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You are to write about your high school/college days: How your decisions were made and
the experiences you had that made a great impact about your present disposition. Which
part of Rizal’s story can you relate or has somehow inspired you? Give your own title to this

Moments of Pleasure, Trails, and Visions

In the stage where we are adolescents we already have a responsibility to stand up and do for a better
future. Dreams that we want to achieve and problems or trials that are encountered for our desires and
privileges in life.

My high school days were so much fun and ample of great memories as a student that until now I have
never forgotten. At this stage, I learned the good and bad things in life. I realized that life is not just pure
pleasure, I encountered trials in life that caused me to know myself and have been a lesson for me to
persevere. During my high school days where I learned to socialize due to the events happening at my
school and having some real friends who were willing to help me and grow as a good person. Always
there to support you in life decisions and give advice. There was a correlation and trying on things a
teenager does. They say that high school days are the happiest and will never be forgotten because of
the bad and good experiences that caused you to be strong and learn how to handle things. During my
high school days, I study well because my parents have high expectations. I am the type of student who
is not smart but does her best to have a good record in school and to make my parents happy. Due to
my perseverance in my studies, I became an honor student. As an honor student, it is stressful because I
need to maintain my grades so as not to be removed from the list and disappoint my parents.

During my senior high school, I became more mature and I was deciding on my future. I was able to
make good decisions and learned to take risks in life even though I had no assurance that the outcome
would be good. My experience and decision making is the reason why I have now, due to my decisions
in life I pursued BS in chemistry even though I knew it was difficult. I am happy with my decision and I
love what I do and taking this course. The bad experiences that pushed me to where I am now are
judgments and saying nothing to come in life but my great experience is during my work immersion
because various professionals told me that BS in chemistry is a nice course to take.

The life story of Rizal that relate to and inspired me is when he pursued his dreams. He took his study
seriously to have a better future for his family. He takes risks for the country even though his life is the
replacement. I’m inspired when he wrote his famous novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
which open the minds of Filipinos to fight for what is right as well as to know the truth. In his novels, the
Philippines was left out of the hands of the Spaniards.

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