Listening Compherension - MuhammadAbizarRibawan

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Name: Muhammad Abizar Ribawan

NIM: 2210117210020

Exercise 1

1. Scientists
2. Affecting
3. Building
4. Transportation
5. Reduction
6. Industrial
7. Responspbility
8. Enviromental

Exercise 2

1. A. Remarkable effect
2. B. Take a few deep breaths
3. A. Survival mechanism
4. A. It pumps furiously
5. B. About different things
6. A. By breathing
7. A. Get plenty of exercise
8. B. Scope out the station
9. C. Talk to someone
10. A. Quake

Exercise 3

1. C. you cannot be depressed, anxious, or stressed when you're laughing.

2. B. helps you with your workouts
3. C. Stress drives down hormones like cortisol.
4. A. True
5. B. Fifty
6. C. Immune systems
7. B. antibodies that protect us from infections.
8. A. increases the body's production of natural pain killers, called endorphins.
9. B. laugh deeply and laugh a lot.
10. C. Three hundred to four hundred times a day.
11. A. Twelve to fifteen times a day
12. B. Find the joy in your life again

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