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Dyeence signal

Basle ofp &/a Xor A
mput oT Vo
sighal V; RL

feeotbar k
Va/ B
feedback su
&ehematie Tepreden taton af. -Vefoedback
as A.
Tie gan the amyiien isveppesentod
is the yato output
The gain og the ampltie
Votage Vo to the input voltage Vi.
the feodback natwgrks extracks Ve Hage V - BVo
from te oukput 4 te ampliier.
BubtactedifoVe 4eedbach rom
The votage, is
fhe Blgnal Votage Is. Nou,
VË = Vs- V B- V
Vs - B Vo Vo

the guantity is called feodback ratto o

deadback fraction:
The output Vo muwt be equal to the input voltage

Vo Vs - pY"
Vo= AVs - AYo
AVs = Vo + A B Vo
Vo ( l+ AP)
Input and output Quistance -

Input Reß tance

Amplie |Samplikg Re

4 hefeedlback Sional is addod to he input in

Seaes with the pled
voitage Cvagandles
foedoack ebtain by sampling
olkage ), dhe output ununt

tÎnereases e nput
Sine the foolback
input toent I; les #an
voHage V
absent. itwold be wr

input reslstanee wt
is q7eaten than the input esichane 4oodback Ri;

Ampl¡en Sampiy
hetuole RL

oehand 4 the e ed bach gnal fs ad

whether the
edbach pHained ay
output voltage Aanpng e

deeaeases the input gesistanee

he signal aonee inaeased over hWhat twould be

ho featback eunent.
Hlence, A aesistance oi4A qeedback
is dececsod .

The iefet af ve feedbach input ra'stance

dltyeznt topo log'es 4 intsoduelag Ve 4eedb aeh and
bBain Rit quanttatiely.
Deive he expoenibn Jor input eslstanee for a
Vo tago suies teedbach.

Step:1 Draw e equi valent civeuit tor Volhaye seíes ampliin.


Re Vo

Fig: o age Ampltiea

the volhage ssies ecdback opoleg oth amplylea
is eplacod y hevenin's model4
Ay'open eireuit otage gain. (foo Rs).
Since pedback ampliis eonaielea Rs to be pant
#e amp4iea and dhop the 8ubsenipt on the trane gain and
'npt esstance ( Av Avs Ri ’ Riys)
he input qesistanee toith oedback ia gyen as.
Ri Vs
sleps obllk

slep oblain expreuion

Vo Ay V Re Nhee Ay Ay RL

A epreent he opeh eacut oHage gain wlthoul

feetback akig tha Load Re into aceUat Ay e VoHage gain
Sub sttitng value y Vo 4oom equaton (S in cqu


vs Ri(+ BAv)

peve the exprevsibn too input vatanee or

gtep : the aguivalent cocuit too eunent soies
Jecdback anplies.

R (^ Ro RL

transuondutance Ampllea
t. seaies gedbact topolagy oitA
ampliier input eiseit i's represented by thevenin 's eguivalent ciruit
and onput ciruit by Norton's a, uialent eirut
the input Teslctonee wtth toedloact e gren as

step 2 obtan tho expresion fors

Apolying kve to the input sfde oe get,

Vs I; Ri B To
8Bep 3: obtain the expvesion tor Io in ters t Vi
The output nent glven as
Gm Vi Ro
Ro + RL Whee Gm Ro
Ro t Re

the open ruut

epresent transonduetanee orthout
teedback and GM he
aking the Load Re nto aceount.
uoithout eedbact
Ster : obBain for Ri
Substikutig Value o
we get

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