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Longiludinal Compression Tensile

Yield Sirengih Yield Sirengih Sirenglh' Charpy V-Nolch (CVN)"
min. max. min. min. Hardness Value Temp. Orienl.
Grade Color Code MPa MPa MPa MPa max. Joules 'C Source

API General Service H-40 276 552 414 API

J-55 379 552 517 API

K-55 - 379 552 655 API

API Sour Service L-80 552 655 655 23 Rc API

C-90 621 724 690 25.4 Rc API

T-95 655 758 724 25.4 Rc API

API High-Slrenglh N-80 552 758 690 API

C-95 655 758 724 API

p-no 758 965 862 API

LSS General Service L5-65·· 448 586 586 22 Rc 27 0 TW L55

LSS High Collapse HCK-55 379 655 51 7 655 21 Rc L55

HCN-80 552 758 655 690 LS5

5-95- 655 862 655 758 31 Rc

LSS High-Collapse, HCL-80* 552 655 655 690 22 Rc L55

Sour Service H,5-90 621 724 655 690 25 Rc L55

655 758 655 724 25 Rc L55

LSS Deep Well Service 758 965 862 L55

HCQ-125*' 862 965 931 27 0 TW LS5

L5-140- 965 1138 1034 L55

LSS Arclic Service' ArcllC J-55 379 552 51 7 27' -46 TW L55

Arclic L-80 552 655 655 22 Rc 271 -46 TW L55

Arctic 5-95 655 862 655 758 31 Rc 2 71 -46 TW L55

Arctic p-no 758 965 862 27 -46 TW LS5

Arctic Q-125 862 1034 931 271 -46 TW L55

Other V-ISO 1034 1241 n03 Manul.

A_ LS-65 meels NACE MR0l75-97 requiremenls for use In sour servICe. LS-65 F. Tensile slrenglh for pipe only. Effeclive for shipmenls January I, 1998.
performance properlles are based on use of l-80 couphng. HCl-80 uses API l-80 couphngs_

B_ Grade l5-110 has been changed 10 High Collapse P-110 (HCP-110), no G. API requires J-55 and K-55 coupling slock 10 have minimum CVN values 0115
changes were made in any performance properties. It-Ibs lransverse and 20 It-Ibs longiludinal.

C. Grade l5-125 has been changed 10 High Collapse Q-125 (HCQ-125), no H. API requires N-80 and higher grades of coupling slock 10 have minimum CVN
changes were made in any performance properties. values of 15 It-Ibs lransverse and 30 It-Ibs longiludinal.

D_ LSS Arclic ServICe grades have Ihe same performance properties as Iheir L CVN minimum values are based on Ihe average of Ihree lesls uSing 10,10 mm
equivalenl sizes and weighls of API or LS5 proprlelary grades. specimens. Higher minImum values are available.

E_ Minimum elongallon for all producls IS based on API formula.

* Indicates items available hom lone Star Steel. Additional notes on Page 59.


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