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My intention for the FMP was to create a short two minute video I was going to go
for a showcase of images of nature but I decided to go for a timelapse in the end.

2. I chose this for my FMP because I wanted to show of nature and how beautiful it is, and I
thought that showing time moving, with a timelapse would also be a good thing to show as
that’s a part of nature too at least I believe it is. I also wanted to do a timelapse as it’s
something I haven’t done before, so I wanted to try something new.

3. The technical and software skills I was confident in was Premier and my camera skills
knowing how to use both definitely helped with the project as a whole and I managed to
improve on both skills

4. While I didn’t use anything I learned from it I improved some of my skills in After Effects
because I assumed I needed to use it to loop my video, but I didn’t end up using it like I said
earlier but now I know how too for future reference.

5. I did a survey asking if people enjoyed nature and what they enjoyed about it this gave me
an idea on what to take for my timelapse.

6. I looked at other examples of timelapses and other shots of nature to give me some
inspiration on what to take pictures of.

7. I changed the speed and duration of my timelapse to shorten it to two minutes I also
added a fade in and fade out by changing the opacity at certain points.

8. I used Premier to shorten the video down to 2 minutes I also used it to edit the music and
to make the video fade in and out. And I used a camera to do a timelapse for my FMP

9. I stuck pretty close to it at least in terms of theme originally, I was just going to take
pictures before deciding to change to a timelapse

10. What I changed was that instead of it being a showcase of images I changed it to a
timelapse because I thought it would be more visually interesting and because it's
something I haven't done before and I wanted to try something different.

11. One of the challenges I encountered during my FMP was mostly the weather a lot of the
time it was raining so I could really only record on a few days a week, one time I did record in
the rain but luckily I had an umbrella with me to protect it

12. I met the challenges by not thinking all of my ideas through I should have thought about
them some more before doing them but regardless it all worked out in the end anyways.

13. I had trouble coming up with the idea in the first I also had trouble with knowing where
to take the photos for my timelapse and I had some trouble looping my timelapse

14. I looked to inspiration from things I enjoy and somethings that other people enjoy in the
end I landed on nature which is something I enjoy a lot. I had some help from friends by
asking for locations to take pictures at and they gave me some really good places. I asked
one of my teachers for help with looping my video by adding the fade in and out

15. I've definitely improved my communication skills before I wouldn't have asked anyone
for advice and I'm glad I did ask for help I feel like it definitely improved my timelapse as a
whole. My technical skills I feel like I've improved a bit but all I really improved at was how to
use After Effects more effectively.

16. I feel like my editing worked really well I’m impressed with what I did and it works really
well. I also think my skills with the camera worked really well too I got some great shots for
my timelapse.

17. What I would do differently is I would probably get more shots in different locations as I
feel like there was enough, I would also try to add some more interesting background music
I feel like the one I used was very plain, and I would try make it so it doesn’t really need a
fade in and out to loop it’s just a very easy way of making it loop and I would like to try and
make it loop without one or try something harder.

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