HM5 - Script

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How to resolve conflict situation in the Restaurant

Camille – Manager
Danze – First Aider
Almira – Waiter
Ivanie – Girl Guest
Njel – Boy Guest

Setting: At the dinning

***Both guest enter the restaurant

*** Seat ( njel ipag buhat ng upuan si vane)
Waiter: Good evening Maam, Good evening Sir I am Almira your food
server for tonight
Here is the Menu, Call my name whenever you ready.

Girl Guest: (stand up and talk) Babe I will just go to the

bathroom, Just order me, you know my favorite food. Excuse me
Boy Guest: (tingin kay vane) Ok Babe
( tawagan ang waiter ) Waiter, we will order chicken with green herb
sauce, served with Mexican rice, and grilled lobster. And also, may I
request romantic music later because I will propose to my girl friend?

Waiter:  Yes, of course, we'll play romantic music for you and
especially for your girlfriend.
Boy guest. Thank you

Waiter: Sir, I will just repeat your order, so your orders are
chicken with green herb sauce, served with Mexican rice, and
grilled lobster.

Did I get your order right, sir?

Boy guest: Yes
Waiter: Ok Sir, please wait a moment while we prepare your order.
(balik si vane sa upuan)

Waiter: Excuse me, ma'am; excuse me, sir. Here is your chicken
with green herb sauce, served with Mexican rice and grilled

Enjoy your meal.

(subo ng food)
(vane uubuhin)

Girl Guest: (naubo) What is this? What did you order? (ubooo)

Boy Guest: chicken with green herb sauce, served with Mexican
rice Why? Wait, I'll call the waiter. ( senyas kay almira na
Waiter: yes sir, Is there any problem?

Girl Guest: What are the ingredients in this dish?

Waiter: chicken, green herb and nuts

Girl Guest: (tingin kay njel. Tatayo!) We've been in a

relationship for so long that you didn’t even know that I'm allergic
to nuts! Are you trying to kill me? (mag dadabog)

Boy Guest: (panic voice, tatayo) I am sorry, babe I forgot

Girl Guest: How could you forget? (sampal )

Waiter: Maam, please calm down. I'll call our first aider. She
knows what to do.
(takbo, kaunin si danze)

Waiter: Our female guest is allergic to nuts and accidentally ate

one. You know what to do; she's in Table 7. I will just inform our
( danze takbo kay guest)

First aid: Good evening maam I'm Danze, I'm in charge of taking
care of you and trained to give first aid in this restaurant.

May I know if you have an allergic reaction to tablet

Girl guest: No, I don’t have I'm only allergic to nuts.

First aid: Maam, I have here a cetirizine tablet. Please take this
as this will help reduce the reaction in your body.
Girl Guest: Thank you
(waiter punta kay manager)

Waiter: Ma'am, one of our guests is having an allergic reaction to

nuts. It's because her boyfriend forgot that she was allergic to
nuts and ordered our chicken with green herb sauce. They are at
table 7, and Ms. Danze is there giving her first-aid medicines.
(manager punta sa table 7)

Manager:  Excuse me Maam, how are you feeling now? My staff

informed me that you're having an allergic reaction to nuts.

Would you like me to contact our partner hospital?

Girl Guest: No, everything is fine; your staff already gave me

medicine. I'll just go home and take a rest. I have some
prescribed medicine at home. Thank you for attending to my
needs quickly. (uboo)

Boy Guest: I'm sorry for the trouble I caused. It's all my fault. Can
I settle the bill now and also charge for this scene?

Manager: No worries, sir; my staff is trained for this kind of


Wait for a while; we will just prepare your bill.

(senyas kay waiter ng bill)
(abot kay manager)

Manager: Here is your bill, sir.

Boy guest: Here you go. Keep the change. Thank you for the
amazing service.

Manager: Thank you, sir, and thank you, ma'am.

(exit n ang 2 guest )

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