[Cut to Lily working in her office]

[Voiceover]: Her first assignment was to develop a marketing campaign for a new
product that the company was launching.

[Cut to Lily working on her computer, researching, creating graphics, and writing

[Voiceover]: Lily worked tirelessly on the project. She spent long hours in the office,
perfecting every detail of the campaign.

[Cut to Lily working late at night, sipping coffee, and staring at her computer]

[Voiceover]: She wanted to make sure that every aspect of the campaign was perfect.

[Cut to Lily reviewing every detail of the campaign]

[Voiceover]: As the deadline for the project approached, Lily's boss called her into his

[Cut to Lily walking into her boss's office]

[Voiceover]: He was impressed with the quality of her work, but he had one concern.

[Cut to Lily's boss looking at the campaign and talking to her]

[Voiceover]: He noticed that Lily had been spending a lot of time perfecting small,
less important details of the campaign, such as the font size or the color scheme.

[Cut to Lily's boss pointing out some details on the campaign]

[Voiceover]: He reminded Lily "Doing a great job on important tasks is more

important than trying to be perfect at small, less important things."

[Cut to Lily's boss talking to her and Lily listening]

[Voiceover]: He explained to her that while it was important to pay attention to

detail, it was more important to focus on the big picture and get the job done on

[Cut to Lily nodding and understanding her boss's feedback]

[Voiceover]: Lily realized that her boss was right. She had been so focused on
perfection that she had lost sight of the main objective of the project.

[Cut to Lily thinking and reflecting]

[Voiceover]: She went back to her desk and refocused her efforts on the most
important aspects of the campaign.

[Cut to Lily working on the campaign again]

[Voiceover]: She was able to complete the project on time, and it was a huge success.

[Cut to Lily's boss congratulating her]

[Voiceover]: Her boss was impressed with the results and praised her for her hard

[Cut to Lily relaxing in the beach sunbathing]

[Voiceover]: Lily had learned an important lesson about the importance of

prioritizing tasks.
[Cut to Lily relaxing in the beach, smiling and feeling proud of herself]

[Voiceover]: From that day on, Lily was able to balance her desire for perfection with
the need to focus on the big picture.

[Cut to Lily working on other projects]

[Voiceover]: She learned that it was more important to get things done well and on
time than to obsess over small details.

[Cut to Lily smiling and feeling happy]

[Text overlay]: Doing a great job on important tasks is more important than trying to
be perfect at small, less important things.

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