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EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 1 www.hannaford.co.



Health and Safety

Policy & Procedures


Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 2 www.hannaford.co.uk

The company’s Directors, together with the Health and Safety Manager, have reviewed the contents
of this document to ensure it accurately reflects the company’s policies and procedures. Any changes
made to this document have been made prior to the Health and Safety Policy Statement being signed
by the Managing Director.

The entire document will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it remains up-to-date and in
accordance with statutory requirements. This will take place at least every 12 months.

All employees will be made aware of this document and its contents.

Hannaford Health and Safety Policy and Procedures Manual

Records of Amendments

Ref Page No. Version No. Comments Authorisation


Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 3 www.hannaford.co.uk

Health and Safety Policy

In accordance with the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974

Document Owner: The Board of Directors

Owning Department: Health and Safety

Classification: K R Hannaford

Business Units affected by this Policy: All

R Whish / Directors
Policy Approved By:
2nd January 2020
Details of Last Change:

Definitions of Terms Used:

ACOP’s Approved Codes of Practice
A person deemed by the Company to have sufficient training,
experience or knowledge and other personal qualities to properly
Competent Person
assist the Company to undertake measures required to comply with
health & safety legislation.

COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous Health.

Corrective Action Action taken to prevent recurrence of an incident

DSE Display Screen Equipment.

H&S Working Practice Any verbal or written health & safety instruction.

H&S Health & safety

HSE team Hannaford Health, Safety and Environmental Team

Health & Safety specific plan that supports the H&S strategy and
Health & Safety Plan
IMS Integrated Management System ISO 18001 / 14001

PAT Portable Appliance Testing.

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

Action taken to prevent an incident occurring (also see Corrective
Preventive Action
RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences.
Safe System of Work. A formal procedure that documents how the
risks identified in a risk assessment are to be controlled.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 4 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 5 www.hannaford.co.uk


Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 6 www.hannaford.co.uk


Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 7 www.hannaford.co.uk

Section One
Policy and Organisation

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 8 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 9 www.hannaford.co.uk

Statement of Policy

Health and Safety Policy Statement

The Health & Safety at Work (etc.) act 1974 [section 2(3)] requires all employers with more than 5
employees to provide a written statement on their general policy regarding health and safety at work
and the organisation and arrangements for carrying out that Policy.
This Policy complies with the above requirement and relates to all Hannaford sites and activities, and
all employees, visitors and members of the public at these sites. The Policy also extends to non-
Company sites / areas where employees are undertaking approved work activities, and to any
activities in other countries.


The Board of directors recognize that making effective provision for health & safety is fundamental to
the well being of the entire Company, its employees and members of the public.
In order to achieve this, a Health & Safety Strategy has been agreed with the following mission

We recognise and will fulfill our responsibilities as an employer under Section 2 of the Health & Safety
at Work Act 1974 to ensure as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of our
employees. In particular, this includes the provision and maintenance of:

 Safe plant and equipment and safe systems of work.

 Safe handling, storage, maintenance and transport of articles and substances.
 Information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary.
 A safe place of work, with safe access and egress.
 A safe working environment with adequate welfare facilities.
We also recognise and will fulfill our responsibilities under the Management of Health & Safety at
Work Regulations 1999, which support the above responsibilities and provide a framework for the
effective management of health & safety.


A copy of this Policy and all material changes will be communicated to all employees by whatever
means are needed to make sure that they have read and understood it.
This Policy and all other health & safety related documentation will be held on the Company intranet
as well as other approved controlled areas.

Keith Speed
Managing Director
Date 2nd January 2020

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 10 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 11 www.hannaford.co.uk

Organisational responsibilities for the implementation of this policy
All employees have health & safety responsibilities and these must be understood in order to ensure
our Policy’s effective implementation. The responsibilities of various categories of people are defined
in the sections below. Specialist responsibilities are set out in section titled employees with specialist

Health & Safety Planning is undertaken by key personnel (as illustrated in the diagram below) to
ensure that all these responsibilities and arrangements are integrated and coordinated across the
group so that the overall policy is effectively implemented and achieves its desired result.

This diagram shows the responsibilities for the Policy, Health & Safety arrangements and
implementation together with supporting responsibilities.


Diagram 1 – H&S Responsibilities

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 12 www.hannaford.co.uk


The Main Board of Directors

- The Company’s Board of Directors has ultimate responsibility for health & safety across the

- The Board of Directors will ensure that health & safety is fully considered where relevant to
Board decisions.

- The Board have delegated operational responsibility for health and safety to the Managing
Director and Health and Safety Manager, however they retain overall accountability.

The Managing Director / Directors

The Managing Director / Directors are responsible for:

- Delegated executive management of Hannaford’s health & safety function on behalf of the
Board of Directors.

- Ensuring compliance with the Company’s health & safety legal responsibilities and duties.

- Ensuring that health and safety is considered within the context of all relevant board

- Ensuring that an appropriate Health & Safety Strategy, Policy and arrangements are
developed and approved that reflect Board priorities.

- Ensuring that the necessary resources, so far as is reasonably practicable, are made available
to enable effective compliance with the H&S Strategy, Policy, Plan and other related

- Ensuring that a positive working health and safety culture is in place and remains effective.

- Ensuring that the health and safety performance of the Company is reviewed with the Board.

- Ensuring that the board is kept informed of and alerted to, relevant health and safety risk
management issues including any significant failures and the outcome of the investigations in
to their causes.

- Understand and fulfill their health & safety responsibilities in relation to the H&S Policy and

- Consider health & safety when making decisions in their areas of responsibility; and

- Implement arrangements to support the H&S Policy and Plan with any variations required to
reflect conditions specific to their businesses/functions.

- Reviewing and responding as appropriate to recommendations from the HSE team in relation
to all sites / projects.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 13 www.hannaford.co.uk

- Notifying the Health and Safety Manager team of any changes which may have a health &
safety impact at the earliest appropriate opportunity to ensure that an effective risk
assessment is undertaken prior to the introduction of such changes.

Hannaford Managers / (Delivery Team)

Hannaford Managers are responsible for:

- Providing effective leadership in health & safety and ensuring that employees understand and
fulfill their responsibilities for health & safety and where necessary arrange for appropriate

- Providing appropriate input to the H&S Policy, Strategy and arrangements.

- Ensuring that health & safety is fully considered when making decisions.

- Ensuring that appropriate budgets are prepared for their units / functions to facilitate
implementation of the H&S Policy, arrangements and effective overall health & safety

- Committing resource as far as is reasonably practicable to ensure effective health & safety
management in respect of their operational areas.

- Co-operating with the board of Directors and Health and Safety Manager and ensuring the
implementation of the H&S Policy, Strategy and arrangements in respect of their operational

- Notifying Health and Safety Manager of any changes which may have a health & safety impact
at the earliest appropriate opportunity to ensure that an effective risk assessment is
undertaken prior to the introduction of such changes.

- Co-operating through the Board to facilitate coordinated implementation of the Company’s

H&S Policy and arrangements.

- Ensuring health & safety issues are regularly reviewed in Management Meetings and Team

- Providing effective leadership in health & safety and ensuring that managers understand and
fulfill their responsibilities for health & safety, and where necessary arrange for appropriate

- Ensuring that health & safety is given sufficient consideration when making decisions in their
areas of responsibility.

- Allocating resource as far as is reasonably practicable to ensure compliance with the H&S
Strategy, Policy, arrangements and other related requirements.

- Co-operating with the Health and Safety Manager and ensuring effective communication,
understanding and implementation of the H&S policy, arrangements, procedures and health
& safety working practices.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 14 www.hannaford.co.uk

- Ensuring health & safety issues are included on the agenda of all regular management
meetings / team briefings under their control.

- Releasing employees to attend necessary training and encourage participation in the

development of policies, arrangements procedures, and health & safety working practices
associated with work activities they undertake.

Site Managers / Joinery shop Managers

Managers are responsible for:

- Ensuring all employees receive health & safety induction and other appropriate training as is
necessary to ensure compliance with all relevant health & safety legislation and Hannaford
health & safety requirements.

- Ensuring all employees receive, understand and act upon information, instruction, and
supervision as is necessary in order that they can undertake their role in a safe and healthy

- Ensuring that health & safety is given sufficient consideration when making decisions in their
areas of responsibility.

- Identifying and managing budgetary requirements in their areas of responsibility to ensure

compliance with all health & safety requirements and agreed key performance indicators as
far as is reasonably practicable.

- Ensuring appropriate Risk Assessments are undertaken and that appropriate control
measures including Safe Systems of Work, Method Statements etc are implemented where
required and if so that they are maintained and reviewed in their areas of control.

- Ensuring documented Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work, Method Statements etc.
are reviewed and approved where related to their areas of control.

- Ensuring that workplace and work practice inspections and checks are regularly undertaken
in their areas of responsibility.

- Implementing and complying with both existing and any new health & safety specific
arrangements, procedures and working practices to ensure compliance with the H&S policy ,
arrangements and / or health & safety legislative requirements.

- Allocating tasks appropriate to an individual’s capabilities and health & safety training.

- Ensuring accidents, near misses, dangerous occurrences and hazards are appropriately
reported and investigated promptly and that any corrective or preventive actions are taken
as appropriate.

- Taking appropriate action to remedy unsafe equipment and / or unsafe health & safety
working practices

- Acting as the senior person to whom all significant incidents and issues relating to that site
are notified such as enforcement authority visits or inspections; escalation of any health &
safety issues which are site specific; receipt of any bomb threats, in accordance with the

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 15 www.hannaford.co.uk

arrangements for the Receipt of Bomb Threats and Warnings; and escalation of any significant
breaches of company policy.

- Ensuring that health & safety performance in their areas of responsibility are assessed,
monitored and reviewed in order to continually improve on performance.

- Ensuring the any contractors under their control are effectively managing health and safety.

- Assigned certain duties by their Manager to enable those managers to fulfill their
responsibilities as identified above, however the accountability itself is not delegated.


Employees are responsible for:

- Ensuring that health & safety issues are given sufficient consideration when making decisions,
in their areas of responsibility as these decisions may have an effect on the health & safety of
other employees and persons.

- Take reasonable care of their own health & safety and that of others.

- Carry out their assigned duties and tasks in accordance with the H&S Policy, Arrangements
and all other health & safety working practices, rules and instructions.

- Not interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health & safety or to do
anything likely to endanger themselves or others.

- Withdraw from the immediate vicinity of any health and safety hazards that they become
aware of and report the details immediately to their relevant Manager.

- Co-operate fully with their Manager or any other person on health & safety matters so far as
is necessary to enable any legal duty or requirement to be performed or complied with.

- Report any known defects in equipment or systems that they believe is or may become a
safety hazard.

- Report situations in which they believe there are circumstances at work that pose a serious
health or safety risk.

- Report accidents, near misses, dangerous occurrences and any other hazards promptly and
co-operate with any investigations.

- Not use any machinery, equipment, substance, vehicle or device other than in accordance
with any instruction or training that has been provided.

- Use correctly all guards and safety devices that have been provided.

- Make full and proper use of any personal protective equipment (PPE) in accordance with the
H&S Policy, Arrangements, health & safety working practices, rules and instruction.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 16 www.hannaford.co.uk

- Familiarise themselves with the location of first aid facilities and the identity of the first aiders
appointed in the relevant area.

- Familiarise themselves with the local evacuation procedure in the event of a fire or other


Health and Safety Manager

The Health and Safety Manager is responsible for:

- The development of the overall H&S Strategy, Policy and arrangements in conjunction with all
relevant parties, for Board approval.

- Working with the Company to ensure that Managing Directors, Directors –

- Understand and fulfill their health & safety responsibilities in relation to the H&S Strategy,
Policy and arrangements.

- Consider health & safety when making decisions in their areas of responsibility; and

- Implement arrangements to support the H&S Strategy, Policy and Plan with any variations
required to reflect conditions specific to their businesses/functions.

- Providing advice to the operating businesses and functions in their preparation of health &
safety budgets.

- Provide advice and support on new legislation and changes to existing legislation relating to
health & safety and assessing and advising on the implications for the Company.

- Analysing the results of internal audits to ensure appropriate corrective and preventive action
is implemented.

- Providing advice and support on best practice and new techniques in relation to health &

- Providing advice and support to management so that contractors are managed effectively
from a health and safety perspective

- Providing specialist advice and support to the Company on health & safety issues.

- Providing support for the development and implementation of a programme of training in

relation to health & safety legislation and obligations.

- Representing the Company with relevant enforcement authorities as may be required and
providing advice and support in respect of any legal proceedings on health & safety matters.

- Assisting in management of the Company’s health & safety audit programme and the
preparation of audit reports.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 17 www.hannaford.co.uk

- Undertaking general and specific risk assessments as required.

- Undertaking specialist audits and inspections of work / premises across the Company
including contractors.

- Providing RIDDOR incident reports to the relevant enforcing authority.

- Monitoring the effectiveness of health & safety arrangements, procedures and controls
within each business unit and functional area and also relevant contractors.

- Reporting non-conformances to the Managing Director.

- Representing employees and consulting with the Company on health & safety matters.

- Taking part in the investigation of potential hazards/dangerous occurrences and reporting

their findings to the Company.

- Co-operating with management in the examination of causes of accidents at work.

- Investigating complaints by those they represent relating to health or safety at work.

- Making representations to the Company on general health & safety issues.

- Participating in health & safety inspections.

- Liaison with health & safety inspectors in conjunction with the Company.

Employee Health Safety & Environmental Representatives

Employee Environmental Representatives are responsible for:

- Representing employees and consulting with the Company on health & safety matters.

- Taking part in the investigation of potential hazards/dangerous occurrences and reporting

their findings to the Company.

- Co-operating with management and the Health and Safety Manager in the examination of
causes of accidents at work.

- Investigating complaints by those they represent relating to health or safety at work.

- Making representations to the Company on general health & safety issues.

- Liaison with health & safety inspectors where required in conjunction with the Health and
Safety Manger.

- Undertaking workplace inspections as agreed with the Health and Safety Manger and report

- Liaison with the HSE team to ensure information is up to date at the relevant site

- Escalation of issues to the Health and Safety meeting that have not been resolved.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 18 www.hannaford.co.uk

Appointed Persons (First Aid)

Appointed persons are responsible for

- Assessing a situation where a person is injured or taken ill at work and pass on the relevant
information if it is necessary to summon medical assistance and know the requirements for
first aid equipment.

- Ensuring that the first aid box in their area is fully stocked and reporting deficiencies to Estates
or Site Services

- Calling the emergency services if required.

First Aiders

First Aiders are responsible for:

- Providing first aid in the event of an accident or the sudden onset of illness until medical help
can be obtained.

Fire Marshals

Fire Marshals are responsible for:

- Carrying out any relevant instructions given by the emergency services.

- Receiving reports from all fire wardens stating that their area of responsibility is clear of all
personnel and also take note of any unusual circumstances.

- Liaison with the emergency services providing any relevant information as requested.

- Giving authorisation to Fire Wardens to notify personnel that it’s safe to return to the building
after receiving the all clear from the emergency services or if false alarm is proven.

- Advising new employees of fire arrangements (e.g. fire exits, location of extinguishers) where

- Advising new employees of fire arrangements (e.g. fire exits, location of extinguishers) where

Construction Design & Management Regulations-related Roles

The Company and relevant employees may undertake any of the roles below. In some cases multiple
roles may be undertaken.

These roles are:

- Designer
- Principal Contractor
- Contractor

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 19 www.hannaford.co.uk


The following elements and associated arrangements have been implemented to ensure a proactive
health & safety culture.

It is important that all employees understand how health & safety roles and responsibilities are
allocated between different levels of the Company in order to ensure effective control of health &

The Health and Safety section of this Policy together with health & safety training provided by the
Company ensures that all employees understand their responsibilities.

Directors of the Company have responsibilities for providing a leadership in relation to health & safety
and raising the credibility and profile of effective health & safety management within the Company.

Management at all levels of the Company are required to lead by example.

Control is also maintained through the effective management of contractors.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 20 www.hannaford.co.uk

Implementation arrangements – Introduction

Regulation 5 of the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations requires that the
Company makes, and gives effect to, arrangements as are appropriate for the effective planning,
organisation, control, monitoring and review of preventive and protective measures.

Implementation of policy
Whilst overall responsibility for the implementation of the Health and Safety Policy is vested with the
Company Directors, responsibility for the day to day application of the policy is delegated to the
Managing Director.

To clarify the roles and responsibilities for health and safety, duties have been allocated to nominated
employees and must be carried out.

Induction Training
Office -Keith Speed
Site -Site Managers
COSHH Assessments
Site - Site Managers
Office - Russell Whish / Office Manager
Joinery Shop - Kelvin Revell
Risk Assessments
Site - Site Managers
Office - Office Manager
Joinery Shop - Kelvin Revell
DSE Assessments
Office - Russell Whish
Portable Appliance Testing
Office - Office Manager
Site - Site Managers / Project Managers
Manual Handling Assessments
Office - Office Manager / Russell Whish
Site - Site Managers
Fire Warden - See Roles and responsibility document
First Aid Appointed Person - See Roles and responsibility document
PPE Provision - Russell Whish
Training - Russell Whish / Keith Speed

All individuals are however expected to:

 take reasonable care for the health, safety and welfare of themselves, fellow
personnel and anyone else who may be affected by their acts or omissions
 co-operate with others in the discharge of their duties
 work in accordance with all safety procedures

At the planning stage, full account is to be taken of those factors that help to eliminate injury, damage
and waste, and decisions about other priorities (e.g. programme and profit) are to take proper account
of health and safety requirements.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 21 www.hannaford.co.uk

Section Two
Arrangements for Health and Safety

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 22 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 23 www.hannaford.co.uk

Arrangements for Health and Safety

The Company will ensure that all employees are consulted on health & safety issues and that a forum
is provided for raising health & safety issues that have not been resolved satisfactorily via existing

The Consultation Process will allow for all employees to be consulted via meetings and provides a
formal opportunity for co-operation between the Company and Employees in relation to proactive
health & safety management. In certain cases the Company may also consult directly with employees.

Employees are actively encouraged to be involved in health & safety planning, reviewing performance,
developing arrangements / working practices and addressing problems / issues. .

Where the Company operates in buildings which are also used by other private companies then we
will actively liaise with the company responsible for the management of the building lease as well as
those companies working in these buildings to ensure health and safety working practices are effective
and maintained.

Co-operation and consultation is also maintained with contractors.

All health & safety related documentation will be held on the server and a copy of the policy within
the main office, and other approved documentation repositories and, where necessary, will also be
provided and distributed in paper/booklet format.

Health and Safety notice boards at all major workplaces will also be used to display relevant

Internal newsletters and other relevant media will be used to communicate specific information on
an ongoing basis.

Health and Safety Consultation Meetings will be held to enable direct communication of health &
safety issues.

Effective communication will also be maintained with contractors.

A Competent Person is a person deemed by the Company to have sufficient training, (e.g. a recognised
qualification, membership of a professional body), experience or knowledge and other personal
qualities (e.g. a person with practical and theoretical knowledge of working within the environment
to be assessed and the ability to make an assessment of the problem) to properly assist the Company
to undertake measures required to comply with health & safety legislation.

The HSE team will work with management to ensure effective health and safety competence is

Contractors are also required to maintain effective competence.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 24 www.hannaford.co.uk

The Managing Director will ensure that health & safety management is coordinated to ensure that:

- Resource is maximised.
- Policy, procedures and health & safety working practices are standardised wherever possible.
- Best practice is shared.
- Duplication of effort is avoided.

Where a site is shared with another employer/s then the Company will co-operate and co-ordinate
with the employer/s to ensure that its arrangements are effective and comply with legislative
requirements in particular the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order.


Health & safety will be monitored on an ongoing basis by the management of the Company. This
monitoring will focus on ensuring compliance and also on identifying areas for improvement.

The Health and Safety Manager will also undertake independent monitoring through inspections and
audits including the work of contractors.

Periodic cultural surveys will also be undertaken to address issues raised by employees that present
actual or potential blockages to the development of a proactive health & safety working culture.

Employees are encouraged to bring to the attention of their immediate supervisor areas in which, in
their opinion, this policy appears inadequate. All such comments will be passed to the safety Manager
for his consideration and review.


Overall Health & Safety performance is monitored and reported to the Board on a quarterly basis.
Performance is measured against a number of objectives and targets that are agreed in the yearly
Health & Safety Plan.

Performance at an operational level is also monitored by the HS team against specific plans agreed
with relevant departments / functions within the Company.


Inspections should only be carried out by a competent person, such as the company health and
safety manager or an external safety advisor. Any issue posing a significant risk to health and safety
requires immediate management action and should, where possible, be rectified there and then. All
issues are to be recorded and reasonable timescales specified for rectifying/addressing any
outstanding issues.

Where required, a formal report shall be completed before the end of the working period with a
copy issued to the person for whom the inspection was carried out. The safety manager or
appointed person shall regularly check that any outstanding issues have been suitably addressed and

Statutory inspection reports shall be kept at the workplace for at least 3 months after the date of the

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 25 www.hannaford.co.uk


The following should be checked when carrying out an inspection:

 Company health and safety policy is being adhered to.

 Relevant documentation such as risk assessments, method statements, safety plans,
etc. is specific to the works being carried out.
 Workplace inductions have been carried out for all personnel.
 All personnel are adequately trained to carry out their tasks safely.
 All protective clothing and equipment is in good order and is being used correctly.
 All plant and equipment is in good order, suitably guarded and
inspected/maintained at the required intervals by a competent person.
 Any potentially hazardous substances used have been COSHH assessed, are being
handled and stored correctly, and relevant safety information, where appropriate, is
readily available.
 All places of work, including access routes, are safe and have been inspected in due
time by a competent person.
 The provision of adequate lighting, including secondary lighting systems.
 The provision of adequate first aid facilities.
 The provision of adequate fire precautions.
 The provision of adequate welfare facilities.
 The provision of adequate emergency arrangements.
 The provision of safe pedestrian and vehicular traffic routes.
 That all statutory notices are displayed in the workplace.


The Company recognises its responsibilities under the Construction (Design & Management)
Regulations 2015 and associated Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP‟s) and guidance notes, and will
comply with all relevant aspects of this legislation.

In so doing, this company shall comply with its duties under the requirements of these regulations
insofar as they relate to our work activities and our relations with other duty holders during the
course of the works. (See the CDM compliance checklist.)

General management duties under the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM)
apply to all construction projects, including those which are non-notifiable.

Additional management duties shall apply to “notifiable” projects, except where the project is for a
domestic client. This includes the appointment of a CDM Principal Designer and a principal
contractor, and a requirement for particular documents, e.g. a construction phase plan, which will
assist with the management of health and safety from concept to completion.


Except where the project is for a domestic client, the HSE shall be notified where construction work
is expected to last more than 30 days or involve more than 500 person days, and has more than 20
persons working simultaneously.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 26 www.hannaford.co.uk


Where this company is appointed “principal contractor” we shall fulfil our role and responsibilities
 Ensuring that clients are aware of their duties, a CDM Principal Designer has been
appointed and the HSE has been notified before we start work.
 Checking we are competent to address the health and safety issues likely to be
involved in the management of the construction phase.
 Ensuring the construction phase is properly planned, managed and monitored, with
adequately resourced, competent site management appropriate to the risk and
 Ensuring every contractor who will work on the project is informed of the minimum
amount of time which they will be allowed for planning and preparation before they
begin work on site.
 Ensuring that all contractors are provided with the information about the project
that they need to enable them to carry out their work safely and without risk to
 Ensuring co-ordination and co-operation between contractors.
 Preparing a suitable construction phase plan which is:
 Prepared before construction work begins;
 Developed in discussion with, and communicated to, contractors affected by it;
 Implemented;
 Kept up-to-date as the project progresses.
 Satisfying ourselves that the designers and contractors that we engage are
competent and adequately resourced.
 Ensuring suitable welfare facilities are provided from the start of the construction
phase. (See section Q for guidance on employee welfare, safety and health.)
 Taking reasonable steps to prevent unauthorised access to the site.
 Preparing and enforcing any necessary site rules.
 Providing copies of or access to relevant parts of the plan and other information to
contractors, including the self-employed, in time for them to plan their work.
 Liaising with the CDM Principal Designer on design carried out during the
construction phase, including design by specialist contractors, and its implications
for the plan.
 Providing the CDM Principal Designer promptly with any information relevant to the
health and safety file.
 Ensuring that all the workers have been provided with suitable health and safety
induction information and training.
 Ensuring that the workforce is consulted about health and safety matters.
 Displaying the project notification on site.


Contractors are defined as companies or people (other than employees) that undertake work on
behalf of the Company.

All potential new contractors must complete the Competence Assessment Questionnaire (PQQ). This
will be used as part of the evaluation by the Health and Safety Manager of that contractor’s level of
health & safety competence in conjunction with the relevant departments and managers.

If a Contractor’s submission is approved it will be issued with the Company’s Contractor compliance

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 27 www.hannaford.co.uk

Document and other documentation as appropriate that will outline the Company’s requirements
when undertaking work on its behalf.

Company site-specific risks will be also be communicated to the contractor as applicable.

If the submission is rejected then the Contractor will be notified by the relevant manager.

Contractors will be required to submit appropriate Risk Assessments and Safe Systems of Work in
advance of the work that they are being contracted to undertake.

All contractors will sign in and out at site.

Contractors will be supervised at a level and frequency appropriate to the risk associated with the
work being undertaken.

Inspections and /or audits of Contractors will be documented and corrective and / or preventive
actions agreed as appropriate.

Contractor performance will be reviewed by managers in conjunction with the HSE team at intervals
appropriate to the work being undertaken to ensure compliance with agreed requirements and that
ongoing standards are maintained.

Contractor representative/s may be requested to attend appropriate local health & safety meetings
in order to discuss/resolve relevant safety issues.


A proportion of our employees and contract personnel work on customer sites. Hannaford Health &
Safety arrangements still apply in these cases however all persons working on customer sites must
also be conversant with the customer’s Health and Safety site rules procedures in operation at that
particular site e.g. Fire procedures.


 The manager/supervisor in control of the hazardous area(s) must ensure that:

 Written procedures are in place for the effective monitoring and/or supervision of company
staff required to work in or visit hazardous or restricted areas.
 A risk assessment is made of the hazardous area in question to identify company staff at risk
and control measures required to reduce that risk. The risk assessment must be recorded
and be readily available for inspection purposes and must take the provision of first aid into
 Company staff at risk are made aware of hazardous or restricted areas on the company
premises through provision of information, instruction or training (this may include
induction training as the case may be), before entering such areas.
 The area is adequately signed to indicate the nature and severity of the hazard and the
precautionary measures required (this may include display of a safe system of work for the
area, symbolic safety signs requiring personal protective equipment to be worn in the
affected area, etc.).
 There is an adequate provision of personal protective equipment readily available for use by
company staff before entering the hazardous area and that such staff are aware of where
that equipment is located.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 28 www.hannaford.co.uk

 A suitable and effective emergency and evacuation system is in place for the area
concerned, which is tested at regular intervals.
 In the case of external personnel (e.g. cleaners, members of public, visitors, etc.) entering
the hazardous area the precautions above must still be taken as if that person were an
employee of this company.


 Where it is necessary for company employees to visit or work at external sites that present a
significant risk to their health and/or safety the following procedures must be in place prior
to any works being carried out:
 Company employees must be made aware of the significant risks to health and safety of the
site concerned (such information may be in the form of induction training and should be
provided either by the client or by this company), as well as arrangements in place/required
to be taken to adequately reduce such risks to the lowest levels. Where the degree of
hazard or risk warrants such action, risk assessments and/or safe systems of work must be
drawn up, be put in place and be made available to company employees. The responsibility
for determining the level of risk, the appropriate action to be taken and liaison to help
determine risk will be a management function of this company.
 Any personal protective equipment required to be worn on site must be provided (either by
the client or this company as the case may be) and worn before entering the hazardous
 All safety rules and instructions relating to the hazard/s or risk which are displayed or
provided by the client/this company must be complied with at all times (in certain cases this
may include a permit-to-work system).


All employees need to understand how to discharge their responsibilities in relation to health & safety
and all documentation will be clear, visible and available in an appropriate format in order to support
this objective.

All policies, arrangements, procedures and health & safety working practices will be developed in co-
operation with relevant employees and employee representatives to ensure full involvement and

The Project Manager will ensure that a complete copy of, or where appropriate, relevant extracts from
the company Health and Safety policy are made available at the site/workplace for reference. A copy
of the current Employer’s Liability Insurance Certificate and Principal Contractor’s site rules should
also be issued for display.

All necessary statutory notices, regulations and registers and accident report forms will be issued to
and maintained on site.

The Works Supervisor must ensure that all registers, site inspection reports and other documentation
relating to health and safety are returned to his office for safe keeping upon completion of the
contract and that the Managing Director is responsible for ensuring this documentation is maintained
in a safe place for a minimum of three years.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 29 www.hannaford.co.uk


The following notices will be displayed in a prominent position on site:

 Health and safety law placard.

 A copy of your company’s employers liability insurance.
 F10 (as appropriate).
 Copy of the organisation’s health and safety policy statement.


The Company management shall ensure that adequate supervision of trainee workers is provided.
Day-to-day supervision shall be carried out by the relevant workplace manager or supervisor.

The Company management shall ensure that adequate supervision of young workers is provided.
Day-to-day supervision shall be carried out by the relevant workplace manager or supervisor.

The Company management shall be responsible for ensuring that our employees working at
locations under the control of other employers are given relevant health and safety information.


The Company will provide and maintain safety signs following risk assessment. The purpose of these
signs is to warn or instruct employees where significant risk cannot otherwise be reduced. Employees
will be given suitable and sufficient instruction and training relating to the meaning of signs including
signaling systems and what to do about them.

Meaning or
Instruction & Information Intrinsic Features Example

Round shape; black pictogram on

Dangerous behaviour; stop;
Prohibition/ white background; red edging and
RED shutdown; emergency cut-
Danger diagonal line; red part to be at least
out devices; evacuate
35% of the area of the sign

Triangular shape; black pictogram

Be careful; take on yellow background with black
YELLOW Warning
precautions; examine edging; yellow part to be at least
50% of the area of the sign

Specific behaviour or action Round shape; white pictogram on

BLUE Mandatory e.g. wear personal blue background; blue part to be at
protective equipment least 50% of the area of the sign

Rectangular or square shape; white

Emergency Doors; exits; escape routes
pictogram on green background;
GREEN escape; first aid. equipment and facilities
green part to be at least 50% of the
No danger Return to normal
area of the sign

Rectangular or square shape;

Fire fighting white pictogram on red
RED Identification & location
equipment background; red part to be at
least 50% of the area of the sign

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 30 www.hannaford.co.uk


All new employees will receive health & safety induction training that explains:

- The health & safety responsibilities associated with their position and role within the
- Any specific hazards and controls required in relation to their role
- Specific health & safety information and arrangements relevant to their position
- Emergency information such as the location of fire exits, first aid kits etc.
- Company specific rules.
- Site rules where applicable.
- Supervision will be allocated accordingly.


As part of the induction and annual appraisal arrangements, the requirements for health & safety
related training of all new and existing employees must be assessed by their Manager.

Where an individual is exposed to new or increased risks then their Manager will be responsible for
ensuring that they receive appropriate health & safety training, including when they are:-

- Transferred or promoted in to a new position.

- Introduction of new work equipment or a change in use of existing work equipment.
- Introduction of new technology.
- Introduction of a new system of work or a change in an existing system or work.
- Changes in personal circumstances – illness or disability.

The HSE team will also identify training needs as a result of changes in legislation and these needs will
be communicated to appropriate Managers.


All health & safety training required as an element of competency and / or to satisfy a legal
requirement will be provided.

Managers will take account of an employees’ capability and their competence when tasks are
allocated to them.


Health & safety training records will be managed through Hannaford’s Training Matrix and monitored
by the HR Manager and the Health and Safety Manager.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 31 www.hannaford.co.uk


All employees will be made aware of and required to respond to the fire evacuation procedure for
their specific site.

An audible test for the fire alarms in all buildings requiring a fire certificate will be carried out weekly
in offices and monthly / quarterly in project sites.

The fire actions to be observed by company employees are detailed in the Fire Procedures for each
site that will be made available to all employees at the relevant site and included in induction training.

Adequate numbers of staff will be trained to carry out set duties in the event of an evacuation. All fire
marshals and wardens will be trained in the safe use of fire fighting equipment.

Adequate and appropriate firefighting equipment will be provided and maintained in accordance with
legal requirements.

In the event of a bomb threat, buildings will be cleared without the use of the fire alarm.
Other emergency situations will be indicated by the use of the fire alarm.

Employees working on customer premises will appraise themselves of local procedures and comply
with them when required.

On all sites a means of warning of a fire must be established. Hand bells, whistles, klaxons or manually
operated sounders may be practical so long as they are clearly audible above background noises in all
areas and can be readily identified as being a fire alarm.

Written Emergency Procedures must be displayed in prominent locations and brought to the attention
of all persons on site. The names, locations and actions to take in the event of an emergency will be
displayed at appropriate areas on the site.

Site specific procedures will also be adhered. Details of which are available during Site induction and
should be understood by all employees

Clear access to the site and buildings must be maintained at all times.

Clear signs must be installed and maintained in prominent positions indicating the locations of fire
access routes, escape routes and positions of dry riser inlets and fire extinguishers.

A fire risk assessment will be completed for each of the companies premises, including any temporary
site offices, the fire risk assessment will be regularly reviewed to ensure that it remains valid and that
the specified control measures are effective and are being implemented.

Fire extinguishers will be provided and located at strategic points throughout the workplace. Staff will
be instructed in the use of office extinguishers in order that they may use them safely and effectively.

The company will enter into a contract service and inspection arrangement to ensure that all portable
extinguishers are inspected and maintained.

The names, locations and actions to take in the event of an emergency will be posted at strategic
positions throughout the workplace.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 32 www.hannaford.co.uk


The most widely used and available fire extinguisher.

Used for SOLIDS such as paper, wood, plastic etc.
NOT suitable for use on electrical or flammable liquids.

More versatile than water extinguishers.

Used for SOLIDS such as paper, wood, plastic and FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS such as
paraffin, petrol, oil etc.

Multi-purpose extinguisher, can be used on: SOLIDS; Paper, wood, plastic, fires.
FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS: Paraffin, petrol, oil. FLAMMABLE GASES; Propane, butane,

Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers are ideal for fires involving ELECTRICAL APPARATUS.

Carbon Dioxide will also extinguish FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS such as paraffin, petrol
and oil.


The Company recognise their responsibilities under the Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations.

First Aiders and first aid kits are available at all sites and details of first aiders can be found on the
Hannaford training Matrix.

When in doubt and in the case of medical emergencies then the emergency services should be
contacted via 999 and an ambulance requested.

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations specify minimum requirements for welfare
facilities on sites. The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations specify minimum standards
for offices.

The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations, together with Approved Code of Practice and Guidance
Note, specify the first-aid equipment, facilities and personnel required, depending on the type of work
and numbers of persons affected at each site or workplace.

All work will be planned to take into account the requirements of the above regulations.
The Project Manager will ensure that the welfare and first-aid requirements are established before
work starts or that sub-contractors are notified of their requirement to provide such facilities.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 33 www.hannaford.co.uk

The Works Supervisor will ensure that all planned welfare and first-aid facilities are provided and that
they are maintained to at least the minimum required standards.

The Project Manager will formally notify any contractor/sub-contractor to whom joint/shared facilities
are provided on site.

A First Aid box is provided in the kitchen/joinery welfare area (St Albans) and also within the meeting
room (Leeds). The contents will be monitored and maintained by the company’s Appointed Person for
first aid. Vehicle first aid kits are provided in all company vehicles, employees are responsible for
maintaining these individually.

Arrangements may be made for employees to make use of any site first aid arrangements and in such
cases the employee will confirm such arrangements prior to starting their work.

The company will carry out a first aid risk assessment to determine the number of trained first aiders
(in-date HSE approved course) to be employed by the company, additional first aiders will be provided
in accordance with HSE guidance and subsequent first aid risk assessments.


The person/s nominated by the company, will undertake the specific duties outlined earlier in this
policy. In summary these include:

• Instigate procedures for the safe evacuation of all offices in the event of emergency
• Ensure this procedure is executed in such an event
• Summon the emergency services when an incident is reported
• All emergency exits checked daily
• Check fire alarms weekly and record the results
• Ensure access and egress are kept free of obstruction
• Ensure fire extinguishers undergo periodic testing and inspection by a qualified
• Display Screen equipment assessments are undertaken.


The Works Supervisor will undertake the specific duties outlined earlier in this policy. In summary
these include:

• Instigate a procedure for the safe evacuation of all buildings on site in the event of
• Ensure this procedure is executed in such an event
• Summon the emergency services when an incident is reported
• When conditions require, fire extinguishers of a suitable type will be kept on site and
adjacent to any activity which may lead to the outbreak of fire
• Instruct site staff in the use of portable fire extinguishers
• Ensure fire extinguishers undergo periodic testing and inspection by a qualified

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 34 www.hannaford.co.uk


These regulations do not apply to construction sites, reference should be made to the Construction
(Design and Management) Regulations already referred to within this policy. They do, however, apply
to all other workplaces.

Further information is contained in the appropriate Approved Code of Practice.

The regulations cover the working environment, general safety, facilities for washing, eating, changing
and good housekeeping.

The company’s Health and Safety Manager will provide advice on the requirements as required.

All work will take into account the requirements of the above regulations.

The General Manager, or person responsible for the offices, will ensure that the welfare and first-aid
requirements are provided.

The office Manager, or person responsible for the offices, will ensure that all the facilities and
equipment are maintained to the required standards through regular inspections.

The company will provide working conditions in accordance with the regulations, in particular:

All offices will be maintained at a minimum temperature of 16°C.

All workplaces will be effectively and suitably ventilated with sufficient fresh air, or purified air if
natural ventilation is not available.

Suitable and sufficient lighting will be provided and, where possible, this will be natural light. In
situations where the failure of artificial lighting creates a danger, suitable and sufficient emergency
lighting will be provided.

Working Areas
Sufficient space will be provided in the workplace taking into account furniture, fittings, equipment
and machinery.

Suitable workstations will be provided for each employee according to the nature of the work

Floors and traffic routes will be kept free from obstructions at all times.

Effective measures will be taken to prevent persons being struck by falling objects etc.

Wherever possible regularly used and heavy files, boxes etc, will not be stored at high level.

All windows and transparent areas in doors, gates, walls and partitions will be made of safety material
and be suitably protected.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 35 www.hannaford.co.uk

Should an employee identify a health and safety hazard e.g. damaged equipment, then they should
report it immediately to their line manager who will ensure that the issue is resolved through the
appropriate channels.
Building related issues can be reported directly to the Estates Helpdesk.


Occasional Home workers may be contacted by the HSE team and an assessment undertaken of their
home environment to ensure that any hazards associated with their chosen work area are identified
and effectively controlled.

These will be undertaken initially via a phone call initially and either a Primary Home worker Checklist
or a Home-based / Occasional Home worker completed as appropriate.

A home visit may be required if deemed appropriate by the HSE team either to ensure specific
measures are addressed or to check that agreed controls have been implemented.


All Accidents and near misses should be reported and investigated via Hannaford’s H&S Incident
reporting arrangements.

The H R Manager will notify Reportable Diseases to the HSE team. The HSE team will report the
incident to the Health and Safety Executive and ensure action is taken as appropriate.


Any reported health & safety incidents involving employees, contractors or subcontractors whether
on a Company site or on a customer site will be investigated by the relevant Manager and / or the HSE
team, This will be triggered through the H&S Incident Reporting Arrangements.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 36 www.hannaford.co.uk

In the event of an employee of this company suffering any of the following:

 Fatal injury.
 Major injury (including fractures, amputations, loss of eyesight, hospitalisation for a period
of 24 hours or more, etc.).
 An injury resulting in the employee being absent from work for more than 7 days.
 Occupational illness or disease (including dermatitis, occupational deafness, vibration white
finger, etc.).
 Any other accident resulting in damage to property or injury to employees and/or members
of public.

Initially the accident must be reported to your supervisor as soon as possible and be reported in the
company accident book held on the premises. Those working on sites away from company premises
are to ensure that the accident is reported to head office for entry in the company accident book.

The details that must be recorded in the accident book are:

 Name of the person suffering the injury.

 Date and time of the injury.
 Name of person reporting the injury.
 Cause of the injury.
 Any action taken as a result of the injury.
 Whether or not the injury is reportable to the enforcing authority (the Health and Safety
Executive or local authority).
 Nature of the injury (e.g. part of the body affected).

The supervisor is required to report the incident to company management who will decide if it is
reportable to the enforcing authority. If it is, an appointed member of management will fill in the
details required on the official reporting form: F2508 or F2508A (F2508RA or F2508RB for Railwork)
and send it to the enforcing authority within the time period specified by law. Details of the
accident reporting telephone line are given overleaf. Over three-day injuries must be reported
within 10 days to the HSE office (or the local authority environmental health department) that
serves the location of the accident. Serious incidents, which are reportable immediately, should be
reported by the quickest possible means, then must be followed up by the official reporting form
within 10 days unless reported to the Incident Contact Centre by phone or via the Internet.

Management will take the appropriate steps to ensure that the incident is investigated as soon as
possible, that the results of that investigation are recorded on the company’s internal accident
investigation form and that remedial measures are put into place to prevent a recurrence.

If there is no supervisor in the area at the time of the incident then the employee suffering the injury
must report the accident in the accident book and to management as soon as possible. A work
colleague can undertake this responsibility if the injured person is unable to do this themselves.

If a member of the public (or other person who is not an employee of this company) is injured as a
result of a work activity by one of our employees and that member of the public is taken to hospital
for treatment the accident/injury must be reported to company management without delay.

Where an incident has occurred that is classified as a dangerous occurrence it must be reported to
management without delay - even if no one was injured.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 37 www.hannaford.co.uk


Telephone the Incident Contact Centre, Monday to Friday from 8.30 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. on:

0845 300 9923

Employers are also able to report RIDDOR incidents by email to: riddor@natbrit.com, by visiting the
centre’s website at: www.riddor.gov.uk, or by fax on: 0845 300 9924

In addition, employers are able to send postal reports to: Incident Contact Centre, Caerphilly
Business Park, Caerphilly CF83 3GG.

Our Occupational Health management is undertaken through a coordinated approach between the
HSE team, HR, Line Management and other appropriate consultants / service providers. The following
areas are covered under the company’s overall Occupational Health Management:

Health surveillance includes:

 Collecting, maintaining and reviewing health records for individual employees (personal
information about individual employees shall be kept confidential).
 Checks for signs of readily detectable conditions by a responsible person, e.g. a specially
trained supervisor or first aider.
 Enquiries, inspections and examinations by a qualified person such as an occupational
health nurse or appointed doctor.
 Medical surveillance under the supervision of a doctor. In certain cases the doctor must
be an employment medical adviser or a “relevant” doctor.

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations require health surveillance to be

undertaken where employees are exposed to substances hazardous to health, there is an
identifiable disease or adverse health effect related to the exposure and there are valid techniques
for detecting indications of the disease or the effect.

The Control of Asbestos Regulations require employers to ensure that health records are kept for
employees who undertake licensable work and that adequate medical surveillance is provided
through a relevant doctor.

The Control of Lead at Work Regulations requires that where exposure to lead is significant
employees are to be under medical surveillance.

The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations require employers to provide health surveillance for all
employees who are likely to be regularly exposed to vibration levels at or above the daily exposure
action value or are considered to be at risk for any other reason.

The Control of Noise at Work Regulations require the provision of health surveillance for all
employees who are likely to be regularly exposed to noise levels at or above daily upper exposure
action values or are at risk for any other reason, e.g. they already suffer from hearing loss or are
particularly sensitive to hearing damage.

Additionally, the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations require that employees are
provided with such health surveillance as appropriate having regard to the risk to their health and

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 38 www.hannaford.co.uk

safety as identified by risk assessments and may also be appropriate where there is a significant risk

 Sun burn/skin cancer from working in direct sunlight.

 Silicosis from working with silica based products.
 Asthma from working with respiratory sensitisers, e.g. adhesives, bitumen, solvents.
 Dermatitis from working with skin sensitisers, e.g. cement, bitumen, acids, alkalis.
 Cancer from working with carcinogenic materials, e.g. mineral oils, wood dusts.
 Radiation sickness.
 Decompression illness.
 Stress (as defined by the HSE, i.e. “an adverse reaction people have to excessive
pressure or other types of demands placed on them”).


Access to occupational health can be arranged by contacting the HR Manager or the Health and
Safety Manager.


The Company values the contribution of all its employees and has a duty to provide a working
environment, in which every individual can realise his or her own potential, free from harassment. It
will positively discourage any attempt to undermine this right.


The Company recognises its responsibilities under the Management of Health & Safety at Work
Regulations (and associated ACOP’s and guidance notes).

The Company will undertake a Risk Assessment when notification is received that the employee is a
new or expectant mother.

This risk assessment will be undertaken initially by a member of the HSE team or by an external
designated competent risk assessor however wherever possible the Manager of the new or expectant
mother is responsible for ongoing reviews with support from the HSE team and for ensuring that any
issues raised are addressed in conjunction with the assessor.

This risk assessment will determine whether the work undertaken could involve risk to the health &
safety of a new or expectant mother, or to that of her baby, from any Arrangements or working
conditions, or physical, biological or chemical agents.
The Company will introduce measures to reduce the risks as far as is reasonably practicable.

If normal control measures will not protect the new or expectant mother from such risks then the
Company may alter her working conditions or hours of work. If these options are not reasonable or
they would not avoid the risk, the Company will suspend the employee from work for as long as
necessary on full pay.


The purpose of the policy is to provide guidance to employees who may come into contact with
potentially violent situations e.g. angry and/or abusive customers. Hannaford will refer to HSE
guidance INDG 69 – Violence at work.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 39 www.hannaford.co.uk

Smoking is not permitted in any of the Company’s buildings or vehicles.

Designated ‘smoking areas ‘have been allocated on the outside of buildings.

This prohibition includes lifts, corridors, toilets, locker rooms, meeting rooms, rest rooms, dining
rooms and workshops etc

NHS services are available to provide support and assistance to employees that wish to give up


Employees are expected to report to work in a condition fit to perform their duties. Employees must
not report to work under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances.
If an employee is taking drugs for medical reason that may impair his/her performance he/she must
inform their line manager.

The Company recognises that substance misuse may impact not only on an employee’s own personal
welfare but also may affect the safety and health of others.

The Company will aim to:

- Increase awareness and knowledge of the effects of substance misuse and their associated
- Provide appropriate support for employees who suffer from substance misuse.
- Eliminate the risks to employees caused by substance misuse.

See Hannaford’s Substance Misuse Support Policy for further details or where applicable follow any
Business Unit specific Policy or arrangements



This stress policy has been developed in full consultation with management and employee
representatives and has been endorsed by the management team. The policy covers all employees.
Failure to comply with this policy may lead to disciplinary action being taken.


Stress is defined by the HSE as “an adverse reaction people have to excessive pressure or other
types of demands placed on them”.

We wish to make it clear that “stress” is not the same as “pressure”. Pressure can be motivating and
challenging, and improve performance. By “stress” we mean something that is a negative; a
response to too much pressure or too many demands, which the person finds difficulty in coping

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 40 www.hannaford.co.uk


We acknowledge that we have a duty of care to the mental health and well-being of our employees.
We will treat stress in the same way as any other health hazard and assess risks to mental health
and well-being when necessary. Where an employee becomes disabled through stress-related
illness we will make reasonable adjustments where practicable. We acknowledge that we should act
reasonably to prevent risks that are reasonably foreseeable. Any recording of information will
conform to the latest data protection regulations.


Hannaford recognises that stress can be a considerable risk to both physical and mental health. This
policy explains the action we are taking as an employer with regard to stress-related problems in the
workplace. The aim is to prevent stress-related problems from occurring if possible but also to state
what will be done in the event that employees experience problems.

Hannaford are committed to promoting a good, supportive climate and working culture, and a
culture of openness, where stress is not seen as a personal weakness and where employees under
stress can access appropriate support.

We anticipate the following benefits from implementing the stress policy:

 Improved working climate and culture.

 Greater openness about sources of pressure at work, at all levels.
 Better awareness in all employees of stress-related issues.
 Greater consistency of approach from managers in dealing with stress.
 Earlier identification of stress-related problems.
 Improved skills in managers.
 Overall reduction in key stress indicators.
 Improved and better-utilised support services.


Stress indicators, e.g. stress-related absence and staff turnover, will be monitored and risk
assessments will be carried out as necessary. Key staff will be trained in carrying out risk
assessments and we will adopt a team approach, e.g. where hazards have been identified a working
group will be formed with representatives from human resources, health and safety, management
and employees. The group will gather data, analyse and interpret results, and make
recommendations on reducing stress risk.

Managers will have a key risk management role, especially at the level of individual employees.


The Company recognises its responsibilities under the Personal Protective Equipment at Work
Regulations 1992 (and associated ACOP’s and guidance notes) as amended by the Health & Safety
(Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002

PPE will be provided as a last resort where other measures cannot control the risk at source.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 41 www.hannaford.co.uk

Hard Hats

These must be worn where there is a risk of injury either from falling materials or from striking the
head against projections. The only exception is in the case of Sikhs, whilst wearing turbans. It
should be noted that, in this case, the company’s liability for injuries is reduced. Hard hats shall
comply with BS EN 397.

Ear Defenders

Hearing protection is to be worn whilst carrying out all noisy operations or in noisy areas. Selected
equipment should comply with the specification in BS EN 352. For further guidance see the
information regarding noise.

Eye Protection

To be used wherever there is a risk of contamination from chemicals, either by vapour or splashing,
or risk from dust or any danger from flying particles. All eye protection shall comply with BS EN 166
except in the case of lens filters for welding, which shall comply with BS EN 169. Impact resistant eye
protection to be worn BS EN 166 F in line with a Risk Assessment.

Respiratory Protection

Specialist operations will be covered in separate sections of the manual if tasks requiring respiratory
protection are carried out.
Disposable dust masks shall be provided and are to be used whilst performing operations giving rise
to nuisance dust.

Hand Protection

Gloves shall be provided for the handling of objects which may be sharp, rough, hot, cold,
contaminated with either chemical or biological agents or liable to cause a hazard by breaking in the
hand, e.g. glass. Barrier creams shall be provided for use when dealing with mildly irritant

Foot Protection

Safety footwear is to be worn in all areas where there is a risk of injury to the feet from either
materials or equipment crushing the feet or from materials penetrating the soles of the feet. In this
circumstance steel toe-caps and mid-soles to BS EN 346 will be the requirement. In addition, if there
is the risk of penetration by chemicals or water the footwear should be able to withstand that.

High-Visibility Clothing

This is made from PVC impregnated with fluorescent pigments. It must be worn by anyone working
on or near the roadside; also by anyone else working in areas where it is important to be seen to be
safe, e.g. banksmen; or when there is moving plant and poor visibility. All high-visibility clothing
shall comply with BS EN 471; the flame retardant version shall meet BS EN 469.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 42 www.hannaford.co.uk

Safety Harnesses

Harnesses should be used only if the use of other, safer work equipment is not reasonably
practicable, the work can be performed safely while using a harness as a personal fall protection
system and both the user and a sufficient number of available people have received adequate
training specific to the planned operation, including rescue procedures.

Harnesses must always be secured to a safe anchorage when in use.

Harnesses are to be stored in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place away from direct sunlight and
away from any materials that are likely to cause them damage.

All harnesses are to be examined by a competent person every 3 months and a record kept of the


When PPE is issued to an individual it is to be recorded on the form provided.

The Company will allocate appropriate time and resources to achieving the effective control and
management of health & safety.

Finance and resource in order to implement health & safety control measures will be provided on the
basis of “as far as is reasonably practicable” i.e. If the cost outweighs the level of risk then it is not be
deemed to be “as far as is reasonably practicable”.

The HSE team will utilise and make available a suitable methodology for determining whether a
control measure is cost effective. Where a requirement is to be provided “where practicable” then
the HSE team will advise the Company.

Risk Assessments
The Company will ensure that risk assessments are undertaken as required by applicable health &
safety legislation, to identify project / task / area related hazards, and then evaluate the risk so that
appropriate control measures such as Safe Systems of Work can be implemented that are both
appropriate and cost effective.

Signs will comply with Schedule 1 of the Health & Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations.

Temporary Workers
Prior to employing any person on a fixed term contract, the manager will provide information to the
worker and also their employment agency (if used) on:

- Any special qualification or skills required to carry out their work safely and without risk to
- Any health surveillance required

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 43 www.hannaford.co.uk

The Company will ensure that all reasonable measures are taken to safeguard visitors from risks to
their health & safety and that they are made aware of those health & safety provisions which may
affect them e.g. procedures to be followed in emergencies and equipment (including Personal
Protective Equipment for use in high risk areas).

In the event of an emergency situation, visitors will be in the care of their Company hosts who must
direct them to a place of safety.

All Hannaford locations are provided with appropriate welfare facilities as required in the Workplace
(Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992.

Where Hannaford employees are based on customer sites then they will utilise the welfare facilities
provided by the customer unless this is prohibited in which case specific arrangements will be
implemented by Hannaford.


Suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences will be provided at readily accessible places. The
rooms containing the sanitary conveniences will be adequately ventilated and lit, and be kept in a
clean and orderly condition. Separate rooms containing sanitary conveniences will be provided for
men and women.


Suitable and sufficient washing facilities, including showers if appropriate, will be provided at readily
accessible places if required by the nature of the work or for health reasons.

Such washing facilities will be sited in the immediate vicinity of every sanitary convenience and
changing room. Facilities will include a supply of clean hot and cold running water, soap or other
suitable means of cleaning as well as drying facilities (towels, paper dispenser or hot air dryer). The
rooms containing the washing facilities will be well-lit and ventilated and will be kept in a clean and
orderly state.

Separate shower facilities will be provided for men and women unless the room is capable of being
secured from the inside and the facilities inside the room are intended for the use of only one
person at a time.


The company will ensure that an adequate supply of wholesome drinking water will be provided for
all persons at work in the workplace. Such drinking water will be readily accessible at suitable places
and be conspicuously marked by an appropriate sign where necessary for reasons of health and
safety. Additionally, suitable and sufficient cups or other drinking vessels will be provided unless the
supply of drinking water is in a jet from which persons can drink easily.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 44 www.hannaford.co.uk


Suitable and sufficient accommodation will be provided in a suitable location for the clothing of any
person at work which is not worn during working hours and for special clothing which is worn at
work but which is not taken home. This will involve separate accommodation for clothing worn at
work and for other clothing. Such accommodation will be secure. So far as is reasonably
practicable, the accommodation will include facilities for the drying of clothing.


Suitable and sufficient facilities will be provided for any person at work in the workplace to change
clothing in all cases where the person has to wear special clothing for the purpose of work and that
person cannot, for reasons of health or propriety, be expected to change in another room. Separate
changing facilities for males and females will be provided as required.


Suitable, sufficient and readily accessible rest facilities shall be provided. Rest areas or rooms shall
have sufficient tables and seats with backrests for the number of workers likely to use them at any
time. They shall include suitable facilities to eat meals where meals are regularly eaten in the
workplace and the food would otherwise be likely to become contaminated. Where provided,
eating facilities shall include a facility for preparing or obtaining a hot drink and workers shall be
provided with a means for heating their own food where hot food cannot be obtained in or
reasonably near to the workplace.

Where required, rest facilities for pregnant women or nursing mothers shall be provided.


The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations (CDM) apply to both “notifiable” and “non-
notifiable” construction projects. These regulations require that welfare facilities sufficient to
comply with the requirements of Schedule 2 are provided throughout the construction phase of all
projects. Site welfare facilities should include:

Sanitary Conveniences:

 Suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences shall be provided or made available at

readily accessible places. So far as is reasonably practicable, rooms containing sanitary
conveniences shall be adequately ventilated and lit.

 So far as is reasonably practicable, sanitary conveniences and the rooms containing

them shall be kept in a clean and orderly condition.

 Separate rooms containing sanitary conveniences shall be provided for men and women,
except where and so far as each convenience is in a separate room, the door of which is
capable of being secured from the inside.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 45 www.hannaford.co.uk

Washing Facilities:

 Suitable and sufficient washing facilities, including showers if required by the nature of
the work or for health reasons, shall so far as is reasonably practicable be provided or
made available at readily accessible places.

Washing facilities shall be provided:

 in the immediate vicinity of every sanitary convenience, whether or not provided

elsewhere; and
 in the vicinity of any changing rooms required by paragraph 14 whether or not provided

Washing facilities shall include:

(a) a supply of clean hot and cold, or warm, water (which shall be running water so far as is
reasonably practicable);
(b) soap or other suitable means of cleaning; and
(c) towels or other suitable means of drying.

 Rooms containing washing facilities shall be sufficiently ventilated and lit.

 Washing facilities and the rooms containing them shall be kept in a clean and orderly

 Subject to the paragraph below, separate washing facilities shall be provided for men
and women, except where and so far as they are provided in a room the door of which is
capable of being secured from inside and the facilities in each such room are intended to
be used by only one person at a time.

 The paragraph above shall not apply to facilities which are provided for washing hands,
forearms and face only.

Drinking Water:

 An adequate supply of wholesome drinking water shall be provided or made available at

readily accessible and suitable places.

 Every supply of drinking water shall be conspicuously marked by an appropriate sign

where necessary for reasons of health and safety.

 Where a supply of drinking water is provided, there shall also be provided a sufficient
number of suitable cups or other drinking vessels unless the supply of drinking water is
in a jet from which persons can drink easily.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 46 www.hannaford.co.uk

Changing Rooms and Lockers:

Suitable and sufficient changing rooms shall be provided or made available at readily accessible
places if:

(a) a worker has to wear special clothing for the purposes of his work; and
(b) he cannot, for reasons of health or propriety, be expected to change elsewhere,

being separate rooms for, or separate use of rooms by, men and women where necessary for
reasons of propriety.

Changing rooms shall:

(a) be provided with seating; and

(b) include, where necessary, facilities to enable a person to dry any such special clothing
and his own clothing and personal effects.

Suitable and sufficient facilities shall, where necessary, be provided or made available at readily
accessible places to enable persons to lock away:

(a) any such special clothing which is not taken home;

(b) their own clothing which is not worn during working hours; and
(c) their personal effects.

Facilities for Rest:

Suitable and sufficient rest rooms or rest areas shall be provided or made available at readily
accessible places.

Rest rooms and rest areas shall:

(a) include suitable arrangements to protect non-smokers from discomfort caused by

tobacco smoke;
(b) be equipped with an adequate number of tables and adequate seating with backs for
the number of persons at work likely to use them at any one time;
(c) where necessary, include suitable facilities for any person at work who is a pregnant
woman or nursing mother to rest lying down;
(d) include suitable arrangements to ensure that meals can be prepared and eaten;
(e) include the means for boiling water; and
(f) be maintained at an appropriate temperature.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 47 www.hannaford.co.uk

Working Time Regulations


The Working Time Regulations, 1998 (amended 1999, 2001 and 2002 ) deal with workers’ rights in
relation to hours of work, night-time working, breaks from work and paid holidays. Some of these
rights can be amended if an employer comes to a "collective" or a "workforce" agreement with his

There are two types of agreement:

1. A collective agreement is one that has been negotiated through a trade union.
2. A workforce agreement is one that has been agreed by the employer and his workers or their

In general, a worker is someone for whom an employer provides work, controls when and how the
work is done, and pays tax and national insurance contributions. The majority of agency workers
and freelance workers are likely to be workers, but not the genuinely self-employed who are paid on
the basis of an invoice rather than with wages.

The Regulations apply to trainees over school leaving age who are engaged on work experience or
on training for employment, other than that provided on courses run by educational institutions or
training establishments. An adult worker is a worker who has attained the age of 18. A young
worker is a worker who is older than the minimum school leaving age, but under 18 years of age.


The Company shall ensure that all reasonable steps are taken so that workers do not work more
than an average of 48 hours a week (including overtime) in any reference period, which will normally
be a period of 17 weeks. If during a reference period a worker is absent from work, on annual, sick
or maternity leave, the calculation of average weekly hours for the reference period shall include the
total number of hours worked immediately after the reference period, during the number of
working days which equals the number of days of absence.

An individual worker may agree with the Company to work more than the 48 hour average weekly
limit. Any agreement, which must be in writing, may relate to a specified period or apply
indefinitely. A worker has the right to terminate any agreement he has made, but only after giving
the Company at least seven days’ notice in writing of his intention to do so. An agreement may
specify the period of notice a worker is required to give the Company if he wishes to terminate the
agreement. This period must not exceed three months.

However, under no circumstances must a young worker's working time exceed eight hours a day, or
40 hours a week.


The term "night-time" is defined in the Regulations as meaning a period, determined by a collective
or workforce agreement of at least seven hours, including the period between midnight and 5.00
am. Where there is no agreement, "night-time" means the period between 11.00 p.m. and 6.00 am.

A "night worker" is a person who normally works at least three hours of his daily working time
during night-time, but this arrangement can be altered through a collective or workforce agreement.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 48 www.hannaford.co.uk

"The restricted period", in relation to a worker, means the period between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. or,
where the worker's contract provides for him to work after 10 p.m., the period between
11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

A night worker's normal hours of work are not to exceed an average of eight hours in each 24 hours
over a 17 week period. Averaging is not permitted where a night worker's work involves special
hazards or heavy physical or mental strain. There is a limit of eight hours on the worker's actual
daily working time. The work of a night worker shall be regarded as involving special hazards or
heavy physical or mental strain if it is identified as such in a collective or workforce agreement or if it
is recognised in a risk assessment as involving a significant risk. The night time limits and the
reference period may be modified or excluded by a collective or workforce agreement.

The Company shall ensure that free health assessments are offered to any workers who are to
become night workers, and night workers shall also be given the opportunity to have further
assessments at regular intervals. The frequency of repeat assessments will vary between individuals
according to the type of night work, its duration and the age and health of the individual worker.

Young workers shall be entitled to a health and capacities assessment if they work during the period
between 10.00 p.m. and 6.00 a.m. Issues that shall be included in this assessment are physique,
maturity and experience, and the type of work that is to be undertaken by the young person.


In each 24 hour period, an adult worker is entitled to a rest period of at least 11 consecutive hours
whilst a young worker is entitled to a rest period of at least 12 consecutive hours.

In addition to their daily rest periods, workers are entitled to weekly periods of rest. The Company
shall ensure that adult workers are able to take 24 hours uninterrupted rest in each seven day
period or, alternatively, either one 48 hour rest period or two 24 hour rest periods in each 14 day

The Company shall ensure that young workers are able to take rest periods of not less than 48 hours
in each seven day period.

Where an adult worker's daily working time exceeds six hours he is entitled to an uninterrupted rest
break of at least 20 minutes. Young workers are entitled to a rest break of at least 30 minutes if
their daily working time exceeds four and a half hours.

A collective or a workforce agreement may modify the rest breaks of adult workers. The rest breaks
of young workers must not be modified.


All workers are entitled to four weeks annual leave calculated on the basis of one-twelfth of their
annual entitlement for each complete month of service.

There is no statutory entitlement to bank and public holidays. These are simply days on which a
worker may receive leave under the terms of his contract. As with other contractual leave, these
days may be used by the Company as part of the leave it is required to provide under these
Regulations. If a worker is paid for a public holiday, the day may count towards his entitlement to
annual leave.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 49 www.hannaford.co.uk

Leave may be taken only in the leave year in which it is due. It may not be replaced by a payment in
lieu, except where a worker's employment is terminated.

A collective or workforce agreement may contain the date on which the leave year begins. Where
no such date is agreed, a worker's leave year will begin on one of the following dates:

1. On 1st October if the worker started with the Company on or before 1st October 1998;
2. On the date the worker started employment if that employment started after 1st October 1998.


The Company shall keep adequate records to show whether the limits on weekly hours of work and
night time work are being achieved for each of its workers.

Workers who have opted out of the 48 hour limit on their working week shall be identified. The
terms on which they have opted out shall be recorded and the hours worked during each reference
period specified. The Company shall also keep, where appropriate, records showing that the
requirements concerning health and capacity assessments are being complied with. The Company
shall determine the form in which records are kept, but all records must be maintained for two years
from the date on which they are made.

Young Persons
It has been recognised that young people may be more at risk to their health and safety at work due
to lack of experience, lack of awareness of existing risk or immaturity.

Young person – An employee or work placement student who has not attained the age of eighteen.

Child – Person who is not over the compulsory school leaving age (16)

The ‘Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974’ requires employers to secure the health and safety of
all employees at work and anyone else who may be adversely affected by the employer’s undertaking,
so far as is reasonably practicable.

The ‘Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’ require employers to assess work-
related risk of all their employees, and require a specific assessment of risks to young persons.

Usually the measures taken to protect the workforce as a whole should be sufficient to protect young
persons. However where this is not the case additional measures should be determined and
implemented before the young persons commences work. In extreme cases this may mean
prohibiting young persons from certain work activities.

The young person has the right to expect that the employer has undertaken a suitable risk assessment.
Employers must also provide the young person or the parents or guardians of children in employment
with comprehensive and relevant healthy and safety information on the risk assessment and
associated preventative and protective measures.

Under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 employees have a responsibility for their own
health and safety. This needs to be significantly emphasised to young persons as they are potentially

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 50 www.hannaford.co.uk

more likely to ‘mess about’ or play practical jokes, etc. without being aware of the possible

The “Management” Regulations require employers to take the following factors into account when
undertaking a young persons risk assessment:-

 their inexperience and immaturity

 their lack of awareness of risks to their health and safety
 the fitting out and layout of their workstation and workplace
 the nature, degree and duration of any exposure to biological, chemical or physical
 the form, range, use and handling of work equipment
 the way in which processes and activities are organised
 any health and safety training given or intended to be given
 risks associated with certain specified agents, processes and work activities


The Company recognises its responsibilities under the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations and
associated Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP‟s) and guidance notes.

The Company will:

 Take reasonable steps to locate materials likely to contain asbestos

 Assume that any material contains asbestos unless there is evidence that it does not
 Keep an up-to date written record of the location of these materials
 Monitor the condition of these materials
 Assess the risk of exposure from asbestos and presumed asbestos materials
 Prepare and implement a management plan to control these

All employees undertaking work at customer premises will review the site’s Asbestos Register to
identify where asbestos may be located before work commences.

Where there is any doubt then the employee should stop work immediately and contact their

Employees working at a Hannaford site should stop work immediately and contact their Manager in
the first instance if they are in any doubt as to the possible presence of asbestos.

Collection and disposal of asbestos will be coordinated by the Project Manager using a suitably
registered contractor.

See Hannaford’s Asbestos Arrangements for further details.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 51 www.hannaford.co.uk

Confined Space
The Company recognises its responsibilities under the requirements of the Confined Spaces
Regulations and associated Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP‟s) and guidance notes.

Under these regulations a Confined Space is defined as a confined space both in terms of the hazard
it presents and its structure. The definition in reg. 1(2) is:

“Any place including any chamber, tank, vat, silo, pit, trench, pipe, sewer, flue well or similar space in
which by virtue of its enclosed nature, there arises a reasonably foreseeable risk’.”

See Hannaford’s Confined Space Classification and Arrangements for further details.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

The Company recognises its responsibilities under the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Regulations and associated Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP‟s) and guidance notes.

The Company will ensure a risk assessment based is undertaken of the risks to health arising from
activities that are associated with hazardous substances. This assessment will utilise information on
the Material Data Sheet as well as take account of the quantity, location, people etc. that are using
the substance.

Following this assessment the Company will ensure the:

- Introduction of appropriate and adequate controls (following the hierarchy of control)

- Production, update and maintenance of a hazardous substance and material inventory
- Maintenance of the controls and equipment associated with them
- Monitoring of the effectiveness of the controls and the health of employees through health
surveillance where necessary

Excavation Work
Excavation work is a significant hazard and the Company will ensure that all employees who undertake
this activity receive specific instruction and training and have the appropriate facilities made available
and that appropriate inspections are undertaken at defined intervals.

Display Screen Equipment (DSE)

The risk posed to office staff using DSE shall be assessed and controlled in accordance with the Health
& Safety (DSE) Regulations and the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations. The aim of
such assessments is to prevent work related upper limb disorders (WRULD), lower back problems,
eyestrain, stress and repetitive strain injury (RSI).

Assessment factors considered include:

I. The identity of persons at risk.

II. The duration of exposure to DSE risks.

III. Provision of breaks, task rotation and requirement for constant information transfer.

IV. Ability of the ‘user’ to dictate the pace of the work.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 52 www.hannaford.co.uk

V. The physical environment such as: temperature; level of desk clutter; adjustability of
furniture/monitors and glare factors.

VI. Software features such as: ability to recover from errors; colour contrast; size of fonts

VII. Individual factors such as health, level of training/experience and pre-existing health
All workstations should be subject to a DSE assessment, this should be carried out by a competent
person and the findings of the assessment shall be communicated to those affected.
The safe use of Display Screen equipment and workstations in general are covered in the Health and
Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.

Further information is contained in the appropriate Approved Code of Practice.

The use of display screen equipment and workstations should be planned so that there are regular
breaks or changes of activity. All display screen equipment and workstations should be subjected to
a specific risk assessment and any identified risks should be dealt with appropriately.

Ensure that workstations satisfy the minimum requirements which are set for the display screen itself,
keyboard, desk and chair, working environment and task design and software. Display screens,
seating and workstations should all be fully adjustable to suit the individual.

The Health and Safety Manager (or other nominated person) will be responsible for ensuring that the
requirements are adhered to.

The company will provide all information and training necessary to comply with the relevant

The company will provide appropriate eye and eyesight tests to users of display screen equipment
and, where necessary, supply special spectacles where normal ones cannot be used.

Electrical Work & Equipment

The Company recognises its responsibilities under the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 (and
associated ACOP‟s and guidance notes) and will ensure that all electrical work undertaken complies
with these requirements.

Hannaford employees will only undertake low risk electrical work and the Company will provide
appropriate training to allow them to do this. All other electrical work will be undertaken by
competent and specialist electrical contractors.

Arrangements have been made to ensure Portable Appliance Testing takes place at all sites.

Lifting and Handling

The Company recognises its responsibilities under the Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
(and associated ACOP’s and guidance notes) as amended by the Health & Safety (Miscellaneous
Amendments) Regulations.

The Company will so far as is reasonably practicable, avoid the need for employees to carry out manual
handling operations that involve a risk of injury.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 53 www.hannaford.co.uk

Where this cannot be achieved then the Company will undertake a risk assessment and take
appropriate steps to reduce risk to the lowest level reasonably practicable. The Company will also
provide appropriate information.

All employees will be provided with basic training in relation to safe lifting and handling techniques.
See Hannaford’s Manual Handling Arrangements for further details.

Lone Working
Lone Working is recognised as a potential hazard that needs to be effectively managed.
In the event that Lone Working is identified then the Manager responsible will ensure a risk
assessment is undertaken and appropriate control measures implemented.

See Hannaford’s Lone Working Arrangements for further details.

The Company recognises its responsibilities under the Noise at Work Regulations (and associated
ACOP’s and guidance notes).

The Company will reduce the risk of hearing damage to the lowest level that is reasonably practicable.

Overseas Travel
In certain instances Company employees are required to travel and work overseas and the Company
recognises it has the same legal responsibilities as in the UK to ensure the safety, health and welfare
of these employees.

Procedures will be implemented to ensure that these employees travel with awareness and as safely
as practicably possible whilst at the same time ensuring that individual rights are maintained.

Portable and transportable electrical equipment

All users of the above are required to undertake a frequent visual inspection of the equipment.
See the Visual Checking of Electrical Equipment Guidance document for further details.

The Company will also ensure that a competent person subjects this equipment to a formal inspection
(PAT) and that equipment is suitably labelled to indicate its status and a database maintained.
Employees will not bring their own equipment on to Company premises unless authorised by their
Manager who will be responsible for ensuring the equipment is formally tested.

Safe Driving & Workplace Transport and Travel

Many employees are required to drive company vehicles in order to carry out their jobs effectively
and the Company takes a proactive role in the management of risk associated with this activity.
The Motor Risk Forum is responsible for ensuring that this area is managed strategically.

All employees will be provided with basic awareness training in relation to driving safely.

Specific training will also be provided to employees that are considered to be a higher than normal

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 54 www.hannaford.co.uk

Slips, Trips and Falls

The Company recognises that slips, trips and falls are a significant cause of many accidents in the
workplace generally.

Formal inspections are undertaken at our sites to identify actual and potential causes of slips, trips
and falls. All employees however are also required to take responsibility for their own safety and that
of others and ensure that the common causes of these types of incident are managed e.g. avoid trip
hazards through trailing leads, report lights that are not working, report slips hazards e.g. spilt liquids

All employees will be provided with general awareness training to avoid slips, trips and falls.

Working at height
Working at height is a significant hazard and the Company recognises its responsibilities under the
Working at Regulations 2005 to ensure:

- all work at height is properly planned and organised;

- those involved in work at height are competent;
- the risks from work at height are assessed and appropriate work equipment is selected and
- the risks from fragile surfaces are properly controlled; and
- equipment for work at height is properly inspected and maintained

The Company will provide the appropriate equipment and training to all employees required to work
at height as part of their normal work activities.

General awareness training will also be provided to all employees.

Work Equipment / Plant

The Company recognises its responsibilities under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment
Regulations 1998 (and associated ACOP’s and guidance notes).

All new equipment introduced in to the workplace will be assessed by the appropriate manager in
conjunction with the HSE team to ensure that the equipment is suitable for its intended use.

Equipment / Plant will only be operated by trained employees.

No employee will knowingly misuse work equipment or remove any guards that are in place to
minimise a specified risk.

Equipment / Plant will be compliant with the requirements of PUWER & LOLER and will be inspected
appropriately by competent persons either internally or externally against manufacturer’s guidance
and industry best practice.

Appropriate records will be maintained for all relevant inspections.

Defective equipment / plant must not be used and should be reported to the relevant line manager /
relevant department immediately.

The equipment / plant will be identified as defective and segregated to prevent it being used until the
defect is corrected.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Section Three
Safety Procedures

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Safety Procedures / Further Arrangements

1. Housekeeping
2. Demolition
3. Scaffolding
4. Step-Ladders, Trestles & Staging
5. Ladders
6. Lifting Operations
7. Lifting Gear
8. Roof Work
9. Electrical Power Tools
10. Compressed Air Power Tools
11. Abrasive Wheels
12. Entry into Confined Spaces
13. Highly Flammable Liquids (HFL's)
14. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
15. Welding & Cutting Operations
16. Electric Arc Welding
17. Gas Welding
18. Mobile Access Equipment
19. Smoke free workplaces
20. Lone Working
21. Asbestos
Further procedures will be developed and added to this list as and when a requirement for such a
procedure is identified.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 59 www.hannaford.co.uk

1. Housekeeping
The Company strongly adhere to the belief that a 'Safe Site is a Tidy Site'. In this respect every effort
shall be taken to keep sites clean and tidy at all times. Waste materials and rubbish will be cleared
from the working area and placed in designated areas for disposal off-site.

A number of regulations deal with the need for workplaces and accesses to be kept clean and clear of
debris and other materials, some examples are:

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations

Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
Electricity at Work Regulations
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act

In addition to the statutory requirements, some of which are outlined above, a tidy site and workplace
results in increased efficiency and better public relations, therefore tidiness is to receive priority on
the company sites.

The Project Manager will ensure that, before the site commences, access routes are planned,
deliveries are programmed and that excess materials are not stored on site, storage areas are defined,
compounds are planned and sub-contractors are made aware of the company requirements with
regard to storage, clearing up, tidiness etc.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that all sub-contractors and operatives are made aware of the need
to maintain the site in a tidy condition throughout the contract.

Every operative has a duty to ensure that his workspace and that of those around him are kept in a
clean and tidy state.

Particular emphasis is to be placed on instructions to all employees and sub-contractors on the safe
disposal of steel and nylon banding used to contain bundles of material delivered to site. Similar
requirements will be placed on cables, ropes and other materials that have the potential to caused
tripping hazards and become entangled around plant, materials or even site operatives.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that stacking areas are prepared and that materials are called off in
quantities which will not create difficulties on site.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that all waste materials are cleared and disposed of safely as work
proceeds. All materials delivered to site will be stored safely, ensuring that accesses are not

All openings in floors must be clearly marked and securely covered/barricaded to show that there is
an opening below.

Debris and materials must not be thrown or dropped from scaffolds or buildings unless a chute is
provided, or other suitable safe method used.

The Works Supervisor will arrange for sufficient labour and plant to enable clearing up and
maintenance of safe accesses, cleaning of welfare facilities etc to be carried out in accordance with
these standards.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 60 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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2. Demolition
All regulations which apply to construction work also apply to demolition work. All demolition work
will be completed in accordance with current legislation whilst complying with the requirements of
the British Standard Code of Practice "Code of Practice for Demolition", which gives guidance on the
planning and execution of demolition work and will be complied with on any site where all or part of
any building or structure are to be demolished. It should be noted that all demolition works without
exception are notifiable to the HSE under the CDM Regulations.
Health and Safety Executive Guidance cover health and safety in demolition work —preparation and
planning, legislation, working methods, health hazards. The recommendations in these guidance
notes will be applied to work carried out by the company.
All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.
All preliminary procedures required by the Code of Practice and Guidance note will be carried out by
the Project Manager in conjunction with a specialist contractor, if used, who will draw up a Method
Statement and a Programme of Works detailing the methods to be used, plant, safe systems of work,
special requirements for dealing with health hazards, precautions and sequence of work etc. This
Method Statement and Programme will be issued to the Supervisor responsible for the work on site.
The Works Supervisor appointed will be responsible for ensuring that the work is carried out in
accordance with these standards and will be responsible for carrying out any inspections of scaffolding
etc which may apply on site.
The Project Manager will ensure that an appointed competent supervisor shall remain on site at all
times that demolition works are being carried out. The person appointed shall be experienced in the
work and will receive full training to enable him to carry out any of the responsibilities required by
this policy.
The Project Manager will ensure that protective measures for the safety of the public or visitors on
site shall be provided and maintained. These measures must take into account the prevention of
accidents, especially to children.
All operatives on demolition sites will be required to wear safety helmets and protective footwear.
All plant used on demolition sites will be suitable for demolition work and will be provided with any
necessary safeguards to protect the operator.
The location and disconnection of any services into the site. Confirmation of disconnection in writing
must be required from the appropriate service authority.
The existence of any hazardous substances, e.g. asbestos, lead painted steelwork etc on Site must be
determined from the documents provided and from a physical survey of the site, carrying out any
sampling required.
Where the building or structure to be demolished contains unusual, or possibly hazardous design
features, or is in a dangerous structural condition, e.g. pre-stressed or post-tensioned concrete, fire
damaged building, cantilevered balcony etc, then advice must be obtained from a qualified consulting
structural engineer.
On all sites where demolition work of any kind is to be carried out, a Method Statement must be

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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3. Scaffolding
All scaffold erected on customer sites, or used by employees, will be erected in accordance with the
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015, All scaffolding will be erected only by
competent persons who will ensure that any scaffolding used in conjunction with the execution of
their works is erected in strict compliance with the relevant statutory provisions, TG20:08, Codes of
Practice, Health & Safety guidance notes and where appropriate, manufacturers erection instructions
only authorised, trained, competent personnel may erect, adopt or dismantle scaffold.

All work involving the erection and use of scaffolding will be planned to take the above standards into
account and erected using competent trained scaffolders.

The Project Manager will arrange for full details of the required usage and loading of the scaffold, to
be provided to the scaffolding contractor.

As with the erection of the scaffolding, alterations and dismantling will only be undertaken by a
competent trained person.

Before accepting a scaffold erected by a specialist scaffolding contractor for use by the company’s or
customers employees, the Works Supervisor will ensure that the scaffold is thoroughly inspected and
a signed handing-over certificate obtained from the scaffolding contractor. No scaffolding shall be
used until such a certificate has been received.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that all scaffolds are erected in accordance with the above standards
and, at the beginning of each week, will ensure that the scaffold is inspected by a competent person
and any defect is rectified. A written report of each inspection will be retained on file and a record of
the inspection entered in the Site Inspection Register and signed by the person carrying out the
inspection. A similar inspection will also be carried out after high winds or other adverse weather

All materials used for scaffolding will be provided in accordance with the relevant British Standards
and will be checked before use by a competent scaffolder. All materials will be properly stored and
maintained on site.

No person, other than a competent scaffolder, will be permitted to alter, erect, dismantle or otherwise
interfere with any scaffold erected on company sites or for use by company employees.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that all scaffolds are erected on ground or surfaces that have been
prepared, leveled and consolidated.

All scaffolders erecting scaffolds on company sites must hold a current CITB, CSCS or equivalent card.
All scaffolds must be tied in accordance with the Code of Practice requirements. Where the provision
of ties is impracticable, then the method of ensuring that the scaffold is adequately supported must
be clearly specified and recorded.

Any scaffold being erected, altered or dismantled, or otherwise not suitable for use, must have a
notice erected warning that it is incomplete and not suitable for use.

All scaffolds must be checked at the end of each working day to ensure that access onto the scaffold
by children has been prevented.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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4. Step-Ladders, Trestles and Staging

All step-ladders, trestles and stagings will be provided and used in accordance with the Construction
(Design and Management) Regulations and the Work at Height Regulations. Only British/European
Standard approved and equipment design for the required usage will be used.

Where trestles and stagings are to be used, they must be fully boarded out and provided with secure
rigid handrails and toeboards in accordance with the Work at Height Regulations. Wherever
practicable, other more suitable working platforms should be provided, such as podium steps, mobile
tower scaffolds and proprietary low level working platforms complete with handrails etc.

Where step ladders are to be used, these must be used in strict accordance with the Work at Height
Regulations 2005 and 3 points of contact (i.e.: 2 feet and 1 hand) must be maintained with the ladder
at all times. Step ladders should only be used for short duration, non-repetitive works.

The preferred means of access should be a set of podium steps for low level works and a mobile tower
scaffold or Mobile Elevated Working Platform (MEWP) for works at higher levels.

All ladders, trestles and stagings are classed as 'work equipment' for the purposes of the Provision and
Use of Work Equipment Regulations. Where necessary a risk assessment should be carried out in
accordance with the requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.

All equipment will be checked by a competent person before use to ensure that there are no defects
and will then be checked, at least weekly, while on site.

Where a defect is noted, or the equipment is damaged, it will be taken out of use immediately and
replaced or where possible repaired by a competent person.

The Works Supervisor will check that the equipment is being used correctly and is not being used
where a safer or more practical method should instead be provided.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that proper storage is provided for step-ladders, trestles or stages,
undercover where possible.

The main hazards associated with step-ladders, trestles and stagings are:

 Unsuitable base, e.g. unlevelled, packing pieces, loose material etc

 Unsafe use of equipment (i.e.: placed onto on scaffold platforms, roofs etc, where special
precautions are not taken)
 Overloading
 Use of equipment where safer method should be provided
 Overhanging of boards or staging at support (“Trap Ends”)
 Using defective equipment
 Excessive span of scaffold boards when used with trestles (must not exceed 1.5m where 38mm
board used)
 The minimum width of all working platforms should be 600mm

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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5. Ladders
All ladders must be provided and used in accordance with the Construction (Design and Management)
Regulations and the Work at Height Regulations.

Only ladders constructed in accordance with current British/European Standards and has been
designed specifically for the intended use will be used.

All ladders are classed as 'work equipment' for the purposes of the Provision and Use of Work
Equipment Regulations. Where necessary a risk assessment should be carried out in accordance with
the requirements of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.

Where ladders are to be used, these must be used in strict accordance with the Work at Height
Regulations 2005 and 3 points of contact (i.e.: 2 feet and 1 hand) must be maintained with the ladder
at all times. Ladders should only be used for short duration, non-repetitive works and only then when
subject to a specific risk assessment.

The preferred means of access should be a set of podium steps for low level works and a full access
scaffold or mobile tower scaffold or Mobile Elevated Working Platform (MEWP) for works at higher

The information and recommendations in Health and Safety Executive Guidance Notes “Safe use of
Ladders, Step-ladders and Trestles” will be applied to the work on site.

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.

The Project Manager will arrange for the required number and type of ladders to be provided, taking
into account the above standards and the work to be carried out.

The means of securing ladders will be planned as far as possible and sufficient materials made

Training provided to Works Supervisor and operatives will include the hazards and precautions
relating to ladders and their use, as well as the hazards of working at height in general.

Ladders must be checked by the Works Supervisor before use to ensure that there are no defects, and
will be checked at least weekly while in use on the site. Where a defect is noted, or a ladder damaged,
it will be taken out of use immediately. The Works Supervisor will ensure that proper storage is
provided for ladders, under cover where possible, and with the ladder properly supported throughout
its length.

The Works Supervisor will check that ladders in use are secured, have a solid, level base and are being
used correctly. Ladders will not be used to provide access, or a working position, if the type of work
cannot be carried out safely from a ladder, (e.g. carrying large items, work requiring both hands etc).

Methods of use, which will result in damage to the ladder, will not be permitted, e.g. securing ladder
with scaffold clip, placing board on rungs to form working platform, or ramp etc.

The main hazards associated with ladders are:

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 69 www.hannaford.co.uk

 Not securing the ladder properly

 Unsafe use of ladder (over-reaching, sliding down, etc)
 Using a ladder where alternative working method should have been adopted
 Using a ladder with defects
 Unsuitable base to ladder
 Insufficient handhold at top of ladder, or at stepping off position
 Insufficient foothold at each rung
 Using ladder near overhead electrical cables, crane contacts etc
 Ladder at unsuitable angle, swaying, springing etc (recommended angle one in four or 70°)
 Insufficient overlap of extension ladders

Ladders will be removed to storage, or made inaccessible by some means, at the end of each working
day, to ensure that unauthorised access to scaffolds etc by others, particularly children, is prevented.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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6. Lifting Operations
All lifting operations will be planned and carried out in accordance with:

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 (LOLER)

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (MHOR)

The information and recommendations of British Standard BS7121 - Code of Practice for Safe Use of
Cranes will be adhered to where applicable.

All work involving lifting operations will be planned to take the above standards into account.

The Project Manager will ensure that a suitably qualified and experienced ‘Appointed Person’, as
required under LOLER, coordinates and plans all lifting operations, taking into account the siting of
lifting appliances, provision of suitable lifting gear, the weights and positions of loads to be handled
etc. Suppliers will be asked to provide information on weights, lifting points, safe sling procedures, etc
of materials or articles supplied.

Any height, weight, overhead service or other restrictions on or adjacent to the site will be considered
before work starts, especially taking into account the safety of the public.

Servicing and maintenance of all lifting appliances must be planned before being taken into use on
site. Training will be provided for operators of lifting appliances and banksmen, slingers and riggers.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that any lifting appliance and lifting gear provided or delivered for
use on site has been tested, thoroughly examined and inspected in accordance with the above
standards and that copies of certificates, register entries, etc are available on site. Any unapproved or
uncertified equipment will not be used to carry out lifting operations.

The Works Supervisor will check that lifting appliances, such as gin wheels, pulley blocks, etc are
correctly erected and used.

Only authorised competent operatives will be permitted to operate lifting appliances, sling loads, or
give signals. The authorised persons must be over the age of eighteen and be competently trained to
carry out the duties. Where there is any doubt of the competency of the authorised operatives, the
Project Manager must be informed immediately.

Any defect noted in any lifting appliance machine, gear or tackle, must be reported immediately and
the equipment taken out of use if the defect could affect its safe use.

Where adverse weather conditions could affect the safety of lifting operations, the Works Supervisor
will stop operations until conditions improve.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that all lifting appliances are inspected weekly and a record of the
inspection made in the Site Register.

The main hazards associated with lifting operations are:

 Overloading of lifting appliance

 Overloading or incorrect use of lifting gear

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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 Incorrect positioning of lifting appliance

 Insecure attachment of load
 Contact with overhead electricity cables (see separate section)
 Improper use of equipment
 Failure of equipment due to lack of maintenance
 Incorrect signals

All personnel working with, or near, lifting appliances must wear safety helmets.

All lifting appliances must be secured and left in safe condition at the end of each working period,
taking into account the safety of children.

Areas where lifting operations are to be carried out, must be cleared and loads must not be carried
over personnel. If it is necessary to inspect the bottom faces of heavy loads, purpose made, tested
standards must be used.

Loose items must be secured, or covered, when being handled by a lifting appliance.

If any lift, hoist, crane or excavator collapses or overturns on site or any load bearing part fails, the
company must be contacted immediately and the procedures detailed for dangerous occurrences in
this policy must be carried out.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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7. Lifting Gear
All lifting operations will be planned and carried out in accordance with:

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.

The Project Manager will ensure the provision of lifting gear is planned, taking into account the size,
weight and type of loads to be lifted and the conditions in which the lifting gear is to be used. All
lifting equipment should be supplied in accordance with current British/European Standards and be
accompanied by the relevant inspection certificates.

Training must be provided for operators, slingers and supervisors.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that all lifting gear provided for use on site is in good order, has a
test certificate and has been thoroughly examined within the previous six months.

The Works Supervisor will arrange for proper storage of all lifting gear and accessories.

Only authorised slingers, over eighteen years of age, are permitted to use lifting gear.

Where defects are noted or reported, the equipment must be taken out of use immediately and
reported to the Works Supervisor/Project Manager.

The main hazards associated with lifting gear are:

 Overloading
 Incorrect use (i.e.: too wide an angle between legs of sling, use of eyebolt at an angle etc)
 Abuse (i.e.: use of sling as towing rope etc
 Use of defective equipment
 Damage to slings, i.e. lack of packing to load
 Incorrect slinging method

All personnel working with or near lifting appliances must wear safety helmets and where necessary
protective gloves.

Repairs to lifting gear must not be carried out on site. A test certificate must be obtained for any
repaired item of lifting gear.

Slings and other lifting gear must not be used for operations for which they were not intended and
must not be altered or adapted by unsafe methods, i.e. knots, bolt through links, etc.

Sufficient materials for packing between sling and load must be provided.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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8. Roof Work
Before undertaking any work on roofs, or at heights, a risk assessment of the required worked needs
to be completed in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
the Work at Height Regulations 2005. Other relevant legislation includes:

The Personnel Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996
The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
The Work at Height Regulations 2005

Relevant Health and Safety Executive Guidance Notes include:

GS28 Safe Erection of Structures

HSG 33 Health and Safety in Roofwork
HSG 150 Health and Safety in Construction

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account, a specific risk assessment will also
be required for all works at height.

The Project Manager, in conjunction with the contractor, will plan the following arrangements:

 Edge protection barriers in the form of a full access scaffold to prevent falls
 Protection of the public, or other operatives who may be at risk
 Safe means of access to the roof
 Where necessary, roof ladders, staging etc to provide safe access to roof, taking into account
pitch of roof, surface conditions etc

Short duration work will also be carefully planned to identify hazards and arrange equipment as
necessary. Training will be provided for supervisors and operatives required to work on roofs.

The Works Supervisor will not permit work to commence on a roof until the planned safety
precautions have been provided. Work on roofs must not be permitted when high winds or gusting is
experienced. The roof surface must be checked at the commencement of work after rain, frost or

Materials must not be dropped or thrown down from roofs, other than by means of a chute, or
suitable safe method.

The main hazards associated with work on tiled/slated roofs are:

 Falls from the edge of the roof

 Falls between rafters/trusses of roofs before tiles/slates fixed
 Materials, tools falling from roof
 Contact with overhead electric cables (see separate section)
 Falls through roof lights or other fragile material
 Manual Handling

Timber battens must not be used as a foothold for access on a roof if they are fixed to rafters, or
trusses, more than 400mm apart, or are not of the quality specified in Guidance Note GS 10.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 75 www.hannaford.co.uk

Only properly constructed roof ladders are to be used which do not rely for anchorage on the ridge
capping or ridge tile. All personnel required to work near or below roof tiling/slating operations must
wear safety helmets.

Access to the roof must be prevented to unauthorised persons, particularly children, after working

All roof work, no matter how small, e.g. small areas of flat roof on porches etc, will be carried out to
the above standards.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 76 www.hannaford.co.uk

9. Electrical Power Tools

The following regulations apply to the use of electrical power tools on site or other workplace:

The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989

The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005

Guidance on the safe use of electricity on construction sites is found in the following Health and Safety
Executive Guidance Notes:

PM 29 Electrical Hazards from Steam/Water Pressure Cleaners

PM 32 The Safe Use of Portable Electrical Apparatus
GS 24 Electricity on Construction Sites
HS(G) 107 Maintaining portable and transportable electrical equipment

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account and all electrical equipment on
company sites, or other workplaces, will be supplied, installed, maintained and used in accordance
with the above standards.

All portable electrical equipment used on site must be tested for safe working and tagged in
accordance with the 1989 Regulations.

The Project Manager must ensure that all power tools provided for use on site, or other workplace,
are in accordance with the relevant British Standards.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that the temporary electrical supply is installed and tested as
planned, while also ensuring that all sub-contractors equipment is in good condition and tested.

The Works Supervisor must ensure that any portable generator, or other electrical equipment fitted
with an earth rod, has the earth rod and connection maintained in good condition.

Only authorised persons are permitted to repair or alter electrical equipment. Any defect noted in
electrical equipment must be reported to the Supervisor so that immediate steps can be taken to have
defects remedied by an electrical or hire company.

All cable connections must be properly made. Under no circumstances is insulation tape to be used
for any repair or joint in extension cables.

On festoon lighting all bulb sockets are live, steps are therefore, to be taken to protect open sockets
when a bulb is not fitted. As well as the fragments of glass of broken bulbs being a hazard, it must be
remembered that the protruding filament wires are still live.

Power tools must be maintained in good condition, with casing intact and a label fitted showing
voltage and other information. Regular inspections of all electrical equipment on site will be carried
out by a competent electrician.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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10. Compressed Air Power Tools

The following regulations apply to the use of compressed air equipment on site:

Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005

Health and Safety Executive Guidance Note PM 17, Pneumatic Nailing and Stapling Tools, give advice
on precautions required with this equipment.

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.

The Project Manager will ensure that any compressor and compressed air tools, which are purchased
or hired for use on site, are in accordance with the above standards and are selected in accordance
with the company policy on noise.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that any compressor or compressed air tools provided for use are
fitted with all necessary guards and safety devices, (jockey wheel, brake, engine cover stays, etc) and
noise control measures; and that instructions have been given to operatives in the correct use of the
equipment to reduce noise, injuries, damage, etc.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that all necessary safety equipment, e.g. eye protection, hearing
protection, is available and provided and used as required.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that any defects in the compressor, hoses or tools are reported
immediately to the Project Manager or hire company.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that all operatives wear suitable protective footwear when using
compressed air equipment, breakers, rammers etc.

Compressed air will not be used to blow down clothing etc.

When moving compressors on site care must be taken to ensure that the jockey wheel, or towing arm
stand, are not damaged.

When changing tools connected to compressed air lines not fitted with automatic cut off vales, air
must be turned off at source (lines must not just be folded and held or tied).

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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11. Abrasive Wheels

The following regulations cover the provision and use of abrasive wheels or portable tools:
The Abrasive Wheels Regulations 1970
The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
The Control of Vibration at Work Regulations 2005
Health and Safety at Work Booklet No 4— Safety in the Use of Abrasive Wheels and Guidance Notes
from the Health and Safety Executive No PM 22, Training Advice on the Mounting of Abrasive Wheels
gives advice on the precautions required.

British Standard 2092 Industrial Eye Protection gives advice on the correct type and grade of eye
protection required.

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.

The Project Manager will ensure that any abrasive wheel machine, hired or used by any operative, will
be provided and maintained in accordance with the regulations.

All operatives will be trained, in accordance with the Abrasive Wheels Regulations, in the mounting of
abrasive wheels and discs and the type of machine to be used. The names of all trained persons will
be held on site. Only certificated operatives will be employed to mount abrasive wheels or discs.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that any operative required to change discs or wheels on abrasive
wheel tools has been trained and appointed in accordance with the regulations. The Works Supervisor
will ensure that the required statutory notices are prominently displayed.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that suitable storage facilities are available for abrasive wheels and
that sufficient quantities of suitable eye protection, and other protective equipment, is available and
issued when required.

Any person required to use an abrasive wheel machine or tool, must be suitably trained to the
standards of the above regulations.

Supervisory staff will ensure that any abrasive wheel machine, or tools being used with any defect,
which could give rise to injury, are taken out of use immediately.

The main hazards associated with abrasive wheels are:

 Busting of the wheel of disc
 Injuries from flying particles
 Cuts to hands, legs etc
 Dusts inhaled from certain types of materials
 Loose clothing tangled in disc
 Electric shock
 Noise, fire and explosion
When there is any doubt as to the precautions required, or where unusual circumstances are to be
encountered, advice must be sought.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 82 www.hannaford.co.uk

12. Entry into Confined Spaces

The Confined Spaces Regulations 1997, applies to work in excavations, pits, tunnels and other
enclosed or confined spaces and requires that ventilation be provided to ensure a safe and healthy
atmosphere. Testing of the atmosphere must take place before entry into any confined space and
suitable respiratory and rescue equipment must be available.

Other applicable legislation includes:

The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002

Health and Safety Executive Publication GS 55 Work in Confined Spaces provides information on the
hazards involved, precautions and procedures required.

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.

Before work commences, the Project Manager must establish if work in confined spaces is to be
carried out and, if so, must arrange for any necessary equipment, working procedures, training etc to
have been provided, taking into account the hazards likely to be encountered.

All personnel required to carry out testing and monitoring of atmospheres must have been suitably
trained, as well as operatives required to use breathing apparatus, reviving apparatus, rescue and
permit procedures etc.

Method Statements must be prepared before any work in confined spaces can commence, and all
such work must be carried out with a valid permit to work.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that all operatives have the necessary equipment available on site,
in accordance with the planned procedures, including the permit to work system, and that only
authorised persons are permitted to enter the confined space.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that operatives follows the planned procedures and permit to work
system, and that only authorised persons are permitted to enter the confined space.

All changes in working methods or conditions, which were not included in the Planning Procedure
must be referred to the Project Manager before work recommences.

All safety equipment must be regularly checked, calibrated and maintained. Any defects in equipment
must be attended to immediately.

The main hazards associated with confined spaces are:

 Asphyxiation due to oxygen depletion

 Poisoning by toxic substance or fumes
 Explosions due to vapours, gases, fumes or dusts
 Fire due to flammable liquids, oxygen enrichment etc
 Electrocution from unsuitable equipment

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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 Difficulties of rescuing injured personnel

 Drowning
 Fumes for plant or processes entering confined spaces
 Infection (i.e.: Leptospirosis)

When conditions make it necessary, advice should be sought on carrying out sampling and air
monitoring, preparing safe systems or work, permit to work systems etc, information provided on
ventilation equipment, breathing apparatus, reviving apparatus, ropes, harnesses, monitoring
equipment etc as requested.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 84 www.hannaford.co.uk

13. Highly Flammable Liquids (HFL's)

Highly flammable liquids are covered by the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres
Regulations 2002 and must be stored and used in accordance with those regulations. This section also
applies to the storage of petrol and products containing petroleum on site or other premises.

The Petroleum (Consolidation) Act 1928 and the Petroleum Mixtures Order applies to the storage of
petrol and products containing petroleum on site or other premises.

Health and Safety Executive Note CS 2, The Storage of Highly Flammable Liquids, gives advice on the
requirements necessary to comply with the regulations and will be complied with on the company

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.

The Project Manager will ensure that suitable storage facilities are provided for highly flammable
liquids, in accordance with the above standards, and will arrange for a license for the storage of
petroleum or petroleum mixtures where applicable.

The contractor will ensure that suitable storage facilities are provided for liquids which are not defined
as highly flammable, but which could be a fire hazard and will arrange for any necessary fire fighting
equipment or materials to be available before work starts.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that the planned storage facilities are provided and maintained and
that all highly flammable liquids are kept in storage facilities until required for use.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that fire resistant, absorbent material is available to soak up any
spillage of highly flammable liquids and that this material is immediately disposed of safely after use.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that any firefighting equipment, storage facilities, signs, notices,
containers etc, are checked at weekly intervals and that any action is taken to rectify and that defects
are noted.

Advice will be sought when there is any doubt about precautions required, or where highly flammable
liquids are used in large quantities or in unusual situations.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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14. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)

The Highly Flammable Liquids and Liquefied Petroleum Gases Regulations 1972 give the main storage
and use requirements for LPG those these regulations have now been replaced by the Dangerous
Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002.

A number of official publications deal with the precautions to be adopted in the storage and use of
LPG and other compressed gases, in particular HSE Guidance Notes:

DS 4 “The Keeping of LPG in Cylinders and Similar Containers”

CS 5 “The Storage of LPG at Fixed Installations”
CS 5 “The Storage and Use of LPG on Construction Sites”
Leaflet HSE 8 Fires and Explosions due to the Misuse of Oxygen

A number of British Standards cover the colours used for compressed gas cylinders, the construction
and materials of fittings, cylinders, hoses etc to be used with LPG and other compressed gases. The
LPG Industry Technical Association Public Codes of Practice and advisory literature on the use of
cylinders and appliances. Various other advice is published for specialist applications by bodies such
as National Joint Council for the Felt Roofing Contracting Industry and so on.

All work requiring the use of LPG and other compressed gases will be planned to take the above
standards into account.

The Project Manager will ensure that the provision, installation of equipment and storage facilities for
LPG, and any other compressed gases that will be used on site/workplace by sub-contractors, are
planned in accordance with the above standards and that, where necessary, liaison takes place with
the local Fire Brigade to establish the safe storage and siting facilities.

The Project Manager will ensure that any necessary training in the Safe Working Practices, or
Emergency Procedures, associated with LPG or compressed gases, is arranged and carried out before
work starts.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that the planned storage facilities are erected and maintained in
accordance with the above standards.

The Works Supervisor will check all storage facilities, appliances, hoses, fittings, connections,
firefighting equipment etc, at weekly intervals and ensure that action is taken to rectify any defects

Appropriate action must be taken against any person who disregards any instructions given for the
safe use and storage of LPG or compressed gases or who misuses equipment provided.

Advice will be sought where large quantities of LPG or compressed gases are to be used or stored, or
where LPG or compressed gases are to be used in confined spaces or unusual situations.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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15. Welding & Cutting Operations

The following regulations contain requirements to be complied with whilst undertaking any cutting or
welding process:

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Section 2

The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)

Site management must carry out a risk assessment and ensure that all necessary protective clothing,
ventilation equipment, respirators, fire resistant sheets, fire extinguishers, screens etc. are provided
before any such works are permitted to commence.

Welders and any person assisting them must be provided with eye protection to BS 679 or BS 1542.
Suitable screens must be used to prevent injury to other persons working or passing near welding or
cutting operations. Any Permit to Work, or Hot Work Permits must be complied with in full, together
with the provision and rules on fire prevention, detection and fighting.

Only trained and experienced operatives are permitted to carry out welding or other cutting
operations. All welding/cutting equipment must be checked daily, prior to commencement of work
by a competent person and any defective parts repaired or replaced before use.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 90 www.hannaford.co.uk

16. Electric Arc Welding

The following regulations contain requirements to be complied with whilst undertaking any cutting or
welding process:
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Section 2
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)
Further information:
HSE Guidance Notes
OS 4 Safety in Pressure Testing
HS(G)39 Compressed Air Safety
HS(G)5 Hot Work: Welding and Cutting on Plant containing Inflammable Materials
HS(R)30 A Guide to the Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers Regulations 1989
PM 64 Electrical Safety in Arc Welding
EH 54 Assessment of Exposure to Fume from Welding and Allied Processes
EH 55 The Control of Exposure to Fume from Welding Brazing and Similar Processes
HSE 8 Oxygen : Fire and Explosion Hazards in the Use and Misuse of Oxygen
All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.

The Works Supervisor shall ensure that all electric arc welding operations are properly planned and

The company will ensure that suitable maintenance systems are operated so as to ensure that all
equipment issued for use is in good condition at the time of issue. In the event that electric arc welding
has to be carried out in a flammable atmosphere, then a permit to work will be introduced and rigidly

The Works Supervisor will pay special attention to the adequacy of the ventilation facilities in areas
where electric arc welding is in progress.

The Works Supervisor will check to ensure the equipment being used, the electricity supply and
earthing arrangements are to the standards required.

The Site Manager will ensure that operatives using electric welding equipment have undergone
suitable training.

Any doubt concerning ventilation of work areas must be brought to the immediate attention of a

Only properly trained personnel will be allowed to use electric arc welding equipment and such
persons will bring to the attention of their supervisors any defects they may discover in the
equipment. Operatives will check the adequacy of the electrical supply and earthing arrangements
prior to starting work.
All necessary protective clothing will be provided and operatives will co-operate with the company in
using such equipment/clothing at all times when engaged in electric arc activities.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 92 www.hannaford.co.uk

17. Gas Welding

The following regulations contain requirements to be complied with whilst undertaking any cutting or
welding process:

Pressure Systems and Transportable Gas Containers Regulations 1989

Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Section 2
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Personal Protective Equipment Regulations 1992
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH)

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.

The Supervisor in charge will ensure that all gas welding or cutting operations are properly planned
and executed.

Gas welding or cutting will never be undertaken in flammable areas until a permit to work system is

The Works Supervisor will pay special attention to the adequacy of the ventilation facilities in areas
where gas welding is in progress.

The Works Supervisor will check to ensure the equipment being used is to the standards required.

The Works Supervisor will ensure that operatives using any gas welding equipment have undergone
suitable training.

Only suitably trained operatives will be allowed to use gas welding equipment.

Suitable and adequate maintenance systems will be operated by the company for all gas welding or
cutting equipment.

Operatives will, if they discover a fault in any of the equipment issued to them, report this to their
immediate supervisor.

The company will provide all necessary protective clothing and equipment for use when gas welding
or cutting is in operation. Operatives must properly utilise all protective clothing and equipment
issued by the company.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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18. Mobile Access Equipment

All mobile access equipment (including Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWP's), Telescopic and
Articulated Boom Platforms and Mast Platforms) will be used in accordance with:
The Work at Height Regulations 2005
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992
The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015

All work will be planned to take the above standards into account.
Mobile access equipment shall be operated only by persons trained, certificated and competent to do
so. Emergency procedures to deal with power failure, fire, injury to or collapse of the operator should
be established and personnel made familiar with them.

Equipment must be suitable for its intended use, be soundly constructed and regularly maintained
with records of the maintenance kept.

The safe working load (SWL) shall be clearly displayed and must not be exceeded.

The condition of the surface on which equipment is to operate shall be checked for its suitability and
stability and equipment shall not be permitted to be operated on excessively uneven or sloping ground
in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations.

Equipment shall be installed, modified and dismantled only by competent persons.

Adequate barriers shall be installed to prevent persons, property or vehicles being struck by the
moving platform, or from falling materials.

No part of the equipment shall be allowed closer than 15m to an overhead electricity cable carried on
a steel tower, or 9m to a cable on a wooden pole, except by arrangement with the electricity company.
Suitable precautions shall be taken to prevent any part of the equipment from touching any overhead
electricity cable or from approaching close enough to allow arcing.

Base units and outriggers (where fitted) shall be protected from damage or disturbance. Due
consideration shall be given to the effects of inclement weather, including high winds in siting and
using the equipment.

At the end of each day, platforms should be cleared of all tools and materials, isolated from power
and secured against unauthorised use.

All persons operating or riding on mobile access equipment shall wear suitable harnesses, the lanyards
of which shall be securely clipped to a suitable part of the platform.

Care must be taken when traveling with the platform elevated to avoid overturning, collision, or
displacement of the occupants or anything carried on the platform. Only platforms which have been
designed to travel whilst elevated shall be used in such a manner.
Mobile access equipment must not be used as a jack, prop, tie or other support, as a crane or lifting
appliance, pr primarily for the transfer of goods or materials.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 96 www.hannaford.co.uk

19. Smokefree Workplace

The “smokefree” law applies to virtually all “enclosed” and “substantially-enclosed” public places
and workplaces, including both permanent and temporary structures.

Premises are considered enclosed if they have a ceiling or roof and (except for doors, windows or
passageways) are wholly enclosed either on a permanent or temporary basis.

Premises are considered substantially-enclosed if they have a ceiling or roof but have an opening in
the walls which is less than half the total area of the walls.


Work vehicles must be smokefree if they are used in the course of paid or voluntary work by more
than one person, regardless of whether they are in the vehicle at the same time.


Any part of a private dwelling used solely for work purposes must be smokefree if:

 It is used by more than one person who does not live at the dwelling.
 Members of the public attend to deliver or to receive goods and/or services.


Failure to comply with the smokefree law is a criminal offence. Local councils are responsible for
enforcing the smokefree law in England and have the legal power to enter premises or board
vehicles to determine if anyone is breaking the law.

Employers who control or manage smokefree premises and vehicles have a legal responsibility to
prevent people from smoking in them and to ensure that the required “no smoking” signs are in
place. Employers should ensure that their employees are aware of the law and that they now work
in a smokefree environment.

Notwithstanding the requirements of the smokefree law, employers retain a general duty of care
under the Health and Safety at Work Act to protect their employees from the effects of second-hand
smoke where exposure to it may be considered unavoidable in their workplace.

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20. Lone Working

Lone working may be defined as any work activity which is intended to be carried out in isolation from
other workers by an individual or a small team of people. The work activity should normally last for
some time.

Types of lone working

Lone working can take place when people:

work as individuals at a fixed site, e.g. in a shop or petrol station are separate from others,
e.g. in warehouses or automated plants work away from their base or at remote locations,
e.g. construction workers, maintenance, repair and cleaning workers work at home work
outside normal hours, e.g. cleaners or security staff travel as part of their work, e.g. sales staff
or delivery workers provide services to the public, e.g. social workers, home helps, community

Many lone workers will come into more than one of these categories.


Hazards which lone workers can encounter are:

accidents or emergencies arising out of the work including inadequate provision of first aid
sudden illnesses inadequate provision of rest, hygiene and welfare facilities violence from
members of the public

Legal duties of employers

For most circumstances, there are no specific legal duties on employers in relation to lone working.
However, employers are under a general duty under Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work Act
to maintain safe working arrangements and under Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations to carry out a risk assessment of the hazards to which their employees are
exposed. Where there are more than five employees, the risk assessment must be kept as a
permanent record.

Employers are under a duty to provide facilities for first aid [Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations]
and welfare [Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations] and to report accidents suffered by
their employees, including assaults, wherever they occur (RIDDOR - Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and
Dangerous Occurrences Regulations). Welfare provision on construction sites is covered by the
Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations.

There are certain activities where there are specific legal duties: erection of scaffolding, use of
unsupported access equipment, demolition on construction sites, diving operations (provision of
suitable supervision); young people doing woodworking (supervision plus instruction and training);
work with certain chemicals (staffing levels).

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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
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Risk assessment

The key to maximising safety wherever lone work is under consideration is the performance of a
satisfactory risk assessment which should address two main features:

Whether the work can be done safely by a single person what arrangements are required to
ensure the lone worker is at no more risk than employees working together

The risk assessment should prescribe arrangements for systematic monitoring of the hazards of lone
working by qualified supervisors/managers.

Staffing levels

The critical question is whether the job can be done safely by a single person at all. There is scope for
disagreement between an employer primarily motivated by cost considerations and employees and
their representatives concerned with safety. The employer should demonstrate that a lone worker is
not exposed to extra risk compared to a group of employees doing the same job. Where the job
involves a significant risk of violence from the public, doubling of staffing levels will almost always
substantially improve security.

Remoteness and isolation

For a lone worker at a remote location, the following factors must be considered:

how long should the work take and how frequently should the worker report in has the worker
a safe means of travel to and from the location, especially out of normal hours is there access
to adequate rest, hygiene, refreshment, welfare and first aid facilities can emergency services
approach the location without hindrance. Procedures for responding to "worst-case"
emergencies should be in place

Condition of the workplace

Appropriate conditions are:

there is a safe means of entry and exit to the workplace there is adequate illumination, heating
and ventilation for the job to be carried out all equipment, especially powered tools and
access equipment such as ladders, can be used safely lifting operations can be performed
safely by one person fire precautions are sufficient for the job

Home visits especially for the provision of personal care can involve exposure to infectious diseases in
addition to other hazards and the condition of premises should be assessed by qualified staff before
visits commence.

Communications and personal alarms

Appropriate communications should be maintained with the lone worker especially when continuing
supervision is required. The lone worker should be equipped with a means of two-way
communication, a pager or a personal alarm. The system should enable the worker to raise an instant

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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alarm or be located accurately if assistance is required. Rooms used for confidential interviews should
be equipped with a hidden alarm.

Preventing violence

In addition to the provision of personal alarms, procedures should be devised to minimise the risk of
violence from the public, e.g. elimination of handling cash, constant changes of route when
transporting valuables, adequate building security for out of hours working. Consideration should be
given to the fact that women working alone are particularly at risk.

Medical suitability

Two points need to be determined:

Does the job impose any extra demands on the lone worker's physical or mental stamina?
Does the lone worker suffer from any illness that might increase the risks of the job?

Home working

If the home worker is an employee, the employer is obliged to carry out a risk assessment of the job
and the workplace. This must cover the provision of supervision, education and training and result in
sufficient controls to be in place so as to protect the home worker. The employer should accept liability
for accident or injury as for other employees.

Information and training

Sufficient training and information must be provided to any lone workers to enable him/her to identify
hazards and take appropriate action to avoid them. S/he must be entitled to leave the workplace if
there is serious and imminent danger.

Permits to work

These are detailed, written instructions provided by the employer on the performance of hazardous
activities such as entry into confined spaces or electrical testing, etc. They should specify:

Check-in arrangements tests of communications equipment length of the work period suitable
first-aid equipment, tools and electrical safety checks suitable personal protective equipment
suitable manual handling arrangements in bad weather exit to safety after job

Health and Safety Responsibilities

Consulting/negotiating on the necessity of lone working in the first instance ensuring that a
proper risk assessment is carried out including the provision of training, information and
suitable supervision having an input into the details of permits to work advising members of
safe working practices representing any suggestions and complaints from the lone workers to
the employer making sure that work practices are not introduced unless specified in the risk
assessment or permit to work checking that all accidents, near misses and dangerous
occurrences go into the accident book and are properly investigated obtaining support from
the trade union if unsafe working practices become established and/or referring these to the
enforcement authorities.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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Due to its unique fire-resistance properties, asbestos has been identified in over 3000 different
products, most extensively in buildings. Most buildings built between 1950 and 1980 are likely to
contain some asbestos. Asbestos in the form of asbestos cement can also be found in buildings
constructed or refurbished between 1980 and 1999.

The main uses of asbestos in buildings were as:

 sprayed insulating coating on steelwork and concrete;

 lagging on pipes and boilers;
 insulation boards on walls, doors and ceilings;
 asbestos cement as structural sheets, pipes and tanks;
 some ceiling tiles;
 some decorative plasters.


All types of asbestos are classified as Category 1 carcinogens. Amphiboles, which include crocidolite
(blue asbestos) and amosite (brown asbestos) are considered the most dangerous substances, with
the serpentine chrysotile (white asbestos) recognised as being slightly less dangerous due to the
nature of the fibres.

Inhaled asbestos fibres can cause a range of asbestos-related diseases:

 diffuse pleural thickening, preventing the lung from expanding and hence causing
 asbestosis, which has a latent period from first exposure of up to 30 years and for which
currently there is no effective treatment;
 lung cancer, which has a similar latent period, and also currently has no effective treatment;
 mesothelioma, where the latent period from first exposure can be between 15 and 55 years
and which is almost certainly fatal.


The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, replacing the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2002, the
Asbestos Licensing Regulations 1983 and the Asbestos Prohibitions Regulations 1992.

The Regulations move away from licensing particular asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), i.e.
asbestos insulation, asbestos insulating board and asbestos coatings. Most work with asbestos will
still need to be undertaken by a licensed contractor but any decision will now be determined by the

For any work with ACMs, the employer is required to:

 prevent the exposure of employees to asbestos as far as is reasonably practicable;

 identify the type of asbestos involved in the work, or assume the type of asbestos is not
chrysotile alone;

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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
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 make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks to health presented by exposure, before
carrying out the work;
 identify and implement the procedures needed to control exposure;
 record the significant findings of the assessment;
 prepare a suitable written plan of work detailing how the work is to be carried out without
risk to health;
 provide employees who are liable to be exposed to asbestos and those who supervise such
employees with information, instruction and training on the risks to health and the
precautions to be taken;
 provide washing/changing facilities and facilities for the storage of protective equipment and
personal clothing.


Certain works of a minor nature can be carried out by people other than licensed contractors. Such
is the case for work carried out during maintenance operations, plumbing and electrical installations.
However, a risk assessment must be carried out prior to the work taking place and steps must be
taken to protect against exposure to asbestos.

HSE guidance note HS(G)210 - “Asbestos Essentials Task Manual” offers practical guidance on the
way minor works should be carried out. Tasks covered by the manual include drilling holes in
asbestos insulating board, removal of a single asbestos insulating board ceiling tile, drilling holes in
asbestos cement and other bonded materials.


Work with ACMs must not be undertaken unless the employer holds a licence, unless:

 the exposure of employees to asbestos is “sporadic and of low intensity”;

 it is clear from the risk assessment that the exposure of any employee to asbestos will not
exceed “the control limit”;
 the work involves:
a) short, non-continuous maintenance activities;
b) removal of materials in which the asbestos fibres are firmly linked in a matrix, such as
asbestos cement and asbestos-containing decorative coatings;
c) encapsulation or sealing of asbestos-containing materials which are in good condition; or,
d) air monitoring and control, and the collection and analysis of samples to ascertain whether
a specific material contains asbestos.

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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
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Will the exposure of the

employees undertaking the ASBESTOS
job be ”sporadic and low LICENCE
intensity”? is required


Is it clear from the risk

assessment that the ASBESTOS
exposure of any employee to LICENCE
asbestos will not exceed the is required
“control limit”?


Is the proposed work a short

No asbestos YES
non-continuous maintenance
licence required activity?


No asbestos YES Does the job involve the

licence required removal of materials in
which the asbestos fibres
are firmly linked in a matrix?


Does the job involve

No asbestos YES
encapsulation or sealing of
licence required asbestos-containing
materials that are in good


Does the job involve air

monitoring and control or
the collection and ASBESTOS
No asbestos YES NO
licence required analysis of samples to
is required
ascertain whether a
specific material
contains asbestos?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
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“Sporadic and Low Intensity” relates to the exposure risk and not the frequency of the asbestos
work. Work which is likely to result in exposure at or above the short term exposure limit of 0.6
fibres per cubic centimetre (f/cm3) of air measured over a 10 minute period, cannot be considered
sporadic and low intensity exposure.

“The Control Limit” for all types of asbestos is 0.1 fibres per cubic centimetre (f/cm3) which is
equivalent to fibres per millilitre (f/ml). This is the maximum concentration of asbestos fibres in the
air (averaged over any continuous 4 hour period) that must not be exceeded.

a) Short non-continuous maintenance activities

Activities involving asbestos insulation and asbestos insulating board can be considered short non-
continuous maintenance activities if any one person carries out work with these materials for less
than 1 hour in a seven day period. The total time spent by all workers on the work should not
exceed a total of 2 hours.

When calculating the time the work takes, you should include anything ancillary to the work which is
liable to disturb the asbestos, including setting up enclosures and clearing any potentially affected

Please note that if short non-continuous maintenance activities are carried out by licensed
contractors under this exemption then it does not preclude the operatives concerned from carrying
out other work with asbestos during the seven day period, it only precludes them from carrying out
work under the short, non-continuous maintenance activities exemption within the seven day

b) Removal of materials in which the asbestos fibres are firmly linked in a matrix

This exemption is the one that effectively removes decorative textured coatings from the asbestos
licensing requirements. The materials to which it applies include:

 asbestos cement (e.g. corrugated roof sheets, flue pipes, guttering);

 textured decorative coatings and paints which contain asbestos (e.g. artex);
 any article of bitumen, plastic resin or rubber which contains asbestos where its thermal or
acoustic properties are incidental to its main purpose (e.g. vinyl floor tiles, electric cables,
roofing felt).

There may be other materials in which the asbestos fibres can be firmly linked in a matrix such as
paper linings, cardboards, felt, textiles, gaskets, washers or rope where the products have no
insulation purposes. If this is the case then the exemption from licensing may apply.

c) Encapsulation or sealing of ACMs which are in good condition

This exemption applies to all encapsulation or sealing of ACMs which are in good condition, i.e.
undamaged. This is as long as the exposure to employees to asbestos during the work is sporadic
and low intensity and it is clear from the risk assessment that the exposure of any employee to
asbestos will not exceed the control limit.

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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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d) Air monitoring and control, and the collection and analysis of samples to ascertain whether a
specific material contains asbestos.

Again this work is need not be carried out by a licensed contractor as long as the exposure to
employees to asbestos during the work is sporadic and low intensity and it is clear from the risk
assessment that the exposure of any employee to asbestos will not exceed the control limit.

Additionally, you will not require a licence to work with asbestos if you are:

 the client who has engaged a licensed contractor to do the licensable work;
 the principal or main contractor on a construction or demolition site if the licensable work is
being done by a subcontractor holding an asbestos licence;
 an analyst checking that the area is clear of asbestos at the end of the job;
 carrying out quality control work such as atmospheric monitoring (air monitoring) outside
enclosures while asbestos removal work is in progress or checking outside enclosures that
work has been carried out to a standard which meets the terms of the contract;
 a consultant or other reviewing tender submissions on behalf of the client.

Note: The exemption from licensing for those that use their own employees on their own premises
has also been removed. This now means that companies carrying out maintenance on
contaminated plant such as negative pressure units and class H vacuum cleaners will require a


The Control of Asbestos Regulations require that a suitable and sufficient risk assessment is carried
out for any work which is liable to expose employees to asbestos, so as to establish the potential
risks and whether or not the work is licensable.

From this assessment, a plan of work with details of the work methods and controls to be used
should be provided for both licensable and non-licensable work. The plan of work should always be
job-specific; however, information from previous similar jobs can be used provided there are no
additional risks and it is appropriate for the site conditions.

For licensable work, the plan of work must be site specific, readily available on site and cover in
sufficient detail the following information:

 The scope of the work as identified by the risk assessment;

 Details of hygiene facilities, transit route and decontamination arrangements, vacuum
cleaners, protective clothing and RPE;
 Details of the use of barriers an signs, location of enclosures and airlocks, location of skips,
negative pressure units, air monitoring, cleaning and clearance certification, emergency

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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
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If the work is licensable there are a number of additional duties. You need to:

 notify the enforcing authority (HSE or local authority) 14 days prior to work commencing (see
Regulation 9);
 designate the work area (see Regulation 18);
 prepare specific asbestos emergency procedures (see Regulation 15), and;
 pay for your employees to undergo medical surveillance (see Regulation 22).


Once removal of the asbestos has been completed, the premises must be thoroughly cleaned before
being handed over for reoccupation. All visible traces of asbestos dust and debris should be
removed and a thorough visual inspection carried out.

Where the work is licensable then a certificate of reoccupation should be issued following the 4-
stage clearance procedure:

1. a preliminary check on site conditions and job completeness;

2. a full visual inspection inside the enclosure/work area;
3. clearance air monitoring (see note below);
4. final assessment after enclosure/work area dismantling.

Air measurements shall only be taken by those able to demonstrate they can carry out such work to
the specified requirements in ISO 17020. Competence should be evidenced through accreditation
with a recognised accreditation body such as the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).

Analysis of the concentration of asbestos in the air shall be measured using the 1997 WHO
recommended method.

From 6 April 2015, any person who issues a site clearance certificate for reoccupation must be
accredited by an appropriate body (i.e. UKAS) as competent to perform work in compliance with ISO
17020 and ISO 17025.


All asbestos waste is classified as hazardous waste under the Hazardous Waste Regulations and must
be disposed of at a licensed waste disposal site. For most waste, double plastic sacks are suitable
provided they will not split during normal use. Large pieces of rigid material, e.g. cement sheets,
should be double-wrapped intact in heavy gauge polythene sheeting.

The waste should be clearly labelled and transported by registered carrier in an enclosed vehicle,
skip or freight container.

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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
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The Control of Asbestos Regulations require that anyone liable to be exposed to asbestos fibres at
work undertakes relevant training. This includes maintenance workers and others who may come
into contact with or who may disturb asbestos (e.g. electricians, plumbers, etc.) as well as those
involved in asbestos removal work.

The three main types of training cover:

1. licensable work - such as removing asbestos insulation or insulating board;

2. non-licensable work - such as a roofer or demolition worker removing a whole asbestos
cement sheet in good condition or analytical staff and asbestos surveyors;
3. asbestos awareness - for those persons who are liable to disturb asbestos while carrying out
their normal everyday work, or who may influence how work is carried out.

All training should be provided by someone who has had adequate personal practical experience
and who has theoretical knowledge of all relevant aspects of the work carried out by the employer.
All training certificates issued by such people or organisations should be traceable and valid for no
more than 1 year.

(Chapter 4 of HSG247 Asbestos: The Licensed Contractors' Guide, sets out the detailed content of
the asbestos training modules for operatives, supervisors, managers, directors, supervisory licence
holders and ancillary licence holders involved in licensable work).


The figures below are a guide to the airborne fibre levels that may be expected close to the
operator’s breathing zone in a number of different processes. The following points should be borne
in mind when using them:

 They are based on measurements taken by HSE. Different processes in different locations may
result in higher or lower concentrations that those listed in the table.
 They are average concentrations for the time during which the process is actually taking place.
 Selection of a figure from the list is not in itself an assessment. The person making the
assessment must consider whether it is reasonably practicable to use methods that give a still
lower value.
 The estimated dust concentrations given are to help in making assessments of likely exposure
and through the assessment to help in the choice of work methods, exposure control methods
and protective equipment. The figures are a guide only; results may vary from one operation
to the next, and the assessment should allow for that. If there is doubt about the likely
exposure to asbestos dust then the precautions taken should be adequate to meet the worst
 These figures are the concentrations found when the processes are carefully carried out. Bad
handling practices may result in higher concentrations.
 All the figures given for typical fibre levels for work with asbestos cement sheets and pipes are
shown in fibres per millilitre of air. As shown, many of the tasks create dust levels above the
control limit (0.1 f/ml) and therefore must be carried out by an asbestos licensed contractor.

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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
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Principal Contractor
Consultation with Employees
Induction Training
Personal Protective Equipment
Drugs and Alcohol

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Procedure for the Role of Principal Contractor

Notifiable Projects Only

Procedure for the Role of Contractor

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Procedure for Consultation with Employees

The need for consultation with

employees on matters of health and
safety arises

Management choose to consult directly

with employees or through
representatives of employee safety
(where elected)

Management to decide
whether informal talk or
formal meeting is needed

Consult on health and safety issues such as:

 Changes in procedures, equipment or working methods
 Risk assessment
 Planning health and safety training
 Introduction of new technology/process
 Health and safety trends

Details of formal consultation to be recorded/minuted

Management take account of any response from

employees or their elected representatives

Management decisions taken which may

affect the health and safety of employees in
the workplace are communicated to the

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Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
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Procedure for Induction Training

Employee joins the company

Carry out induction


Explain the company health

and safety policy

Allocation of health and

safety responsibilities

Identify fire, first aid and

emergency procedures

Explain procedures for

reporting accidents/incidents

Explain specific hazards

allied to the working area

Provision of welfare facilities

Record employee induction

in personnel file

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Procedure for Training

Identify the level of skills,

competence and training by the
risk assessment for the activity

Do staff meet Yes


Employee details
retained on file

Internal trainer Identify residual training External trainer

provider requirements provider

Develop/obtain training
package if necessary

Arrange training
schedule/deliver training

Evaluate effectiveness of

Monitor and review training


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Procedures for Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) to be

provided where, through suitable and
sufficient risk assessment, it is deemed to
further reduce risk

Ensure all PPE provided conforms to

the relevant British and European
safety standards

Ensure PPE is fit for purpose and

does not introduce any additional risk
to the health and safety of employees

Provide instruction, information and

training for employees on use,
storage and maintenance of PPE

Update the PPE issues register and

maintenance/inspection records
where appropriate

Supervise/monitor employees to
ensure appropriate use of PPE in
the workplace

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Procedures for Drugs and Alcohol

Inform employees of the Keep records of

company drug and alcohol employee instruction

Is the employee believed Is the employee believed

to be under the influence Employee attends to be under the influence
of alcohol? work of drugs?

No No
Yes/ Yes/
No No


Are the drugs

Employee refused entry No
Yes/ prescribed by a
to site. Company No medical practitioner or
procedures followed chemist?


Are the employee’s

capabilities to carry out Yes/
their daily work duties No

Review risk assessment for
individual and work task to
identify any additional
control measures. Follow
risk assessment procedure

Employee continues with

normal work duties

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Failure to comply with this Policy will be investigated and managed in accordance with the Company's
Disciplinary Policy.

The Health and Safety Manager should be contacted in relation to this Policy.

Review Arrangements
The Health and Safety Manager will review the Policy at least annually, or sooner if significant changes

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Section Four
Miscellaneous Forms

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Site Specific Tick Sheet

Site Folder 1
Emergency Contact Form

Site Folder 2
Subcontractor Approval Form
COSHH Register
COSHH Template

Site Folder 3
CDM Compliance Checklist
Fire Risk Assessment
Site Set Up Checklist
Site Security Checklist
Site Induction Brief
Induction Register Form
Induction Template
Hot Works Permit
Work at Height Permit
Live Works Permit
Accident Report Form
Working at Height Register
Fire Inspection Sheet
DSEAR Assessment Register
Workplace Inspection Sheet
Toolbox Talk Register
Toolbox Talk Attendance Form
Near Miss Form
Vibration Management Form
Temporary Works Form
Confirmation of Verbal Instruction
Site Diary
Additional Policy Forms
DSE Assessment

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 120 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 121 www.hannaford.co.uk

Contact Details


Fire Brigade


Directions To Hospital

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 122 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 123 www.hannaford.co.uk

Subcontractor Approval
Complete before subcontractor works are carried out and attached to relevant documentation
A, B, C subcontractor Approval Form
Sub Contractor
Subcontractor Start Subcontractor
Date End Date


Please tick documentation in question

Method Statements
COSHH Assessments
Status of Approval
A – Approved (works to commence)

B – Further information required

C – Not approved – work on hold until appropriate
documents are received

Signed Checked Date

Name Position

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 124 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 125 www.hannaford.co.uk

COSHH Assessment
COSHH Register Template
Operation / Process /
Location Records Number Date

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 126 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 127 www.hannaford.co.uk

COSHH Assessment

Product Name(s): Assessment
Description of
Assessed By:
Workplace Exposure
Risk Phrases:
Suppliers Name & Tel Number:
Address: Fax Number:

How Used:

Chemical Properties


Route of Exposure
Inhalation Skin absorption Injection
Ingestion Eye absorption Cuts/Grazes

Persons at Risk
Users of the Product Other Employers Staff Visitors
Colleagues & Other Trade Young Persons General Public

PPE Requirements


Yes Yes Yes Yes

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 128 www.hannaford.co.uk

Additional Control Measures

Ventilation Monitoring

Hygiene First Aid/Health Monitoring

Transportation Storage

Spillage Procedure Disposal Requirements


Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 129 www.hannaford.co.uk

CDM Compliance
Checklist Yes No
Are all places of work safe and free from risk?
If no describe the steps being taken to correct this.

What steps have been taken to prevent access to places that are not free from risk?

Is it possible for any structure to collapse?

If yes what steps will be taken to ensure that any structure undergoing construction work does not

Is it possible for an explosion to occur?

If yes describe the steps being taken to prevent this.

Is it possible for an excavation to collapse?

If yes describe the steps being taken to prevent this.

Is it possible for people to fall in to liquid or water with the possibility of drowning?
If yes please describe the steps being taken to avoid this.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 130 www.hannaford.co.uk

Checklist Yes No
Is there a traffic route on site? If yes describe the steps being taken to ensure that the persons near the
traffic route will not be harmed.

Is there a possibility that a fire, explosion, flooding or asphyxiation could occur?

If yes describe the steps being taken to prevent the risk of this.

Are there a sufficient number of suitable emergency routes? If no describe the steps being taken to
correct this.

Are there suitable and sufficient fire fighting equipment, fire detection and alarm systems, suitably
located? If no describe the steps being taken to correct this.

Are all employees trained to use the fire fighting equipment? If no describe the steps being take to correct

Are there sufficient toilets close to the work place? If no describe the steps being taken to correct this.
How will they be cleaned and maintained?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 131 www.hannaford.co.uk

Checklist Yes No
Are there sufficient washing facilities close to the work place? Is there hot and cold water, soap, towels
and separate facilities for men and women? If no describe the steps being taken to correct this. How will
they be cleaned and maintained?

Are there sufficient facilities to change clothes or rest close to the work place? Are there separate facilities
for men and women? Is there a supply of clean drinking water and cups? Is there a means to boil water
and maintained it at an appropriate temperature? If no describe the steps being taken to correct this. How
will the facilities be cleaned and maintained?

What steps have been taken to ensure that fresh or purified air is available at every workplace? What
system is in place to detect a failure of this air?

What steps have been taken to ensure that the temperature at any door indoor place of work is
reasonable ?

Has suitable and sufficient lighting been provided at every workplace and traffic route? If no describe the
steps being taken to correct this.

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 132 www.hannaford.co.uk

Checklist Yes No
Is there a system in place for a secondary lighting system? If no describe the steps being taken to correct

Is all plant and equipment used for construction work safe, of good construction, made of suitable
strength and stability for its purpose? If no describe the steps being taken to correct this.

Who is the competent person who will inspect (and record) any excavation, cofferdam or caisson?

Inspection carried out by

(print name)

Date of inspection Date of action

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 133 www.hannaford.co.uk

Fire Risk Assessment for Construction Companies

Project / Contact Details
For compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) order 2005 and the construction (design and
management ) regulations 2015

Name of Project Site address

Contractor responsible
for fire safety Site manager
contact on site
Date Number

Nature of construction
Use of remainder of site
Building / Site details
Details of temporary buildings / accommodation on site

 
Are there any occupied workplaces within the confines of the site?

Is a copy of their workplace fire risk assessment available

Client name /
Phone number
responsible person

Details / locations
No. of staircases available
Number of floors in No. of final
as fire exit routes from
building (if applicable) exits
building (if applicable)
Maximum number of Maximum number of
construction site others at risk (e.g. client
personnel at risk? employees)
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9
Action Required

Indicate by 

Assessor Position

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 134 www.hannaford.co.uk

STEP 1 Fire Hazards Identified

What are the possible sources

of ignition on site?

What sources of fuel may

present a fire hazard on site?

What sources of fuel may

present a hazard on site?

What hazardous processes will

take place on site?

STEP 2 Persons / Groups Identified

Who are the persons at

significant risk in the event of a

STEP 3 Evaluating the Risk

Are all the hazards adequately

controlled? (if no please explain
in part A below)

Please circle as appropriate

From the hazards identified in
step 1, what is the likelihood of
a fire occurring in the area LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH

Taking in to consideration the Please circle as appropriate

hazards in step 1 and the
persons identified as being a
significant risk in step 2, what is
the likely severity of a fire may LOW / MEDIUM / HIGH
occur in the area being

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 135 www.hannaford.co.uk

PART A Existing significant hazards / risks that are not adequately controlled

Further Action Required?

Action By? By When?

STEP 4 Fire detection, Fire warning & Emergency lighting

(A) Type of fire detection

system (describe)

Are detectors of the right type /

in appropriate locations?

Does the detection system

ensure that a fire warning is
raised in time for all site
personnel to escape to a place
of total safety?

(B) Type of fire warning system


Is the warning system sufficient

for the risks involved?

(C) Can the means of giving a

warning be clearly understood
throughout the whole site?

(D) If the fire detection and

warning system is electrically
powered, does it have a back up
power supply?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 136 www.hannaford.co.uk

(E) Is an emergency lighting

system installed?

Is an emergency lighting system

required? (will the premises be
used in hours of darkness?)

(F) If installed, is the emergency

lighting system independent of
the main power supply?

(G) Have employees been

informed about the alarm

Do they know how to operate


Do they know how to respond

to it?
(H) Are there sufficient numbers
of fire action signs displayed
(i.e. what to do in the event of a
fire ?)

Have the relevant details been

filled in?

(I) Are there any areas,

particularly unoccupied ones,
where there could be a delay in
detecting the start of a fire

Further Action Required

Action By? By When?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 137 www.hannaford.co.uk

STEP 5 Means Of Escape

(A) Are all persons on site able
to react quickly in the event of a

If not, who is affected?

(B) Is a refuge area needed to
protect those unable to react
quickly in the event of a fire?

If so has one been established?

(C) Do exits lead to a place of


(D) Are all gangways and escape

routes free from obstruction?

(E) Are there enough exits?

Are they in the right place and

wide enough

(F) Are all escape routes / final

exits correctly signed?

(G) Are fire doors kept closed

(not wedged in the open

(H) Are self closing devices on

the fire doors working properly?

(I) Where appropriate, do doors

used for means of escape open
in the direction of travel?

(J) Can all final exits doors be

opened easily and immediately
if there is an emergency?
Emergency Action Required?

Action By? By When?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 138 www.hannaford.co.uk

STEP 6 Fire Drills, What to do in the event of a fire

(A) Are regular fire drills being

carried out?

At what frequency?

(B) Are the results of the fire

drills recorded?

(C) Are fire marshals / wardens

nominated and suitably

(D) Where is the assembly point


Is it clearly identified?

(E) Do employees know what to

do in the event of a fire?

(F) Do contractors / visitors to

the site know what to do in the
event of a fire?

(G) Is a roll call carried out?

By whom?

Further Action required?

Action By? By When?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 139 www.hannaford.co.uk

STEP 7 Means of fighting fire

(A) Are sufficient fire

extinguishers sited throughout
the site?

(B) Are fire extinguishers:

The correct type?

Located correctly?

Easily accessible?

Mounted on a wall or stand?

Appropriate signage displayed?

(C) Are persons likely to use the

fire extinguishers been given
adequate instruction and

If yes, when?

Further Action Required?

Action By? By When?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 140 www.hannaford.co.uk

STEP 8 Checks, Testing and Maintenance

(A) Are the following checked:

Escape routes (recommended At what frequency:


Fire fighting equipment At what frequency:

(recommended weekly?)

Emergency lighting system At what frequency:

(recommended monthly?)

Are the results recorded?

(B) Is the fire detection and

warning system checked?

At what frequency?
(recommended weekly)

Are the results checked?

(C) Have the fire detection and
warning / emergency lighting
systems been tested and
maintained by a competent
person within the last 6

Are the results recorded?

(D) Have the fire extinguishers
been tested and maintained by
a competent person within the
last year

Are the results recorded?

Further Action Required?

Action By? By When?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 141 www.hannaford.co.uk

STEP 9 Emergency Plan

(A) Has an emergency plan been


(Existing clients’ policies contain

emergency plans – is the plan
being used?)

(B) Is the emergency plan

displayed in prominent
locations around site?

(This could be provided by fire

action notices, or for more
complex sites / premises may
need to be more detailed)

Further Action Required?

Action By? By When?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 142 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 143 www.hannaford.co.uk

Site Set up
Safety Checklist


Start Date


Completion Date
Facilities Yes / No Comments
Law Poster “what you
should know”
Resting Facilities i.e. chairs,
First Aider and first aid kit

Eye wash station

Hand wash

Paper towels

Suitable fire extinguishers

Raising alarm for fire i.e.
horn, bell
Construction site warning
Direction / Information
signs i.e. site office
Emergency aid procedures
Relevant scaffold design
Application for permits
made i.e. local authority
Site secure i.e. heras
fencing, hoarding
Informed adjoining
premises of works
Checked By Date Sign

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 144 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 145 www.hannaford.co.uk

Site Security
Action Checklist
Visitors Completed
1 Ask for name, company and purpose of visit
2 Who are they here to see?
3 Proof of Identity
4 Sign in
5 Notify site manager
6 Check PPE – Boots, Hi vis, Hard hat. Issue if required
7 No access to site until collected
8 On leaving recover PPE and sign out
Delivery Action
9 Ask who the delivery is for
10 Check paper work for the delivery address
11 Proof of identity
12 Inform site manager
Site board and signage
13 Ensure site board is in good condition and all information is displayed professionally
14 Ensure site board is clearly on display to all visitors
15 Ensure all signage is clearly displayed at all times

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 146 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 147 www.hannaford.co.uk

Site Induction
The following steps are to be discussed with every site induction.
Induction Brief
Persons In Charge

Site Manager

Hannaford Contact

Health and Safety Manager

General Site Rules

Signing in

Permits to work system

Safety footwear at all times.
Gloves, Eye protection, Hearing protection and Dust Mask as required.

First Aid

Name of First Aiders / Appointed person

Location of First Aid kit

Emergency Procedures

Fire escape routes + Assembly point

Location of Fire extinguishers


Location of facilities, toilets

Specific Site Hazards

Specific Safety Procedures

Public Awareness

Need to be aware of need to general public



Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 148 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 149 www.hannaford.co.uk

Induction Register Form
Name Signature Date of Induction Inducted By

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 150 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 151 www.hannaford.co.uk

Induction Sheet
Site requirements
This sheet is to be completed by all persons attending site
Site / Area

Person giving induction Date of inductions

The following items are to be explained to the inductee Yes No

The companies policy for health, safety and welfare
Allocation of safety responsibilities on site
Site specific rules
Safe systems of work, where applicable
General Hazards in and around their work area
Specific hazards allied to their work area including the detail of the risk assessment and noise
implications of that risk
Fire and emergency procedures (including and location and use of extinguishers)
First aid – names and locations of first aiders, introduction to them, position of first aid boxes
and rules of their use
Use, availability and storage of protective clothing and equipment
Procedures for reporting accidents, injuries and property damage
Welfare – location of canteens, toilets etc and other welfare matters
The importance of hygiene and health
The companies drugs and alcohol policy
Evidence of competency submitted

CSCS card number

Personal protective equipment register
Item Available Date issued
Eye protection
Hearing protection
RPE / Dust protection
Foul weather gear
High visibility clothing
Foot protection

I have received the site safety induction and understood the safety requirements and obligation placed upon me

Signed by Print name Company

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 152 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 153 www.hannaford.co.uk

Permit to Work
Hot Works
Contractor Permit Number

Permit valid from Date Hours (from /to) /

Permit issued by Permit issued to

Location for permit

Issue checklist
Yes/No N/A
Has a risk assessment been carried out?
Are operatives trained in use of equipment?
Will non-combustible screens / sheets be erected?
Is the area clear of all combustible materials?
Will a fire watcher be necessary and provided?
Have the correct type of fire extinguishers been provided?
Are extinguishers fully charged and inspected?
Are flash back arrestors fitted to gas cylinders?
Has a fire proof container been provided for discarded welding rods?
Has personal protective equipment been provided?
Any additional precautions required? (please list below)

Signed Time Date
I have read this form and fully understand the precautions to be taken prior to and during the hot works

Signed Time Date

I have completed the works above and left the site in a safe condition
Signed Time Date
I have inspected the work area above and cancel this hot work permit
Signed Time Date

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 154 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 155 www.hannaford.co.uk

Permit to Work
Work at Height
Contractor Permit Number
Permit valid from Date Hours (from /to) /
Permit issued by Permit issued to
Location for permit
Details on Permit
Works to be carried out and reason permit is required

Issue checklist
Yes/No N/A
Has the most suitable access equipment been selected and installed?
Does a safe working platform already exist or has one been provided?
Are collective fall prevention measures in place e.g. guard rails
Are collective fall arrest measures in place? e.g. nets, air bags
Has the equipment been installed / inspected by a competent person?
Is personal fall protection (PFP) to be used? (restraint / arrest)?
Are operatives trained and competent in the use of PFP equipment?
Is an emergency rescue and recovery procedure in place?
Are work exclusion zones established below the works areas?
Is it safe to start work in the prevailing weather conditions?
Signed Time Date
I have read and understand the precautions to be taken prior to working at height

Signed Time Date

I have finished / stopped work in the area stated above and have left the area safe and secure to the public and
other workers
Signed Time Date
I have inspected the work area above and cancel this permit to work at height
Signed Time Date

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 156 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 157 www.hannaford.co.uk

Permit to Work
Live works
Contractor Permit Number

Permit valid from Date Hours (from /to) /

Permit issued by Permit issued to

Location for permit

Condition of equipment
Equipment Status Signed

1. It is unreasonable in all circumstances for the conductor to be dead

2. It is reasonable in all circumstances for the conductor to be live

3. The following precautions are to be taken to prevent injury

Issue checklist
Equipment voltage (state single or three phase)
Yes/No N/A
Special precautions
Protective clothing to be worn
Safety belt / lifeline to be worn
Earth bonding required
Watchers to be posted
First aider required
Any other precautions (if so please state below)

Test equipment in use

Signed Time Date
I have read this form and fully understand the special precautions to be taken prior to and during live works

Signed Time Date

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 158 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 159 www.hannaford.co.uk


To be completed as soon as an employee is no longer able to continue work following an injury.

Investigation details
Accident book reference number

Full name of person completing report

Date investigation requested

Date and time of investigation

Location where investigation is being carried out – same as location of accident / incident

Name of company investigation is being

carried out for
Name and job title of person supplying
Type of Incident
Major Incident Fatality Over “7” day injury
Became In hospital for more than
Under “7” day injury
unconscious 24 hours
Needed Member of public / other
No time lost
resuscitation contractor injured
Dangerous Occurrence Damage incident
The injured person
If not known
Name of injured person who is to be
Age / D.O.B Sex M/F
Status: Employee Self employed Trainee other
If other, please give further

Injured person’s home address

Telephone Number

Occupation Years in current occupation

Nature of injury /condition

Part of body effected

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 160 www.hannaford.co.uk

Company of injured person

any further details on injured
The Accident / Incident
Where did the accident / incident
take place?
Time of the accident
Date of accident / incident
/ incident
What was taking place at the
location and time of the accident
/ incident
What job was taking place by the
injured person at the time of the
What step of the job was in
Describe how the accident / incident occurred. Include all detail including weight of items being carried, height of
fall etc

Name, company name and phone number of any witnesses

What was the cause of the accident / incident?

What was the injured persons job instruction relating to the incident, when was it received and by who?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 161 www.hannaford.co.uk

What action has been taken to prevent a recurrence?

Any further recommendations?

Was there a risk assessment

performed for this task?
Had the recommendation been
Does the Risk assessment need
Time investigation
Date investigation completed?

Signature of investigator

Please send this completed form to person in charge of Health and Safety for you business immediately after

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 162 www.hannaford.co.uk

Injured persons statement


Name of person making


Signed Date

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 163 www.hannaford.co.uk

Witness statement

Name of
Name of witness

Contact phone number Date


Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 164 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 165 www.hannaford.co.uk

Provision and Use of Work Equipment (PUWER)

To be completed for (but not limited to) items such as Steps / Mobile Towers / Podiums / Hand Tools
/ Transformers / Power Tools / General Plant etc
Report of Inspection
Date of Description of equipment Result of
Next Inspection Due Signed
Inspection and means of Identification Inspection

carried out by

Inspection carried
Site Location
out for (company)

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 166 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 167 www.hannaford.co.uk

Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Report (LOLER)

To be completed for (but not limited to) items such as Genie Lifts, Hoists, Forklifts, Pallet Trucks,
Scissor Lifts etc
Report of Inspection
Date of Description of equipment
SWL Result of Inspection Signed
Inspection and means of Identification

carried out by

Inspection carried
Site Location
out for (company)

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 168 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 169 www.hannaford.co.uk

Working at Height regulations 2005

Report of results of every inspection made in pursuance of regulations 12
Inspection Report
Details of issues with
Type of Result of action
Date & time equipment that could lead to Any necessary
equipment taken on issues
of inspection risk to health & safety of any further action
inspected identified

Name and position of Date report

person making report handed over

Site Location (where Inspection carried

equipment was inspected) out for (company)

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 170 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 171 www.hannaford.co.uk

Fire Safety
Inspection Checklist
Yes, No Remedial action required (including Action
No. Item
or N/A location) date
All combustibles and rubbish being
removed regularly from work areas?
Fire procedures included in the fire safety
plan and displayed?
Fire extinguisher locations correctly
Fire extinguishers in good condition and
serviced in the last 12 months?
Fire extinguishers appropriate (quantity
and type) for fire risk?
Fire extinguishers being inspected weekly
for damage?
7 Fire extinguishers located at fire points?

8 Fire alarm tested weekly?

Fire procedures part of induction
Fire drill conducted within the last 6
11 Fire wardens appointed?
Employees trained in the use of fire
Fire escape routes adequately
14 Fire escape routes correctly signed?

15 Fire escape routes clear?

Fire doors open outwards and
Emergency lighting sufficient for escape
18 Emergency lighting tested?
Warning signs displayed in areas used for
storing flammable materials?
Person completing

Job title Date

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 172 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 173 www.hannaford.co.uk

DSEAR Assessment
Operation / Process /
Location Record Number Date

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 174 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 175 www.hannaford.co.uk

Work Place Safety Inspection

Action Action
Date Date
Site Management Lifting Operations
Policy available to employees? Trained Operators and banks men?
Registers being completed? All equipment tested?
Safety Plan adhered to? Certificates seen?
Health and Welfare Maintenance forms signed?
Toilets and rest room adequate? Manual Handling
Drying space adequate? Risks assessed?
First aid facilities adequate? Good practice observed?
Washing facilities adequate? Electrics
Drinking water adequate? Circuits earthed? Trip switch in use?
Fire Precautions All 110 volts?
Alarm system/Detection system? All tools checked?
Fire procedures in place? Maintenance register held?
Extinguishers? Scaffolds
Hot work permit? Plumb and level?
Flam store? All boards there?
Risk Toe boards/guardrails OK?
Hazards identified? Ladders sound and tied?
Assessments produced? Competent inspection?
Effectiveness monitored? Excavations
Assessments complied with? Shored/battered?
Emergency Plans U/Ground services checked?
Published and tested? Competent inspection?
Secondary lighting in place? Access/egress safe,barriers/warnings?
Noise House Keeping
Monitoring? Site tidy?
Hearing protection in use? Traffic routes clear?
Ear protection zones established? Material stacking OK?
Training Fencing Secure/signed?
Induction carried out for all? Waste removal OK?
Task training OK? Timber de-nailed?
Fire training carried out for all? COSHH
Power Tools Substance Survey?
Trained operators? Data sheets collected?
Maintenance register up to date? Assessments in place?
Gases Assessment being complied with?
Properly stored? PPE
Trained users? Used properly and in good repair?
Plant Correct equipment?
Trained operators Traffic Routes
Maintenance forms signed/up to date Signed?
Sufficient space? Separation working?

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 176 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 177 www.hannaford.co.uk

Toolbox Talks
Number of Attendee list
Date of talk Topic of talk Name of training provider
attendees number

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 178 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 179 www.hannaford.co.uk

Toolbox Talks
Attendance Form

Topic of talk

Talk given by Date

Name of Attendee Signature

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 180 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 181 www.hannaford.co.uk


This form is to be completed to report an unplanned event that did not result in Injury or Ill Health

Near Miss Detail

Job Title of person Witness Names
completing form if any
Date /Time near
Date / Time of near
/ miss reported to /
Site Manager
Were you directly
involved with the
near miss – if NO
who was?
Nature of near miss
Slips & Trips Fire Falls from Height

Inhaled Substance Manual Handling Lifting Device Failure

Equipment / Plant
Collision Other
Near Miss Information

Location of Near Miss

Work task being carried out in

relation to near miss

Is Action Required

Other Comments?

Responsible Persons

Site Manager Comments

Site Manager Action

Signature of investigator Date

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 182 www.hannaford.co.uk

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 183 www.hannaford.co.uk

Workstation Assessment Checklist

The following is an assessment of your own workstation. Your views enable us to ensure the
comfort and safety at work. Please tick the box that best describes you opinion, for each of
the questions listed.

Name Date
1. Lighting Yes No
Is the lighting at your workstation adequate?

Are there distracting reflections on your screen?

Do you have control over local lighting?

2. Temperature and humidity Yes No
Are you usually comfortable at your workstation ?

Is the air around your workstation

 Comfortable
 Humid
 To Dry

3. Noise Yes No
Do you find the noise from your work equipment distracting?
4. Space Yes No
Is there enough space around your workstation?
5. Chair Yes No
Is the seat height adjustable?

Is the angle and height of the backrest adjustable?

Is the chair stable?

Is the chair in a good state of repair?

If your chair has arms, do they get in your way?

Is the chair comfortable?

6. Desk Yes No
Is the desk surface large enough?

Is the desk height suitable (if no please explain in comments box)

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 184 www.hannaford.co.uk

Do you need a footrest?

Has one been supplied?

7. Document Holder Yes No
Do you need a document holder?

Has one been supplied?

Can you adjust the document holder to the right angle?

8. Display Screen Yes No
Is there a brightness control on your screen?

Is there sufficient difference between characters and the background?

Does your screen move freely?

Is the screen image stable and free from flicker?

Is the screen at a comfortable height for you?

9. Keyboard Yes No
Is the keyboard separate from the screen?

Is the keyboard height adjustable?

Are the symbols on the keys easily visible?

Is the space in front of the keyboard sufficient to rest your hands?

Are your forearms parallel to the work surface and your wrists comfortable?

Do you understand how to use the software?

10. Other equipment Yes No
Is your phone conveniently situated?

Is there enough space to load paper into printers and copiers?

Can you easily get to the shelves above and below your workstation?

Do you have other equipment problems? (if yes please explain in comments box)

Is the desk height suitable? (if no please explain in comments box)

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873
EDOC 18 Health & Safety Policy, Version 1, page 185 www.hannaford.co.uk

11. Training Yes No

Have you been trained to make your workstation comfortable?

Have you been trained in the use of software?

If you were to have a problem to display screen work, do you know who to ask
for help?
Do you understand the arrangements for eyesight tests? (if no please comment

Head Office
Unit 6 Handley Page Way,
Colney Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire, AL2 2DQ
T: +44 (0) 1923 851 070 F: +44 (0) 1923 839 873

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