192 - White v. Tennant 31 W. Va. 790, 8 S.E. 596 (1888)

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White v.

31 W. Va. 790, 8 S.E. 596 (1888)

Mr and Mrs White lived in West Virginia but decided to transfer to Pennsylvania, even
selling their farm in West Virginia, took all their properties and livestock, and transferred
to Pennsylvania.

However, upon coming there, Mrs White contracted typhoid fever so they went back to
West Virginia. Mrs White stayed in West Virginia but Mr White tended to their livestock in
Pennsylvania during the day. Mr. White later contracted typhoid fever, and died.

ISSUE: WON the domicile of Mr. White is Pennsylvania, thus, its law would govern the
administration of the decedent's estate?

THE COURT RULED IN THE AFFIRMATIVE. Even if they stayed there for a very short
period of time, since there was act of staying in Pennsylvania and even selling all their
properties in West Virginia plus the INTENT to abandon old domicile and establish new
domicile, this effected to the Pennsylvania governing the estate of Mr. White.

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