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Name: Muhammad Abizar Ribawwan


Exercise 1

Topic: The Vietnam war

Signals: soon after World War 2, in 1964, By 1953, In1954
Events: The Vietnam war began, the war was between the Vietnamese and French, The French army
was in trouble, the French army stopped fighting and left Vietnam

Exercise 2

Topic: The second part of Vietnam war

Signals: in 1954, from 1954 until 1960, beginning of 1965, In march 1965, by July 1965
Events: The second part of Vietnam war began, The north and south were fighting all the time, the
north Vietnam were winning the war, the united states began to help South Vietnam, there were
about 75.000 American soldiers in Vietnam

Exercise 1

Topic: The war became an American war

Signals: in 1965, that year, each year, every year, By the end of 1967
Events: The Vietnam war became an American war, the United States sent airplanes with bombs
over North Vietnam, More and more bombs were used, The United States sent more soldier, there
were almost 510.000 Americans in Vietnam

Exercise 1

Topic: Anh Ngyuen Life

Signals: in 1960, When she was four years old, in 1972, The first year of high school, In the fall, that
winter, in the spring
Events: She was born, her family moved to Saigon, She finished grammar school, was a happy year
for anh, She won a prize for a French paper, She decided she wanted to go study in France, She did
very well on her examinations.

Exercise 2

Topic: Anh change of plans

Signals: in 1973, in 1974, that year,
Events: life in Saigon was changing, North Vietnamese army moved to Saigon, For a hand for others
there were new troubles.

Exercise 1
Topic: Anh and her difficulties
Signals: The new few years, at first, after a while, started, from 1974 to 1976, The day came, at night,
For several days, wait many months, while she was waiting, almost one year later,
Events: Unhappy and difficult, she continued to go to school, she stopped going to school and
started working in a factory, hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese left their country, aAnh to say
goodbye to her family, They left Vietnam, they sailed with no trouble, for the visa, she took English
classes and studied hard, she got her visa.

Exercise 1

Topic: Anh life in Boston

Signals: in December 1979, the evening, that night, The first winter, In January, by summer, for the
next two years, at the end of her last year of high school, After college.
Events: arrived in Boston, Anh asked pho and To-van many questions, Anh made a decision before
she went to sleep, first winter in Boston seemed very cold, she started studying at the high school,
the worst times were over for anh, she studied very hard, she won a scholarship to college, she
could get a good job.

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