AB Psych Reviewer 1

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What is Abnormal Psychology?

-Concerned with understanding the nature, causes, and treatment of mental disorder

-A branch of Psychology that deals with psychopathology and abnormal behavior. The term covers a
borad range of disorder from depression to obsession- compulsion to sexual deviation. Counselors
clinical psychologists and psychotherapist often work directly in this field.

Understanding Abnormal Psychology

-In order to understand abnormal Psychology it is essential to first understand what we mean by the
term Abnormal. “Abnormal” on the surface, the meaning seems obvious abnormal indicates something
that is outside of the norm

What makes behavior “Abnormal?”

The american Psychiatric Assosiation (2001) – (2006) define abnormal behavior in medical terms- as a
mental illnes that affects or is manisfested in a persons brain and can affect the way the individual
thinks, behaves and interact with others.

-The term ‘abnormal behavior’ can referto an action or behavior that is unusual, but is most commonly
used to describe the actions and behaviors type that fall outside normal or acceptable behavioral

-it doesnt mean taht any unusual behavior na nakikita natin sa ibang tao is already categorized as
abnormal esp if this person is currently suffering or undergoing extreme issues or stress unless this
person is nag amor  Psychological disfunction

The term “Abnormal behavior can refer to any action or behavior that is
Pervasive: Pa intense ng pa intense yung abnormality ng behavior niya.
Persistent: Palagian
Pattern: Araw araw niya nang ginagawa/ Pa ulit ulit


Sociocultural dimension- Race, gender, sexual, orientatiton, religion. Socioeconomic status, Ethniecity
culture etc.

Culture- Bound syndromes

AMOR: (Maiayo-Indonesians) homecidal attack an acute outburst of unrestrained violence associated
with homocidal attack, Proceed by a period of broading, and ending with exhaustion and amnesia?
(biglaan ng pangyayari)

LATAH ( Malaysia & Indonesia) – Exraggerated yung feeling niya sa stimulus na nasa paligid niya.

The afflicted person typucally responds to a frighthening stimulus with an exaggerated startle or jumo.
Sometimes throwning or dropping a held object uttering some improper word or matching the words or
movement of people nearby

GHOST SICKNESS (American Indian Tribes)- Believed to be caused by association with the dead or dying
and is sometimes associated with withcraft

Wendigo Psychosis (Algonguian Indian) – Kumakain ng flesh ng kapwa nila tao.

ZAR ( East Africa & the middle east) The Experience of spiritual possession, which may include
associative episodes that include laughing nitting singing or weeping (

Susto (Latin America)= hihiwalay yung katawan spirit and the body (Kapag nagugulat example
humihilwalay yung kaluluwa mo sa sobrang takot mo_

Hwabyeong: Anger illness, Lumalabas

Taijin kyupusho: Fear of interrelationship

Dhat: Semen loss

Khyal Cap: Wind attack/ palpitation

Social Dimension: Family School social media church when a person feel that he/she is not belong in a
certain farm pwede siya maka develop ng avoidant perosnality disorder reactive attainment disorder

Iba iba ang ugat depende sa pinang gagalingan ng isang tao:

Psychological Dimension: Personality of the person paano siya mag isip yung emotional stability ng
isang tao kung paano siya mag cope sa stress oba oba amg coping mechanism ng isang tao

Abnormal Psychology: factors that determine whether behavior is abnormal or not

Statistical infrequency: Abnormal behavior is often infrequent

Example: Mania & Depression occurs in 1% of the population bibihira lang ang nakakaranas nito

Mania: elevated feeling exelated: overwhelming

Depression: There is a total loss doing thing that a person usually love to do. -Extreme sadness

2. Violation of Norms: Abnormal behavior often violates the usual norms of a given culture
(hallucination talking to objects)

3. Personal Distress: (Hindi nila namamanage yung emotions nila)

Stress- Normal reaction people have to excessive press that they worry

Personality Disorder- Pinaka mahirap i treat lack of knowledge

4. Dysfunction: These are behavior na it already ( Example hindi na siya maka hold sa isang relationship)

Naapektuhan na yung dopmine niya hindi niya na nagagawa yung mga ginagawa niya araw araw:
Naapektuhan na yung utak niya.

5. Unexpectedness: Kapag hindi na sapat yung copping mechanism mo sa stressor pwede na siya mag
create ng disstres maapektuhan na yung functioning mo siya buhay.

Stressor are normal:

Acuter stress disorder: Sadness anger denial minimum of 6 months but if this become pesistent already
your’e sad for 2 years now then that is not normal

Post Traumatic: Naalala mo lahat about experience mo, Example na rape ka dadalhin mo to hanggang
pag tanda mo

Psychopathology: Refers to the symptoms and sign of mental disorder:

-Example: Already observable from other people

Psychosis: Example neto tatanungin ko kung ano name mo tapos ang sagot mo e may pupuntahan ka

Insanity- Is a legal term that refers to judgements about whether a person should be held responsible
for criminal behavior if he or she is also mentally disturbed

Feigned Insanity: Pinepeke niya yung disorder niya

Nervous Breakdown:

Crazy: Is an informal term that does not convey specific information and carries with it many unfor

Epidemiology: is the scientific study of the frequency and distribution of disorder within a

Example: Sino ang mga natatamaan ng sakit na ito/ gaano kadami

Example: Anxiety disorder and depression are more common among women alcoholism and anti social
personality are more common among men.

Incidence: refers to the number of new cases of a disorder that appear in a population during a specifi
period of time. Example covid new cases specific time.

Prevalence- refers to the total number of active cases both old and new that are present in a population
during a specific period time:

People Recieve treatment for Psychological problems in amny diff. Settings and from ronous kinds of
service providers

Specializaed mental health professionals treat ffever than half (40 percent) of tose people who seek help
for mental disorder

Roughly one tihrd (34 percent) are treated by primary care physicians who are most likely to prescribe
some form of medication

Estimated no of clinically trained professionals providing mental health service in the US

Prefessions Number

Psyhiatrist 77,500

Clinical Psychologist 194,600

Social workers


Hypocrates- argued that deviant behavior was result of Physical Causes

The view that deviant behavior occurs because of disease in the body is called ‘Somatogenesis”

Thought cognitive functioning could be restored by balancing the five humors in body, blood black bile
yellow bile, & plegm

Blood-sanguine (Impulsive, Pleasure – seeking , sociable

Black bile- Melancholic (Introverted and thoughful)

Yellow Bile- Choleric (Ambitious)

Plegm (plegmatic (relaxed, quiet lazyly)

Demonology makes a comeback

Treatment- exorcisms
Mental Illness (Witchcraft) (1300s)
Hallucination & Delusions- evidence of Witchcraft

Treatment: Death by burning

Most famous: A marys of Bethlehem in london (Founded 1243 called “bedlam”

Deplorable conditions- The food, Little patient care blood lething practices & Spread of deseases

Asylums become “AntroAction”

Bethlehem become hot tourist spot where people gawked at london’s mentally ill

Treatment: Patients were drained of blood & Purposly “Frightened”


Philippe Pinel- Humantarian treatment of mentally ill in asylum

Patients fomorly chained & schockled were released & to roam the buildings

Treatment: Cannabis opium, alcohol

Benjamin Rush- Father of American Psychiatry

Wrote the first american treatise on mentall illness

-organization of the first medical course in Psychiatry

-Dorothea Dix (1802 – 1887)

-Worked to expose the maltreatment of the mentally ill and to establish mental hospitals devoted to
their core

-Fouded and funded 32 mental hospitals


Chapter Outline

-Brief historical pespective twentieth century Paradigms

-System Theory

-Biological factirs

-Psychological Factors

-Social Factors

Brief historical perspective: Twentieth century Paradigm

-The biological Paradigm: The biological looks for biological abnormalities that might causes abnormal

-The routs of this appraoch can be traces to the discovery to the cause of general paresis ( General
Paralysis) a severe physical and mental disorders that we now know is caused by syphills a sexually

The Psychodynamic Paradigm

Id ego Super ego

The Cognitive Behavioral Paradigm

-The Cognitive behavioral paradiam views abnormal behavior as a product of Learning

-Like the Bilogical And Psychodynamic paradigms the functions of the cognitive behavioral paradigm can
be traced in the 19th century specifically 1879

-Wundt made a frofound and losting contribution

The 2 most preminent early contribute to learning theory & research were the russian Psychologist Ivan
Pavlov The US psychologist B.F skinner

Classical Conditioning – is learning though association and it involves four key components

-There is an unconditioned stimulus that automitacally produces the unconditioned response



INBORN competetive but aggresive neutral a blank goods

some athunism sexual



Cause genes, early childhood social learning

neuro chemistry exp

Of abnormality


Biological -medication somatic therapies

Psychodynamic: Psychodynamic Therapy

Cognitive behavior: Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Humanistic: Non directive Therapy


Paradigmatic focus Functions and structures

Psychodynamic: Unconscious mind

Cognitive behavior Therapy: Observable Therapy

Humanistic: Freewill

System Theory:

Holism: The idea that the whole is more than the sum of its parts

Causality: The cause of enyone cause of abnormal behavior occasionally can be located in one area of
biological psychological or socian functioning

Equifinality: Says that the same event can lead off outcomes

Reciprocal Causality: is the idea that causuality works in both directions

Example: Pwedeng maging negative or positive ang outcome nung mga childhood experience mo

Diathesis is a possibility toward developing a disorder for ex an inhented tendency toward depression

Stress: is difficult experience for ex the losss of a loved one throguh an unexpeted death

The Neuron and Neurontransmitters

The Dendries: Branch out from the soma they serve the primary function of recieving message from
other cells

The axan: is the trunk of the neuron

Messages are transmitted down the axan toward other cells which a given neruon communicates

Neurodevelopmental Disorder: nag mamanifest sa mga tao (Brain)

Are group of conditions with onset in the developmental period the disorder typically manifest early
in development often before the child enters grade school (Age 4) and are characterized by
developmental deficits that produce imparrirments of perosnal social academic occupational

Intellectual Disability (Intellectual development Disorder)

The term intelectual disability replaces mental retardation in the updated 2013

Is a disorder with onset during the developmental period

Example: (Mga batang hindi na natututo but trainable)

Trinatrain yung Social skills)

Global Development Delay

6 years old na siya pero 3 years old ang minamanifest niya

Prenatal Factors – Change smokers si mama niya

Genetic influences – Nasa lahi

Cultural – Familial intellectual disability – Family

Chromosomal influences – when is uncompiality from parents

Behavioral innovations can help teach the following (Skills basic self-care, bathing, deeding toileting to

Attention deficet/ Hyperactivity Disorder Example: Pag asa school kapag asa church ganun pa din

Malikot Hyperactive)

-age of onset was raised from 7 years old to 12 yearsold

Inanttention: manifest behaviorally in ADHD as wondering of task locking persistence having difffuclty
sustaining focus and being disorganized or lack of comprehension

Example: Wala silang intellectual disability nakaka intidi sila kung ano ang dapat gawin hindi dahil
ayaw nilang sumunod yung brainact nila yun yung ayaw sumunod pero sila nag rerecofnized nila yung

Hyperactivity: Salita ng salita

Impulsivity- Maski na bangga na siya wala lapa siyang pakealam

Genetics (Familiar component, dopamine. Seretonin, GABA, copy member

Neurobiological contributions ( Smaller brain volum 3-4%)

The role of toxins (Maternal smoking

Psychosocial and social factors(Negative response low self esteem peeer injection
Psychosocial Intervention (Improving academic perfomance social skills training)

Biological intervention

Stimulus (Ritain)

Communication Disorder
Language Disorder- (Vocubulary hindi buo yung pag salita niya)

Speech Sound Disorder: Bulol sa letter S

Childhood – Onset Fluency disorder (Stuttering (

Social Progmartic communication disorder nahihirapan siya actions and words

Genetec influences

Psychological and Pharmacological

Educational intervention (Specific skills instructions compensatory skills)

Specific Disorder : Nahihirapan sa math calculor spelling

Motor Disorder. Sterotype movement disorder- Walang dahilan bat niya ginagawa yun like headbang


Drug therapies to control symptoms

Physical or occupational therapy

Deep brain stimulation

Defferrence between sterotype & motor tic

Sterotypic fixed na yung pattern of behavior

Tic disorder- Nadedevelop siya or nag eevolve

Specific learning disorder

Dyscalculia- Diffulty in number or math facts

Dysgraphia- inability to write

Dyslexia- Inability to read

Dysorthohraphia- Inability to spell in writting

Dysfluency- Inability to speak property

Developmental Coordination Disorder

Inability to coordinate

TIC disorder
Unsual repeated sudden rapid muscle movements including sound or vocalizations called tics
Supressing their tics
Aware sila na sinusuppress nila yon pero hindi nila matitiis for a longer period of time

2 kinds of Tourette Disorder

Motor- Anything that the body manifest through movements

Vocal- Clearing of Throat

Persistnet/ Chronic motor/ Vocal tid disorder- quick uncontrolable movement vocal outburst but not
both more than tourette syndrome
There are 20 classifications of mental Disorder

There are 157 mental disorder

Schizo- Split
Phrene- mind
Positive symptoms
Change in thoughs and feeling that are added on to a person eyper rences

Example: Nakakrinig siya ng boses patayin mo siya, patayin mo siya.

Negative Symptoms
“Taken away or reduce”

Wala na silang gana

Psychotic disorder cause detachment from reality

Positive symptoms

Delusion vs Hallucination

Maling paniniwala thoughts (Delusion)

Hellucination ( hindi makakatohanan sensory perseption 5 senses)

Though insertion : May nag sasabi sa utak na ganun yung sasabihin ko

-Though broadcasting : iniisip nila na yung nasa isip nila ibbroadcast sa public
Grandiose type: Feeling niya siya ang pinaka magaling sa lahat

Reference type – Akala niya siya yung pinag uusapan

Persecutory type: ang iniisip nila may naka subaybay sa kanila na papatayin siya

Religious type: Nakita nila ang diyos “ Ako ang sugo ng diyos”

Somatic type : Oa example mabaho hininga nila iniisip nila na sila na may uod yung bunganga nila

Nihilistic type: End of the word na, Magugunaw na ang mundo

Hallucinations( False sensory perception)

Often auditory than visual

Voice are coming out somewhere

Frightening to others (Magugulatin)

Stupor (Robot ang galaw)

Catatonia (Steady lang)

Waxy Flexibility ( Hindi mag babago ang position kapag hindi mo ginalaw)


-Loose association

Shifting from one topic to another


Hoardfood (Kahit panis na nandon lang sa supot yung pagkain niya0

CAPGRAS SYNDROME- The person believes someone he/she knows has been replaced by a double

Example: Hindi yan si angel ibang tao yan

Cotards Syndrome: The person believes he is dead

Negative Symptoms -Absence of appropriate ones

Avolition- Absence of interest in routine activities

Anhedonia- loss of interest in Pleasurable experience

Asociality- Sever Impairment in social relationship

Alogia- Poverty of Speech

Affective Flatterning – Lack of outward expression of emotion

Anegia: - Abnormal lack of energy

Attention Impariment: Difficult in focusing and maintaing attention -Difficulty in keeping in touch with

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