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Risk Assessment

Project: Activity: Sheet: 1 of 5 Completed By: Date:

Glazing Sept/ Oct

Project Name People affected / at risk of being harmed: ? Our operatives and other trades

No Hazards Possible Affects / Harm Pre Control Risk Rating Required Controls Post Control Risk Rating
High Medium Low High Medium Low
Injury caused to other An exclusion zone to be formed around the works area
1 Third party trades and or members YES prior to any works commencing. Signage warning of the YES
interface of the public exclusion zone and warning of the works occurring is to be
posted on the barriers. Should any authorised personnel
breach the exclusion zone, works are to cease immediately
until the persons are removed.
Injury caused by poor Whenever possible, manual handling is to be avoided.
2 manual handling When this is not possible, mechanical aids are provided if
techniques when YES appropriate and when it is not possible to use mechanical YES
Manual moving tools, equipment aids, employees are provided with information on safe
handling or manoeuvring trolleys manual handling techniques.
or manually. Tool boxes have wheels on them to reduce the level of
effort require to move them.
Tool box talks on manual handling are to be regularly
completed to reaffirm the message.
Slips trips and Injury caused by slips, A take 5 is completed at the start of each work shift and at
3 falls trips and falls due to YES the start of each section of work. Good standards of
poor housekeeping. housekeeping are maintained at all times with tools and
equipment and other trip hazards being kept clear of traffic
routes. Where trailing cables have to be routed across a YES
traffic route, they are suspended using skyhooks or are
protected by a cable cover or hazard tape.
Waste materials are placed in the appropriate site skip.
Standards of house keeping are checked during the weekly
hazard spotting checks carried out by the supervisor and
the monthly site inspections carried out by the project
manager. Records of the checks are to be kept in the safety


Risk Assessment
Working at Injury caused by falling Each task will be subject to an assessment to ascertain if YES
4 height YES work at height can be avoided, and if not, the necessary
collect protection and personal protection measures to
reduce the risk of a fall, and minimise the distance and
consequence should a fall occur. Any potential fragile
surfaces to be identified and pointed out to the main
contractor and eliminated prior to carrying out the task. Or
if not eliminated MC to put out clearly marked WARNING
signs. Supervisor to monitor weather forecast / conditions
and cease work should weather conditions create a risk to
the task involved. Make sure there are NO exposed edges,
missing handrails or area’s un guarded or inadequate
guarding. Any of these MUST be reported back to the main
contractor NOT left. Exclusion zones below our working
area to be provided by the main contractor to prevent other
trades or members of the public walking or accessing
below. NO ONE to be working below. No loan working.
Loss of Suction and
Power sucker power YES Only trained personnel to operate. Ensure the plant has up YES
5 to date test certificates, ensure pads are clean and free
from splits or debris and that the battery is charged enough
to carry out the task at hand. When lifting the first piece of
glass let it hang slightly above the floor and above timber
blocks, leave it for 5 minutes as a test.
Only qualified and experienced personnel to operate.
6 Glass boy Falling or tipping YES Ensure all wheels are in good order and complete, make YES
Lifting device sure adequate counter weights are used, all areas must be
clear with level surfaces.
Collapse of structure Ensure scaffold is based out and tied correctly, a
7 Use of access Falls of persons, YES competent person to inspect every 7 days and records
Scaffold materials & Tools maintained, tags and certificate available for inspection,
tags visible. YES
1, Users of scaffold must carry out safety checks prior to
accessing, checking, handrails, intermediate toe boards
must be in position and secure. Ladders must be secured
and positioned correctly, The ladder must be the correct
way up and have sufficient rungs on for handrail.
Correct PPE must be worn.
Eye injury Ensure tools are in good working use and in good
8 Hand Tools Bodily harm YES condition, fit for purpose. Wear appropriate task specific YES
Improper use PPE including gloves and goggles, Steel toe capped safety


Risk Assessment
boots. Adequate training for the use of hand tools, ongoing
visual checks and inspections.
Falling over , trapping Strongly recommended that safety harness should be
9 MEWPS causing crushing. YES worn. ONLY qualified personal to operate the machine. YES
Ensure the working area is clear and flat free from
obstacles on the ground and up high, do NOT move the
machine while the basket is extended.

Before lifting and carrying glass always check the YES

Handling, Cuts and crushing YES surrounding area for trip, hazards and obstacles.
10 storage of glass When lifting glass only experienced persons who are used
and breakage. to the handling of glass, always wear relevant task specific
The storage area: Always be in a pre designated and safe
area provided by the main contractor, clear of all debris
and ease of access.
Storing of glass. ALWAYS check that the grounds are
suitable to take weight, solid walls and floors are ideal, if
raised flooring there may be a need to spread, always
make sure the area is not is a hazardous area where others
can trip, fall or come into contact with exposed edges. glass
must be placed on timber or equally suitable blocks these
ideally should be place on the floor, 2 No. one to be place at
approximately 75mm in from each end, the glass is laid
back against the wall at an angle of approximately 75
Glass will need to be bound with suitable straps/webbing, to
prevent the glass falling.
In the event of a breakage, the glass must be cleared up
using brooms and shovels and put into plastic bins or
rubble bags. Being toughened glass any panel which breaks
will break in a safe manner for example small fragments as
listed out in BS6206 on this particular ob the glass is
toughened laminated and will hold together safely and can
be hand carried out whole.


Risk Assessment
Collapse of structure YES Only qualified personnel holding current PASMA
Mobile towers Falls of persons, certification to erect and dismantle.
materials & Tools Before erecting .
Check all components are in good condition
Check wheels for effective rotation.
Check breaks and locking devices working correctly. YES
Check floor finish and bearing capacity.
Before use
Ensure tower is square & vertical, wheels must be locked.
Outriggers are secure and set correctly.
Ensure fully boarded , if the tower is over 2000 including
toe boards.
Erected tower.
Never climb up the outside of a tower use the internal
Follow manufactures recommendation, width to height
Hoist of materials to come through the inside.
Tie the tower to a permanent structure where possible.
Don’t move the tower if persons or tools are on the


Risk Assessment
Aluminium Cutting of limbs, YES Always trained experience personnel to use the equipment,
cutting Chop blades breaking with visual inspection of all cables, safety guards and blades YES
saw. the risk deep cute prior to use on every occasion. Always use on a adequate
and severe eye injury. work surface flat, being securely fixed down, always ensure
the safety guards are in place and used correctly.
Up to date PAT test stickers.

Working with Risk of fire and burns YES Our heat guns are electric and do not have a naked
heat gun. to skin. flame, no sparks and no hot swarf, we use these to YES
Hot works. de-stabilise UV adhesive on glass to glass joints in
display cabinets, the heat from these guns will NOT
cause the glass to ignite. Always move any flammable
materials clear away from the working area. A
minimum of two operatives, one to carry out the task
and one to act as look out.
In the event of a fire.
Raise the alarm and then call the fire brigade.
Close doors and windows to prevent the spread of
Evacuate the building or area you are working in.
Fight the fire with extinguishers provided but don’t
put yourself at risk. Don't use water to put out
electrical fires.


Risk Assessment

Risk Assessments must be reviewed regularly.

Signed ...................................................................... .............. Date...................................................................

Signed ...................................................................... .............. Date...................................................................


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